The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What does skin color have to do with anything ? Is it that you think no matter what the blacks will always side with the blacks because of skin color, and so you think that somehow this would have gave the prosecution a better chance somehow ?

A black jurist that believed in Trayvon would have made any pretending impossible.

First there was a black juror. Second, what if there was a 40 year old "white Hispanic" man on the jury? How would that have flown with you? Why is any other juror superior to what was present in this case? You say he said coons but no person or evidence supports this. Would you consider yourself bias? Do you think you have taken this whole thing to the extreme? The evidence presented in a court of law was interpreted by a jury of his peers that GZ was not guilty of the charges against him. That is really all that matters. Your crack-pot theories are not making you look credible in any light but your own.

How would the families of the victim of a first-degree murderer who has been tried and gotten off by a technicality feel? Would they say the trial was taken to extremes or be satisfied with reasonable doubt?
Apparently Trayvon Martin committed suicide with Zimmerman's gun.

No, he brought skittles to a gun fight.

It's tragic, because in my opinion the evidence supports manslaughter but not when the murder charge has to be denied.

The race baiters shot themselves in the foot on this one.
There was a black woman on the jury.

Pic please.

A Look at the Jurors for George Zimmerman's Trial - ABC News

B-29 recently moved to central Florida from Chicago. She enjoys watching the "Real Housewives" on television and works as a nurse on an Alzheimer's section of a nursing home. She said she hadn't paid much attention to the shooting. She said she has been arrested, but her case was disposed of. It's not clear why she was arrested or exactly what happened to her case, though she said she was treated fairly. She is married and has several children. A prosecutor described her as "black or Hispanic" during jury selection.

She was Hispanic, but she could have b een black too.

The Hispanic culture isn't as hung up on race as we are.
A black jurist that believed in Trayvon would have made any pretending impossible.

First there was a black juror. Second, what if there was a 40 year old "white Hispanic" man on the jury? How would that have flown with you? Why is any other juror superior to what was present in this case? You say he said coons but no person or evidence supports this. Would you consider yourself bias? Do you think you have taken this whole thing to the extreme? The evidence presented in a court of law was interpreted by a jury of his peers that GZ was not guilty of the charges against him. That is really all that matters. Your crack-pot theories are not making you look credible in any light but your own.

How would the families of the victim of a first-degree murderer who has been tried and gotten off by a technicality feel? Would they say the trial was taken to extremes or be satisfied with reasonable doubt?

Are you a family member of TM? If so, I'm sorry for your loss. Reasonable doubt is not a technicality. That is how this thing we call the US justice system works.
First there was a black juror. Second, what if there was a 40 year old "white Hispanic" man on the jury? How would that have flown with you? Why is any other juror superior to what was present in this case? You say he said coons but no person or evidence supports this. Would you consider yourself bias? Do you think you have taken this whole thing to the extreme? The evidence presented in a court of law was interpreted by a jury of his peers that GZ was not guilty of the charges against him. That is really all that matters. Your crack-pot theories are not making you look credible in any light but your own.

How would the families of the victim of a first-degree murderer who has been tried and gotten off by a technicality feel? Would they say the trial was taken to extremes or be satisfied with reasonable doubt?

Are you a family member of TM? If so, I'm sorry for your loss. Reasonable doubt is not a technicality. That is how this thing we call the US justice system works.

Answer the question or STFU.
In Southern states.

I am sure most of the pro-gun people would support that.

This has likely already been pointed out, but Martin would have been too young to legally carry a gun.

In Florida, at least, young black men need to understand that the Zimmerman verdict is now part of SYG jurisprudence, that one can be pursued by an armed private citizen, absent any evidence of wrongdoing, even in the context of racial profiling, where being black in certain neighborhoods means one is ‘in the wrong place.’

For black man aged 21 and older, yes, they need to take a concealed carry course and apply for a carry permit, and arm themselves accordingly.

Lol...being black in that neighborhood wasn't being black in the wrong place, dickweed. It was a very diverse neighborhood.

Gads you fruitcakes are lame.
Well no..

