The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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As far as I know, nobody has even considered a worst case scenario as far as Zimmerman is concerned. What if this was a thrill killing? He knew the law about stand your ground, which he just so happened to lie about on Hannity's show when he said he wasn't familiar with it. What if he's just one of those flaky freaks who figured he could get away with killing someone if the circumstances were right. Who would disbelieve him since he was in contact with the police and wasn't running away? All I know is YOU guys seem to believe anything he says. It's pretty weird since conservatives generally have such a negative opinion about human behavior. But say he's conservative or add 2nd Amendment gun rights to the mix, and all of a sudden you're the champion of someone you would otherwise suspect of having committed a crime that they then tried to cover it up in an effort to avoid going to prison.

This last part of your post is incoherence ad infinitum. You wish to speculate instead of rationalize based on reality. I will not try to debate this rambling of yours. Your argument had more weight before you spit out this beaut.

You and other conservatives can't debate the case because all of you lost your objectivity when you saw this case as an extension of your political views of one kind or another.

The simple fact is that Zimmerman stalked that kid and provoked a confrontation with a kid in the dark without identifying himself first and then lied about what happened. He did all of this AFTER he was told not to do anything by the 9-11 operator. Additionally, Zimmerman's injuries are minor and they don't bear any resemblance to the injuries that a man would have suffered if his head was 'repeatedly slammed into the pavement."

Conservatives do themselves a disservice when the affix their wagon to the lame horse that is Zimmerman's and his story.


No, we never lost our objectivity. You inserted emotion and politics into this trial. Your thirst for blood was insatiable. Your messiah sent his cronies down to the protests, encouraged dissent against Zimmerman. How dare you speak to me of losing my objectivity?


None of what you just said is supported by fact. O'Mara proved today that following someone on a public place is not illegal in any Florida Statutes. Dr. Di Maio made it clear that his injuries are clear markers of force. Think about that for a minute. It isn't important how significant his injuries are. It stands to reason that he was being assaulted by Trayvon Martin.


Liberals like you do this country a disservice when you condemn a man based on your political worldviews and hatred of the other side. You disgust me, all of you liberals do. You people are vile and contemptuous. Mendacious and spiteful. Even more so that a conservative would ever be.
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How many conservatives here would want Zimmerman roving around with a gun in their neighborhood late at night looking for punks who might just so happen to bear a strong resemblance to their own kids?

If there are kids looking like Trayvon aimlessly walking around in the rain near my home or my neighbors I hope that someone does confront the situation.

I'd rather have Zimmerman, who had a carry permit, wandering my neighborhood than Trayvon, who had dope in his system.
You and other conservatives can't debate the case because all of you lost your objectivity when you saw this case as an extension of your political views of one kind or another.

You are clearly projecting as it were libtards screaming bloody murder on racism ( and thinking about guns and self-defense) from the very beginning ad there is no racism involved in the case. at all
The simple fact is that Zimmerman stalked that kid and provoked a confrontation with a kid in the dark without identifying himself first and then lied about what happened. He did all of this AFTER he was told not to do anything by the 9-11 operator. Additionally, Zimmerman's injuries are minor and they don't bear any resemblance to the injuries that a man would have suffered if his head was 'repeatedly slammed into the pavement."

Conservatives do themselves a disservice when the affix their wagon to the lame horse that is Zimmerman's and his story.

nobody stalked anybody and 911 operator did not tell him to do anything or not to do anything, not to mention that 911 operator has no authority whatsoever.
Zimmerman's injuries do not matter - what matters is the Fl law and by it he does not even have to have injuries.

Write a book
As far as I know, nobody has even considered a worst case scenario as far as Zimmerman is concerned. What if this was a thrill killing? He knew the law about stand your ground, which he just so happened to lie about on Hannity's show when he said he wasn't familiar with it. What if he's just one of those flaky freaks who figured he could get away with killing someone if the circumstances were right. Who would disbelieve him since he was in contact with the police and wasn't running away? All I know is YOU guys seem to believe anything he says. It's pretty weird since conservatives generally have such a negative opinion about human behavior. But say he's conservative or add 2nd Amendment gun rights to the mix, and all of a sudden you're the champion of someone you would otherwise suspect of having committed a crime that they then tried to cover it up in an effort to avoid going to prison.

This last part of your post is incoherence ad infinitum. You wish to speculate instead of rationalize based on reality. I will not try to debate this rambling of yours. Your argument had more weight before you spit out this beaut.

You and other conservatives can't debate the case because all of you lost your objectivity when you saw this case as an extension of your political views of one kind or another.

The simple fact is that Zimmerman stalked that kid and provoked a confrontation with a kid in the dark without identifying himself first and then lied about what happened. He did all of this AFTER he was told not to do anything by the 9-11 operator. Additionally, Zimmerman's injuries are minor and they don't bear any resemblance to the injuries that a man would have suffered if his head was 'repeatedly slammed into the pavement."

Conservatives do themselves a disservice when the affix their wagon to the lame horse that is Zimmerman's and his story.

You are arguing moral implications. The legal facts of the case begin at the confrontation. Anything before the confrontation may be viewed from a social and moral standard, but have no legal basis as there was nothing illegal done by either party. Nobody can prove or disprove that GZ started the physical confrontation. That alone is reasonable doubt. The next accounts we have from eye witnesses is John Good with TM on top of GZ throwing punches. GZ's injuries support his claim even if they are viewed as not that bad. Saying that concrete should have made bigger injuries is the same as saying your flesh wound should have been worse from a gunshot. All physical and forensic evidence and testimony support GZ's claims. The state gave no theory on the initial confrontation that was supported by testimony or physical evidence. Their theory of the case, or lack there of, provides for reasonable doubt. All of these reasons are the reason I've affixed my wagon to GZ and his story.
Thinking about it, maybe they want the evidence list by number so they can put it back in the box in the correct order.
Not what would YOU do, not what do you think is the RIGHT decision, but what do you think they will do.

Hung jury. This is turning out to be yet another OJ debacle where an incompetent prosecution fails to convict a guilty man so he will walk away to commit another crime some other day.
Not what would YOU do, not what do you think is the RIGHT decision, but what do you think they will do.

I think there's a good chance the jury lets him go, but the judge puts him in jail anyway.


I've heard of it being done.

Judge thinks a team of lawyers did a poor job and tosses out the jury decides.

from what I understand, it's mostly used to over turn convictions. Possibly due to an overly emotion presentation that the judge thinks wrongly swayed the jury

****Sarcasm about to jump out****

You can't see the grass for all the pissed off people out there. I'd hate to be the one to be cleaning up after them. :eek:

Just some empty styro cups...

None of what you just said is supported by fact. O'Mara proved today that following someone on a public place is not illegal in any Florida Statutes. Dr. Di Maio made it clear that his injuries are clear markers of force. Think about that for a minute. It isn't important how significant his injuries are. It stands to reason that he was being assaulted by Trayvon Martin.

No one has ever said that following someone is illegal. What O'Mara said doesn't even apply to this case, unless it states whether or not it is legal to do so with a gun.
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