The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I can listen to him/O'Mara. The styles of the both/all prosecution attorneys --I suppose the emotion--made it difficult. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being pressured--that I wouldn't be much of a person if I didn't agree with what they said.

that is the way the set it up to the jurors

dont vote on what the law dictates but vote on emotion

That's how Democrats vote.

That is pretty much how nearly everyone votes.
O'Mara says he was surprised they never impaneled a grand jury. Certain that was how this all began--I wasn't following it.

Oh--the books that can be written.

a grand jury was set up

and then at the last minute Corey pulled that and took over the case

Okay, now you're thinking with my brain.

What is this - thread mind meld?

and then the family has a special meeting with the mayor

cops excluded

still reminds me of the movie Bonfire of the Vanities
WOW just WOW! Ms Corey's days are numbered!

the attorneys office in that county is so corrupt

She was appointed the special prosecutor by the gov and pam.

Makes ya go hmmmm.

We already know he's crook though.

Rick Scott's Role in Largest Medicare Ripoff in History: Miami Herald Probe

I just don't even try to keep up anymore.

Locally---no shortage of scandal and outrage --and all that. School board went insane and all board members had to be replaced--former CEO of county indicted for corrupt practices.

and more.
LOL @ Ernie - great response to the wrong post.

I broke the no posting before coffee rule this morning!

Would you believe I repped you BEFORE any coffee whatsoever?

I'm surprised I even noticed.

No wonder whatever the hell I was talking about got a rep.

I think I thought it was a rational response, just not to the post you quoted. Then again, I had not had caffeine so it could have been prose collected from an Infinite monkey theorem experiment for all I know.
Having had half a cup of coffee now, I can't quite climb back into my formerly fuzzy head.
Would you believe I repped you BEFORE any coffee whatsoever?

I'm surprised I even noticed.

No wonder whatever the hell I was talking about got a rep.

I think I thought it was a rational response, just not to the post you quoted. Then again, I had not had caffeine so it could have been prose collected from an Infinite monkey theorem experiment for all I know.
Having had half a cup of coffee now, I can't quite climb back into my formerly fuzzy head.

Saw that coming.

Give me a slap for the fuzzy rep. :tongue:
After years of being sent hither and yon, often enough to the wrong location, or with the wrong information, making the odd arrest based on an incorrectly read warrant hit and a load of other public endangering or enraging actions, I'd say that it is a pain in the butt depending on dispatchers. They have a rotten job, a good one is a rare gem, and are no more or less fallible than your average hair dresser.
that is the way the set it up to the jurors

dont vote on what the law dictates but vote on emotion

That's how Democrats vote.

somewhat wading into the weeds

the judge in this case is a democrat

and both defense attorneys contributed to her campaign

That explains alot about the judge.

The attorneys most likely want to remain on her good side. Giving cash to her campaign might get you a decent ruling or at least prevent prejudice by a vindictive judge.
a grand jury was set up

and then at the last minute Corey pulled that and took over the case

Okay, now you're thinking with my brain.

What is this - thread mind meld?

and then the family has a special meeting with the mayor

cops excluded

still reminds me of the movie Bonfire of the Vanities

that was a 'scary' film--Tom Hanks and Melanie Griffith--might have been her best.

it would be nice if Comcast could pull that one out--or whomever--cable channel.

Sure what will be offered this weekend is certain to annoy me. glad 'The American Presiden't isn't shown once a week anymore.
Okay, now you're thinking with my brain.

What is this - thread mind meld?

and then the family has a special meeting with the mayor

cops excluded

still reminds me of the movie Bonfire of the Vanities

that was a 'scary' film--Tom Hanks and Melanie Griffith--might have been her best.

it would be nice if Comcast could pull that one out--or whomever--cable channel.

Sure what will be offered this weekend is certain to annoy me. glad 'The American Presiden't isn't shown once a week anymore.

From the non-cable subscriber: VUDU - Watch Movies
That's how Democrats vote.

somewhat wading into the weeds

the judge in this case is a democrat

and both defense attorneys contributed to her campaign

That explains alot about the judge.

The attorneys most likely want to remain on her good side. Giving cash to her campaign might get you a decent ruling or at least prevent prejudice by a vindictive judge.

i think that plan didnt work for them
interesting and sad-

8:37 a.m. EDT, July 13, 2013
The special prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case has fired her information technology director, who last month testified that he found evidence on Trayvon Martin's cell phone that Zimmerman's lawyers say the state never turned over, according to a report.

