The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The last witness who couldn't even speak English was the most devastating to Zimmerman. Her last words were the one on top in the scuffle was the one who got up. The other one was dead.

I guess that is what self defense is in Florida, being on top of someone beating them up and then shooting them.

Zimmerman is the one who got beaten up.

Martin had no marks except the scrapes on his knuckles, right?

Exhibit ME2: Fingernail scrapings represented as being from Trayvon Benjamin Martin
“gave chemical indications for the presence of blood”
ME 2A Right hand: “No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3) were
found on Exhibit ME-2A”

ME 2B Left hand: “No DNA results were obtained from Exhibit ME-2B

Exhibit ME 12 Hoodie represented as being from Trayvon Martin
Stain A:
Partial DNA profile consistent with originating from a male individual and matches the DNA profile from Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3).”

Stain B: (cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Right cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from right cuff/lower sleeve

Left cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from left cuff/lower sleeve

ME 12 (stain B and general rubbing from cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Stain C:
No DNA results were obtained.

Not certain what you are driving at with scrapes on knuckles theory but if you read through the DNA results, those scrapes prove nothing about self defense for Zimmerman. If anything, it would prove self defense for the kid.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was found on the cuffs/sleeves of Martin's hoodie.
The last witness who couldn't even speak English was the most devastating to Zimmerman. Her last words were the one on top in the scuffle was the one who got up. The other one was dead.

I guess that is what self defense is in Florida, being on top of someone beating them up and then shooting them.

Zimmerman is the one who got beaten up.

Martin had no marks except the scrapes on his knuckles, right?

Exhibit ME2: Fingernail scrapings represented as being from Trayvon Benjamin Martin
“gave chemical indications for the presence of blood”
ME 2A Right hand: “No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3) were
found on Exhibit ME-2A”

ME 2B Left hand: “No DNA results were obtained from Exhibit ME-2B

Exhibit ME 12 Hoodie represented as being from Trayvon Martin
Stain A:
Partial DNA profile consistent with originating from a male individual and matches the DNA profile from Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3).”

Stain B: (cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Right cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from right cuff/lower sleeve

Left cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from left cuff/lower sleeve

ME 12 (stain B and general rubbing from cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Stain C:
No DNA results were obtained.

Not certain what you are driving at with scrapes on knuckles theory but if you read through the DNA results, those scrapes prove nothing about self defense for Zimmerman. If anything, it would prove self defense for the kid.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was found on the cuffs/sleeves of Martin's hoodie.

Zimmerman was beaten up. Martin had injuries on his hands.

One would expect a transfer of DNA no matter who was doing the beating. The lack of DNA just looks odd. Doesn't say anything about who was wailing on whom.
zimmerman having a gun may have saved his life. Unfortunately, it also ended Trayvons. It wasn't necessary.

I guess I can look but I swear this is the first time I agree with you. Great post. (Well except that part about saving his life. In my opinion, Martin is not a killer. He simply kicked the ass of a stranger following him.)

We will never know who swung first. We do know this though, Zimmerman got his ass kicked. Then he shot Martin.

People who kick someone elses ass dont usually have to leave in a body bag.
Chantel served as the most devastating to the prosecution's case.
Why do you think that?

I think she was a very credible witness...she resonated well with most people. She was certainly real, there was no faking anything with her.

It's not looking good for Zimmerman right about now.

I've seen countless witnesses. Credible ones look and sound nothing like she does.

They don't lie either.
Zimmerman is the one who got beaten up.

Martin had no marks except the scrapes on his knuckles, right?

Exhibit ME 12 Hoodie represented as being from Trayvon Martin
Stain A:
Partial DNA profile consistent with originating from a male individual and matches the DNA profile from Trayvon Benjamin Martin (ME-3).”

Stain B: (cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Right cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from right cuff/lower sleeve

Left cuff/lower sleeve:
No DNA results foreign to Trayvon Martin were obtained from left cuff/lower sleeve

ME 12 (stain B and general rubbing from cuff/sleeve regions of both arms)
Failed to give chemical indications for the presence of blood

Stain C:
No DNA results were obtained.

Not certain what you are driving at with scrapes on knuckles theory but if you read through the DNA results, those scrapes prove nothing about self defense for Zimmerman. If anything, it would prove self defense for the kid.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was found on the cuffs/sleeves of Martin's hoodie.

Zimmerman was beaten up. Martin had injuries on his hands.

One would expect a transfer of DNA no matter who was doing the beating. The lack of DNA just looks odd. Doesn't say anything about who was wailing on whom.

Zimmerman also said Travon tried to grab his gun. No DNA on the gun.. Zimmerman's stories are shakey at best. We know he has changed his story about his injuries, perhaps Travon didn't hit him at all.
zimmerman having a gun may have saved his life. Unfortunately, it also ended Trayvons. It wasn't necessary.
Unfortunately for Trayvon, but one has to wonder how many future victims of Martin have been spared THEIR lives.

Who knows if there would have been future ones. But it just goes to show you dont attack someone you dont know.
zimmerman having a gun may have saved his life. Unfortunately, it also ended Trayvons. It wasn't necessary.
Unfortunately for Trayvon, but one has to wonder how many future victims of Martin have been spared THEIR lives.

Who knows if there would have been future ones. But it just goes to show you dont attack someone you dont know.

That's your story and you're sticking to it. :cuckoo:
I have a question....

Did Treyvon have any injuries beyond the gunshot?

The other guy did and im wondering if Treyvon had and defensive wounds or cuts and bruises?

Here's the autopsy info....
Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report: Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

One scratch? Sounds like a one way fight that he clearly dominated until shot.

