The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So, you are in favor of doing away with the Constitutional prohibition against double jeopardy if it suits your purpose? Careful you are starting to sound like a vigilante yourself.

What was it you said a couple of days ago about you defending our freedoms? I am beginning to feel like there are only certain freedoms you see fit to defend. That can be spooky. Suppose you do not see fit to defend the freedom of religion? If you do not believe in that freedom where would a person of faith stand in your view? And if we can pick and choose the freedoms we defend what happens when you say something obnoxious and the rest of us demand they throw your butt in jail?


It's a landmark case, and if the sophistication of the federal government is needed, then so be it. Sometimes extraordinary measures are needed.

It wouldn't be double jeopardy anyway as long as the feds don't try to prove manslaughter or murder.

You pay word games to justify shredding the Constitution? Shame on you.

It seems evident that your statements about defending American freedoms were little more than bravado and that you would spit upon the Constitution like Bush and Obama and their cronies.


Calm down. I don't entirely blame you for your position. I don't entirely like it either, but catastrophic injustices should be corrected. I don't know if the feds will do this or not, as most believe there is a lot of ambivalence whether they can or not. I am just stating common sense guidelines to show that it is still a real possibility, and I cited the Rodney King case to back me up, which for some odd reason you have totally ignored, even though you clicked on the reply earlier that was talking about King and double jeopardy.

The judge acknowledged that having two such trials did not legally constitute double jeopardy, but nonetheless it "raised the specter of unfairness."

I guess I need to repeat it for Immie's sake: Why then didn't double jeopardy preclude the officers from being charged in federal court? I know the cases are different, ok? But as long as the civil rights charges don't match the acquittals in any way, what's the problem?

Maybe it's fate. For the sake of all the Immies and half-Immies out there, maybe we need even a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on this case and a little new ground in law to rest their troubled minds.

The officers

The Los Angeles district attorney charged officers Koon, Powell, Briseno and Wind with use of excessive force. Sergeant Koon, while he did not strike King, only having deployed the Taser, was, as the supervisory officer at the scene, charged with "willfully permitting and failing to take action to stop the unlawful assault."

The California Court of Appeals removed the initial judge, Bernard Kamins, after it was proved Kamins told prosecutors, "You can trust me." The Court also granted a change of venue to the city of Simi Valley in neighboring Ventura County, citing potential contamination due to saturated media coverage.

Though few people at first considered race an important factor in the case, including Rodney King's attorney, Steven Lerman, the sensitizing effect of the Holliday videotape was at the time stirring deep resentment in Los Angeles, as well as other major cities in the United States. The officers' jury consisted of Ventura County residents: ten white; one Latino; one Asian. Lead Prosecutor Terry White was African American. On April 29, 1992, the jury acquitted three of the officers, but could not agree on one of the charges against Powell.[9]

Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley said, "The jury's verdict will not blind us to what we saw on that videotape. The men who beat Rodney King do not deserve to wear the uniform of the L.A.P.D."[30] President George H. W. Bush said, "Viewed from outside the trial, it was hard to understand how the verdict could possibly square with the video. Those civil rights leaders with whom I met were stunned. And so was I and so was Barbara and so were my kids."[31]

Los Angeles riots and the aftermath

The acquittals are considered to have triggered the Los Angeles riots of 1992. By the time the police, the U.S. Army, Marines and National Guard restored order, the riots had caused 53 deaths, 2,383 injuries, more than 7,000 fires, damage to 3,100 businesses, and nearly $1 billion in financial losses. Smaller riots occurred in other cities such as San Francisco, Las Vegas in neighboring Nevada and as far east as Atlanta, Georgia. A minor riot erupted on Yonge St., in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as a result of the acquittals.

Federal trial of officers

After the riots, the United States Department of Justice reinstated the investigation and obtained an indictment of violations of federal civil rights against the four officers in the United States District Court for the Central District of California. The federal trial focused more on the evidence as to the training of officers instead of just relying on the videotape of the incident. On March 9 of the 1993 trial, King took the witness stand and described to the jury the events as he remembered them.[32] The jury found Officer Laurence Powell and Sergeant Stacey Koon guilty, and they were subsequently sentenced to 32 months in prison, while Timothy Wind and Theodore Briseno were acquitted of all charges. ...
That proves that zimmerman was lying. He knew that TM did not come towards him. He snuck up on TM and shot him.

