The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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And there you have it folks, even when given exactly what they ask for, the Right refuse to accept the facts. How can anyone have an honest discussion with people like that???? :confused:
That's the long and short of it, they simply CANNOT accept what's NOT already pre-programmed into their minute brains.

Iths thimple.

Says the guy who has to invent racism because he doesn't like a verdict.
Whatever you want to tell yourself to make yourself feel good, I'm not the one that's vomiting out fallacies, suggestions and conjecture as fact.

That's the long and short of it, they simply CANNOT accept what's NOT already pre-programmed into their minute brains.

Iths thimple.

Says the guy who has to invent racism because he doesn't like a verdict.
Whatever you want to tell yourself to make yourself feel good, I'm not the one that's vomiting out fallacies, suggestions and conjecture as fact.


Surprise !! Yes you are.
I am not pretending to suddenly trust Angela Corey without question. But what she says at least gives reason for closer inspection into what the investigators found.
Angela Corey is probably not the only one that displayed some sort of racism in the handling of GZ case. She had to be removed from the case because she took GZ's word without so much as investigating him but, she didn't waste any time convicting the black woman.

Marissa Alexander case in spotlight after Zimmerman trial - The Washington Post

From your link:
A judge rejected her bid to mount a defense under Florida’s controversial “stand your ground” law, which allows people to use deadly force if they or their homes are in danger. After she rejected a three-year plea deal, Alexander was convicted and sentenced to 20 years, as required by Florida’s strict sentencing guidelines on crimes involving a gun.

Kevin Cobbin, Alexander’s attorney, said his client was justified in firing her gun because Gray “had put his hands on her and there was a fight in the bathroom.”
“The judge decided not to make the call to grant ‘stand your ground,’ ” Cobbin said. “If it had been a white female, I believe she would have.”

It is quite obvious that racism played a part in both of these cases, considering the black woman was not even allowed to file a charge of "self defense" considering it was in her house, and her husband had a record of abuse, yet Zimmerman was not in his house, TM had no record of abusing GZ and GZ actually shot and killed him.. Seems like in both these cases the black person ends up on the losing end. Perhaps this whole GZ/TM situation will shine the light on some of the injustices going on in this country and we can make more headway.

And yes, after you shoot at a man and children, and then violate a court order and go over and physically attack the guy, 3 years is at least reasonable if not generous. It's really dumb to go beat a guy up when you're out on bond for shooting at him.
Corey doesn't indicate that she went to her husband/boyfriend's house, just that she was involved in an altercation that left him with a swollen eye. How do you know that he wasn't beating on her again, and where? And 3 years (in light of GZ going free) is not a walk in the park. How come GZ didn't get 3 years?

And it is also reasonable to just believe everything a defendant says in light of many opportunities he had to circumvent the consequences, and let him go free after killing an innocent 17 year old walking home from the store? 3 years is a heck of a lot of time for someone that didn't kill anyone in contrast to someone going free for killing another in basically similar situations. I would probably have turned it down, too, now that I know that all you have to do is claim "you feared for your life" before shooting and killing someone.


Edit: the quote is messed up somewhere there. My post starts here:

Corey may not say in that link that Marissa Alexander went to her ex's house. I don't know. I don't even care enough to reread it. It is said elsewhere. Alexander violated a court order and went to where her ex was living and gave him a black eye.

And the original shot fired was not fired by Alexander in her own house, at least not the house where she was living at that time. It was fired in the house where her ex lived, where she went when she wasn't supposed to.

I'm sorry that you don't know all the facts of this case. If you are so concerned, I hope you will dig for them. I am tired of these Zimmerman threads and only stayed in this one to give you a lead on some facts about the Marissa Alexander case that you appear not to know about.

If you don't care enough to look up more facts on your own, I don't care that much either.

Zimmerman is the subject of a witch hunt. A partially black guy who has helped and protested for some of the less fortunate members of the black community. But because the media looked at his name and thought they had a "white man kills black child" story to run with, injustice after injustice has been piled on Zimmerman.

If you care about the Marissa Alexander case enough to look up the details for yourself, then good. If you don't, then oh well. My interest was in the Zimmerman case and now I'm done. I'm just going to trust that in spite of the DOJ's highest hopes that they'll be able to find some racial animus in Zimmerman's make-up, they'll fail, as the FBI did before them.

And now I'm done with this thread as well all the other Zimmerman threads.[/QUOTE]

In the Alexander case, the woman left the house, went to the car, got her gun, then reentered the house and fired. When she did that, SHE became the aggressor. Revisit it all you want. Going outside to get your gun and then coming back in doesn't qualify under either the Castle Doctrine, OR Stand Your Ground.
Well, Piers Morgan is not a cracker. We can only give Snookie half credit for that one.