I don't know....I just don't know. I go one way and then the other. I'm just trying to stay away from this one. I'm addicted to trials....true crime is my passion.'s hard NOT to watch for me. I read here....and rarely say anything.
Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

From what I've heard, she does that all the time. Neg repping makes her feel important and powerful, as if her law degree and certified nurse practitioner credentials aren't enough. And how dare you point out a probem with her theory. She is never wrong.

Thanks, Koosh. I was rather amused by the neg rep. It's not like I said something demeaning to her...all I did was point out the inconsistency in her argument. I just find it amazing that the same people who find fault with George Zimmerman for trying to follow Trayvon Martin...saying THAT caused the confrontation...have no problem with Trayvon Martin returning to confront Zimmerman when he could have simply stepped inside of the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy asshole Cracker".

Yes, if Zimmerman doesn't follow Martin then none of this happens but Zimmerman IS part of the Neighborhood Watch and he WAS concerned about break-ins that had been taking place. One can only assume that was his motivation for doing what he did.

On the other hand, what reason does Trayvon Martin have to retrace his steps and physically confront a stranger in the middle of the night? Quite frankly I can't think of one. I'm sorry but what Martin did was not the act of a rational person.

This is what? Version 6 of what happened?

Let's see if it makes sense to you.

Martin runs away from Zimmerman, makes it home, but decides to teach Zimmerman a lesson.

So he brings his candy and drink to the fight.


Totally makes sense.

In bizzaro world.
From what I've heard, she does that all the time. Neg repping makes her feel important and powerful, as if her law degree and certified nurse practitioner credentials aren't enough. And how dare you point out a probem with her theory. She is never wrong.

Thanks, Koosh. I was rather amused by the neg rep. It's not like I said something demeaning to her...all I did was point out the inconsistency in her argument. I just find it amazing that the same people who find fault with George Zimmerman for trying to follow Trayvon Martin...saying THAT caused the confrontation...have no problem with Trayvon Martin returning to confront Zimmerman when he could have simply stepped inside of the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy asshole Cracker".

Yes, if Zimmerman doesn't follow Martin then none of this happens but Zimmerman IS part of the Neighborhood Watch and he WAS concerned about break-ins that had been taking place. One can only assume that was his motivation for doing what he did.

On the other hand, what reason does Trayvon Martin have to retrace his steps and physically confront a stranger in the middle of the night? Quite frankly I can't think of one. I'm sorry but what Martin did was not the act of a rational person.

This is what? Version 6 of what happened?

Let's see if it makes sense to you.

Martin runs away from Zimmerman, makes it home, but decides to teach Zimmerman a lesson.

So he brings his candy and drink to the fight.


Totally makes sense.

In bizzaro world.

Probably want back to kick Zimmermans ass but found out that he made a mistake too late. :eek:
Thanks, Koosh. I was rather amused by the neg rep. It's not like I said something demeaning to her...all I did was point out the inconsistency in her argument. I just find it amazing that the same people who find fault with George Zimmerman for trying to follow Trayvon Martin...saying THAT caused the confrontation...have no problem with Trayvon Martin returning to confront Zimmerman when he could have simply stepped inside of the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy asshole Cracker".

Yes, if Zimmerman doesn't follow Martin then none of this happens but Zimmerman IS part of the Neighborhood Watch and he WAS concerned about break-ins that had been taking place. One can only assume that was his motivation for doing what he did.

On the other hand, what reason does Trayvon Martin have to retrace his steps and physically confront a stranger in the middle of the night? Quite frankly I can't think of one. I'm sorry but what Martin did was not the act of a rational person.

This is what? Version 6 of what happened?

Let's see if it makes sense to you.

Martin runs away from Zimmerman, makes it home, but decides to teach Zimmerman a lesson.

So he brings his candy and drink to the fight.


Totally makes sense.

In bizzaro world.

Probably want back to kick Zimmermans ass but found out that he made a mistake too late. :eek:


That version makes less sense this version 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

If he had gone home first, don't you think he would have grabbed something, like a knife or a bat?

Taking the stuff he just bought at the store to a fight is ridiculous.

At the very least that would have been left behind.
Eyewitness to the Zimmerman/Martin fight:

[ame=]Eyewitness Zimmerman Martin shooting Incident - YouTube[/ame]

According to this witness...

1) It was GZ on the bottom and Travon on top
2) The person on the bottom was the one yelling for help
3) The person on top was the one laying on the ground dead later.

This witness is a neighbor in the first apartment about 15-20ft from the confrontation.
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[B]Eyewitness to Zimmerman/Martin fight:[/B]

[ame=]Eyewitness Zimmerman Martin shooting Incident - YouTube[/ame]
What I know so far from the witnesses testimony.

Zimmerman called 911 or non-emergency number to report a suspicious person.
Zimmerman exited his car when he said Martin was running.
Zimmerman was seen on top of Martin 15 seconds after gun shot was heard.
Zimmerman did shoot and kill Martin.
Zimmerman was told by the operator "We don't need you to do that" when asked if he was following Martin.
Zimmerman said "OK" after being told "We don't need you to do that".

Martin, after running, told his friend on the phone that he was behind his dads fiancé's home.
Martin was killed approximately 100 yards from his dads fiancé's home.
Martin called Zimmerman an "Creepy Ass Cracker".

That's it from the witnesses so far. From this, we still have no clue as to what happened that night or who initiated contact. We don't know if this is self-defense or not yet. Maybe tomorrow, the prosecution will call a witness that doesn't confirm everything Zimmerman claimed to have happened.
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