The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What's the difference between a claim backed by evidence and a claim backed by none? :cuckoo:

What the heck are you talking about?

If the roles were reversed and it was Martin playing wannabe can bet he'd be on death row.

If the roles were reversed, GZ wasn't beating on Martin.

Aside from Zimmerman's testimony..there's some sketchy eyewitnesses partial views of the fight in the dark.

Zimmerman's a known liar.

So there's no real way to determine how this thing started.
This guy is going to catch hell from the resident race pimps. The truth and race baiting are polar opposites.
not necessarily. At least your coming around to the idea that Trayvon was punching Z out. The head is dangerous place to be hit. Fighters have died from blows to the head that only bled internally.

Zimmerman was never in any danger of losing his life. From start to finish the entire incident lasted 7 minutes. The fight maybe lasted a minute. 15 seconds after Martin was blasted in the chest, the police arrived.

takes less than a minute to break a neck ( no blood ) or knock him out---trust me---I'mnot going to allow anyone to knock me out either. Are you ?

Having been in more then a few don't have much of a choice.

Unless, I guess, you have a gun.

But win or lose..I am still here. No shooting necessary.

Guess I'm just cut of tougher stuff than Mr. Staypuft.
I still can't understand how exactly at least one black didn't get placed on the jury.
What does skin color have to do with anything ? Is it that you think no matter what the blacks will always side with the blacks because of skin color, and so you think that somehow this would have gave the prosecution a better chance somehow ?

A black jurist that believed in Trayvon would have made any pretending impossible.

First there was a black juror. Second, what if there was a 40 year old "white Hispanic" man on the jury? How would that have flown with you? Why is any other juror superior to what was present in this case? You say he said coons but no person or evidence supports this. Would you consider yourself bias? Do you think you have taken this whole thing to the extreme? The evidence presented in a court of law was interpreted by a jury of his peers that GZ was not guilty of the charges against him. That is really all that matters. Your crack-pot theories are not making you look credible in any light but your own.
Man shoots other man, eye witness saw it.
Eye witness said ****** 27 times as a youth.
Eye witness can not be believed and we must acquit the defendant.
We have become a nation of village idiots.
You do not solve the social ills of a nation on race in the criminal courts.

That is. You saw? Not him lying under oath?
What the heck are you talking about?

If the roles were reversed and it was Martin playing wannabe can bet he'd be on death row.

If the roles were reversed, GZ wasn't beating on Martin.

Aside from Zimmerman's testimony..there's some sketchy eyewitnesses partial views of the fight in the dark.

Zimmerman's a known liar.

So there's no real way to determine how this thing started.

GZ, beaten and bloody. TM, bruises on his knuckles.
Not so sketchy.
Trayvon didn't know that the Hispanic Democrat following him was armed.
If he shot Zimmerman, he'd be in jail, instead of idolized by idiot libs.

The only reason Martin would be in jail is because he would not have gotten the donations to pay his legal fees like GZ did. But why do you think the SPD would not have bought any story he handed them like Z did. There were no witnesses. He had no duty to retreat! He did not have t wait for Z to do something to him first! Perhaps the good ol boys down at the station would have just let him go like they did Zimmerman!

But why do you think the SPD would not have bought any story he handed them like Z did.

Trayvon didn't have a broken nose and cuts on his head, why would they believe he was justified in shooting some guy who followed him?
Like I said, no witnesses, and the fact that he did NOT have to wait for Z to do something to him first... Z had already made Martin afraid by his bizarre behavior, Now I have a question.

If GZ had an open line to the SPD during the confrontation with TM where are those tapes and/.or the phone records. Surely, if Z was on the phone with the dispatcher, sounds of the struggle and any words spoken between them would have been recorded. Another coverup?
A black jurist that believed in Trayvon would have made any pretending impossible.

There was a black woman on the jury.

Pic please.

A Look at the Jurors for George Zimmerman's Trial - ABC News

B-29 recently moved to central Florida from Chicago. She enjoys watching the "Real Housewives" on television and works as a nurse on an Alzheimer's section of a nursing home. She said she hadn't paid much attention to the shooting. She said she has been arrested, but her case was disposed of. It's not clear why she was arrested or exactly what happened to her case, though she said she was treated fairly. She is married and has several children. A prosecutor described her as "black or Hispanic" during jury selection.
Oh, it won't be the last we hear from George. Republicans may be "partying" now, but once the euphoria wears off that they supported a child killer who killed a dangerous Skittle and Iced Tea carrying, hoodie wearing and scary black, unarmed 17 year old, they will begin to take a hard look at Zimmerman.

Parents can only watch their kids at home. Once they leave the house, they could be wearing anything:




Even right wingers eventually connect the dots. Zimmerman is empowered. Trayvon may not be the last, but Republicans that live close to him will want him to move away. Far away. Away from their kids.
The only reason Martin would be in jail is because he would not have gotten the donations to pay his legal fees like GZ did. But why do you think the SPD would not have bought any story he handed them like Z did. There were no witnesses. He had no duty to retreat! He did not have t wait for Z to do something to him first! Perhaps the good ol boys down at the station would have just let him go like they did Zimmerman!

