The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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But "they always get away"....

It's a truth.

With NW at least you scare them off.

Well, hopefully this one wont get away if he did infact murder that unarmed guy.

If found guilty, I hope he rots. I really do. I dont mean two years, probation and a gig at fox. I mean, 50 years hard time.

There is no way he gets 50 years...hes being charged with M2 not M1...if convicted of M2 he would be lucky to serve 10-15 years after time off for good behavior, etc. The minimum/mandatory sentence for M2 with a firearm is 25 years...good behavior cuts that in half. However, a judge can impose additional penalties and charges that include up to life in prison, but I dont see that happening in this case....I dont see the judge extending it to life...not with all the hoopla and controversy surrounding the case.
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Can we agree that your "questions" are quite completely retarded?

Because they are.

To the extent that Trayvon got shot and killed by Zimmerman, the QUESTION is whether or not it was necessary for Zimmerman to have done so in order to defend himself against a beat down being inflicted on him by Trayvon that Zimmerman allegedly believed was going to get him (Zimmerman) either severely injured or killed.

So, no, you dipshit. We cannot "agree" that Trayvon didn't deserve to die for merely going to the store to buy Skittles. That was NEVER the question, you hack idiot.

On the other hand...the QUESTION is also whether trayvon was acting in self defense when he asked what the problem was and GZ reached for the side of his hip that his gun was on.

No. That's not a question at the trial. We will never know if he even observed Zimmerman allegedly reaching for a phone.

And HIS state of mind is NOT at all in issue.

If trayvons object was to get to him before he pulled whatever out of his pocket, then couldnt that be considered self defense in trayvons favor?

No. Trayvon has no claim of self defense. He's not on trial for anything. And the jury will be instructed NOT to engage in speculation. Legally, it makes NO difference what Trayvon may have thought or guessed or believed. The ONLY valid legal questions for the jury to determine in that regard are: what did Zimmerman believe and whether or not that belief was "reasonable."

To me this is the nuts of this case...who acted in self defense first? Arguments can be made for this point in the trial a little objectivity would be nice on both sides.

To you? Your questions are not the legal issue that the jury will get instructed on.

There is nothing to be "objective" about. YOUR idle questions are entirely beside the point.

The SOLE questions revolve around what Zimmerman believed and whether or not such beliefs were objectively and subjectively reasonable under the circumstances (as the jury finds those circumstances to have been).

I the sole questions revolve around what Zimmerman believed were reasonable, he's out of luck, for his statements on the 911 call demonstrate just how neurotic and paranoid the man really is...

“Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is…”

“These assholes they always get away”

“Shit he's running”

“The back entrance...fucking…”
The reasons why we are here debating endlessly is exactly what the defense lawyer is relying upon.

1. George Zimmerman is not the Devil, and in fact was trying his misguided best to HELP stop crime.

2. Trayvon Martin was not an angel or Jesus the Christ, and without him being here to articulate his version of the events, doubt is now present in regards toward his actions, his past, and his ignorance concerning the posture he should've taken toward his aggressor in relation to Florida's Stand Your Ground laws.

3. In light of the abovementioned, seasoned professionals at these matters should have treaded lightly in the severity of the charges levied against GZ. For once they succumbed to the emotional environment, inflammatory rhetoric, and spotlight-grabbing urges to charge MURDER....



THE LAW, in it's blind, cold, and impartial nature... could very well set GZ free.

The jury then now has a choice. To follow the letter of the law, OR administer JUSTICE for TM's family.

I will make a topic in 2 days detailing this erroneous charge.

For GZ should've been charged with manslaughter. Not murder. In Florida anyway. Somewhere else, yeah, murder might stick. But with "Stand Your Ground"? ...


Not the politically correct emotional charge of murder that you can't prove, and that has us debating for 1500 comments!!!!

[MENTION=27360]Jackson[/MENTION] I can't find the original post, but I've been listening, [MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] has and [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] have been listening, don't know who else.

The majority are answering with politically correct answers or what they think they should be saying, some are getting caught with agenda or bias the longer they are questioned, very few have come out and said they believe X. Most of them say they don't have an opinion, one said he didn't and then SNAP! With his Facebook opinion and agenda. I think it's going to be extremely difficult to get any kind of jury that doesn't have any bias and even when they do impossible to tell if someone with an agenda is in the mix. Other than very few exceptions most are lying thru their teeth. I have little faith. I'd have thrown my hands up and done eenie meenie minee moe by now if I had to question them. "I don't really have an opinion" is a gigantic red flag we've heard countless times so far. Maybe the other watchers could chime in here. But that's my take.