That's a neat trick considering the ballistics report that stated that Martin was shot while bent over. So you're saying that Zimmerman "snuck up" on Trayvon...threw himself flat on the ground and shot Trayvon as he leaned over him? Draw that up on a chalk board, Snookie...I'd love to see you picture how it took place!:cuckoo:

Actually Trayvon was on top but turning to go away. Even Dr. D the defense specialist said he could have been turning as if to get up from the fight. It has to be true becasue there is no way George could have gotten his gun out and shot Trayvon, the way he said Trayvon was on top of him,. Trayvon had to pulling back and turning as if to get up. Even George said he stood up and a neighbor said he walked away and fell and died. hands on chest of course.

It kind of creeps me out the way George was going around after the shot , saying I shot him like he won some video game or something.

In order to get stippling from the powder as it was on Martin's clothing and for the bullet holes to line up properly, the pathologist stated that Martin had to be leaning OVER Zimmerman! Not turned away...not pulled back. If he WAS turned away or pulled back you would have had different stippling and the holes would have lined up in a totally different manner. Did you watch the trial? You don't seem to remember what the experts testified to.
And his testimony to it was quite believable itself. It was a rather large prosecution nail.

It is what it is with this case. Or should I say it is what the police investigation originally said it was. So a year and all the fuss later...

You believed it?

Hey I have some bridges I want to sell to you.

Yes I did and at this stage, who gives a flying fuck. This is a regular guy that got in a bad situation and then had the weight of the world after him. He was found NG just as the original PD investigation concluded before this dog and pony show. Just as the FBI determined after investigating him at length for a race crime that Crump and Al (see below) brought to the DOJ FOR THEIR GAIN. You, my friend, are the sucker.

Guess what? He just helped save some people! He's a regular guy. He's not a pathological liar, he's not any of those things. It. Is. What. It. Is.

This is what Al Sharpton and Crump DO - they look for something to exploit for money and they exploit the hell out of it for their own gain. So guess what? You bought their shit and are putting fuel in their limos. They got this one up to DOJ's desk for a Fed investigation on a state matter with the help of the good old lying their asses off, ratings media.

You bought it, you keep buying it.

That keeps 'em in business.

Were you drooling while you typed this about how you feel about his character?
HLN News breaking news: George Zimmerman saved 4 peoples lives a few days ago. He pulled a family of 4 from a wrecked & burning SUV saving their lives before police or first responders arrived.

It wasn't burning and HLN is late to the party. lol

"The eyewitness told Breitbart News he helped assist the family out of the vehicle and put out the fire with the extinguisher."

Zimmerman saves victims from mangled SUV roll-over crash - Wilmington Conservative |

It is widely presumed that the second man was Zimmerman's personal bodyguard, who has yet to be publically identified.

How would this look if someone had died in the crash? Hmm, Zimmerman "presiding" over more dead bodies.
I've had a vision and I know what really happened. Zimmerman tripped and busted his nose and was knocked out. TM went to assist GM and found that he had no pulse and started administering CPR. While TM was giving GZ CPR he screamed for help. GZ woke and shot TM in cold blood. GZ is the Devil and will burn in Hell.
I've had a vision and I know what really happened. Zimmerman tripped and busted his nose and was knocked out. TM went to assist GM and found that he had no pulse and started administering CPR. While TM was giving GZ CPR he screamed for help. GZ woke and shot TM in cold blood. GZ is the Devil and will burn in Hell.
Actually, that's a far better case than the prosecution presented.
Ok this is just getting bizarro.

Are the lunatics truly suggesting that Zimmerman ran someone off the road in order to stage a rescue?


It's just as likely, in the least, than the timing of Zimmerman being released, and in his first few days to do whatever he wants without the ankle bracelet, he miraculously finds this crash.

