The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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And regardless of where the gun was located, Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman, having bashed his head against the pavement and beating him with MMA moves. I defy ANYONE in that position not to defend him or herself with whatever weapon is at hand.
that was a 'scary' film--Tom Hanks and Melanie Griffith--might have been her best.

it would be nice if Comcast could pull that one out--or whomever--cable channel.

Sure what will be offered this weekend is certain to annoy me. glad 'The American Presiden't isn't shown once a week anymore.

I'm tired of seeing Willy Wonka or the one with Johnny Depp and wish someone, anyone, would play Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Seeing Benny Hill play a part where he's not a "Fo realz creepy azz crakuh" would be cool.

Monty Python might hit the spot. Anything but what I know will be offered. Last weekend--Julia Roberts--'Runaway Bride' and others. What goes on when decisions are made about which films will be shown---clearly they don't know or care what I might prefer. Another thing that seriously offends me.

In a world driven by profit, however, they are only going to give you a really good, popular free movie now and then because the cable companies want extra profit from selling you a pay per view of your favorite movies. So most of the free ones offerred are those movies that nobody ever selects from the pay per view menu.
If Zimmerman was truly "standing his ground" and "feared for his life", then why the fuck did he get out of the vehicle and follow Trayvon around on foot?

Couldn't he have stayed in the vehicle after calling 911? Especially, when, as the defense claimed, he was out of shape and unable to fight?

If he'd stayed in his vehicle and was attacked, that would be "standing your ground". Following someone is not.

If Zimmerman is let go, I hope that someday after he's set free, someone else feels that Zimmerman is a threat and decides to stand their ground as well.

Zimmerman's actions caused the death of a 17 year old child. That fact cannot be disputed. He should be jailed.

hummm, so, al sharkskins actions caused the death of people at Freddie's Fashion Mart and Yankel Rosenbaum......?
He is serious. It is total BS what you are assuming.
It is totally legal to follow people

Totally legal? Not necessarily so. It is not legal to stalk and spy on people, to create fear, to invade privacy. Sorry to disillusion, but it is not legal to do that.

GZ was not stalking. and him following TM was totally legal

Let me remind you as I did a few days ago: Stalking and following are two different things altogether. Stalking means you are surveilling someone nonstop for no reason whatsoever. Following is non-invasive, as long as you BREAK IT OFF.

Legitimate purpose = Following a suspected criminal one has called 911 on.

What was "suspect" about him, walking down the street? What was "legitimate" about pursuing Martin and leaving his vehicle to pursue him? What was the "suspected" crime?

Zimmerman's testimony indicated Tryvon was in someone's side yard next to the window at her hi
ouse in the rain he was doing more than walking down the street

Is that what zimmerman told the 911 operator??? If so, please provide the excerpt.
Shall we have a pretend lottery as to when we'll get a verdict?

I think the jury wants to get home at this point and we'll have a verdict at 2:30 pm EDT.
I've got the feeling GZ will be acquitted. The prosecution has been relying on emotions—not hard facts—to convict the man.
I'm tired of seeing Willy Wonka or the one with Johnny Depp and wish someone, anyone, would play Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Seeing Benny Hill play a part where he's not a "Fo realz creepy azz crakuh" would be cool.

Monty Python might hit the spot. Anything but what I know will be offered. Last weekend--Julia Roberts--'Runaway Bride' and others. What goes on when decisions are made about which films will be shown---clearly they don't know or care what I might prefer. Another thing that seriously offends me.

In a world driven by profit, however, they are only going to give you a really good, popular free movie now and then because the cable companies want extra profit from selling you a pay per view of your favorite movies. So most of the free ones offerred are those movies that nobody ever selects from the pay per view menu.

We are cheap. lol--And low end users of technology. I could use the DVD--but on the chance that the delicate balance of the Comcast bundle might be upset--there are times when I just don't. My own issue.
Things seem to be approaching the point when I have to make some sort of changes.