I know lots of people who wouldn't give an opinion at this time because they don't know enough about the case. Not everyone are "trial watchers," you know. Nothing wrong with that if it's your hobby, but some people have other hobbies or other things they prefer to spend their time on.

Sometimes we get all embroiled in something and assume everyone else has the same level of interest. They don't.

I'm not actually just a watcher, my phone has been ringing and my life disrupted for a year about this. Believe you me... I wish this trial was a "hobby".

Okay, I'm dying of curiosity! : ) Hmmm...are you a reporter?
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autoZona cannot keep up with the thread topics, so s/he just wanders around aimlessly (as she so often does).

Zona claims to be black, but it is actually a fat white lesbian,

Anyway, it's dishonesty aside: wtf was it trying to ay in its last post?

Zimmerman carried a gun.

Yeah. And?

What a fucking dishonest stupid odious little petty hack Zona is.

I think it says a lot about this forum that you've only been here since February 2013 and already have 1307 rep points.

It appears that ugly nastiness is valued here. Way to go, USMessage Board!

I think it says a lot about your ignorance to believe that I have only been here since February 2013.

I used to be the member with the username of "Liability."

Your stupidity is not valued.

Go figure.

Well, get an adult with a brain to assist you. Avoid all liberals though. The handicap in "thinking" is too much for most of them.

And Zona is a dishonest bitch sock, too. Seriously, Zona has no honor, integrity or inclination to EVER be honest. None.


I don't think it makes me stupid to think that the "Join Date" is actually the date someone joined the forum. I'm not in on your little special deals and behind the scenes negotiations.

Oh, and by the way...go fuck yourself.
Link to filed motions is here:
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Show of hands...

How many people have you seen (or even heard of), that started an altercation with a stranger who was packing a pistol?

Ready, go!

You tell me how Trayvon knew George had a pistol and then we can talk.

Otherwise it's bullshit. How on earth would Martin know Zimmerman was packing?

ETA: To answer your question though. a concealed I wouldn't know about but long guns, it's easy. Smack the barrel away and hit his / her head hard with whatever you got. Bottom line is you are facing true death if you don't lunge and hit the gun first. It's easy.
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The reasons why we are here debating endlessly is exactly what the defense lawyer is relying upon.

1. George Zimmerman is not the Devil, and in fact was trying his misguided best to HELP stop crime.

2. Trayvon Martin was not an angel or Jesus the Christ, and without him being here to articulate his version of the events, doubt is now present in regards toward his actions, his past, and his ignorance concerning the posture he should've taken toward his aggressor in relation to Florida's Stand Your Ground laws.

3. In light of the abovementioned, seasoned professionals at these matters should have treaded lightly in the severity of the charges levied against GZ. For once they succumbed to the emotional environment, inflammatory rhetoric, and spotlight-grabbing urges to charge MURDER....



THE LAW, in it's blind, cold, and impartial nature... could very well set GZ free.

The jury then now has a choice. To follow the letter of the law, OR administer JUSTICE for TM's family.

I will make a topic in 2 days detailing this erroneous charge.

For GZ should've been charged with manslaughter. Not murder. In Florida anyway. Somewhere else, yeah, murder might stick. But with "Stand Your Ground"? ...


Not the politically correct emotional charge of murder that you can't prove, and that has us debating for 1500 comments!!!!


I'll take you back one further. If the damn police department had handled this all properly we wouldn't be here today.

If I remember correctly the PD didn't even inform Martin's family that he was dead.

This is truly a dog's breakfast.
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I think it says a lot about this forum that you've only been here since February 2013 and already have 1307 rep points.

It appears that ugly nastiness is valued here. Way to go, USMessage Board!

I think it says a lot about your ignorance to believe that I have only been here since February 2013.

I used to be the member with the username of "Liability."

Your stupidity is not valued.

Go figure.

Well, get an adult with a brain to assist you. Avoid all liberals though. The handicap in "thinking" is too much for most of them.

And Zona is a dishonest bitch sock, too. Seriously, Zona has no honor, integrity or inclination to EVER be honest. None.


I don't think it makes me stupid to think that the "Join Date" is actually the date someone joined the forum. I'm not in on your little special deals and behind the scenes negotiations.