Zimmerman could have easily drove in any lull in the traffic on the freeway and simply waited for the correct victim alone to drive by him and pit them. If he sped up carefully and nudged the SUV's rear-end, the driver wouldn't have known for sure what happened. Another coincidence is that it was an SUV, which are the most likely vehicles to roll easily. Another coincidence was there were no independent witnesses. Sound familiar?

Zimmerman had not only the motive to act as a patrol again and to look like a good citizen. (Assuming GZ killed Trayvon wrongfully which includes much of America) Once killers get that taste for blood, almost always they will never stop on their relentless pursuit of more. If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon. People should at least be contemplative to the potentials involved.

Similarities in crimes are often how investigators catch desperate criminals.

Thank you. You have much more effectively illuminated the extreme lunacy precipitated by the Zimmerman Derangement Syndrome than I ever could have.

" If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon."


Seriously, and people say progressivism isn't a mental illness. Puh-lease.

Thank you. You have much more effectively illuminated the extreme lunacy precipitated by the Zimmerman Derangement Syndrome than I ever could have.

First impressions are usually correct. I can see this picture of Zimmerman and how he was easily as fitting any early picture of any psycho out there.

A leopard cannot change his spots.

Thank you. You have much more effectively illuminated the extreme lunacy precipitated by the Zimmerman Derangement Syndrome than I ever could have.

First impressions are usually correct. I can see this picture of Zimmerman and how he was easily as fitting any early picture of any psycho out there.

A leopard cannot change his spots.

And a liberal cannot change his views.


Thank you. You have much more effectively illuminated the extreme lunacy precipitated by the Zimmerman Derangement Syndrome than I ever could have.

First impressions are usually correct. I can see this picture of Zimmerman and how he was easily as fitting any early picture of any psycho out there.

A leopard cannot change his spots.

And a liberal cannot change his views.


Obama can kiss my ass.
You believed it?

Hey I have some bridges I want to sell to you.

Yes I did and at this stage, who gives a flying fuck. This is a regular guy that got in a bad situation and then had the weight of the world after him. He was found NG just as the original PD investigation concluded before this dog and pony show. Just as the FBI determined after investigating him at length for a race crime that Crump and Al (see below) brought to the DOJ FOR THEIR GAIN. You, my friend, are the sucker.

Guess what? He just helped save some people! He's a regular guy. He's not a pathological liar, he's not any of those things. It. Is. What. It. Is.

This is what Al Sharpton and Crump DO - they look for something to exploit for money and they exploit the hell out of it for their own gain. So guess what? You bought their shit and are putting fuel in their limos. They got this one up to DOJ's desk for a Fed investigation on a state matter with the help of the good old lying their asses off, ratings media.

You bought it, you keep buying it.

That keeps 'em in business.

Were you drooling while you typed this about how you feel about his character?

I've known lots of 'regular' guys. They don't have past problems with the police or have been the subject of a restraining order. They don't have cousins accusing them of sexual molestation that went on for years. They aren't under the care of psychiatrists and counselors and aren't on anti-depressants. They don't lie to the court about how much money they have so they don't have to pay a high bail. They don't carry around concealed weapons. The fact he gained 100 pounds in a year illustrates how emotionally/mentally unbalanced he is. Zimmerman was a disaster waiting to happen. A nut case. Everything about him shouts nut case, unreliable, someone whose veracity is always questionable. That this 'accident' happened just at the right time to turn him into a hero (he thought the other incident was going to) is very suspect. It's far too coincidental and convenient.
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Yes I did and at this stage, who gives a flying fuck. This is a regular guy that got in a bad situation and then had the weight of the world after him. He was found NG just as the original PD investigation concluded before this dog and pony show. Just as the FBI determined after investigating him at length for a race crime that Crump and Al (see below) brought to the DOJ FOR THEIR GAIN. You, my friend, are the sucker.

Guess what? He just helped save some people! He's a regular guy. He's not a pathological liar, he's not any of those things. It. Is. What. It. Is.

This is what Al Sharpton and Crump DO - they look for something to exploit for money and they exploit the hell out of it for their own gain. So guess what? You bought their shit and are putting fuel in their limos. They got this one up to DOJ's desk for a Fed investigation on a state matter with the help of the good old lying their asses off, ratings media.

