The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Trayvon says that it belonged to a "friend". Trayvon was lying his little tush off.

prove it.

By Frances Robles
[email protected]

SANFORD -- As thousands of people gathered here to demand an arrest in the Trayvon Martin case, a more complicated portrait began to emerge of a teenager whose problems at school ranged from getting spotted defacing lockers to getting caught with a marijuana baggie and women’s jewelry.

The Miami Gardens teen who has become a national symbol of racial injustice was suspended three times, and had a spotty school record that his family’s attorneys say is irrelevant to the facts that led up to his being gunned down on Feb. 26.

"In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald. Word of the incident came as the family’s lawyer acknowledged that the boy was suspended in February for getting caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana, which he called “irrelevant” and an attempt to demonize a victim.

Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.

Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend.

“Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” he responded, according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend."

Read more here: SANFORD: Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin - Trayvon Martin -

Gee, wonder why Trayvon declined to name the friend? Who does that? Oh, that's right GUILTY people do that!!!
Nobody could out lie Zimmerman. He can make up stories faster than a red horse can fly.

Faster than you SPLC Klansmen can make up "White Hispanic?" :eek::eek::eek:

Want to take a shot at explaining all the stolen jewelry that was found in his backpack while they were searching it for the markers he was defacing school property with? Think his mother or father gave him that stuff as well? :cuckoo:

It was never proven that it wss stolen. It was probably cheap costume bling.

Where did it come from if it wasn't stolen, Snookie? It's actually goods that were stolen from a house near the High School that Trayvon attended over in Miami. So you want to explain how it ended up in "poor little innocent Trayvon's" backpack? Let me guess...someone "planted" it there to frame him?

This is a complete lie. No such 'fact' about that has ever emerged, not by authorities, not by anyone who is credible. It is really sad, pathetic and sickening to see people try to do this to a young man who is dead, who was unarmed and innocent and murdered by a ridiculous wanna be cop/hero. God, you people should be so deeply ashamed of yourselves.
It was never proven that it wss stolen. It was probably cheap costume bling.

Where did it come from if it wasn't stolen, Snookie? It's actually goods that were stolen from a house near the High School that Trayvon attended over in Miami. So you want to explain how it ended up in "poor little innocent Trayvon's" backpack? Let me guess...someone "planted" it there to frame him?

This is a complete lie. No such 'fact' about that has ever emerged, not by authorities, not by anyone who is credible. It is really sad, pathetic and sickening to see people try to do this to a young man who is dead, who was unarmed and innocent and murdered by a ridiculous wanna be cop/hero. God, you people should be so deeply ashamed of yourselves.
Why not just ask him for a link or proof ? That would be better than a speech before knowing it is a lie or not right ? If don't believe the link, then how about start out with "in my opinion" this is a lie, and then move on to the rest of your rant/rebuttal/speech from there ?
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Why are gun owners always profiled, chased, stopped, harassed, beaten & or arrested???

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What bullshit. This is pathetic. People who need to denegrate and villify a poor innocent dead child should be so deeply ashamed, deeply. This is really, really disgusting. How can you live with yourself?

What's "bullshit" is the whole notion that Trayvon Martin WAS a poor innocent child! I'm sorry, Essie but he wasn't innocent...he was hanging with the wrong crowd...he was headed down the wrong road in life. Kindly explain the jewelry that was found in his backpack! Where does a teenager get silver wedding rings and earrings with diamonds? From a "friend"? A friend that you won't name? Really? You buy that nonsense? It's pathetic how naive some of you people really are when it comes to this case.

What bullshit. This is pathetic. People who need to denegrate and villify a poor innocent dead child should be so deeply ashamed, deeply. This is really, really disgusting. How can you live with yourself?

Easy. The kid died doing what he loved. Isn't that kinda kewl? Yes, it's sad. But you want to deny him an honest legacy and pretend he is something and someone he would hate. Some one he would start beating the hell out of..tsk tsk tsk, shame on you.

What bullshit. This is pathetic. People who need to denegrate and villify a poor innocent dead child should be so deeply ashamed, deeply. This is really, really disgusting. How can you live with yourself?

What's "bullshit" is the whole notion that Trayvon Martin WAS a poor innocent child! I'm sorry, Essie but he wasn't innocent...he was hanging with the wrong crowd...he was headed down the wrong road in life. Kindly explain the jewelry that was found in his backpack! Where does a teenager get silver wedding rings and earrings with diamonds? From a "friend"? A friend that you won't name? Really? You buy that nonsense? It's pathetic how naive some of you people really are when it comes to this case.

