The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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One scratch? Sounds like a one way fight that he clearly dominated until shot.

That scratch was on Trayvons knuckle from beating Zimmerman. The prosecution can't prove Zimmerman ever laid a hand on Martin.

According to GZ on the hannity tape, he was punched a dozen times by Martin after hitting the ground. He also stated that Tray covered his mouth and face trying to get GZ to shut up (why because he was yelling for help?)...GZ said this was excruciating having trays weight on his nose after just having it punched and fractured. I agree that wouldnt be too comfortable.
Jeantel highlights.

[ame=]Rachel Jeantel Caught in LIES and Speaking Confusing Ebonics Trayvon Martin Friend - YouTube[/ame]
This trial is nothing compared to the arias trial

Racism is what I meant. My friends and I came here from the WAT forum. We were together all through the Arias cluster fuck.
But I feel this trial is much worse......whatever the's not going to be good.

This trial is important to the country on many levels. Arias was just about one psycho.

You could not have said that any better. My feelings exactly.
I'm very afraid.
You must be following a different Martin/Zimmerman case than the rest of the world.

"- In some accounts, she said race was an issue but not in others.
- Jeantel testified Wednesday that her friend's last words were "Get off! Get off!" before Martin's phone went silent. But on Thursday, under cross-examination, she conceded that she hadn't mentioned that in her account of what happened to Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton. She had left out some details to spare Fulton's feelings, and also because neither Fulton nor the Martin family attorney asked her directly about them, Jeantel said.
- After Martin asks why he is being followed, Zimmerman responds, "What are you doing around here?" in one account by Jeantel. In another account, according to West, she says Zimmerman said, "What are you talking about?"

News from The Associated Press

She has been sticking with one "account" under oath even though the defense has been trying to shake it.

What you say under oath needs to jive with your deposition...if it doesnt...thats a problem. She is supposed to be giving an honest account to both sides and then give the same account to the jury...if she doesnt, then she is perjuring her own testimony not to mention being a terrible witness for the Martin family who are depending on her.

She has flicked the Martin family off more than once leading up to this trial, but her actions in the courtroom have been a complete disappointment for them.
You must be following a different Martin/Zimmerman case than the rest of the world.

"- In some accounts, she said race was an issue but not in others.
- Jeantel testified Wednesday that her friend's last words were "Get off! Get off!" before Martin's phone went silent. But on Thursday, under cross-examination, she conceded that she hadn't mentioned that in her account of what happened to Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton. She had left out some details to spare Fulton's feelings, and also because neither Fulton nor the Martin family attorney asked her directly about them, Jeantel said.
- After Martin asks why he is being followed, Zimmerman responds, "What are you doing around here?" in one account by Jeantel. In another account, according to West, she says Zimmerman said, "What are you talking about?"

News from The Associated Press

She has been sticking with one "account" under oath even though the prosecution has been trying to shake it.

Prosecution or defense?

I found her to be a credible witness. I understand why she didn't want to go to the wake. It makes all kinds of sense; there are people who are very disturbed by funerals. My sister was like that. Going to funerals was very difficult for her, even when it wasn't someone particularly close. This girl is young and not liking being in this kind of national spot light. She is also not very sophisticated. But I think she is telling the essential truth. As far as being a liar: lying about why you didn't attend a wake is nothing compared to lying to the court about your finances so you can get a lower bail.

I was wondering when someone was going to bring up Mr. Zimmerman's problem with the truth.
You must be following a different Martin/Zimmerman case than the rest of the world.

"- In some accounts, she said race was an issue but not in others.
- Jeantel testified Wednesday that her friend's last words were "Get off! Get off!" before Martin's phone went silent. But on Thursday, under cross-examination, she conceded that she hadn't mentioned that in her account of what happened to Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton. She had left out some details to spare Fulton's feelings, and also because neither Fulton nor the Martin family attorney asked her directly about them, Jeantel said.
- After Martin asks why he is being followed, Zimmerman responds, "What are you doing around here?" in one account by Jeantel. In another account, according to West, she says Zimmerman said, "What are you talking about?"