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands. There was no DNA transference to his fingernails or sleeves. Zimmerman was treated very quickly. They cleaned him up with Peroxide and put 2, count em, 2 bandages on his head. He was able to walk away with no discernible pain or dizziness and into the police station.

The people of Florida really should be worried about this. Because it basically means the guy with the gun..wins.

No matter what.

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands.

Yeah, from beating on GZ.
Not so sketchy.

So he hit him, what? Twice?

Yeah..definitely a good reason to put a hole in his heart, alrighty!

Yes, it is. Just about the best reason there is.

I'd advise you not to count on the goodwill of people you attack in the street. Because many of them just don't have that much towards people who hit them.
How would the families of the victim of a first-degree murderer who has been tried and gotten off by a technicality feel? Would they say the trial was taken to extremes or be satisfied with reasonable doubt?

Are you a family member of TM? If so, I'm sorry for your loss. Reasonable doubt is not a technicality. That is how this thing we call the US justice system works.

Answer the question or STFU.

Why should I answer any of your questions when you ignore the ones of mine that you can't answer. You are saying this man is a racist. You have no proof. You are free to feel that way. Just as I am to think you are fucking stupid for having that opinion. Nobody ever thinks a member of their family is wrong in this situation. You advocate for TM's family, but don't have any appreciation for GZ's family facing what most feel is a malicious prosecution.

Now say something of substance or leave.
If things of that nature were so clear, why would people believe an otherwise respectable police officer, Furman, was racist?

Edit: Because it's a murder trial?

People tend to make solid judgments of those involved especially of the defendant.

Mark Furman has ZERO to do with either this case or your statement that you think George Zimmerman is a racist. You made the charge, justify it by explaining why someone who WAS a racist would do the things that George Zimmerman did! Why the petition drive to demand justice for a black man against the white son of a Policeman? Why the mentoring of two black children? You just slandered someone with the charge of racism...and it's rather apparent that you have nothing to back that charge up with.

I've justified it many times here and to myself, everytime I here the tape of him saying "coons." There has been no other reason ever that I can remember I feel that way, and I made that clear yesterday:

Only one problem with that theory, Quick and it's that when the FBI did voice analysis of that tape they said that it was clear that Zimmerman DIDN'T say "coons". So what you're saying is that you've based your charge of racism against George Zimmerman on something that was shown to be incorrect. Why would you do that? That accusation against Zimmerman was debunked over a year ago and yet you're STILL trying to use it? That would be as ridiculous as someone still using alleged photos of Trayvon Martin flashing gang signs and looking like he's 30 years old that were debunked long ago as well. If you're going to come here and attempt to argue a viewpoint...don't destroy your credibility by trotting out nonsense like the whole "coons" thing. Just saying...
Aside from Zimmerman's testimony..there's some sketchy eyewitnesses partial views of the fight in the dark.

Zimmerman's a known liar.

So there's no real way to determine how this thing started.

GZ, beaten and bloody. TM, bruises on his knuckles.
Not so sketchy.

Well no..

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands. There was no DNA transference to his fingernails or sleeves. Zimmerman was treated very quickly. They cleaned him up with Peroxide and put 2, count em, 2 bandages on his head. He was able to walk away with no discernible pain or dizziness and into the police station.

The people of Florida really should be worried about this. Because it basically means the guy with the gun..wins.

No matter what.

It means don't assume the cracker you're jumping s unarmed.
Well no..

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands. There was no DNA transference to his fingernails or sleeves. Zimmerman was treated very quickly. They cleaned him up with Peroxide and put 2, count em, 2 bandages on his head. He was able to walk away with no discernible pain or dizziness and into the police station.

The people of Florida really should be worried about this. Because it basically means the guy with the gun..wins.

No matter what.

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands.

Yeah, from beating on GZ.
Not so sketchy.

So he hit him, what? Twice?

Yeah..definitely a good reason to put a hole in his heart, alrighty!

