The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

It was for the sum of your stupid posts. And you have deserved it before now. I will.

STill neggin. Wow.

Stand your ground? He stalked that kid. Is that stand your ground?

Neg that.
Stalking and surveillance as a watchmen is two different things, so what it comes down to is if he was within his training or guidelines upon this property, and this when he attempted to pursue Martin in order to keep continued surveillance on him (or) he was not within his training or guidelines when began his surveillance pursuit on Martin, therefore he was acting on his own thinking when began such a pursuit in which brought about dire consequences for the both men involved due the confusion that ensued afterwards. The dispatcher instructed him not to pursue the suspect when he heard this pursuit over the phone, and Zimmerman said OK upon the dispatchers instruction., therefore ending the surveillance pursuit at this point maybe ?
When you listen to Zimmerman calling the police and the police officer on the phone telling him not to pursue Martin; it's game over in my mind. It's on the Wiki page about the incident.

If the police tell you not to do something and you do it and what you did results in the death of another, you're in a heap of trouble and you should be. They are the law enforcement authority and its as simple as that.

Now...all that being said; Zimmerman is being charged with murder, right? Not wrongful death...murder. Does what Zimmerman do rise to a murder conviction? I think so but I can see where the prosecution may be over-reaching with the murder charge.
When Zimmerman was instructed to stop his surveillance pursuit in which he embarked upon, and this while he had the police dispatcher on the phone, and the operator/dispatcher heard this pursuit of Zimmerman running along with his heavy breathing, didn't he Zimmerman say "Ok" and then stopped the pursuit right then ? Isn't this where Zimmerman said next that as he walked back to his vehicle Martin then approached him ? I am vague on my recollection of it all now..

I assume it's possible.

The logic of it though is a bit weird...if you get out of your car to pursue someone you are, by definition, between the person you're looking for and your vehicle. Right?

You would have to be in pursuit for quite a while to have the guy you're following get back between you and your vehicle.

Sounds pretty far fetched but possible? Sure.

Also you have to look at how Martin is being portrayed....if he was up to no good and so on and so the guy really going to circle back? If I'm running from someone and they stop chasing me...I'm not coming back to engage.

Still; it's anyone's guess, only 2 people know the circumstances and what happened. One is dead, one is on trial for killing him.
Yep, it is for the smart ones to figure it all out now, otherwise to be found in that court, because I can only touch around the edges of it, just like everyone else does the same or just as well here. Hopefully proper justice will prevail in the case.
Chantel served as the most devastating to the prosecution's case.
Why do you think that?

I think she was a very credible witness...she resonated well with most people. She was certainly real, there was no faking anything with her.

It's not looking good for Zimmerman right about now.
This trial is essentially over as of now. The girlfriend just testified that Trayvon ran away from Zimmerman and was by his fathers girlfriend's condo when she got him on the phone again...breathing hard and sounding tired after running away. That means Martin is several hundred yards away from where the confrontation took place according to her testimony. AT THAT POINT IT IS MARTIN WHO RETURNS TO CONFRONT ZIMMERMAN! If he doesn't do so then Zimmerman walks back to his SUV and they never come in contact. See ya, Prosecution case....

It doesn't matter if Martin returned to ask Zimmerman why he was following him...IF that is actually what happened. As a citizen, I would have every right to confront some scum who was following me around the neighborhood and ask them what they're doing. And if they reached for their gun, I would have every right to jump them.

Confronting someone and asking them why they're following you around is NOT attacking them.

It doesn't make sense, anyway, that Martin would be frightened enough to run away so fast that he is breathing hard and tired, and then GO BACK. That just doesn't make any sense to a reasonable person. I'm having a lot of reasonable doubt about that theory, and even if it's true, Martin had every right to confront the asshole who was following him around.

You're's doesn't make sense that a "frightened" person would go back and confront someone instead of simply going inside the condo and calling the Police. Yet that is EXACTLY what Trayvon Martin did that night. Rachel repeatedly stated that he was right outside of the condo when she called him back...breathing hard after running away from Zimmerman. So kindly explain how he gets from THERE all the way back to the beginning of the "dog walk" if he doesn't retrace his steps to confront Zimmerman. Kindly explain why someone who is "afraid" would go looking for a confrontation instead of simply stepping inside the door to the condo and being totally safe.

