The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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That's the testimony I heard, Martin called her "from his house".

And that was the prosecutions witness.

This isn't going at all well for the prosecution.

Where did you hear that testimony? She texted him 200 times that day but he was talking to her on the way to and from the 711. She was the last one to speak to him that day, right up until his murder on the dog run.

Why do you guys think Zimmerman should get to walk after killing that kid? Would you feel differently if he had murdered your child? You all seem so indifferent to Travon's death. Somebody killed that kid and you want that guy back on the streets like tomorrow..

Why are you so quick to send a possibly innocent guy to prison for the rest of his life?

He isn't innocent. He shot and killed the boy, the evidence is Travon had no Zimmerman blood, bruises on his hands. Not even under his nails.

Not certain why I have to continue explaining this stuff to you all. Slow learners?
The killing of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy. The really sad part is that it didn't have to happen. Why did Martin feel he needed to go back and confront Zimmerman? A rational person walks inside the condo and calls the Police and reports a "creepy assed Cracker" who was bothering which point the Police would have informed him that the man was part of the local Neighborhood Watch group and the situation would be OVER. But that didn't happen...did it?
Where did you hear that testimony? She texted him 200 times that day but he was talking to her on the way to and from the 711. She was the last one to speak to him that day, right up until his murder on the dog run.

Why do you guys think Zimmerman should get to walk after killing that kid? Would you feel differently if he had murdered your child? You all seem so indifferent to Travon's death. Somebody killed that kid and you want that guy back on the streets like tomorrow..

Why are you so quick to send a possibly innocent guy to prison for the rest of his life?

He isn't innocent. He shot and killed the boy, the evidence is Travon had no Zimmerman blood, bruises on his hands. Not even under his nails.

Not certain why I have to continue explaining this stuff to you all. Slow learners?

Martin had an abrasion on his finger consistent with what might occur from punching someone. Zimmerman testified that Martin threw one punch, striking him on the nose and knocking him down. Zimmerman then testified that Martin sat astride him and pounded his head into the ground. Where during THAT would you expect "bruises" to occur?
HaHa According to you, she's been debunked several times since she got there. She is kicking butt in that courtroom.

Saw recap of her on the stand.. if you think she was 'kicking butt', your are more blinded by racism and partisanship than previously thought

I don't care what you think.

Of course not.. you are basing it on FEELING... when you actually regard what she said, how she said it, and the actual answers to questions.. she was torn a new one
Where did you hear that testimony? She texted him 200 times that day but he was talking to her on the way to and from the 711. She was the last one to speak to him that day, right up until his murder on the dog run.

Why do you guys think Zimmerman should get to walk after killing that kid? Would you feel differently if he had murdered your child? You all seem so indifferent to Travon's death. Somebody killed that kid and you want that guy back on the streets like tomorrow..

Why are you so quick to send a possibly innocent guy to prison for the rest of his life?

He isn't innocent. He shot and killed the boy, the evidence is Travon had no Zimmerman blood, bruises on his hands. Not even under his nails.

Not certain why I have to continue explaining this stuff to you all. Slow learners?

You really just pick and choose what fits your belief in this case don't you? They fought, that is agreed by both sides. This case is to decide who was the aggressor.
So here's what I learned from watching the testimony this morning. Martin called Zimmerman the "N" word and a "crazy assed cracker" that's just the way we talk in our culture har har har. so it's A okay but if you use the N word 30 years ago you izzzzz a racist. I think Zimmerman may walk free. The double standard is in a full dress parade this mawning.
He's a White Hispanic.

My God, what a Dumbed-Down MSM we have. There's no such thing as a 'White Hispanic.' That's just preposterous Media drivel. We no longer have a credible Media in this Country.

Wrong again, ronpaulitician.

Funny.. looking at a HR form for employment on race.. nothing there about any white hispanic.. cannot find any government designation for white hispanic either

Seems to me that you are trying to find some way to interject the 'whitey' race card in this.. just like the media did at the beginning
Having had my own nose broken in two different fights I find your belief that blood instantly gushes out to cover someone rather amusing...especially someone who is lying on their back. That blood is going to go down the victims throat at that point. It's that whole "gravity" may have heard of it?
There are light skinned hispanics and dark skinned hispanics. It's a legitimate term.

The term is absurd and completely invented by a thoroughly Dumbed-Down MSM. The man is Hispanic. Period, end of story. I know that deeply disappoints the corrupt MSM, but it is what it is. Anyway, i've fudged up now. I almost got sucked in. Gonna head outside. It's a beautiful Summer day. You should turn off your Idiot Box and enjoy the day too. Life is short.

Great, enjoy the day. I'm unfortunately working.

You call this working? you should be paying back your boss.
My God, what a Dumbed-Down MSM we have. There's no such thing as a 'White Hispanic.' That's just preposterous Media drivel. We no longer have a credible Media in this Country.

Wrong again, ronpaulitician.

Funny.. looking at a HR form for employment on race.. nothing there about any white hispanic.. cannot find any government designation for white hispanic either

Seems to me that you are trying to find some way to interject the 'whitey' race card in this.. just like the media did at the beginning

well Treyvon did call him a "crazy assed cracker" yep he did. and then he called him a N too so I'm confused.
He wasn't acting as a concerned citizen. He was acting as a vigilante.

Even if that was true (which it is not) did that give Martin the right to punch Zimmerman and bash his head into the ground?
You seem willfully to ignore this simple fact.

In Florida?

It's called "Stand your ground".

No, that's not what "stand your ground" means. Your ignorance of this topic is appalling. Actually your ignorance in general is appalling.
Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...
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Once upon a time,in America,you were presumed innocent until proven guilty, now we have a media whipped up frenzied politicized reality TV version called justice. How can anyone receive a fair and unbiased trial under these set of circumstances? It is apparent that if Zimmerman had been Black and Martin white this issue would never have attained the current level of national attention? I can see it now, Jessie and Al demanding all charges be dropped on the court house stairs with CNBC, CNN et... covering the media event.
You need to review this testimony on your own. I'm not explaining everything to you.

Now that's amusing, Sarah. You're not explaining it because you don't have a rational explanation for how Trayvon Martin gets from outside of the condo (where Rachel puts him when she calls him back...breathing hard from running away) all the way back up that side walk to where the fight took place. There's only one way that happened...and that's if Trayvon Martin WALKED BACK to confront the "creepy assed Cracker".

This case is over...

Yeah, it's over. Why even try to inform yourself any longer, the murderer walks..

And precisely why we are supposed to deal with evidence instead of just emotional twats like yourself

ahhhhhhhhhhh hahahahaha
Where did you hear that testimony? She texted him 200 times that day but he was talking to her on the way to and from the 711. She was the last one to speak to him that day, right up until his murder on the dog run.

Why do you guys think Zimmerman should get to walk after killing that kid? Would you feel differently if he had murdered your child? You all seem so indifferent to Travon's death. Somebody killed that kid and you want that guy back on the streets like tomorrow..

Why are you so quick to send a possibly innocent guy to prison for the rest of his life?

He isn't innocent. He shot and killed the boy, the evidence is Travon had no Zimmerman blood, bruises on his hands. Not even under his nails.

Not certain why I have to continue explaining this stuff to you all. Slow learners?

Quite a difference in being innocent of murder and having caused the death of someone for whatever other reason.. possibly including self defense..

But hey.. your emotions told you he was guilty... what else do you need??

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