The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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By the way, I just heard the difference between Richard Mantei and a catfish.

One is a slimy, bottom dwelling, scum sucker...

... and the other one is a fish.
Apparently if I am walking around in my neighborhood and some creepy-ass fucker starts following me, approaches me and when I ask him what he wants he reaches for his gun...apparently in that case i do NOT have the right to defend myself and after he kills me he will be exonerated.

Lordy, Lordy.......
Say you are walking home from buying a bag of Skittles and someone starts following you so you run off. Say you think you got away and suddenly, you hear "You punks always get away" so you turn around. Then they shoot you in the chest and you die. Guess you didn't get the chance to defend yourself.

But that's not how it happened is it?

You have the right to defend yourself and your family you even have the right to defend the life of a stranger.

That defense should be of adequate force to stop the current attack and prevent any future attack including but not exclusive to deadly force.

If you don't want to get shot don't attack anyone.

That's real simple ain't it?
The gloaters be gloating.

And I make no apologies for gloating on your racist, hateful, ignorant ass!

Trayvon, who clearly doubled back for GZ once he realized he was being hunted is dead because of racism and lax gun laws.
oh dear God. Please someone advise Rat on the date of that interview.

I have it set up already on TIVO. Translation of same as soon as I can stop laughing. :D

English subtitles I hope

That's a good question. I know they do that for people with thick accents. I wonder if they will do it for Ebonics. :dunno:

On the other hand, if they provide an in studio translator, please let it be Dr Shipping. :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray:
Does not prove your assumption

Again... people on neighborhood watches do observe, follow etc without guns.. and yes, without having the ability to throw a punch

But hey.. baseless assumptions are about all you got to keep painting the picture you want painted

It is my opinion. Can't be proven one way or the other. Neither can the premise that Martin would have killed Zimmerman. I mean if Zimmerman is to believe that the teenager had smashed his head multiple times against concrete, beat him with his fists, yet caused so little actual damage to Zimmerman, so he wasn't a fighter either.

Had Martin killed Zimmerman, would you be lamenting his demise? Would you even know about it? Think about that for a while. This circus was brought to you by race pimps and the media.

I think Martin would have been locked up and book for murder immediately. Just another "Punk". Violence is the last resort of the incompetent. The circus was made possible by the Sanford Police Department.
When is it on? Someone mentioned it earlier but I didn't retain it in my brain. :shock:
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Martin attacking him and beating the shit out of him?

That an altercation took place was proven. How it started was not.

And how or who started it is irrelevant under the law.

Who tried to kill or inflict great bodily injury to the other and was the lethal response to that attack justified as self-defense ?

Answer = Yes it was justified.
TM was in a place where he had a right to be. He could have certainly put the SYG law to the test of applicability by shooting his perceived stalker!

Toddsterpatriot said:
Only if the "stalker" attacked TM. He didn't.

It is reasonable to conclude that TM thought an attack was imminent. He did NOT have to wait for Z to literally attack him...that would be unwise, even for a teenager!

Well, thanks for making my point. GZ engaged in a course of conduct directed at Martin causing emotional distress ( evidenced by Martin initially running from him) and serving no legitimate purpose.

The legitimate purpose was protecting his neighborhood.

No, there was no legitimacy at all. Protecting his neighborhood from a teen waking down the street doing nothing wrong? Where is the logic there? What gave Z the legitimacy to stalk and harass TM? In fact his "Neighborhood Watch" moniker was not even sanctioned by the National Sheriff's Association which the real NW operates under! Z's NW was nothing more than a vigilante shell that circumvented all the rules that would have prevented the tragedy he instigated!

No, the florida statute is clear on what stalking it again!

Its probably a nervous laugh... one that emanates for the pit of an upset stomach when you know the truth is being revealed!

Well, words to the effect of " Are you still following him followed by Z's "yes" and then a " We don't need you to do that" is tantamount to a desist.

That depends on the manner in which you follow them and the reason! You can't tell me WHY GZ was following TM can you?

That fact GZ was on the phone with SPD seems to make him the good guy here but to Martin he was an unknown creep who seemed to be threatening him.

Now you are just guessing, aren't you? You don't know that TM came back and attacked GZ. Their paths could have crossed for any number of reasons but your response better fits the ideal outcome for you doesn't it?

All he would have to do is lie like GZ did.

TM "GZ punched me in the nose, knocked me down and beat my head against the concrete."

Police "But Trayvon, you have no injuries."

You're right, that would have worked. :cuckoo:

Yes, that IS :cuckoo: Thats why I would never post such a thing

Sorry, you don't get to shoot someone, just because they follow you. Even if they're a creepy ass cracker.

I think that determination is best left to the person being followed. There are many nuances to being followed that only the person being followed can truly appreciate. If you feel threatened it would be better to dispatch your harasser and live to have your day in court than foolishly waiting for a perceived stalker to unleash whatever he has on you. The stalking laws of fla. seem to substantiate that.

It is reasonable to conclude that TM thought an attack was imminent.

No it isn't.

No, there was no legitimacy at all. Protecting his neighborhood from a teen waking down the street doing nothing wrong?

Yes, protecting his neighborhood from a suspicious person who appeared to be casing houses.

What gave Z the legitimacy to stalk and harass TM?

In America, you can follow people, even if they're black.
If Trayvon felt he was being stalked or harassed, he should have called 911.

In fact his "Neighborhood Watch" moniker was not even sanctioned by the National Sheriff's Association which the real NW operates under!

So what? You can follow people, even if you're not in a real NW.

Its probably a nervous laugh... one that emanates for the pit of an upset stomach when you know the truth is being revealed

It's the nervous laugh when you realize you're talking to an idiot.

I think that determination is best left to the person being followed.

If you shoot someone just because they're following you, you'll quickly be in jail.
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