The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This jury has officially deliberated longer than the OJ jurors.
I have a question for the TM supporters.

If TM was 20 yrs old, would your opinion change ?

No, because they don't care about the facts. A 'white hispanic' shot and killed a black thug, and that makes it a crime in their twisted minds no matter what the acts may be.

Just like these libtards will vote for a black politician over a white politician to prove they aren't racist if white and to show unity if they are black.
somewhat wading into the weeds

the judge in this case is a democrat

and both defense attorneys contributed to her campaign

That explains alot about the judge.

The attorneys most likely want to remain on her good side. Giving cash to her campaign might get you a decent ruling or at least prevent prejudice by a vindictive judge.

i think that plan didnt work for them

Prosecutors simply have to decide which cases to seek an indictment on and which ones to refuse. The judge usually seem to act like they're siding with the prosecution mainly because defense lawyers are often times better prepared than the state's lawyers. In private practice everything is based on results. I've seen examples where the prosecution had to be helped along by the judge just to make the trial fair.

This case never should have been filed much less brought to trial. It should have gone to a Grand Jury and I'm pretty sure it would have been thrown out.
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and then the family has a special meeting with the mayor

cops excluded

still reminds me of the movie Bonfire of the Vanities

that was a 'scary' film--Tom Hanks and Melanie Griffith--might have been her best.

it would be nice if Comcast could pull that one out--or whomever--cable channel.

Sure what will be offered this weekend is certain to annoy me. glad 'The American Presiden't isn't shown once a week anymore.

I'm tired of seeing Willy Wonka or the one with Johnny Depp and wish someone, anyone, would play Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Seeing Benny Hill play a part where he's not a "Fo realz creepy azz crakuh" would be cool.

Monty Python might hit the spot. Anything but what I know will be offered. Last weekend--Julia Roberts--'Runaway Bride' and others. What goes on when decisions are made about which films will be shown---clearly they don't know or care what I might prefer. Another thing that seriously offends me.
This is what got the IT guy fired - this first fireworks hearing happened way in the beginning and sanctions are supposed to be picked up again at some point:
It took more than five hours, but the George Zimmerman trial looks like it's back on track for a Monday start.

George Zimmerman is going on trial, charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. He is pleading not guilty, claiming he acted in self-defense.

During a hearing in a Seminole County courtroom Thursday morning, the judge in the case denied a defense motion to keep several witnesses anonymous.

And then the hearing grew heated as both sides argued over whether or not the prosecution had hidden evidence from the defense.

In the hearing, the defense told the judge it needs more time to prepare because of the state's alleged discovery violations and alleged lies to the court.

But Circuit Judge Debra Nelson shut down the defense hearing on whether the state should face sanctions when the defense called prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda to the witness stand.

"I call Bernie de la Rionda," said Zimmerman attorney Mark O'Mara.

"I'm not going to testify," said de la Rionda.

At that point Nelson stopped the sanction hearing.

During testimony over sanctions, de la Rionda's own information technology director testified that de la Rionda seemed indecisive about whether he was going to turn over reports generated by the IT director on photos of guns, drugs and naked, underage girls, and texts on Martin's cellphone to the defense.

Normally soft-spoken defense attorney Don West raised his voice and lashed out at de la Rionda.

"We caught you withholding the information, confronted you about it and we still haven't gotten that information," said West.
Lets post our reactions, conversations etc. on the verdict here please, starting several will just create pandemonium and force us to merge, interrupt trains of thought and the flow etc.

And please, at least try and be civil....:eek:;)

Based upon the defense witnesses, I believe Travon Martin was on top ( John Good's impression ) and GZ was in fear for his life and acted in self-defense.

I dislike the fact that the prosecution changed--started out with GZ on top, IIRC.

and I would not forget that.

2nd degree murder--and we will tell you why and then in closing--maybe not.
interesting and sad-

8:37 a.m. EDT, July 13, 2013
The special prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case has fired her information technology director, who last month testified that he found evidence on Trayvon Martin's cell phone that Zimmerman's lawyers say the state never turned over, according to a report.

