The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I decided I'm not moving. I'm staying in the state with SYG and enough logic people to call foul and self defense when that's what it is.

And Z is getting his gun back. hardy har har har.

George Zimmerman to get his gun back; his lawyer says he'll need it - Washington Times

From the article:
“The concealed weapons permit is another matter because that’s a decision by another state agency, and they will make that decision,” Mr. O'Mara said.

They should send Angela Corey to personally deliver his life time CWP post haste.
And African Americans should consider no longer using the term "Cracker." It is demeaning and racist. It's time to quit trying to spin it otherwise. Maybe this thing was all about racism. If so, it was proven it was expressed by Trayvon. But that's not to say Zimmerman wasn't racist himself. I just didn't see that proven in the trial. People need to strive to be better people. They have to let go of their hate & bigotry. And that goes for all races.

The crackers can always shoot them if they use the word, cracker.:eusa_angel:

Would you shoot me for calling you a ******?
If the verdict on George Zimmerman doesn't prove to anyone that most of Florida is racist, including members of the Zimmerman jury and even the prosecution, (who did a lack luster job), then explain the disparity between this case and Zimmerman's.

This black woman didn't even kill her husband and has been sentenced to 20 years in prison, even though he had a history of domestic violence.

Marissa Alexander sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a gun over the head of her abusive husband. She grabbed a gun that she’d stashed in the garage where she ran from her husband. She returned to the kitchen, where she fired a shot above her husband’s head into the ceiling - a man with a documented history of domestic violence.
Marissa Alexander Shoots Ceiling - Sentenced to 20 Years
How would a civil suit get around the Florida immunity statute?

That only comes into play if GZ establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that it was self defense. .. which is exactly why M O'M did not seek a pretrial immunity hearing. The burden of proof would be identical and it would then be possible to use a denial of immunity as "collateral estoppel" against GZ by the Martins.

As it stands now the Martin's are not bound by either "res judicata" (aka "claim preclusion") or "collateral estoppel" (aka "issue preclusion").. as the issue in the criminal matter was whether the state had proved beyond a reasonable doubt that it was not self defense. The issue for GZ in a civil case will be for him to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that it was self defense... A completely different issue.

O'Mara explained that he didn't ask for a pretrial SYG hearing because he didn't want to give up his defense strategy. A good move in my opinion.
Now that he has been judged not guilty by a jury, it would be asinine to re argue he did not act in self defense.
Florida prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda had "prayed that [George Zimmerman] would have the courage to take the stand," he told ABC News in an exclusive interview Sunday, adding that Zimmerman's "inconsistent statements" would have made him the prosecution's star witness.
-- George Zimmerman Prosecutor 'Prayed' for Him to Testify - ABC News

^ :lmao:

Instead of "praying," Bernie MIGHT have considered a pretty ancient "trial technique:" that is, NOT putting on the defense case FOR the defendant.

Had Bernie elected NOT to put Zimmerman's words (like the interview with Hannity) into evidence, then perhaps GZ and his lawyers would have had some reason for GZ to testify.

Instead, Bernie played the role of amateur hack, and went about things bass ackwards.

But now he is whining. True class. True professional. Not.

He should simply say (whether he means it or not is irrelevant): "the jury has spoken and the State accepts their verdict." Then he should totally stfu.

Third guy from the left. Even though I couldn't see it all I could keep thinking was "Hamilton Burger" when you guys were describing what was going on.

Nah, according to his trainer's testimony he couldn't even throw a punch. Without his gun a puss-wah like that wouldn't leave his car.

Does not prove your assumption

Again... people on neighborhood watches do observe, follow etc without guns.. and yes, without having the ability to throw a punch

But hey.. baseless assumptions are about all you got to keep painting the picture you want painted

It is my opinion. Can't be proven one way or the other. Neither can the premise that Martin would have killed Zimmerman. I mean if Zimmerman is to believe that the teenager had smashed his head multiple times against concrete, beat him with his fists, yet caused so little actual damage to Zimmerman, so he wasn't a fighter either.

Had Martin killed Zimmerman, would you be lamenting his demise? Would you even know about it? Think about that for a while. This circus was brought to you by race pimps and the media.
Attorneys are on TV discussing this now. If the Martin family decides to file a civil suit. Zimmerman's defense attorneys will bring in the discarded evidence the prosecution kept from the jurors in the 2nd Degree murder case. That includes his fighting, his drug use, Trayvon's suspension from school several times (that could have sent him to jail) and all the information on his cell phone showing him to be feral in nature. Since George was found not guilty and that the FBI completely ruled out that Trayvon was racially profiled by him, it is most probable that the Martins would lose. They would also be responsible for all of Zimmerman's defense legal fees and he would also have the option of counter suing them. So I think it would be best for the Martins to accept that it would be a lost cause. I believe the DOJ is thinking the same thing since the FBI has made their case.
In Southern states.