You bought it, you keep buying it.

That keeps 'em in business.

Were you drooling while you typed this about how you feel about his character?

I've known lots of 'regular' guys. They don't have past problems with the police or have been the subject of a restraining order. They don't have cousins accusing them of sexual molestation that went on for years. They aren't under the care of psychiatrists and counselors and aren't on anti-depressants. They don't lie to the court about how much money they have so they don't have to pay a high bail. They don't carry around concealed weapons. The fact he gained 100 pounds in a year illustrates how emotionally/mentally unbalanced he is. Zimmerman was a disaster waiting to happen. A nut case. Everything about him shouts nut case, unreliable, someone whose veracity is always questionable. That this 'accident' happened just at the right time to turn him into a hero (he thought the other incident was going to) is very suspect. It's far too coincidental and convenient.

Man, the lengths that you liberals will go to "get" George Zimmerman is scary. The guy gained all that weight because he's cowering inside somewhere because he's frightened some loon like you will attack him. You all act like a lynch mob...and then you say that Zimmerman is a "nut case" because he's afraid of you?

What this latest accident points out is the even after all he's gone through, George Zimmerman STILL cares enough about others to try and help them. Quite frankly, Esmerelda...we need MORE George Zimmerman's and fewer you's.
Ok this is just getting bizarro.

Are the lunatics truly suggesting that Zimmerman ran someone off the road in order to stage a rescue?


It's just as likely, in the least, than the timing of Zimmerman being released, and in his first few days to do whatever he wants without the ankle bracelet, he miraculously finds this crash.

Zimmerman could have easily drove in any lull in the traffic on the freeway and simply waited for the correct victim alone to drive by him and pit them. If he sped up carefully and nudged the SUV's rear-end, the driver wouldn't have known for sure what happened. Another coincidence is that it was an SUV, which are the most likely vehicles to roll easily. Another coincidence was there were no independent witnesses. Sound familiar?

Zimmerman had not only the motive to act as a patrol again and to look like a good citizen. (Assuming GZ killed Trayvon wrongfully which includes much of America) Once killers get that taste for blood, almost always they will never stop on their relentless pursuit of more. If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon. People should at least be contemplative to the potentials involved.

Similarities in crimes are often how investigators catch desperate criminals.

Wow...the above is REALLY stupid. I mean EPICALLY stupid! Dumb & Dumber stupid! Rachel Jenteal stupid! "...the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him..." Really, Quick? You REALLY just wrote that?:cuckoo:
Were you drooling while you typed this about how you feel about his character?

I've known lots of 'regular' guys. They don't have past problems with the police or have been the subject of a restraining order. They don't have cousins accusing them of sexual molestation that went on for years. They aren't under the care of psychiatrists and counselors and aren't on anti-depressants. They don't lie to the court about how much money they have so they don't have to pay a high bail. They don't carry around concealed weapons. The fact he gained 100 pounds in a year illustrates how emotionally/mentally unbalanced he is. Zimmerman was a disaster waiting to happen. A nut case. Everything about him shouts nut case, unreliable, someone whose veracity is always questionable. That this 'accident' happened just at the right time to turn him into a hero (he thought the other incident was going to) is very suspect. It's far too coincidental and convenient.

Man, the lengths that you liberals will go to "get" George Zimmerman is scary. The guy gained all that weight because he's cowering inside somewhere because he's frightened some loon like you will attack him. You all act like a lynch mob...and then you say that Zimmerman is a "nut case" because he's afraid of you?

What this latest accident points out is the even after all he's gone through, George Zimmerman STILL cares enough about others to try and help them. Quite frankly, Esmerelda...we need MORE George Zimmerman's and fewer you's.

LOL Oh, thanks. I've never murdered anyone. We need more murderers? More trigger happy, gun toting folks on prescription anti-depressants? More people who blow away unarmed, innocent civilians? Really? How about I get armed and go after you, as you need more people like Zimmerman, armed and dangerous? :cuckoo:
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Ok this is just getting bizarro.