But why do you think the SPD would not have bought any story he handed them like Z did.

Trayvon didn't have a broken nose and cuts on his head, why would they believe he was justified in shooting some guy who followed him?
Like I said, no witnesses, and the fact that he did NOT have to wait for Z to do something to him first... Z had already made Martin afraid by his bizarre behavior, Now I have a question.

If GZ had an open line to the SPD during the confrontation with TM where are those tapes and/.or the phone records. Surely, if Z was on the phone with the dispatcher, sounds of the struggle and any words spoken between them would have been recorded. Another coverup?

776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—

A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle; and
(b) The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred.
(2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force is used has the right to be in or is a lawful resident of the dwelling, residence, or vehicle, such as an owner, lessee, or titleholder, and there is not an injunction for protection from domestic violence or a written pretrial supervision order of no contact against that person; or
(b) The person or persons sought to be removed is a child or grandchild, or is otherwise in the lawful custody or under the lawful guardianship of, the person against whom the defensive force is used; or
(c) The person who uses defensive force is engaged in an unlawful activity or is using the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle to further an unlawful activity; or
(d) The person against whom the defensive force is used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who enters or attempts to enter a dwelling, residence, or vehicle in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person entering or attempting to enter was a law enforcement officer.
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
(4) A person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter a person’s dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle is presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or violence.
(5) As used in this section, the term:
(a) “Dwelling” means a building or conveyance of any kind, including any attached porch, whether the building or conveyance is temporary or permanent, mobile or immobile, which has a roof over it, including a tent, and is designed to be occupied by people lodging therein at night.
(b) “Residence” means a dwelling in which a person resides either temporarily or permanently or is visiting as an invited guest.
(c) “Vehicle” means a conveyance of any kind, whether or not motorized, which is designed to transport people or property.
History.—s. 1, ch. 2005-27.

Like I said, no witnesses, and the fact that he did NOT have to wait for Z to do something to him first...

What part of SYG backs your claim?
Here it is...something for everyone.
However, in the end it was the case and not the prosecution that was demonstrably weak. The fact is that we had no better an idea of what happened that night at the end of this trial than we had at the end of that fateful night. Jurors don’t make social judgments or guesses on verdicts. While many have criticized Zimmerman for following Martin, citizens are allowed to follow people in their neighborhood. That is not unlawful. It was also lawful for Zimmerman to be armed. The question comes down to who started the fight and whether Zimmerman was acting in self-defense.

There is also no evidence as to who threw the first punch or committed the first physical act in the struggle. A juror could not simply assume Zimmerman was the aggressor. Zimmerman was largely consistent in his accounts and his account was consistent with some witnesses. After 38 prosecution witnesses, there was nothing more than a call for the jury to assume the worst facts against Zimmerman without any objective piece of evidence. That is the opposite of the standard of a presumption of innocence in a criminal trial.


This is from the blog of the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University and a member of USA TODAY’s board of contributors, Jonathan Turley.

I've been reading his contributions quite a bit during the trial, and I think he hit the nail directly on the head, especially his comment "Jurors don’t make social judgments or guesses on verdicts".

You can believe what happened was right or wrong, moral or immoral, justified or not justifiable...but this case was about the law, and what could be proved.

We have a justice system that guarantees a presumption of innocence.

That means unless the prosecution could PROVE that Zimmerman was the aggressor, the jury must give him the benefit of the doubt.

And the prosecution couldn't, still can't nor could a federal prosecution prove who initiated the assault.

The evidence necessary to prove either Martin or Zimmerman were the initial aggressor does not exist.

Now, you can have the opinion that Zimmerman getting out of the car, or Zimmerman following, or Zimmerman observing makes him the aggressor, but that is not a fact.

None of those things make Zimmerman the aggressor.

Each of these actions is absolutely legal and more, a constitutionally protected right.

Since we will never know for sure who the initial aggressor was, we have to go to the next best thing...what we do know.

We know from eyewitness testimony that Martin was on top of Zimmerman.

We know that John Good came outside and said he was calling the police.

We know that Martin had zero injuries at this time.

We know that one of the participants was yelling for help and the other was NOT yelling for help.

We suspect it was Zimmerman yelling for help, due to John Good's testimony.

If Martin was NOT the aggressor, this was the time for him to stop punching and hold, announce it.

That didn't happen.

Had it, that would have been it...Martin would be alive today.

But it didn't, help arrived but Martin didn't stop, he continued to pummel Zimmerman.


If he was afraid of Zimmerman, he would have embraced reinforcements.

If he was the aggressor, he wanted to finish what he started.