News from The Associated Press

She has been sticking with one "account" under oath even though the defense has been trying to shake it.

What you say under oath needs to jive with your deposition...if it doesnt...thats a problem. She is supposed to be giving an honest account to both sides and then give the same account to the jury...if she doesnt, then she is perjuring her own testimony not to mention being a terrible witness for the Martin family who are depending on her.

She has flicked the Martin family off more than once leading up to this trial, but her actions in the courtroom have been a complete disappointment for them.

How so?

She's describing an event that occurred over a minute of time.

The time that elapsed between when these two individuals met was very brief.

And listening to it over the phone, must of been, at best, confusing.

The only part of it that should be at all important is what they both said to each other before the "fight".

And it doesn't match up with Zimmerman's account at all.
She has been sticking with one "account" under oath even though the defense has been trying to shake it.

What you say under oath needs to jive with your deposition...if it doesnt...thats a problem. She is supposed to be giving an honest account to both sides and then give the same account to the jury...if she doesnt, then she is perjuring her own testimony not to mention being a terrible witness for the Martin family who are depending on her.

She has flicked the Martin family off more than once leading up to this trial, but her actions in the courtroom have been a complete disappointment for them.

How so?

She's describing an event that occurred over a minute of time.

The time that elapsed between when these two individuals met was very brief.

And listening to it over the phone, must of been, at best, confusing.

The only part of it that should be at all important is what they both said to each other before the "fight".

And it doesn't match up with Zimmerman's account at all.

She is a complete disaster is what she you give that much weight to her and then nothing to GZ shows your bias...thanks...I know who Im dealing with now. Youre extremely biased if even this chick cant tilt your objectivity.

Its interesting how you are able to conjure up so many excuses for her yet none for the person punched square in the nose...all of his facts better be straight, right? She wasnt punched, whats her excuse? Shes lied about her age, about not going to the funeral, she lied to trayvons parents...its no surprise that she cant keep her facts straight under oath.

Im embarrassed for the Martin family...Im actually sad for them that this was the last person their son talked to outside of GZ and they have to depend on her testimony. Out of all the people in the world...why this dummie? She looks bored and shes extremely disrespectful...that is their sons killers trial! She didnt want to be at his funeral and she doesnt want to be there...shes a disaster...but you love her...okay.:cuckoo:
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What you say under oath needs to jive with your deposition...if it doesnt...thats a problem. She is supposed to be giving an honest account to both sides and then give the same account to the jury...if she doesnt, then she is perjuring her own testimony not to mention being a terrible witness for the Martin family who are depending on her.

She has flicked the Martin family off more than once leading up to this trial, but her actions in the courtroom have been a complete disappointment for them.

How so?

She's describing an event that occurred over a minute of time.

The time that elapsed between when these two individuals met was very brief.

And listening to it over the phone, must of been, at best, confusing.

The only part of it that should be at all important is what they both said to each other before the "fight".

And it doesn't match up with Zimmerman's account at all.

She is a complete disaster is what she you give that much weight to her and then nothing to GZ shows your bias...thanks...I know who Im dealing with now. Youre extremely biased if even this chick cant tilt your objectivity.

Its interesting how you are able to conjure up so many excuses for her yet none for the person punched square in the nose...all of his facts better be straight, right? She wasnt punched, whats her excuse? Shes lied about her age, about not going to the funeral, she lied to trayvons parents...its no surprise that she cant keep her facts straight under oath.

Im embarrassed for the Martin family...Im actually sad for them that this was the last person their son talked to outside of GZ and they have to depend on her testimony. Out of all the people in the world...why this dummie? She looks bored and shes extremely disrespectful...that is their sons killers trial! She didnt want to be at his funeral and she doesnt want to be there...shes a disaster...but you love her...okay.:cuckoo:

She's a ghetto hoe...Woman like her are why the black community can't compete...What a joke.

