The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Just finished reading back since I left...27 pages ago...and you all have me cracking up! Such great commentary!

Couple things I learned...DH tells me that "cracker" IS definitely a racist and derogatory term. It comes from the time of slavery and refers to the white slave owners being "whip crackers"; making the slaves labor harder. The word "whip" has since been dropped. He learned this years ago from our very dear friend who happens to be much older and black. matter what the Urban Dict has to say about it (I haven't checked), it has nothing to do with saltines.

Regarding the issue of whether the outcome had to do with a Neighborhood Watch person carrying a gun or not. That is patently absurd. My DH is an avid gun collector and 18/7 gun carrier (he puts his caliber du jour in the safe when he's sleeping). CWP people either carry all the time, or they don't and carry only when they feel they may be in a "situation". DH carries all the time, every day, at work, to date night dinner, even at church. The only time he doesn't carry is if he's going out of state. And we have many friends with CWP and they all holster their weapons every day. And, NO, we do not live in a high crime area.

So...if GZ carried his weapon all the time...which I think he likely did...then there is no reason for him to disarm just because he was going to Target or wherever he was going that fateful night. HE WAS NOT ON NW PATROL! And, even if he was on patrol, he had the right to carry it too. There's no evidence GZ brandished his weapon or did anything threatening that night. Following a person he did not recognize in his neighborhood is NOT a crime. So let's all get away from the premise that GZ was somehow at fault for carrying his lawful weapon.

Back to this far it has been clearly established by the Ebonics Queen, if only by her, that TM had ample opportunity to go home to where he was staying. But he did not. Hell...TM could have probably reported GZ to the police if he wanted to, even if just to report a suspicious person following him. According to DD, TM was close to his father's fiancee's home and never went in. That was TM's fatal decision. Not GZ's. It seems TM f'd with the wrong dude. This guy didn't have a whip...he had a gun. And he used it not because he was a racist, but because he was attacked by a haughty kid who had a preconceived notion GZ was either a "nigga" or a "creepy ass cracker" and wanted to teach Z a lesson. Maybe to impress his Miami friend Diamond/DD/Rachel. Who knows why. Not relevant. Facts prove TM came back to "speak to"/confront/be aggressive with GZ after he knew GZ was no longer a "threat".

The thought that GZ should have gone unarmed at any time when he has a lawful carry permit irks me to no end. IMO GZ used that gun when he needed to. Personally I'm glad he had the ability to save his own life, if that's what the evidence continues to prove.

Short story: DH was mugged a few years ago in 3:00 PM daylight. It was in an area surrounded by apartments. The mugger hit him in the head with something that knocked him down, and had DH on the sidewalk but the perp fled when he saw my husband draw his weapon. He pulled his weapon and realized that if he fired, it may have missed the mugger and injured someone in the nearby homes. But the mugger didn't know DH wouldn't have fired in that instance. The mugger ran without getting a dime. That taught me that a gun in strong hands is a definite deterrent.

Gone on too long. Just listening and watching to this and nothing I have heard so far has contradicted GZ's claim of self defense. And nothing so far has gone towards proving GZ is guilty of M2. Just sayin'
At the scene reenactment
[ame=]Raw Video: George Zimmerman reenacts incident for Sanford Police - YouTube[/ame]

Sean Hannity interview
[ame=]George Zimmerman's Exclusive Full Interview With Sean Hannity 7/18/2012 - YouTube[/ame]
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Many have questions regarding legal docs for this trial.

This thread is for posting evidence regarding the case.

Please feel free to add.

This is not a debate thread.

Please do not troll the thread.

If anyone is in search of a document [MENTION=43879]testarosa[/MENTION] will be more than happy to assist you... :tongue:

Hardy har. you funny.

:tongue: back at ya

Who dat?
You must be following a different Martin/Zimmerman case than the rest of the world.

"- In some accounts, she said race was an issue but not in others.
- Jeantel testified Wednesday that her friend's last words were "Get off! Get off!" before Martin's phone went silent. But on Thursday, under cross-examination, she conceded that she hadn't mentioned that in her account of what happened to Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton. She had left out some details to spare Fulton's feelings, and also because neither Fulton nor the Martin family attorney asked her directly about them, Jeantel said.
- After Martin asks why he is being followed, Zimmerman responds, "What are you doing around here?" in one account by Jeantel. In another account, according to West, she says Zimmerman said, "What are you talking about?"

News from The Associated Press
I watched this video again and then bumped it up against his next interview with Sean Hannity. The reenactment seems very credible to me and it was the very next day. It was not known to Zimmerman who saw or heard what had happened and what would be reported to police outside of his account...I think this reenactment is pretty close to what actually happened.

Interesting to me was that Tray had walked up the T while GZ was in the car and then went right (in the direction of fiances house), but then Tray comes back and actually circles GZs car when GZ was in it talking to 911 dispatch. Then he says Tray went back up the T in sidewalk the same way as the first time (to the right and on the sidewalk going behind the apts and towards the fiances house).

Its at this time that GZ gets out of car to give location and walks up the T. Its interesting to me, because this is not a teenager that is running away in fear...this is someone coming back to the problem. So Tray actually comes back to GZ twice...thats not someone running scared. Very Important...its credible, because it plays out the same way on the 911 tape.

At the scene reenactment
[ame=]Raw Video: George Zimmerman reenacts incident for Sanford Police - YouTube[/ame]

Sean Hannity interview
[ame=]George Zimmerman's Exclusive Full Interview With Sean Hannity 7/18/2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Now in Trays favor (Hannity tape)...Im convinced that GZ was going for his gun now, which was the reason I revisited these tapes...I wanted to be sure or more sure. GZ describes trayvon walking toward him at one point and going for his waist band...he tells sean (approximately 5:00 mark) that tray reaches into his waistband as if he was grabbing for a weapon or that he wanted GZ to think he had a weapon. This is important to me, because not only was GZ confronted and being called out for following, but GZ also thinks this kid may have a weapon in his waistband...thats what he told sean. So, I believe that GZ knowing that and fearing a confrontation that it is reasonable to believe that GZ would go for the gun to protect himself...not a phone. Remember the gun was where he was grabbing....the phone was not.

