The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You know.................I'm wondering how many conservatives on this board would be willing to let their twitter feeds be posted?

I'm guessing not many.

Me? I don't have a twitter account. I believe twitter is for twits.
I would be willing to let anything I have posted on the internet be shown to all, as I have nothing to hide myself.. Sad for the ones whom do have so much to hide, and I think there are many whom have this problem today maybe or maybe not as many as one would think, so who knows really? Hmmmm.

I always knew this internet, and the new technology of today was a bad thing when it comes to recording everything people do or say, and it has shown to be a set up for future problems to arise for many, so it best not to say or do anything that will come back to haunt, and that is the way I always seen it as, but most people are highly gullible and naïve these days about it all.

That and if there's a crime you go under the microscope. The moral of the story is don't post that kind of thing on the Internet. Young people are the worst about that. They haven't learned self control anyhow so everything goes on the internet. Thats why you're supposed to teach your kids about the internet and monitor them.
Were you drooling while you typed this about how you feel about his character?

I've known lots of 'regular' guys. They don't have past problems with the police or have been the subject of a restraining order. They don't have cousins accusing them of sexual molestation that went on for years. They aren't under the care of psychiatrists and counselors and aren't on anti-depressants. They don't lie to the court about how much money they have so they don't have to pay a high bail. They don't carry around concealed weapons. The fact he gained 100 pounds in a year illustrates how emotionally/mentally unbalanced he is. Zimmerman was a disaster waiting to happen. A nut case. Everything about him shouts nut case, unreliable, someone whose veracity is always questionable. That this 'accident' happened just at the right time to turn him into a hero (he thought the other incident was going to) is very suspect. It's far too coincidental and convenient.

Man, the lengths that you liberals will go to "get" George Zimmerman is scary. The guy gained all that weight because he's cowering inside somewhere because he's frightened some loon like you will attack him. You all act like a lynch mob...and then you say that Zimmerman is a "nut case" because he's afraid of you?

What this latest accident points out is the even after all he's gone through, George Zimmerman STILL cares enough about others to try and help them. Quite frankly, Esmerelda...we need MORE George Zimmerman's and fewer you's.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Ok this is just getting bizarro.

Are the lunatics truly suggesting that Zimmerman ran someone off the road in order to stage a rescue?


It's just as likely, in the least, than the timing of Zimmerman being released, and in his first few days to do whatever he wants without the ankle bracelet, he miraculously finds this crash.

Zimmerman could have easily drove in any lull in the traffic on the freeway and simply waited for the correct victim alone to drive by him and pit them. If he sped up carefully and nudged the SUV's rear-end, the driver wouldn't have known for sure what happened. Another coincidence is that it was an SUV, which are the most likely vehicles to roll easily. Another coincidence was there were no independent witnesses. Sound familiar?

Zimmerman had not only the motive to act as a patrol again and to look like a good citizen. (Assuming GZ killed Trayvon wrongfully which includes much of America) Once killers get that taste for blood, almost always they will never stop on their relentless pursuit of more. If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon. People should at least be contemplative to the potentials involved.

Similarities in crimes are often how investigators catch desperate criminals.

Wow...the above is REALLY stupid. I mean EPICALLY stupid! Dumb & Dumber stupid! Rachel Jenteal stupid! "...the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him..." Really, Quick? You REALLY just wrote that?:cuckoo:

Ok this is just getting bizarro.

Are the lunatics truly suggesting that Zimmerman ran someone off the road in order to stage a rescue?


It's just as likely, in the least, than the timing of Zimmerman being released, and in his first few days to do whatever he wants without the ankle bracelet, he miraculously finds this crash.

Zimmerman could have easily drove in any lull in the traffic on the freeway and simply waited for the correct victim alone to drive by him and pit them. If he sped up carefully and nudged the SUV's rear-end, the driver wouldn't have known for sure what happened. Another coincidence is that it was an SUV, which are the most likely vehicles to roll easily. Another coincidence was there were no independent witnesses. Sound familiar?

Zimmerman had not only the motive to act as a patrol again and to look like a good citizen. (Assuming GZ killed Trayvon wrongfully which includes much of America) Once killers get that taste for blood, almost always they will never stop on their relentless pursuit of more. If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon. People should at least be contemplative to the potentials involved.

Similarities in crimes are often how investigators catch desperate criminals.

Because as we all know...George Zimmerman is also an expert stunt man in his spare time...famous for his high speed "pitting". He's now off to points unknown to work on the next Fast & Furious movie where he's Vin Diesel's stunt double.:eusa_liar:

If someone is nuts enough to do it, I don't see what would be so hard. Just about every cop can do it and that's with cars going full-out, not just a leisurely SUV on the freeway that's a big old target.
It's just as likely, in the least, than the timing of Zimmerman being released, and in his first few days to do whatever he wants without the ankle bracelet, he miraculously finds this crash.