I am sure most of the pro-gun people would support that.

Why just southern states? More young black men are killed on the streets of Chicago then in all of the south. You don't care about them? They suck and aren't worthy of defence because they live in a northern state?

You're letting your inherent racism shine through there Sallow...
Attorneys are on TV discussing this now. If the Martin family decides to file a civil suit. Zimmerman's defense attorneys will bring in the discarded evidence the prosecution kept from the jurors in the 2nd Degree murder case. That includes his fighting, his drug use, Trayvon's suspension from school several times (that could have sent him to jail) and all the information on his cell phone showing him to be feral in nature. Since George was found not guilty and that the FBI completely ruled out that Trayvon was racially profiled by him, it is most probable that the Martins would lose. They would also be responsible for all of Zimmerman's defense legal fees and he would also have the option of counter suing them. So I think it would be best for the Martins to accept that it would be a lost cause. I believe the DOJ is thinking the same thing since the FBI has made their case.

And since 0bama has declined any further involvement.
Martin attacking him and beating the shit out of him?

That an altercation took place was proven. How it started was not. The only thing the jury found was that the prosecution did not prove the case that it was Zimmerman who started it, and in the course of that altercation Zimmerman could have feared grave injury and that that fear is one that a reasonable person might have.

But look at it this way, O.J. was acquitted too.
I have a cousin who's been a dispatcher for the State Police for years. He has a badge, wears a full uniform, and had to attend police academy.

When a dispatcher gets a call it's their job to calm down a very stressful situation in order to make split second decisions that could be the difference between life and death. For this reason alone all respect should be given to them.

When GZ called 911 he reported to the dispatcher someone suspicious. That dispatcher had to take Zimmerman's word for it and advised him not to follow. This makes sense to me. Following an unknown suspicious person could only lead to an escalation of the situation and that's exactly what happen when he ignored the advise of the dispatcher.
If he wouldn't of followed Martin none of this would of happened in the first place.

I have two friends who are dispatchers in the same county. One is employed by the State, and he is a State Trooper... badge, gun, the works. He also gets to do security detail sometimes. The other friend, works for Emergency Management, a private company hired by the county to handle 911 calls. So there are different kinds of personnel working as dispatchers, but the one thing they have in common is protocol. If they ever give you advice that puts you in harm's way, the government body they work for can be sued for libel. Therefore, it is standard policy to advise you of the safest thing possible in all scenarios. This does not mean you must follow their advice, or that you are in violation of the law if you don't. That is where some people are mistaken with the incident in question, they assume the 911 dispatch has some lawful authority which Zimmerman disobeyed.

True, if he had not followed Martin, none of this would have happened. But.... Can't we say that about almost any tragedy? I suspect, if Zimmerman had known at the time, that his following was going to lead to a shooting death and the subsequent ordeal, he wouldn't have followed. People can always second guess in retrospect... If I hadn't taken a short cut home, I wouldn't have hit that boy on his bike and be facing manslaughter charges. But we don't convict someone of manslaughter because they didn't take the long way home. The problem with the "what if" game is, it applies all kinds of ways. It also applies here to Trayvon, if he hadn't been lurking around an unfamiliar neighborhood, none of this would have happened either. If he had ignored Zimmerman and simply gone home, rather than returning to confront him, none of this would have happened. If he had called 911 and asked them what to do, I am certain they would have told him not to confront Zimmerman.
Apparently if I am walking around in my neighborhood and some creepy-ass fucker starts following me, approaches me and when I ask him what he wants he reaches for his gun...apparently in that case i do NOT have the right to defend myself and after he kills me he will be exonerated.

Apparently, you should put down the malt liquor and huff less spray paint. :thup:
Apparently if I am walking around in my neighborhood and some creepy-ass fucker starts following me, approaches me and when I ask him what he wants he reaches for his gun...apparently in that case i do NOT have the right to defend myself and after he kills me he will be exonerated.

Apparently, if you make stuff up, you can say anything you want.
Piers Morgan lands Rachel Jeantel interview

Rachel Jeantel, the media-shy, yet remarkably colorful witness in the George Zimmerman trial, is back.

Piers Morgan lands Rachel Jeantel interview |

Second day of testimony, didn't I say she would hit the talk show circuit as soon as it was over!

oh dear God. Please someone advise Rat on the date of that interview.

I have it set up already on TIVO. Translation of same as soon as I can stop laughing. :D
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