Regardless of what he was grabbing for, there is no way to know what Tray was thinking when he went grabbing for something. It could have been a knife, anything. GZ describes being hit just after attempting to reach. My problem with this is that Zimmerman is not defusing the situation...he is an adult and this is a kid....make it clear who you are...hell I would have said something when the kid was circling my car. GZ never did that...he could have defused the situation. It could have been an "oh my fault, bro...Im with NH watch and weve had some break ins...Im George"..."where are ya headed is everything okay?" Thats it...thats all he has to do and I cant understand why he didnt do that.
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You must be following a different Martin/Zimmerman case than the rest of the world.

"- In some accounts, she said race was an issue but not in others.
- Jeantel testified Wednesday that her friend's last words were "Get off! Get off!" before Martin's phone went silent. But on Thursday, under cross-examination, she conceded that she hadn't mentioned that in her account of what happened to Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton. She had left out some details to spare Fulton's feelings, and also because neither Fulton nor the Martin family attorney asked her directly about them, Jeantel said.
- After Martin asks why he is being followed, Zimmerman responds, "What are you doing around here?" in one account by Jeantel. In another account, according to West, she says Zimmerman said, "What are you talking about?"

News from The Associated Press

She has been sticking with one "account" under oath even though the defense has been trying to shake it.
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You must be following a different Martin/Zimmerman case than the rest of the world.

"- In some accounts, she said race was an issue but not in others.
- Jeantel testified Wednesday that her friend's last words were "Get off! Get off!" before Martin's phone went silent. But on Thursday, under cross-examination, she conceded that she hadn't mentioned that in her account of what happened to Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton. She had left out some details to spare Fulton's feelings, and also because neither Fulton nor the Martin family attorney asked her directly about them, Jeantel said.
- After Martin asks why he is being followed, Zimmerman responds, "What are you doing around here?" in one account by Jeantel. In another account, according to West, she says Zimmerman said, "What are you talking about?"

News from The Associated Press

She has been sticking with one "account" under oath even though the prosecution has been trying to shake it.

Prosecution or defense?

I found her to be a credible witness. I understand why she didn't want to go to the wake. It makes all kinds of sense; there are people who are very disturbed by funerals. My sister was like that. Going to funerals was very difficult for her, even when it wasn't someone particularly close. This girl is young and not liking being in this kind of national spot light. She is also not very sophisticated. But I think she is telling the essential truth. As far as being a liar: lying about why you didn't attend a wake is nothing compared to lying to the court about your finances so you can get a lower bail.
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I have a question....

Did Treyvon have any injuries beyond the gunshot?

The other guy did and im wondering if Treyvon had and defensive wounds or cuts and bruises?

Here's the autopsy info....
Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report: Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

One scratch? Sounds like a one way fight that he clearly dominated until shot.

That scratch was on Trayvons knuckle from beating Zimmerman. The prosecution can't prove Zimmerman ever laid a hand on Martin.
You must be following a different Martin/Zimmerman case than the rest of the world.

"- In some accounts, she said race was an issue but not in others.
- Jeantel testified Wednesday that her friend's last words were "Get off! Get off!" before Martin's phone went silent. But on Thursday, under cross-examination, she conceded that she hadn't mentioned that in her account of what happened to Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton. She had left out some details to spare Fulton's feelings, and also because neither Fulton nor the Martin family attorney asked her directly about them, Jeantel said.
- After Martin asks why he is being followed, Zimmerman responds, "What are you doing around here?" in one account by Jeantel. In another account, according to West, she says Zimmerman said, "What are you talking about?"

News from The Associated Press

She has been sticking with one "account" under oath even though the prosecution has been trying to shake it.

Prosecution or defense?

I found her to be a credible witness. I understand why she didn't want to go to the wake. It makes all kinds of sense; there are people who are very disturbed by funerals. My sister was like that. Going to funerals was very difficult for her, even when it wasn't someone particularly close. This girl is young and not liking being in this kind of national spot light. She is also not very sophiticated. But I think she is telling the essential truth. As far as being a liar: lying aboutwhy you didn't attend a wake is nothing compared to lying to the court about you finances so you can get a lower bail.

My bad.

Defense is trying to shake it.

And yeah..she doesn't want this at all. That's my take.


By the way, in your opinion, has the defense ever not won a day in court? Seriously.


You don't have the ability to neg. You are impotent and firing blanks. Your salmon don't swim up stream.

Why is this? Because I got tired of people using neg reps as threats.

How YOU doing?

To me Zimmerman is looking pretty bad. Good luck in prison bro.

People on this board neg idiots & clearly you were getting a lot. Rachel 'Dee Dee' Jeantel is your intellectual superior.

One scratch? Sounds like a one way fight that he clearly dominated until shot.

That scratch was on Trayvons knuckle from beating Zimmerman. The prosecution can't prove Zimmerman ever laid a hand on Martin.

That's basically because the police really fucked up.

Seriously fucked up.

If Sharpton hadn't become involved..there would be no arrest and no trial.
To my friends here....I miss you all!!! I just can't deal with this trial. What a mess!

This trial is nothing compared to the arias trial

Racism is what I meant. My friends and I came here from the WAT forum. We were together all through the Arias cluster fuck.
But I feel this trial is much worse......whatever the's not going to be good.

This trial is important to the country on many levels. Arias was just about one psycho.
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