The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Quick if you don't like the way this works in America then leave. You know this burden of proof by the state may keep someone close to you out of prison for a crime they didn't commit some day. Justice doesn't mean getting even.

Because I continue to believe and state GZ is a racist. :badgrin:

That's virtually the only thing I've been posting about today.

You are racist against Hispanics

So the minute you believe ANYONE in the world is racist, that means YOU'RE a racist. :cuckoo:
For myself, I find it not at all hard to believe that every person that has ever met swallow has taken a swing at him.

Little punks collect scars.

Now why gotta get all vulgar Ally?

If you want to swallow my can send a PM.

I wouldn't let least you don't have to beg in public..sweets..

Quick if you don't like the way this works in America then leave. You know this burden of proof by the state may keep someone close to you out of prison for a crime they didn't commit some day. Justice doesn't mean getting even.

Because I continue to believe and state GZ is a racist. :badgrin:

That's virtually the only thing I've been posting about today.

Yeah, and it's getting rather old. Shut your piehole, troll.
There are two civil suits new items going on here.

The first is the Civil Rights Organization NAACP has started a petition right after the verdict
came in on Zimmerman for Florida wanting the Justice Department to let there be a Civil Suit against him , insisting there was racial profiling and Martin's civil rights were violated. They have been holding peaceful protests in cities and preachers involved in the organzation are getting together to talk to at a confrence to bunch of people. Not to menton more marches scheduled.

The second is The Martin's ,Trayvon's parents , families lawyer has told the press separately that they are considering a civil suit in the wrong full death of their son in a different jurisdiciction of were the Zimmerman Trial was just at. According to the their lawyer they had made no response to what the NAACP is doing as of yet. They have two years two file the suit before time runs out.

Sounds like two different civil suits might be filed here according to the press. Or they could come together in one. To early to tell.
Edit: I don't know how that wink got in there, but it doesn't appear in my edit and I can't remove it.

For those with the rosy glasses, there is a ton of racism out there. Whether that makes a lot of people racists or not is another question.
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Well no..

Martin had 2, count em, 2 small abrasions on his hands. There was no DNA transference to his fingernails or sleeves. Zimmerman was treated very quickly. They cleaned him up with Peroxide and put 2, count em, 2 bandages on his head. He was able to walk away with no discernible pain or dizziness and into the police station.

The people of Florida really should be worried about this. Because it basically means the guy with the gun..wins.

No matter what.

It means the guy with the gun is less likely to face a criminal charge, or even arrest.

Indeed, the next time something similar to his happens in Florida the police will investigate the incident and nothing else, there now exists a presumption of self-defense where law enforcement won’t even bother to arrest the shooter unless there is glaring evidence of criminal activity.


Walking home and trying to get away from the creepy fuck following you isn't "fucking with people".

Playing wannabe cop and chasing someone down a dark courtyard?

Well now that's fucking with someone.
Quick I firmly believe that you are of very low intellect. You should spend more time getting to the bottom of who is to blame for that.
In the spirit of the Fla. SYG laws I say DAMN RIGHT! If I suspect someone is about to do me harm, especially after STALKING me.. I would definitely consider shooting them, depending on where their hands are at the time I confront them. If the stalkers hands are in his waistband or in his/her pockets.... that to me is a clear and present danger!

In the spirit of the Fla. SYG laws I say DAMN RIGHT!

Forget the spirit of the SYG, show me the actual words that support your fantasy.
The words are right there...just look up... but if you want to get technical about SYG try item 3 in the law you posted earler.

(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

776.041 Use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant;

The fla. stalking statute provides the necessary elements to support TM's actions:
After reviewing the Florida Statues shown in your link, I noticed that 784.048 (1) (b,) seems to define "repeatedly" as applicable to Florida state law:

“Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. "

Interpretation is crucial here. Perhaps the Florida Supreme Court would be the ultimate authority to decide if GZ's actions warrants the application of the above rule. The writers of this law included the phrase "however short" in the law and thereby invalidated any necessity to violate the statute by following or harassing someone for days or weeks.

I think it would be reasonable to say that the series of acts instigated by GZ on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin would satisfy the legal definition of the word "repeatedly."

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. slowly passing Martin and parking ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk.

3. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

4. Chasing Martin. refusing to adhere to the dispatcher's instructions to desist!

5. engaging and shooting Martin.

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be

That means GZ can shoot TM, not that TM can shoot GZ.

The fla. stalking statute provides the necessary elements to support TM's actions

OMG! You're hilarious! You should read 784.048 (1) (a)
(a) “Harass” means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. slowly passing Martin and parking ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk.

3. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

Still allowed to do these things in America. Even if it makes you sad.

4. Chasing Martin. refusing to adhere to the dispatcher's instructions to desist!

He was never "instructed to desist".

5. engaging and shooting Martin.

After being punched, repeatedly, in the face/head.

So, no stalking and no basis for SYG.
Sorry, if Trayvon shot GZ for following him, he'd have no good defense.
It means the guy with the gun is less likely to face a criminal charge, or even arrest.

Indeed, the next time something similar to his happens in Florida the police will investigate the incident and nothing else, there now exists a presumption of self-defense where law enforcement won’t even bother to arrest the shooter unless there is glaring evidence of criminal activity.


Walking home and trying to get away from the creepy fuck following you isn't "fucking with people".

Playing wannabe cop and chasing someone down a dark courtyard?

Well now that's fucking with someone.

Cmon --physical assault is fucking with someone. You can't beat the shit out of someone and assume they will just stand there waiting to be hit again. It's gonna be comin back atcha.
Quick I firmly believe that you are of very low intellect. You should spend more time getting to the bottom of who is to blame for that.

So we can agree to respect each other's opinions on whether GZ is racist or not? I haven't badgered anyone for believing he is not racist.
It means the guy with the gun is less likely to face a criminal charge, or even arrest.

Indeed, the next time something similar to his happens in Florida the police will investigate the incident and nothing else, there now exists a presumption of self-defense where law enforcement won’t even bother to arrest the shooter unless there is glaring evidence of criminal activity.


Walking home and trying to get away from the creepy fuck following you isn't "fucking with people".

Playing wannabe cop and chasing someone down a dark courtyard?

Well now that's fucking with someone.

You must be talking about some other case. Because that isn't what happened in this one.

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