The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I hear ya and am with you on some of those facts, but Rachel? LMAO... come on should be sad for the Martin family...I am. If I was Trays mom, Id beat her ass for her conduct at her sons killers trial...but thats me.

She was the last person to talk to Martin.

I could care less about her life.

The only thing that should matter is her recollection of the day.

Zimmerman's got a real thin defense. And several versions of events.

That, in itself, should be problematic.

And considering the crime?

Zimmerman really looks bad.

I have no idea why gun advocates are clinging to this guy.

He was a foul tempered man with a wannabe cop streak.

That's the exact wrong person for a concealed carry permit.

Well you are generalizing his version of events...I have posted his interviews and the 911 tapes and they are incredibly consistent. I dont know what you are watching.

His version is not the point. His version actually gets himself in trouble in my book.

Several versions? You arent really paying attention are you? His version could sink him...go with that.

There are several versions.

And you are right..his initial version gets him into a lot of trouble.

But the only thing I take away from Rachel's testimony is what was initially said between the two individuals. The rest of it is garbage.

I've actually sat on a jury. And you really have to breakaway the garbage from the facts.
She seems awfully pissy towards the prosecution even though this is their witness, lol.

that aint nothing yet

later on

the state tries to impeach their own witness (jenna lauer)

She also noted in both direct and cross examination that she herself was uncertain of the street names in the neighborhood, and that there were no street signs anywhere near her townhouse, the same area where Zimmerman would have reported to the non-emergency dispatcher his difficulty in providing a specific address.

She also on direct recounted overhearing a “three-part” exchange that was entirely consistent with Zimmerman’s telling of the brief exchange between himself and Martin that night.

Things really got interesting when O’Mara started his cross-examination, however. On direct examination de la Rionda had revealed in questioning that Lauer, as a board member of the HOA, had known Zimmerman personally, if only slightly, because of his work with the Neighborhood Watch Program. At one point of the night of the shooting the police had asked Lauer if she would be willing to see if she could identify the man who had identified himself as the shooter.

She was understandably unwilling to come face to face with a person who had just shot someone. Instead, she suggested that they take a picture of the shooter, and she would seek to identify that. The police agreed tot his suggestion, took a photo of Zimmerman’s face as he sat in the patrol car, and showed the picture to Lauer, a woman who had repeatedly seen Zimmerman in HOA-related meetings.

Shockingly, she was unable to identify Zimmerman, because of the severity of his injuries. This powerful testimony obviously strongly supported the defense’s theory of the case that Zimmerman had been the subject of a brutal aggravated assault by Martin

Zimmerman Trial | Live video | Prosecution Witnesses
She was the last person to talk to Martin.

I could care less about her life.

The only thing that should matter is her recollection of the day.

Zimmerman's got a real thin defense. And several versions of events.

That, in itself, should be problematic.

And considering the crime?

Zimmerman really looks bad.

I have no idea why gun advocates are clinging to this guy.

He was a foul tempered man with a wannabe cop streak.

That's the exact wrong person for a concealed carry permit.

Well you are generalizing his version of events...I have posted his interviews and the 911 tapes and they are incredibly consistent. I dont know what you are watching.

His version is not the point. His version actually gets himself in trouble in my book.

Several versions? You arent really paying attention are you? His version could sink him...go with that.

There are several versions.

And you are right..his initial version gets him into a lot of trouble.

But the only thing I take away from Rachel's testimony is what was initially said between the two individuals. The rest of it is garbage.

I've actually sat on a jury. And you really have to breakaway the garbage from the facts.

I agree...its about getting to the truth. I could care less what color someone is...they are people...a person died...not a color...someones son.

The thing is that to get to the truth you have to weed thru what makes sense and what doesnt. Most of Zimmermans version makes sense...and it jives. The problem for zimmerman is that its from his although the version may be correct you are only seeing his reaction...not trays.

That is where objectivity comes in...what was going through trays mind?...we know what was going thru zims...doesnt make it right what he did. It doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes.

Tray made some mistakes that night too. But why Zim was suspicious and his version of the footsteps that night...make sense to me and are relatively consistent with the tapes. To me the nuts of the case is when the 911 call ended...the confrontation.
You go ahead and run with that, sarhag. I like to see leftist drones commit to their lies to the bitter end.

Prosecution had a GREAT day! I bet they were patting each other on the backs when court adjourned. Cuz it was THAT good!

yeah i am sure they had a good day considering

they tried to impeach one of their own witnesses

that always suggests

"a good day"

Well you are generalizing his version of events...I have posted his interviews and the 911 tapes and they are incredibly consistent. I dont know what you are watching.

His version is not the point. His version actually gets himself in trouble in my book.

Several versions? You arent really paying attention are you? His version could sink him...go with that.

