The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If everything went down the exact same way, except that his victim was a pretty blonde white girl.

Even if she had stolen items from neighbors houses on her person and marijuana in her pockets, and oozing from her pores.

I'd bet my bottom-dollar on that.
This is how rabid, demented and lost these Far RightWing Zimmerman Supporters are...

007 said:
Hi, you have received -2695 reputation points from 007.
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Zimmerman is not a killer, negged for jacked off bull shit thread title.


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Stating as FACT, something that is NOT a fact.

Zimmerman IS a killer you JAGOFF!!

:lol: :lol:


Aaaaaaw, PO' baby!
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Zimmerman was bigger than Trayvon had police cadet training. Video at the time of Zimmerman's arrest did not even show a band aid. He could have used equal physical force but instead he used deadly force. Little PAB is what he is.

What did Zimmerman weigh at the time of the incident? And please link to a police or doctors report for verification.
The killer described his height and weight as 5'8" and 194 lbs. in his own police statement. He had Martin by nearly 40 lbs.


I think he was probably 194 and one point but not that night. He had lost a lot of weight and was probably relaying what he weighed the last time he weighed himself. I doubt that most men can give an accurate accounting of their weight at any given time. The last time I weighed myself I thought it would show I had gained weight when in fact I had lost weight.
Zimmerman was a trained fighter as well.

And outweighed his victim.

Zimmerman wasn't a trained fighter according to his trainer. Martin was so proud of his fighting abilities he put his fights on You Tube.

Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?

Here you go.

Rare Video Of Trayvon Martin Fighting - Video

Trayvon Martin being all too proud of his fighting abilities. He had some videos recorded on his cell phone.
If everything went down the exact same way, except that his victim was a pretty blonde white girl.

Even if she had stolen items from neighbors houses on her person and marijuana in her pockets, and oozing from her pores.

I'd bet my bottom-dollar on that.
This is how rabid, demented and lost these Far RightWing Zimmerman Supporters are...Stating as FACT, something that is NOT a fact.

007 said:
Hi, you have received -2695 reputation points from 007.
Reputation was given for this post.

Zimmerman is not a killer, negged for jacked off bull shit thread title.


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Zimmerman IS a killer you JAGOFF!!

:lol: :lol:

And here's another Cry, Cry Baby Far Rightwing Zimmerman Supporter running to the rescue...
Sunshine said:
Hi, you have received -1558 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

And here\'s another one just like the other one. Your post is stupid and childish.


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If everything went down the exact same way, except that his victim was a pretty blonde white girl.

Even if she had stolen items from neighbors houses on her person and marijuana in her pockets, and oozing from her pores.

I'd bet my bottom-dollar on that.
This is how rabid, demented and lost these Far RightWing Zimmerman Supporters are...Stating as FACT, something that is NOT a fact.

Zimmerman IS a killer you JAGOFF!!

:lol: :lol:

And here's another Cry, Cry Baby Far Rightwing Zimmerman Supporter running to the rescue...
Sunshine said:
Hi, you have received -1558 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

And here\'s another one just like the other one. Your post is stupid and childish.


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And another one...
Rat in the Hat said:
Hi, you have received -2689 reputation points from Rat in the Hat.
Reputation was given for this post.

Negged for whining.

Rat in the Hat

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Awww....poor CON$.


:lol: :lol:
What did Zimmerman weigh at the time of the incident? And please link to a police or doctors report for verification.
The killer described his height and weight as 5'8" and 194 lbs. in his own police statement. He had Martin by nearly 40 lbs.


I think he was probably 194 and one point but not that night. He had lost a lot of weight and was probably relaying what he weighed the last time he weighed himself. I doubt that most men can give an accurate accounting of their weight at any given time. The last time I weighed myself I thought it would show I had gained weight when in fact I had lost weight.
And there you have it folks, even when given exactly what they ask for, the Right refuse to accept the facts. How can anyone have an honest discussion with people like that???? :confused:
This is how rabid, demented and lost these Far RightWing Zimmerman Supporters are...Stating as FACT, something that is NOT a fact.

Zimmerman IS a killer you JAGOFF!!

:lol: :lol:

And here's another Cry, Cry Baby Far Rightwing Zimmerman Supporter running to the rescue...

And another one...
Rat in the Hat said:
Hi, you have received -2689 reputation points from Rat in the Hat.
Reputation was given for this post.

Negged for whining.

Rat in the Hat

Note: This is an automated message.
Awww....poor CON$.


:lol: :lol:

Awwwwwwwwwww, PO' PO' PO' baby. Negged again! Boo fuckin' Hoo! Somebody get the boy a tissue!
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The killer described his height and weight as 5'8" and 194 lbs. in his own police statement. He had Martin by nearly 40 lbs.


I think he was probably 194 and one point but not that night. He had lost a lot of weight and was probably relaying what he weighed the last time he weighed himself. I doubt that most men can give an accurate accounting of their weight at any given time. The last time I weighed myself I thought it would show I had gained weight when in fact I had lost weight.
And there you have it folks, even when given exactly what they ask for, the Right refuse to accept the facts. How can anyone have an honest discussion with people like that???? :confused:

One person is "the right?"

No he wasn't a trained fighter you stupid fuck!

You retards can't win an argument even when you resort to lies.

Before you start getting personal..and calling people "liars" should at least know what you are talking about.