Are there crackahs across the pond?

The derogatory term "crackers" originates across the pond and was even employed by Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s King John: “What cracker is this…that deafes our ears/ With this abundance of superfluous breath?"

It is derived from the Gaelic word craic, and refers to a conversationalist. It soon was employed as an insult to the Scot-Irish as braggards. The term was thereafter transported across the pond with the immigration of the Scotch Irish to the Americas, where they settled primarily in the southern colonies and on the edges os of civilization. The Scotch Irish are also the source of the term "hillbilly" and "redneck" and are the original "April Fool"

Legal Eagle ---> of Scotch Irish descent who likes Ritz Crackers

Ah, but you have to trace it even farther along to get the true irony here. Thomas Sowell points out that when those Scots-Irish and Northern Britons immigrated to the United States and brought their "cracker culture" along with them, they passed it along to other poor people who lived alongside them.

Some of the key traits inherent in the "cracker culture" as identified by Dr. Sowell:

An aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship,… and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery.

He also identified specifically an extremely touchy, hypersensitive, belligerent sort of personal pride that dictates an extreme aggressive response to the slightest perceived slight or insult, and actually led to duels being fought over "he looked at me funny".

Who does all this sound like? That's right, the so-called "ghetto culture" we're expected to now believe is "authentic black culture". White people largely abandoned the "cracker culture" - although you can still find remnants of it among poor, isolated areas of the country - but before they did, they managed to pass it on to certain poor blacks, and now this pernicious nonsense remains with us today, and actually demands to be recognized as a valid and worthwhile "heritage".

This is why I have made reference several times in this thread to Trayvon's embracing of the "cracker culture", which led him to become aggressive and belligerent and seek a confrontation with Zimmerman for what was essentially "looking at me funny", rather than simply going home when he had the opportunity to.

Oh, the irony of it all.
But if MarcATL still wants to whine like a little cry baby over blacks getting shot, then whine about this, you racist idiot....

“Youth are the biggest target in Chicago. Black youth,” she pointed out. “In 2012, Chicago had 100 more murders than New York City, 215 more than Los Angeles, and according to the Chicago Reporter and other statistics, from 2008 to 2012 half of Chicago’s nearly 2,500 homicide victims were killed before they reached their 25th birthdays.”

“So where are the riots? Where are the protests?” Loesch asked. “I mean yes, apparently they are just killing black teenagers out there – but who is ‘they’? According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, anywhere from 8,000 to 9,000 black Americans are killed every year… 93% of these murders are committed by other black Americans.”

Dana Loesch Eviscerates Zimmerman Protesters Who Have Said Nothing for Victims in ?Utopian Dream? of Chicago |
You don't know WHO threw the first punch, yet you and others spew this BS out there as if it's Gospel Truth.


None of us were there, therefore we only have the physical evidence to go by, so what did the evidence suggest? Come on now, this is an easy lay up. According to the physical evidence, which person was more likely to have thrown the first punch?
The fact that you, others, nor myself KNOWS nor CAN KNOW, means we cannot nor should not SPECULATE.

Case closed.

Stop saying the victim, Trayvon Martin, threw the first punch.

It's simply not true.

Before there were punches, there was intent.. Zimmerman volunteered to observe for crime in the neighborhood. His intent was to CALL THE POLICE and provide them with information -- including a location if possible..

Martin's intent SHOULD have been to call 911 if THREATENED and return back to where his father was staying. Neither seem to have been important.

Zimmerman reported that he had lost track of the kid.. The "kid" jumped him from the bushes on the way BACK to his truck..

The folks wanting this to be a case of hunting innocence black children in "no-go" zones have NO EVIDENCE of Zimmerman "STALKING" or "PURSUING"... And that's your 2ndary problem after also having NO EVIDENCE of racism on G.Z. The 1/4 Black, 1/2 Hispanic guy who took a black girl to his H.S. prom.....
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When they notice and/or observe some creepy man following them?

Obviously they shouldn't exist, because no matter what, ***** like Zimmerman will insist on murdering them.

Don't worry, Noomi, I have a feeling Zimmerman is going to get what's coming to him. Call it Karma, call it justice, call it whatever you want to call it. He's going to get his.