Zimmerman could have easily drove in any lull in the traffic on the freeway and simply waited for the correct victim alone to drive by him and pit them. If he sped up carefully and nudged the SUV's rear-end, the driver wouldn't have known for sure what happened. Another coincidence is that it was an SUV, which are the most likely vehicles to roll easily. Another coincidence was there were no independent witnesses. Sound familiar?

Zimmerman had not only the motive to act as a patrol again and to look like a good citizen. (Assuming GZ killed Trayvon wrongfully which includes much of America) Once killers get that taste for blood, almost always they will never stop on their relentless pursuit of more. If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon. People should at least be contemplative to the potentials involved.

Similarities in crimes are often how investigators catch desperate criminals.

Because as we all know...George Zimmerman is also an expert stunt man in his spare time...famous for his high speed "pitting". He's now off to points unknown to work on the next Fast & Furious movie where he's Vin Diesel's stunt double.:eusa_liar:

If someone is nuts enough to do it, I don't see what would be so hard. Just about every cop can do it and that's with cars going full-out, not just a leisurely SUV on the freeway that's a big old target.

Says the amateur who obviously hasn't done anything remotely like that.

There is a reason that we have professional stuntmen, dumbass.
It's verified by the cops on scene the family with boycotted mickey ears on and another person that stopped to help.

This is more Fantasy Unicorn Land conversation.
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Because as we all know...George Zimmerman is also an expert stunt man in his spare time...famous for his high speed "pitting". He's now off to points unknown to work on the next Fast & Furious movie where he's Vin Diesel's stunt double.:eusa_liar:

If someone is nuts enough to do it, I don't see what would be so hard. Just about every cop can do it and that's with cars going full-out, not just a leisurely SUV on the freeway that's a big old target.

Says the amateur who obviously hasn't done anything remotely like that.

There is a reason that we have professional stuntmen, dumbass.

Stuntman? How is that? My guess is you're just trying to be difficult again.

Any cop can pit another car in a high-speed pursuit, right? Are they stuntmen? LOL

Was what we were talking about a high-speed pursuit? Your comments are a little off the wall.
LOL Zimmerman didn't do any heroic feat or save anyone! He and another passerby helped the family exit their SUV after it had a crash, a minor, one car crash where no one was injured. Much ado about absolutely nothing. God, what a fucking laugh this is!!!

"The 29-year-old and another man helped a couple and their two children out of the SUV, Seminole County Sheriff's spokeswoman Kim Cannaday said." SkyNews

"The sheriff's office said there were four occupants inside -- two parents and two children. There were no reports of injuries."
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LOL Zimmerman didn't do any heroic feat or save anyone! He and another passerby helped the family exit their SUV after it had a crash, a minor crash where no one was seriously injured. Much ado about absolutely nothing.

God, what a fucking laugh this is!!!

"The 29-year-old and another man helped a couple and their two children out of the SUV, Seminole County Sheriff's spokeswoman Kim Cannaday said." SkyNews

He stopped to help. It's far more than most people do but go ahead. Continue the lynching.
LOL Zimmerman didn't do any heroic feat or save anyone! He and another passerby helped the family exit their SUV after it had a crash, a minor crash where no one was seriously injured. Much ado about absolutely nothing.

God, what a fucking laugh this is!!!

"The 29-year-old and another man helped a couple and their two children out of the SUV, Seminole County Sheriff's spokeswoman Kim Cannaday said." SkyNews

He stopped to help. It's far more than most people do but go ahead. Continue the lynching.

I don't believe that is true. Most people don't arrive at the scene of a crash before the police do: I never have. If they do, most people probably would stop to help if they can. Zimmerman is a wanna be hero, who, in his zeal to be a hero, messed up really bad and killed someone, caused a death. He is no one to be admired.
It's verified by the cops on scene the family with boycotted mickey ears on and another person that stopped to help.

This is more Fantasy Unicorn Land conversation.

lucky for George the cops didnt look in his back seat

and find the side cutters he used to cut their brake line

You want to do something REALLY proactive for your community? Work at a soup kitchen rather than a neighborhood watch.


Simple..................if you work at a soup kitchen you can see where the people are really hurting, and may be able to figure out a way to help them. If you work at a neighborhood watch, you're going to think of ways that you are above the people on your street, and start looking for ways to get rid if them (because you think they're suspicious because they're out late at night without a mandate from the neighborhood, and you are, so that gives you the license to take them down and feel better about yourself).

Kinda the same reason Zimmerman did, because he thought blacks were nothing more than troublemakers and thugs, even though all Trayvon had on him was a can of tea and some Skittles.