Are the lunatics truly suggesting that Zimmerman ran someone off the road in order to stage a rescue?


It's just as likely, in the least, than the timing of Zimmerman being released, and in his first few days to do whatever he wants without the ankle bracelet, he miraculously finds this crash.

Zimmerman could have easily drove in any lull in the traffic on the freeway and simply waited for the correct victim alone to drive by him and pit them. If he sped up carefully and nudged the SUV's rear-end, the driver wouldn't have known for sure what happened. Another coincidence is that it was an SUV, which are the most likely vehicles to roll easily. Another coincidence was there were no independent witnesses. Sound familiar?

Zimmerman had not only the motive to act as a patrol again and to look like a good citizen. (Assuming GZ killed Trayvon wrongfully which includes much of America) Once killers get that taste for blood, almost always they will never stop on their relentless pursuit of more. If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon. People should at least be contemplative to the potentials involved.

Similarities in crimes are often how investigators catch desperate criminals.

Because as we all know...George Zimmerman is also an expert stunt man in his spare time...famous for his high speed "pitting". He's now off to points unknown to work on the next Fast & Furious movie where he's Vin Diesel's stunt double.:eusa_liar:
I've known lots of 'regular' guys. They don't have past problems with the police or have been the subject of a restraining order. They don't have cousins accusing them of sexual molestation that went on for years. They aren't under the care of psychiatrists and counselors and aren't on anti-depressants. They don't lie to the court about how much money they have so they don't have to pay a high bail. They don't carry around concealed weapons. The fact he gained 100 pounds in a year illustrates how emotionally/mentally unbalanced he is. Zimmerman was a disaster waiting to happen. A nut case. Everything about him shouts nut case, unreliable, someone whose veracity is always questionable. That this 'accident' happened just at the right time to turn him into a hero (he thought the other incident was going to) is very suspect. It's far too coincidental and convenient.

Man, the lengths that you liberals will go to "get" George Zimmerman is scary. The guy gained all that weight because he's cowering inside somewhere because he's frightened some loon like you will attack him. You all act like a lynch mob...and then you say that Zimmerman is a "nut case" because he's afraid of you?

What this latest accident points out is the even after all he's gone through, George Zimmerman STILL cares enough about others to try and help them. Quite frankly, Esmerelda...we need MORE George Zimmerman's and fewer you's.

LOL Oh, thanks. I've never murdered anyone. We need more murderers? More trigger happy, gun toting folks on prescription anti-depressants? More people who blow away unarmed, innocent civilians? Really? How about I get armed and go after you, as you need more people like Zimmerman, armed and dangerous? :cuckoo:

Since I don't commit assault and battery against people I'm not worried about George Zimmerman, Esmerelda. George didn't blow away an "innocent civilian"...he shot a thug wannabe who viciously attacked him for no reason. It's sad what happened that night. A life was wasted. Not by George Zimmerman's actions but by Trayvon Martin's. What he did was criminal but beyond was stupid.
Man, the lengths that you liberals will go to "get" George Zimmerman is scary. The guy gained all that weight because he's cowering inside somewhere because he's frightened some loon like you will attack him. You all act like a lynch mob...and then you say that Zimmerman is a "nut case" because he's afraid of you?

What this latest accident points out is the even after all he's gone through, George Zimmerman STILL cares enough about others to try and help them. Quite frankly, Esmerelda...we need MORE George Zimmerman's and fewer you's.

LOL Oh, thanks. I've never murdered anyone. We need more murderers? More trigger happy, gun toting folks on prescription anti-depressants? More people who blow away unarmed, innocent civilians? Really? How about I get armed and go after you, as you need more people like Zimmerman, armed and dangerous? :cuckoo:

Since I don't commit assault and battery against people I'm not worried about George Zimmerman, Esmerelda. George didn't blow away an "innocent civilian"...he shot a thug wannabe who viciously attacked him for no reason. It's sad what happened that night. A life was wasted. Not by George Zimmerman's actions but by Trayvon Martin's. What he did was criminal but beyond was stupid.

No, Trayvon did nothing wrong at all. What Zimmerman did was criminal and stupid and one day, one way or another, he will pay.
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