That fight didn't have to happen if Trayvon Martin doesn't walk back and confront George Zimmerman. Does Martin have the "right" to confront someone for following him? Of course he does! What he DOESN'T have the right to do is physically assault someone for following him. That's assault and battery. It's a crime.
Is it not allowed for a watchmen to leave his vehicle or post for surveillance purposes, and this within the community he was charged to watch by that community ? Just asking... I am not sure what his job contained as far as surveillance goes, or what he was supposed to do when saw a potential suspect at night in the rain walking, and especially if said suspect looked suspicious all by his limited training he had in this respect. I think it was a perfect storm that came together possibly, of a miss-identification on both the individuals parts upon who exactly it was that either person was dealing with that night. The case should be studied for future do's and don'ts in a situation like this, and it sure will shed a better light on how such a watch program is badly flawed, thus placing two individuals at odd's with each other, when they should have never been at odd's with each other to begin with.

What he is supposed to do is stay in his vehicle and not follow or confront suspects but report them to the police and wait for the pollice to take care of it.

The 'suspect' did nothing wrong. An unarmed citizen walking in an area he had every right to be in, minding his own business ends up dead for what? For us to learn a lesson about what to do and not to do? What lesson does the unarmed private citizen learn? Don't leave your home after dark? Don't walk to the store? Don't spend time outside though you don't feel like going right inside?

The lesson here is for vigilante types to stop it. For neighborhood watch people to follow the rules and recommendations and let the police handle problems. For people to stop running around with guns wanting to be heros. WTF did he think he needed a gun for?

If he had done what he was supposed to do, that young man would still be alive.


The police officer plainly indicated that he was not to pursue Martin.

The question is whether it rises to the level of murder. I think the prosecution may have over-reached....

I think Zimmerman is a murderer and that he should rot in jail for the rest of his life...that is where I come down. However, I can see where the defense can introduce reasonable doubt pretty easily.

When the jury is given absolutes like they are in this case, they often err on the side of not-guilty. I think the State should have went for manslaughter or wrongful death. As far as I understand, it's a Murder conviction or a verdict of not guilty.

"We don't need you to do that" is an order?

Not that it matters. It's a non point. He stopped, lost sight of Martin and returned to his vehicle.
This trial is essentially over as of now. The girlfriend just testified that Trayvon ran away from Zimmerman and was by his fathers girlfriend's condo when she got him on the phone again...breathing hard and sounding tired after running away. That means Martin is several hundred yards away from where the confrontation took place according to her testimony. AT THAT POINT IT IS MARTIN WHO RETURNS TO CONFRONT ZIMMERMAN! If he doesn't do so then Zimmerman walks back to his SUV and they never come in contact. See ya, Prosecution case....

It doesn't matter if Martin returned to ask Zimmerman why he was following him...IF that is actually what happened. As a citizen, I would have every right to confront some scum who was following me around the neighborhood and ask them what they're doing. And if they reached for their gun, I would have every right to jump them.

Confronting someone and asking them why they're following you around is NOT attacking them.

It doesn't make sense, anyway, that Martin would be frightened enough to run away so fast that he is breathing hard and tired, and then GO BACK. That just doesn't make any sense to a reasonable person. I'm having a lot of reasonable doubt about that theory, and even if it's true, Martin had every right to confront the asshole who was following him around.

You're's doesn't make sense that a "frightened" person would go back and confront someone instead of simply going inside the condo and calling the Police. Yet that is EXACTLY what Trayvon Martin did that night. Rachel repeatedly stated that he was right outside of the condo when she called him back...breathing hard after running away from Zimmerman. So kindly explain how he gets from THERE all the way back to the beginning of the "dog walk" if he doesn't retrace his steps to confront Zimmerman. Kindly explain why someone who is "afraid" would go looking for a confrontation instead of simply stepping inside the door to the condo and being totally safe.

That fight didn't have to happen if Trayvon Martin doesn't walk back and confront George Zimmerman. Does Martin have the "right" to confront someone for following him? Of course he does! What he DOESN'T have the right to do is physically assault someone for following him. That's assault and battery. It's a crime.