A sicking disgrace for a human being.
What you say under oath needs to jive with your deposition...if it doesnt...thats a problem. She is supposed to be giving an honest account to both sides and then give the same account to the jury...if she doesnt, then she is perjuring her own testimony not to mention being a terrible witness for the Martin family who are depending on her.

She has flicked the Martin family off more than once leading up to this trial, but her actions in the courtroom have been a complete disappointment for them.

How so?

She's describing an event that occurred over a minute of time.

The time that elapsed between when these two individuals met was very brief.

And listening to it over the phone, must of been, at best, confusing.

The only part of it that should be at all important is what they both said to each other before the "fight".

And it doesn't match up with Zimmerman's account at all.

She is a complete disaster is what she you give that much weight to her and then nothing to GZ shows your bias...thanks...I know who Im dealing with now. Youre extremely biased if even this chick cant tilt your objectivity.

Its interesting how you are able to conjure up so many excuses for her yet none for the person punched square in the nose...all of his facts better be straight, right? She wasnt punched, whats her excuse? Shes lied about her age, about not going to the funeral, she lied to trayvons parents...its no surprise that she cant keep her facts straight under oath.

Im embarrassed for the Martin family...Im actually sad for them that this was the last person their son talked to outside of GZ and they have to depend on her testimony. Out of all the people in the world...why this dummie? She looks bored and shes extremely disrespectful...that is their sons killers trial! She didnt want to be at his funeral and she doesnt want to be there...shes a disaster...but you love her...okay.:cuckoo:

I'm sticking with the facts.

Zimmerman chased and menaced Martin.

At some point they met and an altercation took place.

That altercation lasted a minute.

And ended with Zimmerman murdering Martin.

In my book..that's illegal.
Thank you. It was very hard to follow her. I also felt like she said that he got away from him and was at his house. However, the altercation took place some distance away from his home. Would that not substantiate the defendant's account of what happened? I feel if she was supposed to show anything beyond a reasonable doubt, she really failed. Just my opinion if I was in the box.

Based on all of the information received from her and zimmerman.

1) Trayvon was followed
2) Trayvon ran through the courtyard and behind a building
3) GZ got out of his truck and started running so he wouldnt lose him and his location
4) GZ got to the courtyard (where the T in the sidewalk connects) looked around and couldnt see him (hes gone).
5) GZ is continuing to talk to dispatch and continues to walk up the T to the road...looks around again and cant see him
6) GZ starts to walk back in the direction he came in at.
7) GZ gets back to the cross in the T and he hears Trayvon ask him "is there a problem" or "why are you following me?"...Trayvon is coming at GZ at this point.
8) GZ tells them "he doesnt have a problem"
9) GZ goes to reach for what he says was his phone in his right side coat or pants pocket
10) As GZ is reaching for the "phone", Trayvon punches him in the nose and GZ stumbles to the ground
11) Trayvon jumps on top of him and there is a struggle
12) During the struggle Trayvon begin bashing Zimmermans head in the ground and GZ starts yelling for help
13) Neighbor hears the commotion and comes out to look...says hes calling 911...GZ says "no help me"
14) Neighbor says no Im calling 911
15) seconds after neighbor is on the phone GZ is screaming for help, there is a struggle and at some point the gun is exposed.
16) GZ manages to pull the gun out and quickly shoots trayvon in the heart and instantly kills him.
17) GZ pushes the body off of him and Trayvon is now dead face first in the grass.

Was Trayvon followed? Yes.

Was he committing a crime? No

Did GZ have a right to be suspicious? Yes

Could Trayvon have made it home instead? Yes

Did Trayvon have a right to be irritated with someone following him? Yes

Did Trayvon have a right to ask the person following him why? Yes

When approached, was GZ reaching for his phone before he got punched? IMO...NO...he was scared and panicked and was most likely going for his gun.