I'm just sour--I know what is going on. I would love to pour clorox into the minds of those who are doing this to me.
Did you people realize that Marilyn Monroe had an IQ of 168?

I was not sure of her IQ. I knew she was very smart. When things went south with Fox, I know she started her own company. But I think the persona she had created for herself, along with the times she lived in, sunk any chance of her succeeding at it. Liz Taylor got paid a cool million for Cleopatra, but Marilyn never made anything like that kind of money.

I saw a show about her a few weeks ago and she apparently worked VERY hard improving herself as an actress and improving her mind, unlike the troll here who uses her pics. She also studied in a university even though she never finished high school.

I tend not to look at blondes as 'dumb.' Suzanne Somers wrote a book of poetry that got my instant respect. She has also done a lot of codependency work. But the dumb blonde jokes take their toll. My beautiful naturally blonde daughter dyed her hair dark because of them. She just recently went back to her natural color.
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The criminal syndicate aka the Democrat Party, punishes those who squeal or snitch. 'Stitches for snitches' is their new Party slogan.

When did they change it from 'ditches for snitches'? :lol:
Shall we have a pretend lottery as to when we'll get a verdict?

I think the jury wants to get home at this point and we'll have a verdict at 2:30 pm EDT.

As I have said, my computer is audio impaired at the moment. I thought about watching a live soundless feed and extrapolating the verdict from the reactions of people in the courtroom. LOL
I've got the feeling GZ will be acquitted. The prosecution has been relying on emotions—not hard facts—to convict the man.

I'm not so certain. They say one woman is married to an attorney and another has a son that is an attorney. One member had a CCP, another managed a call center of 1200--? all but one have children.

On and on. Unless someone can clarify that a 'compromise verdict' is really not possible--I am hesitant to speculate. shrug--I suppose one may utilize knowledge of the legal system gained prior to becoming a juror. Manslaughter--up to 30 yrs, etc.
I've got the feeling GZ will be acquitted. The prosecution has been relying on emotions—not hard facts—to convict the man.

The evidence is NOT there to convict. Gut feelings are great, I learned working in psych. They can save your life. But when you go to the master's level, you have to remember your models and theories. Same with studying the law. The law can be harsh and many times even unfair. (My Dean used to say, 'this is not fair school, this is law school') Anytime I climb upon that fence and try to see which way I will fall, there is just something there telling me that nothing is a given in this trial, social factors are at work, and juries as well as judges bend to them. As to verdict, I personally believe GZ acted in self defense, but I can't honestly say that I think a jury will acquit him. For those reasons, if he is convicted and his case goes up on appeal, I really can't predict that an appellate court, no doubt watching this case with bated breath, will change anything.
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Based upon the defense witnesses, I believe Travon Martin was on top ( John Good's impression ) and GZ was in fear for his life and acted in self-defense.

I dislike the fact that the prosecution changed--started out with GZ on top, IIRC.

and I would not forget that.

2nd degree murder--and we will tell you why and then in closing--maybe not.

It's fitting that the prosecution called Zimmerman a liar several times but was caught lying to the jury on numerous occasions.

yes--If I could--I would be working on my book as we speak.

O'Mara said he wouldn't mind be remembered for this case--would prefer to be remembered if he receives an acquittal.

As a member of the prosecution I would hope that people could forget my involvement even with a favorable verdict. Sleazy--like hucksters at a carnival--that thought crossed my mind. W.C. Fields--' A sucker born every minute' or something. It takes a good bit to activate my cynical side--but they managed to do that. Aberrant human that I am.
It's hard to predict what a jury will do. A jury of women, harder yet. I've seen juries that have women on them hang because one woman got into a snit with another juror and refused to agree with him. One time it was a hung jury because one of the women developed a crush on the defense attorney and refused to convict. (they eventually married) I've had women jurors spend a couple of hours discussing the outfits worn by the attorneys before they came to a decision.