If that was REALLY George Zimmerman's attitude towards blacks (and not simply the persona that he's been given by people with agendas in the main stream media) it makes it hard to understand why he would organize that protest against the son of a white Sanford Police officer who beat a black homeless man. It would make it hard to understand why he mentored two young black kids. George Zimmerman doesn't think that ALL blacks are troublemakers and thugs...he was however aware that the people who are breaking into the homes of his neighbors had been identified as young black males. This isn't a racial profiling thing. It's simply understanding the reality of that neighborhood in Sanford, Florida. They were NOT having problems with Asians breaking into homes. They were not having problems with people who looked Swedish breaking into homes. They were having a serious problem with young black males breaking into homes. THAT is the reason why Zimmerman looked at Trayvon Martin with suspicion that night. And if you REALLY want to point a finger at who was responsible for what happened that night? Point your finger at the kids who DID break into homes and DID have a neighborhood so uneasy that they found it necessary to form a Neighborhood Watch!

You just made a case for racial profiling and admitted that's what Zimmerman did. No matter what race Trayvon was or his age or how he was dressed, he was not a burgler, he was not responsible for what other kids did, he should not have been hunted down as he was because of what other kids who look like him did....that's racial profiling and it is wrong BECAUSE as we saw in this case, an innocent person died because of what others who look like him or are of the same race and age as him have done.
In high crime areas, where the crimes are being committed by certain people and/or certain groups, even the cops do ask what color the perp was upon many occasions, because they use this information to figure into a lot of things when investigating an area being dealt with or upon the crimes being committed in an area, and by whom it is that they are being committed by, and so it is that they ask this for reasons of by whom they are committed by, as so to figure upon next where to look to for answers in or upon who to go to, and also to ask questions towards just to hope for a person to be found for whom might know within an area, and they do this in order to hopefully find these answers, otherwise if they are looking for a suspect hidden or hiding within a race, for whom feels that the race will protect them or that they can blend in and not be found amongst their race in this way, there has to be a method used in which to find them.

It's amazing how people act as if they are dumbfounded by all this sort of stuff, but in reality they aren't as dumfounded as much as people think they are, but more so in protect mode when there is a problem that looks to embarrass a whole race in which they feel it does when certain bad things happen within their race, and so it is that sometimes a race is being looked at in certain areas when crimes are committed, and this if in a higher volume by a certain race that they are being committed by, in order to infiltrate the race who may be a tight nit bunch who will not squeal on another for fear that the whole race will be implicated by what a few or more are doing within the race. More and more it seems that people are moving away from this giving safe harbor to criminals though, because they see that it is and has been the wrong thing to do, even though it was felt in the past that if the unity is broken, and the bad isn't somehow hidden when bad things happen, then the whole race is implicated, and when this happens they feel that it emboldens the enemies in which they felt have been after them for centuries now as a race. What can be done or said I wonder to make them feel as if unifying as Americans is the better thing to do, because the enemy is none other than an old ghost anymore in which they fear, and not the real deal that existed once upon a time in America, for whom they had a real reason to fear?
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You know.................I'm wondering how many conservatives on this board would be willing to let their twitter feeds be posted?

I'm guessing not many.

Me? I don't have a twitter account. I believe twitter is for twits.
I would be willing to let anything I have posted on the internet be shown to all, as I have nothing to hide myself.. Sad for the ones whom do have so much to hide, and I think there are many whom have this problem today maybe or maybe it's not as many as one would think, so who knows really? Hmmmm.

I always knew this internet, and the new technology of today was a bad thing when it comes to recording everything people do or say, and it has shown to be a set up for future problems to arise for many, so it best not to say or do anything that will come back to haunt, and that is the way I always seen it as, but most people are highly gullible and naïve these days about it all.

Employers use the social media to check out the job seekers. It's never a good idea to use your real name. I keep thinking of the movie, "the Jerk" when Steve Martin got his name in the phone book.
Yep..... :)
I've known lots of 'regular' guys. They don't have past problems with the police or have been the subject of a restraining order. They don't have cousins accusing them of sexual molestation that went on for years. They aren't under the care of psychiatrists and counselors and aren't on anti-depressants. They don't lie to the court about how much money they have so they don't have to pay a high bail. They don't carry around concealed weapons. The fact he gained 100 pounds in a year illustrates how emotionally/mentally unbalanced he is. Zimmerman was a disaster waiting to happen. A nut case. Everything about him shouts nut case, unreliable, someone whose veracity is always questionable. That this 'accident' happened just at the right time to turn him into a hero (he thought the other incident was going to) is very suspect. It's far too coincidental and convenient.

Man, the lengths that you liberals will go to "get" George Zimmerman is scary. The guy gained all that weight because he's cowering inside somewhere because he's frightened some loon like you will attack him. You all act like a lynch mob...and then you say that Zimmerman is a "nut case" because he's afraid of you?

What this latest accident points out is the even after all he's gone through, George Zimmerman STILL cares enough about others to try and help them. Quite frankly, Esmerelda...we need MORE George Zimmerman's and fewer you's.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.

Ain't that the truth.
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