According to the report, Ben Kruidbos received a scathing letter from State Attorney Angela Corey's office Friday morning, calling him untrustworthy and adding he "can never again be trusted to step foot in this office."

Kruidbos testified last month that he found embarrassing photos found on Trayvon's cellphone, including pictures of a clump of jewelry on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semiautomatic pistol. Defense attorneys allege that data wasn't turned over to them as part of the evidence exchange process, known as discovery.
Report: George Zimmerman special prosecutor fires IT chief who raised discovery concerns -

State Attorney Angela Corey fires information techonology director who raised concerns in Trayvon Martin case |

Just posted that here:

What a disgusting way to treat people. I've seen this shit many times. It's bullying--plain and simple.
No wonder whatever the hell I was talking about got a rep.

I think I thought it was a rational response, just not to the post you quoted. Then again, I had not had caffeine so it could have been prose collected from an Infinite monkey theorem experiment for all I know.
Having had half a cup of coffee now, I can't quite climb back into my formerly fuzzy head.

Saw that coming.

Give me a slap for the fuzzy rep. :tongue:

Aren't these guys just so sweet? And cute? And don't forget witty..
I think I thought it was a rational response, just not to the post you quoted. Then again, I had not had caffeine so it could have been prose collected from an Infinite monkey theorem experiment for all I know.
Having had half a cup of coffee now, I can't quite climb back into my formerly fuzzy head.

Saw that coming.

Give me a slap for the fuzzy rep. :tongue:

Aren't these guys just so sweet? And cute? And don't forget witty..

Hey Sarah ! good morning. Happy and full of compliments already I see !
Not only is it bullying, it is unethical and possibly good grounds for a lawsuit against the Angela Corey for promoting the state's hiding of evidence from the defense attorney.

Ben Kruidbos is the Edward Snowden of Florida.
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The more i observe this case, the more i realize that it may well have been Trayvon's Racism that caused this deadly incident. His use of the term "Cracker" clearly indicates he was Racist. And according to recent studies, African Americans are now considered the most Racist in America. So in the end, it could be all about race after all. Just not in the way most have been spinning it.

Wow, you sure are fast on the uptake! :evil:
I think I thought it was a rational response, just not to the post you quoted. Then again, I had not had caffeine so it could have been prose collected from an Infinite monkey theorem experiment for all I know.
Having had half a cup of coffee now, I can't quite climb back into my formerly fuzzy head.

Saw that coming.

Give me a slap for the fuzzy rep. :tongue:

Aren't these guys just so sweet? And cute? And don't forget witty..

Do you have ANY idea what you are talking about? (ever?)

Please explain so others might understand.
Not only is it bullying, it is unethical and possibly good grounds for a lawsuit against the Angela Corey for promoting the state's hiding of evidence from the defense attorney.

That too and possibly more. Any consequence that could discourage this kind of bullshit is a big plus in my book. The women have picked up on the "good old boy system" very quickly.
The more i observe this case, the more i realize that it may well have been Trayvon's Racism that caused this deadly incident. His use of the term "Cracker" clearly indicates he was Racist. And according to recent studies, African Americans are now considered the most Racist in America. So in the end, it could be all about race after all. Just not in the way most have been spinning it.

I've been seeing that since Obama came out with the "that could have been my son" remark.

This trial is racially and politically, based. If the jury comes back with the compromise verdict of manslaughter, they will, in my opinion, be being PC and not interested in justice, with trial by jury. This needs to be cut and dried and ruled on evidence and not compromise or emotion. I feel enough evidence was presented to rule a Not Guilty verdict for Zimmerman. I watched the trial with no preconceived opinions.

When this is over, I'm going to get me a dog and name it Li'l Trayvon Martin. And will remind everyone who sees it that if Obama had a son he would have looked like Trayvon.


BTW: What happened to Obama's big amnesty for immigrants deal after the blacks protested it? I don't recall seeing anything about it since.
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