Did I hear you volunteering to have your head slammed on concrete as a test ?
I didn't think so
Following the video former lead investigator for the Sanford Police, Christopher Serino testimony was most enlightening:

When asked at the end of the day by defense attorney Mark O'Mara about his suggestion to Zimmerman that there was a strong chance that there would be videotape of the incident, Serino said Zimmerman was happy about the possibility.

"I believe his words were, 'thank god. I was hoping somebody would have videotaped it."

Shoot somebody, on suspicion?

Is that your legal advice? :cuckoo:

In the spirit of the Fla. SYG laws I say DAMN RIGHT! If I suspect someone is about to do me harm, especially after STALKING me.. I would definitely consider shooting them, depending on where their hands are at the time I confront them. If the stalkers hands are in his waistband or in his/her pockets.... that to me is a clear and present danger!

In the spirit of the Fla. SYG laws I say DAMN RIGHT!

Forget the spirit of the SYG, show me the actual words that support your fantasy.
The words are right there...just look up... but if you want to get technical about SYG try item 3 in the law you posted earler.

(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

776.041 Use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant;

The fla. stalking statute provides the necessary elements to support TM's actions:
After reviewing the Florida Statues shown in your link, I noticed that 784.048 (1) (b,) seems to define "repeatedly" as applicable to Florida state law:

“Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. "

Interpretation is crucial here. Perhaps the Florida Supreme Court would be the ultimate authority to decide if GZ's actions warrants the application of the above rule. The writers of this law included the phrase "however short" in the law and thereby invalidated any necessity to violate the statute by following or harassing someone for days or weeks.

I think it would be reasonable to say that the series of acts instigated by GZ on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin would satisfy the legal definition of the word "repeatedly."

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. slowly passing Martin and parking ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk.

3. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

4. Chasing Martin. refusing to adhere to the dispatcher's instructions to desist!

5. engaging and shooting Martin.
GZ, beaten and bloody. TM, bruises on his knuckles.
Not so sketchy.

Well no..

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands. There was no DNA transference to his fingernails or sleeves. Zimmerman was treated very quickly. They cleaned him up with Peroxide and put 2, count em, 2 bandages on his head. He was able to walk away with no discernible pain or dizziness and into the police station.

The people of Florida really should be worried about this. Because it basically means the guy with the gun..wins.

No matter what.

It means don't assume the cracker you're jumping s unarmed.

What's all this about "cracker"..Hispanic is white again?

Reality doesn't matter, you should know that...all that matters is that Trayvon THOUGHT he was a cracker.
Quick if you don't like the way this works in America then leave. You know this burden of proof by the state may keep someone close to you out of prison for a crime they didn't commit some day. Justice doesn't mean getting even.
In the spirit of the Fla. SYG laws I say DAMN RIGHT! If I suspect someone is about to do me harm, especially after STALKING me.. I would definitely consider shooting them, depending on where their hands are at the time I confront them. If the stalkers hands are in his waistband or in his/her pockets.... that to me is a clear and present danger!

In the spirit of the Fla. SYG laws I say DAMN RIGHT!

Forget the spirit of the SYG, show me the actual words that support your fantasy.
The words are right there...just look up... but if you want to get technical about SYG try item 3 in the law you posted earler.

(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

776.041 Use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant;

The fla. stalking statute provides the necessary elements to support TM's actions:
After reviewing the Florida Statues shown in your link, I noticed that 784.048 (1) (b,) seems to define "repeatedly" as applicable to Florida state law:

“Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. "

Interpretation is crucial here. Perhaps the Florida Supreme Court would be the ultimate authority to decide if GZ's actions warrants the application of the above rule. The writers of this law included the phrase "however short" in the law and thereby invalidated any necessity to violate the statute by following or harassing someone for days or weeks.

I think it would be reasonable to say that the series of acts instigated by GZ on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin would satisfy the legal definition of the word "repeatedly."

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. slowly passing Martin and parking ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk.

3. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

4. Chasing Martin. refusing to adhere to the dispatcher's instructions to desist!

5. engaging and shooting Martin.

S-T-R-E---T----C-------H that law out as far you can. It won't work. Why do you hate Hispanics ?
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