The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Are we at a point where nutters here won't even concede that Zimmerman acted foolishly? That he should have done things differently?

Are you so ideologically dug in that you do not assign any blame at all for this killing to the guy?

If fucking stupid.

If it's foolish to want to protect your neighborhood from crime and cooperate with the police then I guess Zimmerman was a fool.
Look at Joe change his story as the facts prove him wrong.

Didn't change the story at all.

The CDC was banned in 1996 from conducting studies on guns.

Obama has called for ending the ban, but the funds still aren't there.

Because if they DID study it, they'd find out what Kellerman found out. That you Cleetuses are more in danger from your own guns than any gun a bad guy has.

Yeah you say this after you were proved wrong.

Before that it was: "Horseshit the CDC is prohibited from doing gun studies"

You may be able to lie to yourself but others....not so much

The CDC can't conduct studies without funds, and funds are prohibited for that purpose, thanks to pressure from the NRA.

Gun violence research: History of the federal funding freeze

In 1993, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published an article by Arthur Kellerman and colleagues, “Gun ownership as a risk factor for homicide in the home,” which presented the results of research funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The study found that keeping a gun in the home was strongly and independently associated with an increased risk of homicide. The article concluded that rather than confer protection, guns kept in the home are associated with an increase in the risk of homicide by a family member or intimate acquaintance. Kellerman was affiliated at the time with the department of internal medicine at the University of Tennessee. He went on to positions at Emory University, and he currently holds the Paul O’Neill Alcoa Chair in Policy Analysis at the RAND Corporation.

The 1993 NEJM article received considerable media attention, and the National Rifle Association (NRA) responded by campaigning for the elimination of the center that had funded the study, the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention. The center itself survived, but Congress included language in the 1996 Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Bill (PDF, 2.4MB) for Fiscal Year 1997 that “none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control.” Referred to as the Dickey amendment after its author, former U.S. House Representative Jay Dickey (R-AR), this language did not explicitly ban research on gun violence. However, Congress also took $2.6 million from the CDC’s budget — the amount the CDC had invested in firearm injury research the previous year — and earmarked the funds for prevention of traumatic brain injury. Dr. Kellerman stated in a December 2012 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “Precisely what was or was not permitted under the clause was unclear. But no federal employee was willing to risk his or her career or the agency's funding to find out. Extramural support for firearm injury prevention research quickly dried up.”

In short, it went down like this.

The CDC studied gun violence and found out- Geez, you Cleetuses are taking each other out.

Instead of doing the sensible thing and making it harder for people to get guns, or promoting gun safety, while, we'll just stop studying the issue.

It's kind of like if the CDC found there was a link between cigarettes and cancer, and the Tobacco industry got them to cut all cancer studies.
Have they done away with the SYG law?


But you said "He followed him with a gun. That is all that matters".

That is not consistent with your previous argument where the SYG law was the basis for your opinion of guilt.

So again, did you change your mind?
No, I haven't changed my mind. Given that Martin had a right to defend himself the fact that Zimmerman went after him is all that matters.

Except that's not a fact.
Are we at a point where nutters here won't even concede that Zimmerman acted foolishly? That he should have done things differently?

Are you so ideologically dug in that you do not assign any blame at all for this killing to the guy?

If fucking stupid.

Zimmerman was an idiot.

As a CCW holder leaving the car had no upside.

The reasonable fear of dying or great bodily harm while his head and face were being bashed as the evidence and eyewitness account states justifies his self-defense.

We can disagree on that reasonable fear matter.....but I am pleased to know that at least one "supporter" of acquittal recognizes that what Zimmerman did was fucking stupid. There ought to be unanimous agreement that Zimmerman's actions led to this kid's death.

The reason someone died that night is because there was a physical confrontation. So whose actions prompted that physical confrontation? Who retraced his steps to confront the person that was following him? Who made the decision to throw a punch? Until that first punch is thrown it's not a deadly situation. As soon as that punch is thrown, it becomes one.
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Look at Joe change his story as the facts prove him wrong.

Didn't change the story at all.

The CDC was banned in 1996 from conducting studies on guns.

Obama has called for ending the ban, but the funds still aren't there.

Because if they DID study it, they'd find out what Kellerman found out. That you Cleetuses are more in danger from your own guns than any gun a bad guy has.

Yeah you say this after you were proved wrong.