Will we ever know for sure...probably not in this lifetime.

But was the verdict the correct one given the evidence.

Resoundingly yes.

Think for a second. Say you were straddling someone. Your knees were on either side of their chest. They had a gun in a holster behind their back down their pants covered by their shirt and jacket with the safety engaged and they are laying on it. If you were punching their face, again and again, would they use their hands to stop you or would they reach, around, under, through, OK, explain to me how he got the gun, unless it was already out.
Oh, it won't be the last we hear from George. Republicans may be "partying" now, but once the euphoria wears off that they supported a child killer who killed a dangerous Skittle and Iced Tea carrying, hoodie wearing and scary black, unarmed 17 year old, they will begin to take a hard look at Zimmerman.
You are so fucking naïve it's pathetic.
If the roles were reversed, GZ wasn't beating on Martin.

Aside from Zimmerman's testimony..there's some sketchy eyewitnesses partial views of the fight in the dark.

Zimmerman's a known liar.

So there's no real way to determine how this thing started.

GZ, beaten and bloody. TM, bruises on his knuckles.
Not so sketchy.

Well no..

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands. There was no DNA transference to his fingernails or sleeves. Zimmerman was treated very quickly. They cleaned him up with Peroxide and put 2, count em, 2 bandages on his head. He was able to walk away with no discernible pain or dizziness and into the police station.

The people of Florida really should be worried about this. Because it basically means the guy with the gun..wins.

No matter what.
Was Zimmerman wrong? yes
Should he have stayed where he was, and called the police? yes
Should he have listened to the dispatcher, and followed advice? yes
Is he a goof and maybe a wanna-be cop? most likely

Did the jury do the right thing? yes


How long will this be news -that is what I need to know. Throughout the coming week, then taper off I suppose.

I thought there would be analyses of the jurors. I believe they are protected for 6 weeks and the judge has to rule on 6 months. The media wants to talk to them.

Guess people are vacationing in New Jersey--the boardwalks reopened. When was that --late fall? Then Sandy Hook, then Boston bombing, Cleveland rapist/pervert, fires in the west, tornadoes in OK, Sanford FL.
It would be helpful if a list of catastrophes could be compiled. In between somewhere after Sandy Hook--the Sandusky trial.
As opposed to illegally or what?

Two thirds of ALL gun related deaths in the US are suicide. Most of them in Red States by white guys, who by far, out number any other group. And you thought there wasn't a "silver lining".
Aside from Zimmerman's testimony..there's some sketchy eyewitnesses partial views of the fight in the dark.

Zimmerman's a known liar.

So there's no real way to determine how this thing started.

GZ, beaten and bloody. TM, bruises on his knuckles.
Not so sketchy.

Well no..

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands. There was no DNA transference to his fingernails or sleeves. Zimmerman was treated very quickly. They cleaned him up with Peroxide and put 2, count em, 2 bandages on his head. He was able to walk away with no discernible pain or dizziness and into the police station.

The people of Florida really should be worried about this. Because it basically means the guy with the gun..wins.

No matter what.

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands.

Yeah, from beating on GZ.
Not so sketchy.
GZ, beaten and bloody. TM, bruises on his knuckles.
Not so sketchy.

Well no..

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands. There was no DNA transference to his fingernails or sleeves. Zimmerman was treated very quickly. They cleaned him up with Peroxide and put 2, count em, 2 bandages on his head. He was able to walk away with no discernible pain or dizziness and into the police station.

The people of Florida really should be worried about this. Because it basically means the guy with the gun..wins.

No matter what.

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands.

Yeah, from beating on GZ.
Not so sketchy.

So he hit him, what? Twice?

Yeah..definitely a good reason to put a hole in his heart, alrighty!
They may train 'em that way in Fla., but Fla. is messed up in a lot of ways - almost as badly as TX. Tell you what, sport - tomorrow, I'll make a call and let you know how they are trained here. I will be surprised if they are told to shut up when someone is threatening to go get a gun.

Oh, and by the way, I only handle cases from arraignment through either dispo or preliminary hearing. In this particular case, the dispatcher's silence had no bearing on the preliminary hearing, so no investigation was required. The case is now in superior court, where the trial attorney may well want to pursue that aspect of the case.

Hey Can't-Stand-Ya... Who made a call to 911 threatening to go get a gun? Also, who claimed dispatchers were trained to "remain silent?" Are you even paying attention?

I swear, this beats all I've ever seen... as the days go by, you people just start FABRICATING shit that never happened in the universe we live in! Turning it all into court-documented and certified evidence along the way. By next week, Zimmerman will be a toothless beer-drinking redneck, cruising around the black neighborhoods in his pickup, looking for blackies to shoot. Witnesses will have then be said to have testified they saw Zimmerman dragging Martin behind his pickup while screaming racial epithets at him out the window. Oh yeah... it's all there... they just turned him loose cause he is white!
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