According to the report, Ben Kruidbos received a scathing letter from State Attorney Angela Corey's office Friday morning, calling him untrustworthy and adding he "can never again be trusted to step foot in this office."

Kruidbos testified last month that he found embarrassing photos found on Trayvon's cellphone, including pictures of a clump of jewelry on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semiautomatic pistol. Defense attorneys allege that data wasn't turned over to them as part of the evidence exchange process, known as discovery.,0,2426704.story
Last edited:
Okay, now you're thinking with my brain.

What is this - thread mind meld?

and then the family has a special meeting with the mayor

cops excluded

still reminds me of the movie Bonfire of the Vanities

that was a 'scary' film--Tom Hanks and Melanie Griffith--might have been her best.

it would be nice if Comcast could pull that one out--or whomever--cable channel.

Sure what will be offered this weekend is certain to annoy me. glad 'The American Presiden't isn't shown once a week anymore.

I'm tired of seeing Willy Wonka or the one with Johnny Depp and wish someone, anyone, would play Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Seeing Benny Hill play a part where he's not a "Fo realz creepy azz crakuh" would be cool.
Felons and mentally unstable - including alcoholics and drug abusers - ought not to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun of any type.

It is already against Federal law for each of the above to own or posses a gun.

And yet they do. The idea that no solution exists is your argument. I don't buy it.
Lets post our reactions, conversations etc. on the verdict here please, starting several will just create pandemonium and force us to merge, interrupt trains of thought and the flow etc.

And please, at least try and be civil....:eek:;)

Based upon the defense witnesses, I believe Travon Martin was on top ( John Good's impression ) and GZ was in fear for his life and acted in self-defense.
Are we at a point where nutters here won't even concede that Zimmerman acted foolishly? That he should have done things differently?

Are you so ideologically dug in that you do not assign any blame at all for this killing to the guy?

If fucking stupid.

Zimmerman was an idiot.

As a CCW holder leaving the car had no upside.

The reasonable fear of dying or great bodily harm while his head and face were being bashed as the evidence and eyewitness account states justifies his self-defense.

We can disagree on that reasonable fear matter.....but I am pleased to know that at least one "supporter" of acquittal recognizes that what Zimmerman did was fucking stupid. There ought to be unanimous agreement that Zimmerman's actions led to this kid's death.

There is nothing stupid about looking into why someone was walking aimlessly in the middle of rainfall, and snooping into peoples homes.

In fact it is smart if you are trying to keep crime down in your neighborhood.

Stupid shit like what you describe, hiding from criminals and failing to take action when you think something criminal may be occurring to the harm of your neighbors is exactly why we have so much crime, Nimrod. The police are NOT the first line of crime prevention; each and every one of us are. If we give up control of our streets to thugs and criminals out of fear or some twisted concept of self-preservation-at-all-costs trumping over the safety of our streets and neighborhoods, then the fucking criminals win.

Then you cowards move out to red states and try to fuck everything up out here as well with you do-nothing-hide-me-in-my-house criminal protection laws.

I will never let someone just break into my neighbors house. I will observe, and walk nearby to verify if I feel I need to, and then call 911 once I confirmed some crime is in progress, then let the cops handle it.

Zimmerman did nothing wrong or stupid in any of this, except to not watch his 6 and he let a fucking thug sneak up on him.
interesting and sad-

8:37 a.m. EDT, July 13, 2013
The special prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case has fired her information technology director, who last month testified that he found evidence on Trayvon Martin's cell phone that Zimmerman's lawyers say the state never turned over, according to a report.

According to the report, Ben Kruidbos received a scathing letter from State Attorney Angela Corey's office Friday morning, calling him untrustworthy and adding he "can never again be trusted to step foot in this office."

Kruidbos testified last month that he found embarrassing photos found on Trayvon's cellphone, including pictures of a clump of jewelry on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semiautomatic pistol. Defense attorneys allege that data wasn't turned over to them as part of the evidence exchange process, known as discovery.
Report: George Zimmerman special prosecutor fires IT chief who raised discovery concerns -

State Attorney Angela Corey fires information techonology director who raised concerns in Trayvon Martin case |

Just posted that here:
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