How Poor Were George Zimmerman's MMA Skills? [VIDEO] : US/World : Medical Daily

Zimmerman trained for a year in MMA tactics.

He was rated a .5 on a scale of 1 to 10 by his trainer who that stated after a year of "training" GZ rated about a 1 and no where near ready to fight.

And that year was not entirely focused on MMA fighting.

Did you watch your link?

If so, then you are dumber than you look.

You said he wasn't trained.

You were wrong.
Before you start getting personal..and calling people "liars" should at least know what you are talking about.

How Poor Were George Zimmerman's MMA Skills? [VIDEO] : US/World : Medical Daily

Zimmerman trained for a year in MMA tactics.

He was rated a .5 on a scale of 1 to 10 by his trainer who that stated after a year of "training" GZ rated about a 1 and no where near ready to fight.

And that year was not entirely focused on MMA fighting.

Did you watch your link?

If so, then you are dumber than you look.

You said he wasn't trained.

You were wrong.

You said he was a fighter. His trainer disagrees.

You are wrong.
He's not advocating murder, he's advocating self-defense.

No he is not nor are you. There is NO EVIDENCE that ANYONE much less a black man has anything to fear from Zimmerman. This case has nothing to do with race. Hell Zimmerman has black family members, has sponsored black kids and had a black girlfriend at one time.

If anyone fires on Zimmerman they will be charged with either murder or attempted murder and be convicted. meanwhile retards like you two encourage it.

Fuck that, from my point of view, Zimmerman is a dangerous person. He killed a 17-year-old kid. If I were to see him following me around my neighborhood, I would indeed consider that a threat.
Your argument is based on nothing but emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

I probably wouldn't even need to kill him, just yell for help and several of my neighbors would shoot him.
And all be put away for murder.
The killer described his height and weight as 5'8" and 194 lbs. in his own police statement. He had Martin by nearly 40 lbs.


I think he was probably 194 and one point but not that night. He had lost a lot of weight and was probably relaying what he weighed the last time he weighed himself. I doubt that most men can give an accurate accounting of their weight at any given time. The last time I weighed myself I thought it would show I had gained weight when in fact I had lost weight.
And there you have it folks, even when given exactly what they ask for, the Right refuse to accept the facts. How can anyone have an honest discussion with people like that???? :confused:

Hey stupid, show where I refused to accept the facts. I acknowledged that Zimmerman said what he said but I also offered my opinion. He wasn't 194 that night judging from the photos and knowing he is only 5'8.
The killer described his height and weight as 5'8" and 194 lbs. in his own police statement. He had Martin by nearly 40 lbs.


I think he was probably 194 and one point but not that night. He had lost a lot of weight and was probably relaying what he weighed the last time he weighed himself. I doubt that most men can give an accurate accounting of their weight at any given time. The last time I weighed myself I thought it would show I had gained weight when in fact I had lost weight.
And there you have it folks, even when given exactly what they ask for, the Right refuse to accept the facts. How can anyone have an honest discussion with people like that???? :confused:
That's the long and short of it, they simply CANNOT accept what's NOT already pre-programmed into their minute brains.

Iths thimple.
I think he was probably 194 and one point but not that night. He had lost a lot of weight and was probably relaying what he weighed the last time he weighed himself. I doubt that most men can give an accurate accounting of their weight at any given time. The last time I weighed myself I thought it would show I had gained weight when in fact I had lost weight.
And there you have it folks, even when given exactly what they ask for, the Right refuse to accept the facts. How can anyone have an honest discussion with people like that???? :confused:
That's the long and short of it, they simply CANNOT accept what's NOT already pre-programmed into their minute brains.

Iths thimple.

Why don't you post more funny pictures. It seems to fit your maturity level.

Lord knows you can't debate the facts.
have we all noticed how now this has turned in to a a repeal the stand your ground law???? Even though stand your ground had nothing to do with this case???? So the true agenda is shown....The KKK Democrats dont care about Trayvon they just want to use his death to get rid of a law that gives everyone more freedom.
I think he was probably 194 and one point but not that night. He had lost a lot of weight and was probably relaying what he weighed the last time he weighed himself. I doubt that most men can give an accurate accounting of their weight at any given time. The last time I weighed myself I thought it would show I had gained weight when in fact I had lost weight.
And there you have it folks, even when given exactly what they ask for, the Right refuse to accept the facts. How can anyone have an honest discussion with people like that???? :confused:
That's the long and short of it, they simply CANNOT accept what's NOT already pre-programmed into their minute brains.

Iths thimple.

Says the guy who has to invent racism because he doesn't like a verdict.
I'm absolutely stunned! This coming from the Peanut Farmer?

Former President Jimmy Carter stymied Democrats' efforts to turn the death of Trayvon Martin into a partisan rallying cry Tuesday, telling local NBC affiliate WXIA in Atlanta that the acquittal of George Zimmerman was correct.

"I think the jury made the right decision based on the evidence presented, because the prosecution inadvertently set the standard so high that the jury had to be convinced that it was a deliberate act by Zimmerman, and he was not at all defending himself, and so forth," Carter said, speaking from the Carter Center for Peace.

While shaking your head, read more @ Jimmy Carter Supports Zimmerman Verdict: 'The Right Decision'

But then … there's Billary @ Hillary Addresses Zimmerman Verdict 'Heartache' :eusa_whistle:
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