He wasn't afraid, and he was looking for a fight.

The druggy witness is lying. Or just doesn't remember correctly. Drugs do that to even the smartest people. And she's not the smartest.
The last witness who couldn't even speak English was the most devastating to Zimmerman. Her last words were the one on top in the scuffle was the one who got up. The other one was dead.

I guess that is what self defense is in Florida, being on top of someone beating them up and then shooting them.
State has a bad day when:

1. You attempt to impeach your own witness in re-direct.

2. The hot Colombian confirms the defense's narrative of the event.

3. Precious "The Star Witness" says she modified her testimony under oath because I was in the victim's living room, sitting next to the victim's mother. (This being the testimony that finally led to the defendant's arrest)

4. Pundits on CNN are having to qualify that "creepy-ass-cracka" is not a racial slur.
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Today was owned by the defense.



By the way, in your opinion, has the defense ever not won a day in court? Seriously.


You don't have the ability to neg. You are impotent and firing blanks. Your salmon don't swim up stream.

Why is this? Because I got tired of people using neg reps as threats.

How YOU doing?

To me Zimmerman is looking pretty bad. Good luck in prison bro.
The last witness who couldn't even speak English was the most devastating to Zimmerman. Her last words were the one on top in the scuffle was the one who got up. The other one was dead.

I guess that is what self defense is in Florida, being on top of someone beating them up and then shooting them.

Zimmerman is the one who got beaten up.

Martin had no marks except the scrapes on his knuckles, right?
The last witness who couldn't even speak English was the most devastating to Zimmerman. Her last words were the one on top in the scuffle was the one who got up. The other one was dead.

I guess that is what self defense is in Florida, being on top of someone beating them up and then shooting them.

Zimmerman is the one who got beaten up.

Martin had no marks except the scrapes on his knuckles, right?
Don't confuse Sarah with facts, she can't handle it.
The last witness who couldn't even speak English was the most devastating to Zimmerman. Her last words were the one on top in the scuffle was the one who got up. The other one was dead.

I guess that is what self defense is in Florida, being on top of someone beating them up and then shooting them.

Zimmerman is the one who got beaten up.

Martin had no marks except the scrapes on his knuckles, right?

That means he got his ass kicked. Then he shot that kid.
Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

From what I've heard, she does that all the time. Neg repping makes her feel important and powerful, as if her law degree and certified nurse practitioner credentials aren't enough. And how dare you point out a probem with her theory. She is never wrong.

Thanks, Koosh. I was rather amused by the neg rep. It's not like I said something demeaning to her...all I did was point out the inconsistency in her argument. I just find it amazing that the same people who find fault with George Zimmerman for trying to follow Trayvon Martin...saying THAT caused the confrontation...have no problem with Trayvon Martin returning to confront Zimmerman when he could have simply stepped inside of the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy asshole Cracker".

Yes, if Zimmerman doesn't follow Martin then none of this happens but Zimmerman IS part of the Neighborhood Watch and he WAS concerned about break-ins that had been taking place. One can only assume that was his motivation for doing what he did.

On the other hand, what reason does Trayvon Martin have to retrace his steps and physically confront a stranger in the middle of the night? Quite frankly I can't think of one. I'm sorry but what Martin did was not the act of a rational person.
The last witness who couldn't even speak English was the most devastating to Zimmerman. Her last words were the one on top in the scuffle was the one who got up. The other one was dead.

I guess that is what self defense is in Florida, being on top of someone beating them up and then shooting them.

Zimmerman is the one who got beaten up.

Martin had no marks except the scrapes on his knuckles, right?

Zimmerman was on top according to Sarah yet amazingly none of his blood dripped down onto Trayvon Martin (somehow the laws of gravity were not in play that night in Sanford, Florida!) and then after shooting Martin, Zimmerman was so excited that he "slipped" and struck first his face (breaking his nose) and then somehow managed to repeatedly slip again while also flipping over to cause multiple contusions to the back of his head.

That Sarah thinks any of THAT makes sense is laughable...
I have a question....

Did Treyvon have any injuries beyond the gunshot?

The other guy did and im wondering if Treyvon had and defensive wounds or cuts and bruises?
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