An imperfect teenager does not deserve to die. Millions of kids act up in high school and hang out with the wrong crowd and end up being productive, high achieving adults. BTW did George Zimmerman even have a job? Was he, is he even a productive member of society? It's people who are getting in trouble as adults who are the ones to worry about and condemn, not rebellious teenagers. Zimmerman had several problems with the law and with violence, as an adult. He's the one to condemn, not a rebellious teenager.
What bullshit. This is pathetic. People who need to denegrate and villify a poor innocent dead child should be so deeply ashamed, deeply. This is really, really disgusting. How can you live with yourself?

What's "bullshit" is the whole notion that Trayvon Martin WAS a poor innocent child! I'm sorry, Essie but he wasn't innocent...he was hanging with the wrong crowd...he was headed down the wrong road in life. Kindly explain the jewelry that was found in his backpack! Where does a teenager get silver wedding rings and earrings with diamonds? From a "friend"? A friend that you won't name? Really? You buy that nonsense? It's pathetic how naive some of you people really are when it comes to this case.

An imperfect teenager does not deserve to die. Millions of kids act up in high school and hang out with the wrong crowd and end up being productive, high achieving adults. BTW did George Zimmerman even have a job? Was he, is he even a productive member of society? It's people who are getting in trouble as adults who are the ones to worry about and condemn, not rebellious teenagers. Zimmerman had several problems with the law and with violence, as an adult. He's the one to condemn, not a rebellious teenager.

So stealing things from people's houses is "acting up" in your eyes? Interesting how you excuse what Trayvon Martin was doing in his life as being "rebellious".

Did George Zimmerman have a job? Yes, he used to be an insurance underwriter (something you'd know if you'd listened to the trial testimony...which you obviously DIDN'T!), a full time job he held while also going to college nights. Boy, you REALLY have to watch those darned underwriters, Essie! They are a DANGEROUS bunch!!! (eye-roll)
What bullshit. This is pathetic. People who need to denegrate and villify a poor innocent dead child should be so deeply ashamed, deeply. This is really, really disgusting. How can you live with yourself?

What's "bullshit" is the whole notion that Trayvon Martin WAS a poor innocent child! I'm sorry, Essie but he wasn't innocent...he was hanging with the wrong crowd...he was headed down the wrong road in life. Kindly explain the jewelry that was found in his backpack! Where does a teenager get silver wedding rings and earrings with diamonds? From a "friend"? A friend that you won't name? Really? You buy that nonsense? It's pathetic how naive some of you people really are when it comes to this case.

An imperfect teenager does not deserve to die. Millions of kids act up in high school and hang out with the wrong crowd and end up being productive, high achieving adults. BTW did George Zimmerman even have a job? Was he, is he even a productive member of society? It's people who are getting in trouble as adults who are the ones to worry about and condemn, not rebellious teenagers. Zimmerman had several problems with the law and with violence, as an adult. He's the one to condemn, not a rebellious teenager.

I would agree that a rebellious teenager does not deserve to die just because he is rebellious. Nor does an adult who has one or two minor blemishes on his/her personal record.

But if the rebellious teenager decides to physically assault somebody to the point that somebody is in fear of his life, the rebellious teenager does deserve to be at risk for whatever extreme measures are necessary to deal with that.

No law abiding citizen deserves to be put at risk of their life, health, or well being by somebody determined to do violence to them.

Trayvon Martin probably wasn't a bad kid, but the evidence the jury didn't see is pretty strong that he likely did commit at least one burglary or at least received stolen property, he was crude and vulgar on Facebook and Twitter, he bragged about his fight club and guns and doing drugs.

At the time of the shooting, George Zimmerman was working as an underwriter for Digital Risk, a mortgage risk-management firm. He mentored black teenagers in his home. He took a girlfriend who happened to be black to his senior prom. After a rash of burglaries in his neighborhood, he, along with his neighbors, organized the neighborhood watch progrm and included the Sanford Police Dept. in that process. He was well liked and well respected among his neighbors and dozens of them, both black and white, offered to testify to his character on his behalf.

And none of that changes the fact that a jury, after an exhaustively detailed trial, found insufficient evidence to convict him of murder or manslaughter.