Women are emotional, but there is no way to predict where an emotional decision will lead. What ever this jury decides, that will be the verdict. Hopefully everyone, including federal authorities abides by the decision.
I've got the feeling GZ will be acquitted. The prosecution has been relying on emotions—not hard facts—to convict the man.

I'm not so certain. They say one woman is married to an attorney and another has a son that is an attorney. One member had a CCP, another managed a call center of 1200--? all but one have children.

On and on. Unless someone can clarify that a 'compromise verdict' is really not possible--I am hesitant to speculate. shrug--I suppose one may utilize knowledge of the legal system gained prior to becoming a juror. Manslaughter--up to 30 yrs, etc.

One of the jurors was the victim of a violent crime and another is a security guard. So, who knows. Much will depend on who emerges as the leader and who they elect as foreman.
It's hard to predict what a jury will do. A jury of women, harder yet. I've seen juries that have women on them hang because one woman got into a snit with another juror and refused to agree with him. One time it was a hung jury because one of the women developed a crush on the defense attorney and refused to convict. (they eventually married) I've had women jurors spend a couple of hours discussing the outfits worn by the attorneys before they came to a decision.

Women are emotional, but there is no way to predict where an emotional decision will lead. What ever this jury decides, that will be the verdict. Hopefully everyone, including federal authorities abides by the decision.

I saw a plaintiff attorney winking and flirting with the female jurors once. Had his back to the judge. But it didn't work. Defense prevailed.
It's hard to predict what a jury will do. A jury of women, harder yet. I've seen juries that have women on them hang because one woman got into a snit with another juror and refused to agree with him. One time it was a hung jury because one of the women developed a crush on the defense attorney and refused to convict. (they eventually married) I've had women jurors spend a couple of hours discussing the outfits worn by the attorneys before they came to a decision.

Women are emotional, but there is no way to predict where an emotional decision will lead. What ever this jury decides, that will be the verdict. Hopefully everyone, including federal authorities abides by the decision.

I'm getting really tired of the 'women are emotional' shit. I am an INTJ on the Meyer's Briggs personality inventory. Katz, you are pissing me off.

INTJs spend a lot of time inside their own minds, and may have little interest in the other people's thoughts or feelings. Unless their Feeling side is developed, they may have problems giving other people the level of intimacy that is needed. ....
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It's hard to predict what a jury will do. A jury of women, harder yet. I've seen juries that have women on them hang because one woman got into a snit with another juror and refused to agree with him. One time it was a hung jury because one of the women developed a crush on the defense attorney and refused to convict. (they eventually married) I've had women jurors spend a couple of hours discussing the outfits worn by the attorneys before they came to a decision.

Women are emotional, but there is no way to predict where an emotional decision will lead. What ever this jury decides, that will be the verdict. Hopefully everyone, including federal authorities abides by the decision.

How would a jury of 6 men be so different--for argument's sake?

Just go straight to the jury room and hash out a verdict in a couple of hours?

I don't know but I am tired of 'Oooooh--a jury of 6 women'. Look at the judge--some of the women will have that sort of personality.

If you had over 4 minutes to avoid him how would he gain close quarters ?

Would you call 911 or a friend in Miami ?

Why should I HAVE to avoid him? I'm not a slave, I am an American citizen who has a right to travel unmolested.

Wasn't Martin already on the phone with his friend? Where you always that "rational" when you were seventeen?

If you were on the jury what is your impression of this girl friend of Trayvon Martin? This uneducated girl that admits she can neither read or write and comes across as ghetto as there ever could be.
Honestly, isn't Rachel Jeantel Exhibit A of the street thug Martin was as we now know but was kept away from the jury?
Can you at least admit the obvious?
That was what the jury got. An uneducated girl that can not read or write, speaks like a gangster and this is Martin's girl friend.
Not trying to offend, just posting the obvious.

In all candor, I was questioning the rationality of the Prosecution putting her on the stand, it felt like they were "throwing the case" when they put her on the stand. Then I realized that she was a material witness. I'm surprised they didn't work with her to make her more "presentable" to the jury.
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