--I mean c'mon here. GZ cant have it both ways, imo. If he wants us to believe what he is saying, then its tuff to believe that GZ is reaching for a phone with some angry guy charging him...especially when the gun is exactly where he said he was reaching. Why grab your phone? The cops are on the way...aint nobody gonna help you that quick....he instinctively was going for his gun because he was in fear of a fight...this is common sense, IMO. Sorry you dont follow someone in the dark relentlessly even running after them at one point, and then when confronted pull out your gun. Essentially, you are admitting you shouldnt have been there in the first place.

Did trayvon have a right to punch someone who had been following him and is now reaching for something in his pocket in a panic? IMO, hell yes!

Is it within reason that GZ feared serious injury from being punched and having head bashed into the concrete? Yes.

This is the gray area...does the person following and pursuing someone in the dark and then when approached reaches for or in the area of what turns out to be a gun holstered on his right side have a right to claim self defense?

My opinion? GZ should not have been following someone in the dark on the phone with 911 carrying a pistol...hes not a cop...if you are going to follow, then leave the gun in the car...if you dont think you can follow safety without the gun...THEN DONT FOLLOW.

Trayvon is dead and cant defend himself in court or testify to what he heard or seen on GZ that night. IMO GZ should serve several years for manslaughter...not M2...GZ was not looking to go kill someone that night...he was trying to protect the neighborhood...but in doing it acted irresponsible and with bad judgment. I would give him a 10 year sentence...time off with good behavior hes out in 5 years...that puts him somewhere around 35 yrs old and the rest of his life to live, but he should be punished for using bad judgment and following a person with a gun.

I have to disagree with some of your post. I don't think this was manslaughter, I think it was self defense. You do NOT have the right to turn and assault the person behind you. And if you assault someone you believe is reaching for a gun, you are patently stupid. If I thought someone was pulling a gun on me I would consider the following choices, 1) Run away in a zig zag line to make it hard to hit me, 2) put up my hands and say 'whoa there, lets' not get rash here.' ) If my home was just a matter of a few feet or yards away, I'm head for the door of it fast. But then I was never a gang member, and I never felt the lure of a 'rumble.'

i physically disarmed a drunken neighbor many years ago

when i am back home in Minnesota

from time to time i run into this guy

he usually introduces me to his friends


"this is the guy that twisted my arm into treatment"


he is a good guy these days
How so?

She's describing an event that occurred over a minute of time.

The time that elapsed between when these two individuals met was very brief.

And listening to it over the phone, must of been, at best, confusing.

The only part of it that should be at all important is what they both said to each other before the "fight".

And it doesn't match up with Zimmerman's account at all.

She is a complete disaster is what she you give that much weight to her and then nothing to GZ shows your bias...thanks...I know who Im dealing with now. Youre extremely biased if even this chick cant tilt your objectivity.

Its interesting how you are able to conjure up so many excuses for her yet none for the person punched square in the nose...all of his facts better be straight, right? She wasnt punched, whats her excuse? Shes lied about her age, about not going to the funeral, she lied to trayvons parents...its no surprise that she cant keep her facts straight under oath.

Im embarrassed for the Martin family...Im actually sad for them that this was the last person their son talked to outside of GZ and they have to depend on her testimony. Out of all the people in the world...why this dummie? She looks bored and shes extremely disrespectful...that is their sons killers trial! She didnt want to be at his funeral and she doesnt want to be there...shes a disaster...but you love her...okay.:cuckoo:

I'm sticking with the facts.

Zimmerman chased and menaced Martin.

At some point they met and an altercation took place.

That altercation lasted a minute.

And ended with Zimmerman murdering Martin.

In my book..that's illegal.

I hear ya and am with you on some of those facts, but Rachel? LMAO... come on should be sad for the Martin family...I am. If I was Trays mom, Id beat her ass for her conduct at her sons killers trial...but thats me.