Before that it was: "Horseshit the CDC is prohibited from doing gun studies"

You may be able to lie to yourself but others....not so much

Guy, do you have some problem with English Comprehension? Or are you just a typical gun nut retard.

Congress cut off all funding for CDC gun studies. Because the gun studies disproved that guns make you any safer. In fact, they proved the exact opposite. Guns make you less safe.
*sigh* Now on HLN, Jane Valdez Bitchall and Vinnie Polly Parrot are referring to the jurors as 1 "Hispanic" and 5 "non Hispanic Whites".

Gotta keep that meme running at all costs. :cuckoo:

They are putting the lives of the jurors in danger.
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SO? you can throw somebody 3-5 feet away from yourself and then somebody can crawl the remaining 5 feet. 10 feet is not a long distance - T height was more than half of that distance :rolleyes:

Again, direct evidence. It has to be taken on face value like I explained yesterday of how a shot through the heart would surely silence anyone and drop them on the spot. You can conjecture all day long, but direct evidence is what murder trials are all about.

And if you'd been paying attention to the direct evidence in this case, you'd know that the defense's expert witness on pathology testified that a shot to the heart might very well NOT drop someone on the spot. That there were instances where a person was shot through the heart and ran a short distance before collapsing.

there was a self defense article not so long ago where the suspect

was shot in the home through the heart

he ran out of the house and about 1/2 a block before collapsing
I hope the jury takes a few days to deliberate. I'd like to feel like they took this very seriously and spent time going over all evidence, the instructions from the judge and all testimony from both sides.

This case isn't that complicated.

They already know how they're going to vote.

Someone who was in the courtroom said the front row of jurors was sitting back with arms crossed over their chests when the defense began the closing and I suppose during the rebuttal--not certain.

This was said to mean they had decided and were ready to get on with deliberations. I would think so-- a long week. fwiw.

Crossed arms is a sign of not accepting or a sign of "Okay, let's see what BS you've got".

I don't think they kept their arms crossed after the defense started laying the whole thing out for them, started watching the video and props that gave them an actual feel of the time period involved, and the size differential between these two. Another thing about being in the front row, you sometimes do that to make yourself appear less involved in the process.
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The more i observe this case, the more i realize that it may well have been Trayvon's Racism that caused this deadly incident. His use of the term "Cracker" clearly indicates he was Racist. And according to recent studies, African Americans are now considered the most Racist in America. So in the end, it could be all about race after all. Just not in the way most have been spinning it.
This case isn't that complicated.

They already know how they're going to vote.

Someone who was in the courtroom said the front row of jurors was sitting back with arms crossed over their chests when the defense began the closing and I suppose during the rebuttal--not certain.

This was said to mean they had decided and were ready to get on with deliberations. I would think so-- a long week. fwiw.

Crossed arms is a sign of not accepting or a sign of "Okay, let's see what BS you've got".

I don't think they kept their arms crossed after the defense started laying the whole thing out for them, started watching the video and props that gave them an actual feel of the time period involved, and the size differential between these two. Another thing about being in the front row, you sometimes do that to make yourself appear less involved in the process.

That occurred to me. Depends on the chair. I would have been ready to get on with the show --after being aggravated by prosecution's closing.
This case isn't that complicated.

They already know how they're going to vote.

Someone who was in the courtroom said the front row of jurors was sitting back with arms crossed over their chests when the defense began the closing and I suppose during the rebuttal--not certain.

This was said to mean they had decided and were ready to get on with deliberations. I would think so-- a long week. fwiw.

Crossed arms is a sign of not accepting or a sign of "Okay, let's see what BS you've got".

I don't think they kept their arms crossed after the defense started laying the whole thing out for them, started watching the video and props that gave them an actual feel of the time period involved, and the size differential between these two. Another thing about being in the front row, you sometimes do that to make yourself appear less involved in the process.

from watching omara during his presentation

he didnt appear to have to change up his style

i think it is a bunch of hogwash personally
LOL @ Ernie - great response to the wrong post.

I broke the no posting before coffee rule this morning!
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HLN is showing inside the courtroom footage from time to time. They showed Team Tampon coming in, then George & his lawyers come in and sit down.

i pretty much avoid HLN

I'm only watching them because they are so heavily invested in this that they are keeping a tight watch on the courtroom, and are first with everything happening.

from my understanding as the day goes by they get further and further behind

because thy have a pause button

however if zimmerman is found not guilty i will turn to hln just to see

the sad faces
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