Oh, and by the way...go fuck yourself.

Oh go eat out Zona's sewer of a twat, you stupid asshole. That which YOU think or don't think makes YOU stupid is far from determinative. :thup:

Face facts, ya bitch. You spoke out of your boundless supply of ignorance. You must be used to that by now.

Now, hurry back with more of your idiotic pointless observations, you rancid diseased rat ****.

Now go fuck yourself with a rusty rasp up your filthy asshole; and it might be time for you to die of Fire Aids -- if you can.

"On duty". You know, that is the guy I do not want on my neighborhood watch. A guy who has certain problems with certain people who is armed and trying to be some kind of damn Rambo.

I am black. This moron would have followed and approached me simply because I am black.

Fuck him. I hope he is found guilty and does 50 years for killing a kid who went to get skittles and ice tea. Martin WAS DOING NOTHING WRONG!

Consider this scenario.

Z is found not guilty.

Black citizens organize armed neighborhood watch patrols in Florida and follow white people around who look suspicious. :evil:

There were already organizations and individuals last year that shot up cop cars, assaulted an innocent man wearing hoodies to prove a point, put out hits, showed up at some poor people's house that had nothing to do with it... You can't imagine and you don't know what you're talking about with that and I will be emotional on this point, because it was really really awful. This is a "normal" community. And God help us if it escalates to that kind of chaos again. Hopefully that initial heightened lunacy and witch hunt is over and there can be regular, run of the mill, fair justice.

Hardy har har.

Hey, don't shoot me. I am only a messenger offering a scenario.:cool:
I think it says a lot about this forum that you've only been here since February 2013 and already have 1307 rep points.

It appears that ugly nastiness is valued here. Way to go, USMessage Board!

I think it says a lot about your ignorance to believe that I have only been here since February 2013.

I used to be the member with the username of "Liability."

Your stupidity is not valued.

Go figure.

Well, get an adult with a brain to assist you. Avoid all liberals though. The handicap in "thinking" is too much for most of them.

And Zona is a dishonest bitch sock, too. Seriously, Zona has no honor, integrity or inclination to EVER be honest. None.


I don't think it makes me stupid to think that the "Join Date" is actually the date someone joined the forum. I'm not in on your little special deals and behind the scenes negotiations.

Oh, and by the way...go fuck yourself.
Him Part of the dogpile clique I'd say.:evil:
I know lots of people who wouldn't give an opinion at this time because they don't know enough about the case. Not everyone are "trial watchers," you know. Nothing wrong with that if it's your hobby, but some people have other hobbies or other things they prefer to spend their time on.

Sometimes we get all embroiled in something and assume everyone else has the same level of interest. They don't.

I'm not actually just a watcher, my phone has been ringing and my life disrupted for a year about this. Believe you me... I wish this trial was a "hobby".

Okay, I'm dying of curiosity! : ) Hmmm...are you a reporter?

I can tell you Testa is not a reporter.
Good afternoon everyone, and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. That means you, too, 25.

Reading back, this case is creating so much venom. I think that's because it is a true mystery in many ways. We do not know what will come into evidence yet. We do not know what happened that night once TM approached GZ. All we know is that an unarmed youth (TM was 16 years + 1 month old) is dead and a seemingly average man has been charged with M2.

If we're all going to get along, we need to cool our jets. Zimmerman will be held accountable for killing Martin, as he should be IMO. At this point, all we can intelligently discuss is the charge of M2 since nothing has come into evidence yet. That's a huge part of this case. It is what the defense is defending against. And there's no way in burning hell the prosecution can prove Zimmerman murdered TM. If not for racial tensions being ignited by the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama, not to mention the PR firm hired by Martin attorneys, then M2 would have never been charged. That is a travesty of justice just going into this case. And because of that, there are 2 wrongs and no right, just from the get-go. Hence, we have these polarized factions and, honestly, both are justified; both perspectives are valid. Martin was needlessly killed AND Zimmerman has been unjustly made a poster child for racial profiling and stricter gun laws. Both can be true - no need to fight about that. Right?
Good afternoon everyone, and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. That means you, too, 25.

Reading back, this case is creating so much venom. I think that's because it is a true mystery in many ways. We do not know what will come into evidence yet. We do not know what happened that night once TM approached GZ. All we know is that an unarmed youth (TM was 16 years + 1 month old) is dead and a seemingly average man has been charged with M2.