If you want to stick with that facts, then get as far away from Rachel as you can. She dont know her ass from a hole in the ground. I mean tray was in an altercation with someone following him...she lost connection and never even followed up...some friend. She heard people in the back ground and figured they would help him? She went about her business and the kid turns up dead and you give credence to her testimony? You should be pissed as hell at her if you care anything about the Martin family and Tray.
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No one has said that. Do try to keep up. The issue is self defense, not murder.

I'm sorry, I thought you just said the defense does not not need to prove anything about GZ. Are you saying the prosecution has to prove it was self defense? Or are you saying there is a thing called reasonable suspicion that self defense may have been necessary?

They have to prove that it wasn't self defense

and putting up such disasters as the star witness

will not do that

more so when it has been examined on how her testimony came about
She is a complete disaster is what she you give that much weight to her and then nothing to GZ shows your bias...thanks...I know who Im dealing with now. Youre extremely biased if even this chick cant tilt your objectivity.

Its interesting how you are able to conjure up so many excuses for her yet none for the person punched square in the nose...all of his facts better be straight, right? She wasnt punched, whats her excuse? Shes lied about her age, about not going to the funeral, she lied to trayvons parents...its no surprise that she cant keep her facts straight under oath.

Im embarrassed for the Martin family...Im actually sad for them that this was the last person their son talked to outside of GZ and they have to depend on her testimony. Out of all the people in the world...why this dummie? She looks bored and shes extremely disrespectful...that is their sons killers trial! She didnt want to be at his funeral and she doesnt want to be there...shes a disaster...but you love her...okay.:cuckoo:

I'm sticking with the facts.

Zimmerman chased and menaced Martin.

At some point they met and an altercation took place.

That altercation lasted a minute.

And ended with Zimmerman murdering Martin.

In my book..that's illegal.

I hear ya and am with you on some of those facts, but Rachel? LMAO... come on should be sad for the Martin family...I am. If I was Trays mom, Id beat her ass for her conduct at her sons killers trial...but thats me.

She was the last person to talk to Martin.

I could care less about her life.

The only thing that should matter is her recollection of the day.

Zimmerman's got a real thin defense. And several versions of events.

That, in itself, should be problematic.

And considering the crime?

Zimmerman really looks bad.

I have no idea why gun advocates are clinging to this guy.

He was a foul tempered man with a wannabe cop streak.

That's the exact wrong person for a concealed carry permit.
Why do the ads that keep coming up above and below this thread keep talking about losing a lot of fat? :evil:

Took a look at the page source they are using google's advertising service. Basically the idea is when you search for something or browse a web page such as an item to buy in amazon, they (google, amazon etc.) keep track of it. Google's advertising product figures that you'd like to see advertisements about loosing weight, might even click on em. This presumably based on some recent searches you did. Or someone else did on your web browser.

yes that is why you should google weird things once and awhile

I'm sticking with the facts.

Zimmerman chased and menaced Martin.

At some point they met and an altercation took place.

That altercation lasted a minute.

And ended with Zimmerman murdering Martin.

In my book..that's illegal.

I hear ya and am with you on some of those facts, but Rachel? LMAO... come on should be sad for the Martin family...I am. If I was Trays mom, Id beat her ass for her conduct at her sons killers trial...but thats me.

She was the last person to talk to Martin.

I could care less about her life.

The only thing that should matter is her recollection of the day.

Zimmerman's got a real thin defense. And several versions of events.

That, in itself, should be problematic.

And considering the crime?

Zimmerman really looks bad.

I have no idea why gun advocates are clinging to this guy.

He was a foul tempered man with a wannabe cop streak.

That's the exact wrong person for a concealed carry permit.

Well you are generalizing his version of events...I have posted his interviews and the 911 tapes and they are incredibly consistent. I dont know what you are watching.

His version is not the point. His version actually gets himself in trouble in my book.

Several versions? You arent really paying attention are you? His version could sink him...go with that.
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