The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Yes he was. He was told, "We don't need you to do that." Same thing.

After being told not to follow, do you think even the Worlds Dumbest Criminals would allow it to get onto tape. :badgrin:

Not the same thing.... words have meaning

Are you serious? Instructions from the authority are always to be heeded to the utmost. Do you like to get Tasered?

since when 911 dispatcher is an authority?
It's replete, by the way.

And grow up. You are too stupid to know the difference between fact and conspiracy. As you have sat there and merrily made up your own conclusions about this case without ONCE researching the facts. Politically motivated? Yes, that's what liberals have done here. You people are vampires. Blood sucking leeches who yearn for the blood of an innocent man.

A requisite overabundance of facts outweighs a requisite overabundance of emotion. Get that through your head, tool.

As far as I know, nobody has even considered a worst case scenario as far as Zimmerman is concerned. What if this was a thrill killing? He knew the law about stand your ground, which he just so happened to lie about on Hannity's show when he said he wasn't familiar with it. What if he's just one of those flaky freaks who figured he could get away with killing someone if the circumstances were right. Who would disbelieve him since he was in contact with the police and wasn't running away? All I know is YOU guys seem to believe anything he says. It's pretty weird since conservatives generally have such a negative opinion about human behavior. But say he's conservative or add 2nd Amendment gun rights to the mix, and all of a sudden you're the champion of someone you would otherwise suspect of having committed a crime that they then tried to cover it up in an effort to avoid going to prison.

This last part of your post is incoherence ad infinitum. You wish to speculate instead of rationalize based on reality. I will not try to debate this rambling of yours. Your argument had more weight before you spit out this beaut.

You and other conservatives can't debate the case because all of you lost your objectivity when you saw this case as an extension of your political views of one kind or another.

The simple fact is that Zimmerman stalked that kid and provoked a confrontation with a kid in the dark without identifying himself first and then lied about what happened. He did all of this AFTER he was told not to do anything by the 9-11 operator. Additionally, Zimmerman's injuries are minor and they don't bear any resemblance to the injuries that a man would have suffered if his head was 'repeatedly slammed into the pavement."

Conservatives do themselves a disservice when the affix their wagon to the lame horse that is Zimmerman's and his story.
Early on the big worry was that 5 women would sympathize with li'l Trayvon's mother and render a guilty verdict. Now it has reversed.
I love these people with the big Rep Power who like to neg people. They'd make good cops. A little bit of power goes to their head. Assholes.

Actually, they'd be scary in any role where they had power over people...medical, legal, daycare, senior care, management...they're the type who enjoy hurting people...because they can.

They can go fuck themselves. :)

That is exactly why I asked to get mine turned off. [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] .... Comments?

Why is rep so important to the people who visit this message board?

It's a hook---a gimmick----there appears to be a belief that rep points are significant of anything.
Not the same thing.... words have meaning

Are you serious? Instructions from the authority are always to be heeded to the utmost. Do you like to get Tasered?

since when 911 dispatcher is an authority?

They aren't. In fact they can be held accountable for whatever words they say to a caller. That is why they don't give specific instructions. He called non-emergency, so not even 911 emergency. They don't have authority either.

There's about 20 people in front of the courthouse now and all's I've got to say is it's fucking hot today. Have fun standing out there.

Are you sure about that number? A goofball on HLN says there is a "huge number" of protesters outside the courthouse.

They're saying "huge number" because there's been the one guy with the SYG sign there for 2 weeks so 20 looks HUGE compared to the 1 guy.
Jesse Jackson stirred up all this shit. He doesn't want 'calm.' He wants a race war. And he may just have one........with the Hispanic gangs.

The guys in green with the auto weapons outnumber the sweating their asses off crayon sign holders 10 to 1.

Tell Jesse to come on down!

At least Al Sharpton, aided and abetted by the U.S. DOJ, who was instrumental in organizing the demonstrations that demanded George Zimmerman's head on a platter prior to the arrest, has definitely cooled down his demeanor since then. Probably because in the interim he went to work for MSNBC and even THEY don't want to be associated with any incite to riot situation. :)

Oh he'll pop off before it's over.
jury asking for an inventory list by number
Oh yea, Trayvon was armed with that poisonous to your health and deadly candy.

By statute.. he did not have to be armed with a firearm or a blade etc..

And seemed like he did quite a bit of damage with his bare hands... pretty good impact to the head causing lacerations and pretty good single punch for a broken nose...

And that, with TM being on top striking, constitutes a fear for additional sever bodily harm at the least... thus, self defense

But hey.. stick with that conspiracy theory.. it makes you look oh so smart... just like your white stars assumption

Conspiracy theories? :badgrin:

How did they get into the equation?

Oh I see, you think because I said candy is poisonous that's a conspiracy. I was just joking dude.

I said the stars are white. That's how millions of people see them every night. I never said they are always white or people always see them white. It could be argued they're blue?

Go look at the crime scene photos I posted a page or two ago, and I said exactly where to see how NOT fucked up GZ looked. His nose didn't look broken to me.
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