There are several versions.

And you are right..his initial version gets him into a lot of trouble.

But the only thing I take away from Rachel's testimony is what was initially said between the two individuals. The rest of it is garbage.

I've actually sat on a jury. And you really have to breakaway the garbage from the facts.

I agree...its about getting to the truth. I could care less what color someone is...they are people...a person died...not a color...someones son.

The thing is that to get to the truth you have to weed thru what makes sense and what doesnt. Most of Zimmermans version makes sense...and it jives. The problem for zimmerman is that its from his although the version may be correct you are only seeing his reaction...not trays.

That is where objectivity comes in...what was going through trays mind?...we know what was going thru zims...doesnt make it right what he did. It doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes.

Tray made some mistakes that night too. But why Zim was suspicious and his version of the footsteps that night...make sense to me and are relatively consistent with the tapes. To me the nuts of the case is when the 911 call ended...the confrontation.

It actually doesn't.

The tape you link is actually several versions after Zimmerman heard the 911 tape. His initial version has Martin "jumping" him by his car.

And that tape doesn't make sense.

Take what was initially said. Why would Martin, who was running away by Zimmerman's own account, ask if he had a problem? Then Zimmerman has Martin covering his nose and mouth. Really? Does any of the admittedly sparse photographic evidence back that up? There would be blood on Martin's hands as well, since he "broke" Zimmerman's nose. Then? Martin "sees" the gun, and goes for it? Really? What backs that up? Are Martin's fingerprints on the gun? Is there gunpowder on Martin's hands?

The cops, who did a terrible job here, did all these interviews because they thought Zimmerman's story was fishy.

It wasn't just was completely fake.
Again, my understanding is that he called the police department directly, not 911.

Not the case?

Zimmermans call was still handled by the same 911 operator. He did not have to comply with any orders from the operator.

Yeah, but he does have to comply with the law.

Following someone running away from menacing.

Why didn't Martin call 911 instead of flying into a racist creepy ass cracker tirade on the phone with his friend & using that race fueled rage to excessively violently beat Zimmerman?
Many have questions regarding legal docs for this trial.

This thread is for posting evidence regarding the case.

Please feel free to add.

This is not a debate thread.

Please do not troll the thread.

If anyone is in search of a document [MENTION=43879]testarosa[/MENTION] will be more than happy to assist you... :tongue:

Hardy har. you funny.

:tongue: back at ya

Who dat?

Dunno! :confused:
Some squirrely chicky who showed up one day with some groupies and started posting about trials. I think she may be :cuckoo: [MENTION=43879]testarosa[/MENTION]
Zimmermans call was still handled by the same 911 operator. He did not have to comply with any orders from the operator.

Yeah, but he does have to comply with the law.

Following someone running away from menacing.

Why didn't Martin call 911 instead of flying into a racist creepy ass cracker tirade on the phone with his friend & using that race fueled rage to excessively violently beat Zimmerman?

Then, why bother calling them in an emergency?

Knock off the sophistry.
I'm a paramedic in a big city. Some municipalities do have separate dispatchers for fire, police, and EMS. Most dispatchers are not medics but are EMD-trained. Pretty pleased with dispatchers in this area.

The ones here are paramedics. I know them.

You sure they are paramedics? What color coats do they wear when they pick you up?
Actually, what I saw was an abusive attorney slapping around a 19 year old girl.

Can't see how that goes over well with an all female jury. Especially when the judge told West to lower his voice.

Zimmerman attorney grills RAchel Jeantel in Trayvon Martin case | Washington Times Communities

A particularly uncomfortable moment came when Don West asked Rachel Jeantel to read from a piece of paper. The paper contained a statement she had allegedly written that was sent to Trayvon’s mother. Jeantel reported that she was not able to read script writing. Jeantel was forced to explain that she dictated the letter to a friend who had written it for her because she is not able to write very well.

A similarly painful moment happened when West asked Jeantel “what wet grass sounds like,” referring to her now well-known testimony from the previous day. West’s demeanor when he asked the question was provocative and belittling, rather than sounding like he wanted clarification. Jeantel clarified that she meant that she heard sounds of someone rolling around on the wet grass.

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Zimmermans call was still handled by the same 911 operator. He did not have to comply with any orders from the operator.

Yeah, but he does have to comply with the law.

Following someone running away from menacing.

Why didn't Martin call 911 instead of flying into a racist creepy ass cracker tirade on the phone with his friend & using that race fueled rage to excessively violently beat Zimmerman?

How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist? there was no rage, Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not violently beat. Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.
Oh and about her neck. I can't remember who asked but I had a friend once that had thyroid problems and it made her neck deformed like that. So maybe that's it. Just a thought. ?maybe
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