Ah...I think "lynch mob" is the term you're looking for, Koosh. It's what people do who aren't satisfied with justice and take the law into their own hands. What's sad is that someone who simply wanted to keep his neighborhood safe has been turned into a monster that needs to be hunted down with torches and pitchforks by people like yourself. The reason Trayvon Martin is dead today is that HE did the same thing you're now advocating, attacking someone he knew nothing about because he convinced himself that George Zimmerman was a "creepy assed Cracker" and had it coming.
If this had been a white kid walking down the street with Skittles and iced tea, would Zimmerman had thought him suspicious? I have Black friends who were scared to death of going through White neighborhoods as kids because of the possible consequences.

Come on now, enough with the "kid walking down the street with skittles and ice tea" crap. Martin would have been the first to tell you he wasn't a "kid" by any stretch, in fact, he probably would have whooped your ass to prove that point. He wasn't just "walking down the street," according to the testimony. Wandering through back yards and lurking around houses, is not "walking down the street." It is very suspicious behavior, especially in a community with a lot of burglary and break ins. So let's stop it with the Skittles crap, like he was some innocent little child, it's totally dishonest, and irrelevant to the case.

The jewelry that Trayvon Martin was found with at his high school? There is a report in a local Miami newspaper that it was in fact stolen from a house from the neighborhood surrounding the school. The article goes on to blame the school Police (which is a separate entity from local Police it seems) for treating it as a non criminal act and not even notifying the local Police that they had recovered said jewelry. The article states that it seems this was done by the school Police so that they could justify their existence by saying that crime rates in the schools have declined due to their actions. They didn't even turn over the recovered jewelry to the regular Police so that it could be returned to it's rightful owner. Instead of making this a criminal situation, the school Police decided uni-laterally to simply suspend Trayvon Martin from school, therefore keeping their crime stats looking good. So the "boy" who got caught with stolen goods in Miami ended up in Sanford walking around another neighborhood looking in people's houses but if someone points out that people who steal once are likely to steal again and Trayvon was already shown to be a thief...they'll be assailed for trying to destroy poor little Trayvon's reputation!
I find it interesting that Kruidbos' lawyer, Wesley White, is a former Prosecutor in Corey's office who resigned over ethics disagreements with Corey in December.

Is that who he has for a lawyer?

White testified in the original sanctions hearing (postponed and not finished yet) along with Ben.

White has a vested interest in this.

I don't know if you caught that original hearing - but it was fireworks.

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I've heard pundits on TV rail against the Prosecution's failure to show the "true" Trayvon Martin by having his friends testify about what a wonderful kid he was. Look at this logically, folks! With as weak a case as the Prosecution HAD, don't you think they WOULD have done just that? So why didn't they? The obvious answer is that Trayvon Martin's "friends" were thug wannabe's like Trayvon and the Prosecution knew that once they opened that door that the Defense would drive a bulldozer through it with who Trayvon Martin REALLY was. If the Prosecution tries to introduce the "character" of Trayvon Martin into the equation then the judge would have been forced to allow the Defense to show evidence that painted a different picture entirely. The only "friend" of Trayvon's who testified was Rachel Jenteal and she was illustrative of the circle that Trayvon hung out with.
What Influenced The Zimmerman Jury?

The evidence (and lack thereof), common sense, logic, fairness, their oaths and the law.

I read the title of this thread and immediately said THE EVIDENCE influenced the jury. Anyone that thinks otherwise isn't thinking clearly.
And the information I posted, which was presented to the jury, is evidence. Because it is pertinent to Zimmerman's motivation to pursue Martin.

Why Zimmerman followed Martin is and was totally irrelevant.

And he followed. He did not "pursue."
Here's what influenced the jury. They were five white woman and a hispanic woman. Blacks had been moving into that neighborhood and ruining it. We've all seen how that happens, right? The article MikeK posted talks about just that. Come on, you know what I mean! I grew up with a racist father, I know all about how those blacks ruin property values and all.

So anyway, those white women on that jury probably think a lot like my father did. Zimmerman was just trying to save the damn neighborhood, and here's this suspicious black kid...the root of all the problems, these fucking coons!!! They're going to convict Zimmerman? I think not. And the hispanic woman...of course not, he's one of her own. She's especially not going to fight against all the white women, who want to acquit him!

That's what influenced the jury.





Missed it entirely.

But that's what we've come to expect from the shoddy thinking of dimwits like kooshdouche.
That's the long and short of it, they simply CANNOT accept what's NOT already pre-programmed into their minute brains.

Iths thimple.

Says the guy who has to invent racism because he doesn't like a verdict.
Whatever you want to tell yourself to make yourself feel good, I'm not the one that's vomiting out fallacies, suggestions and conjecture as fact.


Show me where I have ever done that.

Also, you are the one saying that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias. The FBI investigated and could not find ANY evidence of racism.
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