The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Good Morning!

Judge Nelson seems sick and tired already! And she was obviously very annoyed at West this morning. Ruled against the defense motions to limit the prosecution language in opening statement.

IMO, let the P use whatever inflammatory language they want because I don't think they can prove, say, racial profiling or that Z was a "vigilante". He may fit the "wannabe cop" description, but taken alone is that really a bad thing? Couldn't it be said that neighborhood watch people in general are wannabe cops in one or another sense?

I agree that the P doesn't seem as invested in Z's guilt as the D is in Z's innocence.
Good Morning!

Judge Nelson seems sick and tired already! And she was obviously very annoyed at West this morning. Ruled against the defense motions to limit the prosecution language in opening statement.

IMO, let the P use whatever inflammatory language they want because I don't think they can prove, say, racial profiling or that Z was a "vigilante". He may fit the "wannabe cop" description, but taken alone is that really a bad thing? Couldn't it be said that neighborhood watch people in general are wannabe cops in one or another sense?

I agree that the P doesn't seem as invested in Z's guilt as the D is in Z's innocence.

No--they're NOT wannabe cops. They are forced to be cops if they want to stop crime in their neighborhoods and protect themselves because the cops can't handle it
Yeah I hated to say it bc I knew I would get some hate posts back but I'm glad im not the obly one who thinks it was Z.

The witnesses are putting him on the bottom and the back of his head was messed up.


the evidence will prove that Z was the one screaming for help.

If the judge rules on the Frye hearing to let Owens the State Idiot in as a voice expert and they open up that can of voice worms, TM's dad is going to take a beating for changing his story.
No--they're NOT wannabe cops. They are forced to be cops if they want to stop crime in their neighborhoods and protect themselves because the cops can't handle it

OK. Let me clarify. Since I can't speak to the states of mind of the neighborhood watch community members, to me it appears they are performing "cop-ish" duties. Better?
The witnesses are putting him on the bottom and the back of his head was messed up.


the evidence will prove that Z was the one screaming for help.

If the judge rules on the Frye hearing to let Owens the State Idiot in as a voice expert and they open up that can of voice worms, TM's dad is going to take a beating for changing his story.

She already ruled orally in the session this morning, she will be writing her decision this afternoon.

I'm not seeing a scenario where TM's dad get's called to the stand, he wasn't home that night.

No no you moron. Reading the Constitution is not enough.

You'd have to have the ability to understand what you're reading. Clearly, you lack such skills.

It is not "stalking" to merely follow someone around in a residential area one evening, when you happen to find that individual suspicious.

Sorry, snoopie, but words still have actual meaning even if you cannot fathom it.

Okay dufus. Is it ok to follow the follower or the follower, follower following the follower who is follower following the follower?

You look and sound like a creep.:razz:

You are dhe dufus, you utter mental midget moron bitch.

And yes. One may follow the person doing the following. I'd expect a dipshit like you to walk around in a circle.

But it's still not stalking and it's still legal.

Damn. You are perpetually confused.

What would you do with a brain if your skull had one inside of it?

You have got to be the president of the pee wee herman fan club.

How did that lobotomy go for you?:evil:
I'm no voice expert, but I don't have to be, I'm not testifying. Neener neener.

I have never heard TM's voice, I've heard Z's plenty and he has a soft highish voice. Sounds just like him on the tape to me. Kind of a girl yell-y thing.

Also, that not hearing TM's voice thing makes me go hmmmm. His dad said off the bat that's not his son yelling, then talked to Al Sharpton or some other agenda person, and said OH YEAH! That's my son, his final words <sniff> So it makes me wonder what TM's voice sounds like and if there is that huge of a difference his dad said immediately it wasn't him.

Either way, that's going to bite him in the ass.
No--they're NOT wannabe cops. They are forced to be cops if they want to stop crime in their neighborhoods and protect themselves because the cops can't handle it

OK. Let me clarify. Since I can't speak to the states of mind of the neighborhood watch community members, to me it appears they are performing "cop-ish" duties. Better?

No, we don't perform "cop-ish" duties when done right. Our mandate is to observe and report with specific instructions from the police (or Sheriffs Liaison Officer) we are not to interject ourselves into a situation, we are not to pursue people, we are not to approach people, and we are not to place ourselves into situations where we might be in danger.

Please don't confuse what a NW member is supposed to do with what Zimmerman did that evening.

Are yall gonna watch TM dad on hln after dark?

I watched Vinnie interview him yesterdady...something that struck me was that some on here had said that he had denied that it was Trayvon yelling for help...yet yesterday he made the comment that those were his last which is it?

Everyone can be all mad at me and call me an idiot, but I'm betting that's Z yelling. That makes sense in the scenario and witness statements.

I've believed it was Z yelling for help before I heard/read the witness statements; those only solidified my opinion on it.

Besides, why would the one that is hitting the person laying on the ground yell for help?
the evidence will prove that Z was the one screaming for help.

If the judge rules on the Frye hearing to let Owens the State Idiot in as a voice expert and they open up that can of voice worms, TM's dad is going to take a beating for changing his story.

She already ruled orally in the session this morning, she will be writing her decision this afternoon.

I'm not seeing a scenario where TM's dad get's called to the stand, he wasn't home that night.


What was the ruling???

Where have you been? I quotey thinged in your honor several times.
Is this true?
>>Judge refuses to consider expert reports submitted by West.

And has not ruled on prosecution's expert yet.

WTF. She already knows how she's going to play this, she's not committing political suicide.

This sucks. So much for fair trial.

>>>Only real advancement today was on the issue of what state can say in opening statements. "Racial profiling" is out, but everything else is ok for the state to say.
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His defense attorney is too smart to let him testify, most defendants don't unless they're psychos like Jodi.

Yeah, it worked for OJ, didn't it? By tnot testifying they can't catch you when they lie their asses off.

sure they can. They've wrongly convicted hundreds, maybe thousands who didn't take the stand.
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