The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Many people like to play the "domino theory" game when discussing this case. The like to say that "If Zimmerman didn't get out of his car.." or "If Zimmerman wasn't a wanna be cop..." etc... then this wouldn't have happened.

Couldn't you also make the case on the other side? If Martin hadn't been suspended from school for fighting and drug possession, he may not have moved in with his father and may not have even been walking through the neighborhood at the time Zimmerman was there.

Both gentlement brought this situation upon themselves; period. Zimmerman when he chose to follow Martin. Martin when he chose to physically attack Zimmerman. Martin had 4 minutes, from when he first ran, to get home (between 300-400ft). Instead he chose to return and confront Martin. Zimmerman put himself in the situation to be attacked, and Martin put himself in the situation to be shot.

This sounds a little like Zimmerman's logic when he said it was God's will.

George Zimmerman on Trayvon Martin?s Death: ?It Was All a Part of God?s Plan?? [VIDEO] | 93.1 WZAK

"I feel it was all God's plan", said Zimmerman...

Isn't the stark nature of Zimmerman's perception here how sociopathic killers think, and shouldn't the jury have considered this evidence of GZ's guilt?

You mean a sociopath that lead the charge against the Sanford police when a white officer beat up a homeless black man? Or do you mean the sociopath that tutored black teenagers for free when the tutoring program was shut down?

A sociopath would have killed somone a long time ago. A sociopath would have had a history, from a small child, of being a sociopath.

If he is a sociopath, it would have been considered to start when he killed Trayvon and lied and came up with only complaints and justifications showing no remorse later. One way sociopaths develop into that is often seen by their killing animals. Instead it could be argued GZ developed that way by a long history of calling 911 and 50 times definitely shows something was terribly wrong. Stalking people is another indication. Killers are often very good at establishing themselves in various positions, so to try and find minor good he did doesn't say a lot. What GZ did as a child to get here isn't known.
That was front page news for what, a year, year and a half, or two?

Yes, like Nicole Brown Simpson.

What's your point?


OJ was not convicted so that busts your premise.
And the Right accepted the verdict without question....Oh wait.

I did OJ was not guilty, the defense destroyed the prosecution in that case. As for OJ care to cite for us the beatings the murders and the riots that followed because he was found innocent? I mean since we are comparing?
Says the guy who has to invent racism because he doesn't like a verdict.
Whatever you want to tell yourself to make yourself feel good, I'm not the one that's vomiting out fallacies, suggestions and conjecture as fact.


Show me where I have ever done that.

Also, you are the one saying that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias. The FBI investigated and could not find ANY evidence of racism.
Sure, right after you show me where I stated it was you that was doing it.
This sounds a little like Zimmerman's logic when he said it was God's will.

George Zimmerman on Trayvon Martin?s Death: ?It Was All a Part of God?s Plan?? [VIDEO] | 93.1 WZAK

Isn't the stark nature of Zimmerman's perception here how sociopathic killers think, and shouldn't the jury have considered this evidence of GZ's guilt?

You mean a sociopath that lead the charge against the Sanford police when a white officer beat up a homeless black man? Or do you mean the sociopath that tutored black teenagers for free when the tutoring program was shut down?

A sociopath would have killed somone a long time ago. A sociopath would have had a history, from a small child, of being a sociopath.

If he is a sociopath, it would have been considered to start when he killed Trayvon and lied and came up with only complaints and justifications showing no remorse later. One way sociopaths develop into that is often seen by their killing animals. Instead it could be argued GZ developed that way by a long history of calling 911 and 50 times definitely shows something was terribly wrong. Stalking people is another indication. Killers are often very good at establishing themselves in various positions, so to try and find minor good he did doesn't say a lot. What GZ did as a child to get here isn't known.

How does 50 calls to the police "definitely" show that something was wrong other than it being a shitty neighborhood to live?
Yes, lets. Lets make law based on emotions instead of facts. It seems as if we already do, whaddya say folks?
I agree. The Stand your ground law was a law based on emotion...fear. The fearful lawmakers made and passed a law that only makes matters worse, not better.

We're in 100% agreement.

Great thread Templar! :clap2:
While I agree that I would not have taken the same steps Zimmerman did, I cannot fault him for something he did legally when he followed and reported TMs movements to police. I've reported suspicious persons myself because that's what decent citizens should do when they see something odd or something that seems unusual in their own neighborhood. I've personally left my house, walked down the road and reported two suspicious persons in my own neighborhood. The sheriff's department stopped them, determined that they weren't doing anything illegal and all was fine; and yes I had my CHL permit and my firearm on me.

You left your house and went somewhere. Gee, do you do that often.
You mean a sociopath that lead the charge against the Sanford police when a white officer beat up a homeless black man? Or do you mean the sociopath that tutored black teenagers for free when the tutoring program was shut down?

A sociopath would have killed somone a long time ago. A sociopath would have had a history, from a small child, of being a sociopath.

If he is a sociopath, it would have been considered to start when he killed Trayvon and lied and came up with only complaints and justifications showing no remorse later. One way sociopaths develop into that is often seen by their killing animals. Instead it could be argued GZ developed that way by a long history of calling 911 and 50 times definitely shows something was terribly wrong. Stalking people is another indication. Killers are often very good at establishing themselves in various positions, so to try and find minor good he did doesn't say a lot. What GZ did as a child to get here isn't known.

How does 50 calls to the police "definitely" show that something was wrong other than it being a shitty neighborhood to live?

Moving to a different aspect, it shows a gross intolerance for his fellow man. Can you imagine what life would be like if everyone called the police that many times to report behavior in a short period of time? We'd be worse than communist countries.
I find it interesting that Kruidbos' lawyer, Wesley White, is a former Prosecutor in Corey's office who resigned over ethics disagreements with Corey in December.