On what basis do you see one of the two parties as more worthy of condemnation than the other? On what basis do you see a person who was declared not gulty in a fair trial, along with his family, to be deserving of hate mail, death threats, to be persecuted by the government, and to continue to be trashed by the media and people on message boards who don't know him, but presume the right to judge him?
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Ok this is just getting bizarro.

Are the lunatics truly suggesting that Zimmerman ran someone off the road in order to stage a rescue?


It's just as likely, in the least, than the timing of Zimmerman being released, and in his first few days to do whatever he wants without the ankle bracelet, he miraculously finds this crash.

Zimmerman could have easily drove in any lull in the traffic on the freeway and simply waited for the correct victim alone to drive by him and pit them. If he sped up carefully and nudged the SUV's rear-end, the driver wouldn't have known for sure what happened. Another coincidence is that it was an SUV, which are the most likely vehicles to roll easily. Another coincidence was there were no independent witnesses. Sound familiar?

Zimmerman had not only the motive to act as a patrol again and to look like a good citizen. (Assuming GZ killed Trayvon wrongfully which includes much of America) Once killers get that taste for blood, almost always they will never stop on their relentless pursuit of more. If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon. People should at least be contemplative to the potentials involved.

Similarities in crimes are often how investigators catch desperate criminals.

There were multiple eyewitness to this crash as it happened by people who could not stop. Their 911 calls were recorded & posted. They have been interviewed. The crash victims family have made their statements. Their vehicles had a secret recording device that records pre-crash events & vehicle system data. All phone companies record GPS location & call logs. The FBI has been on this from day one & can't find anything suggesting this crash was staged. Zimmerman would have used a black family if he would have staged this.
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Ok this is just getting bizarro.

Are the lunatics truly suggesting that Zimmerman ran someone off the road in order to stage a rescue?


It's just as likely, in the least, than the timing of Zimmerman being released, and in his first few days to do whatever he wants without the ankle bracelet, he miraculously finds this crash.

Zimmerman could have easily drove in any lull in the traffic on the freeway and simply waited for the correct victim alone to drive by him and pit them. If he sped up carefully and nudged the SUV's rear-end, the driver wouldn't have known for sure what happened. Another coincidence is that it was an SUV, which are the most likely vehicles to roll easily. Another coincidence was there were no independent witnesses. Sound familiar?

Zimmerman had not only the motive to act as a patrol again and to look like a good citizen. (Assuming GZ killed Trayvon wrongfully which includes much of America) Once killers get that taste for blood, almost always they will never stop on their relentless pursuit of more. If I'm right, the trail of broken and dead bodies will betray him someday, hopefully soon. People should at least be contemplative to the potentials involved.

Similarities in crimes are often how investigators catch desperate criminals.

There were multiple eyewitness to this crash as it happened by people who could not stop. Their 911 calls were recorded & posted. They have been interviewed. The crash victims family have made their statements. Their vehicles had a secret recording device that records pre-crash events & vehicle system data. All phone companies record GPS location & call logs. The FBI has been on this from day one & can't find anything suggesting this crash was staged.

And how very sad it is that they've been looking.
What people like Essie can't seem to understand is that the Trayvon Martin that they "believe" existed is simply an image that was put out by the Martin family lawyers to help them win a huge civil law suit. You listen to the story that was coming out of the Martin camp and you'd think that Trayvon was raised by the Huxtables...the product of a loving and stable home! The truth is, he seldom stayed with either his mother or his father. He was living with an uncle. His mother and father were clueless about what was going on in Trayvon's life because the real truth is that they weren't IN much of Trayvon's life.
What people like Essie can't seem to understand is that the Trayvon Martin that they "believe" existed is simply an image that was put out by the Martin family lawyers to help them win a huge civil law suit. You listen to the story that was coming out of the Martin camp and you'd think that Trayvon was raised by the Huxtables...the product of a loving and stable home! The truth is, he seldom stayed with either his mother or his father. He was living with an uncle. His mother and father were clueless about what was going on in Trayvon's life because the real truth is that they weren't IN much of Trayvon's life.

BTW oldfart, my name is not essie, it is Esmeralda.

You are a sick, sick sad old man if you think that demonizing a dead, murdered teenager furthers you or your position in any way. All it does is make you a small, evil spirited, sad individual.
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