If we're all going to get along, we need to cool our jets. Zimmerman will be held accountable for killing Martin, as he should be IMO. At this point, all we can intelligently discuss is the charge of M2 since nothing has come into evidence yet. That's a huge part of this case. It is what the defense is defending against. And there's no way in burning hell the prosecution can prove Zimmerman murdered TM. If not for racial tensions being ignited by the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama, not to mention the PR firm hired by Martin attorneys, then M2 would have never been charged. That is a travesty of justice just going into this case. And because of that, there are 2 wrongs and no right, just from the get-go. Hence, we have these polarized factions and, honestly, both are justified; both perspectives are valid. Martin was needlessly killed AND Zimmerman has been unjustly made a poster child for racial profiling and stricter gun laws. Both can be true - no need to fight about that. Right?

With all due respect, wrong.:evil:
Good afternoon everyone, and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. That means you, too, 25.

Reading back, this case is creating so much venom. I think that's because it is a true mystery in many ways. We do not know what will come into evidence yet. We do not know what happened that night once TM approached GZ. All we know is that an unarmed youth (TM was 16 years + 1 month old) is dead and a seemingly average man has been charged with M2.

Just curious SFW...

...........................Do you have any evidence (other that Zimmerman's story) that "TM approached GZ"?

Good afternoon everyone, and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. That means you, too, 25.

Reading back, this case is creating so much venom. I think that's because it is a true mystery in many ways. We do not know what will come into evidence yet. We do not know what happened that night once TM approached GZ. All we know is that an unarmed youth (TM was 16 years + 1 month old) is dead and a seemingly average man has been charged with M2.

Just curious SFW...

...........................Do you have any evidence (other that Zimmerman's story) that "TM approached GZ"?

Just a sporadically unreliable Witness #8 girl on the phone testimony who corroborates GZ's story, however unwittingly. My memory of her story is that TM asked GZ why he was following him. That gibes with GZ's story, no?

Do you believe M2 is the correct charge?

EDIT: Sorry WW, my quoting skills could be better.....
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Correction - Witness #8 did not testify. But she gave statements and claims to have heard TM ask GZ why he was following him. At that point the phone went dead. According to her.
WW - your response is exactly my point. We're fighting about facts we simply do know have. Everything is speculation. We DO know what Zimmerman was charged with and that's what the case is ultimately about. I maintain he was overcharged for political reasons. Until I hear the facts presented at trial, that will continue to be my stance. None of us were at the scene so all we're doing is flapping our gums when it comes to the circumstances the jury will consider.

What do you think of the charge??????
Good afternoon everyone, and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. That means you, too, 25.

Reading back, this case is creating so much venom. I think that's because it is a true mystery in many ways. We do not know what will come into evidence yet. We do not know what happened that night once TM approached GZ. All we know is that an unarmed youth (TM was 16 years + 1 month old) is dead and a seemingly average man has been charged with M2.

Just curious SFW...

...........................Do you have any evidence (other that Zimmerman's story) that "TM approached GZ"?

Just a sporadically unreliable Witness #8 girl on the phone testimony who corroborates GZ's story, however unwittingly. My memory of her story is that TM asked GZ why he was following him. That gibes with GZ's story, no?

Do you believe M2 is the correct charge?

EDIT: Sorry WW, my quoting skills could be better.....

No it doesn't give with GZ's story.

Her recorded statement state attorney was not that Martin approached Zimmerman. But that the man was following Martin and getting closer. "He told me the guy was getting close, the guy was getting real close to him. The next I hear is 'What are you following me for?'. (Around 10:30 of the interview.) She then goes on to say a few seconds later that she heard a mans reply.

Speaking first and approaching are two different things.

Now in the interest of honesty, it is unknown if the jury will hear that portion of the conversation as Martin relayed information to her. Expect the defense to file a motion to exclude based on hearsay, the prosecution will then file a motion to allow it to be heard because of an exception for dying statements where the deceased is not available. Whether it comes in or not will be up to the judge. However she should be able to testify as to what she heard Zimmerman say, that is not hearsay, that is direct testimony about a heard conversation and Zimmerman can choose to take the stand to rebut her claims. However if he waives the right of self incrimination and does take the stand he will open himself up to a full range of questioning. I've not heard if he and O'Mara plan on GZ taking the stand.

Witness #8 Files: Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Case | Presents They Always Get Away: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Documents, Photos, Videos, Audio, and Articles

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