Is that who he has for a lawyer?

White testified in the original sanctions hearing (postponed and not finished yet) along with Ben.

White has a vested interest in this.

I don't know if you caught that original hearing - but it was fireworks.

Missed it. Highlights???
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If he is a sociopath, it would have been considered to start when he killed Trayvon and lied and came up with only complaints and justifications showing no remorse later. One way sociopaths develop into that is often seen by their killing animals. Instead it could be argued GZ developed that way by a long history of calling 911 and 50 times definitely shows something was terribly wrong. Stalking people is another indication. Killers are often very good at establishing themselves in various positions, so to try and find minor good he did doesn't say a lot. What GZ did as a child to get here isn't known.

How does 50 calls to the police "definitely" show that something was wrong other than it being a shitty neighborhood to live?

Moving to a different aspect, it shows a gross intolerance for his fellow man. Can you imagine what life would be like if everyone called the police that many times to report behavior in a short period of time? We'd be worse than communist countries.

protecting your own neighborhood from crime is now intolerance? :lmao:
How does 50 calls to the police "definitely" show that something was wrong other than it being a shitty neighborhood to live?

Moving to a different aspect, it shows a gross intolerance for his fellow man. Can you imagine what life would be like if everyone called the police that many times to report behavior in a short period of time? We'd be worse than communist countries.

protecting your own neighborhood from crime is now intolerance? :lmao:

It is when his argument lost in the debate.
I find it interesting that Kruidbos' lawyer, Wesley White, is a former Prosecutor in Corey's office who resigned over ethics disagreements with Corey in December.

Is that who he has for a lawyer?

White testified in the original sanctions hearing (postponed and not finished yet) along with Ben.

White has a vested interest in this.

I don't know if you caught that original hearing - but it was fireworks.

Missed it. Highlights???

Stamina called the Bernster to the stand.


I'm not kidding.

Basically White had the ethics problem with Corey over hiding the evidence, Bernie started hitting him below the belt, Ben backed it up with hidden docs on the system. Stamina called the Bernster, the judge almost passed out and started her yelley OKAY WE'RE DONE! POSTPONED! tantrum thing.

It boiled down to a huge Angela Corey's attorney and former attorney airing all their laundry and going at it with Stamina getting as much out as he could in the middle of it.
If he is a sociopath, it would have been considered to start when he killed Trayvon and lied and came up with only complaints and justifications showing no remorse later. One way sociopaths develop into that is often seen by their killing animals. Instead it could be argued GZ developed that way by a long history of calling 911 and 50 times definitely shows something was terribly wrong. Stalking people is another indication. Killers are often very good at establishing themselves in various positions, so to try and find minor good he did doesn't say a lot. What GZ did as a child to get here isn't known.

How does 50 calls to the police "definitely" show that something was wrong other than it being a shitty neighborhood to live?

Moving to a different aspect, it shows a gross intolerance for his fellow man. Can you imagine what life would be like if everyone called the police that many times to report behavior in a short period of time? We'd be worse than communist countries.

Ah, so you have your facts wrong. His 46 calls to the police were not in a short period of time, they were made in the last 8 years.

Here's what the Seminole County Sheriff's office says about it:

In all, police have records of 46 calls from Zimmerman since 2004, both to 911 and a nonemergency number, sometimes for reasons as mundane as reporting a pothole blocking a road, as he did in 2005. The sheriff’s office released the records after Sanford police detectives requested them as part of the investigation into Martin’s death, Cannaday said.

Cannaday said he did not believe that the number of calls Zimmerman made to police was itself concerning.

"I would not consider it excessive," Cannaday said. "That's typically what we encourage, is if anyone in the community sees something out of the ordinary, concerning, or suspicious, we would want for them to call."
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How does 50 calls to the police "definitely" show that something was wrong other than it being a shitty neighborhood to live?

Moving to a different aspect, it shows a gross intolerance for his fellow man. Can you imagine what life would be like if everyone called the police that many times to report behavior in a short period of time? We'd be worse than communist countries.

protecting your own neighborhood from crime is now intolerance? :lmao:

This discussion reminds me of the novel 1984 when everyone reported everyone else, including kids reporting their parents. It is intolerence seeing crime and suspicious behavior in everything and everyone around you, yes. It is more than intolerance.
What utter BULL SHIT.

We should all go on a pilgrimage to have our lives blessed by the righteous power of the great George Zimmerman. He whom risked his nose for the right of others to blow away men, women or children! Put that man in the white house!

What Zimmerman did was shoot some violent little gang banger punk that was beating the shit out of him, which is LEGAL, and I would TOO!

Go peddle your pathetic hyperbole garbage somewhere else shit for brains.
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How does 50 calls to the police "definitely" show that something was wrong other than it being a shitty neighborhood to live?

Moving to a different aspect, it shows a gross intolerance for his fellow man. Can you imagine what life would be like if everyone called the police that many times to report behavior in a short period of time? We'd be worse than communist countries.

protecting your own neighborhood from crime is now intolerance? :lmao:

We were talking about the 50 calls to 911 and what that showed about GZ's character.

Continually calling the police is very probably going to make the police ignore you, accomplishing the exact opposite of NOT protecting your neighborhood.
Bottom line is even though Zimmerman is a Hispanic, the left and president Obama will continue as they have done so far, divide and conquer America along racial and economic lines by stoking the fires of "racism" in a case where there was none (according to the prosecution, defense, FBI, local police, and Jury) until they start a race war. After all, isn't that what a president who is a "uniter not divider" does?
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