The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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IMO, every person who carries a gun is just hoping and waiting for the opportunity to play Mighty Mouse and swoop down to "save the day". People (especially men) who feel impotent and small, at the mercy of outside forces such as their boss, spouse, etc, those are the people who are so scared of the world that they carry a gun.

You sure have a low opinion of our police and armed forces.
I stand by what I wrote.

So you do believe that our police and armed forces are
just hoping and waiting for the opportunity to play Mighty Mouse and swoop down to "save the day". People (especially men) who feel impotent and small, at the mercy of outside forces such as their boss, spouse, etc, those are the people who are so scared of the world that they carry a gun.
Meaning, they are not the police, and cannot act under the color of law. Only those who are deputized may act under the color of law.

Then, why bother calling them in an emergency?

Knock off the sophistry.
I'm a paramedic in a big city. Some municipalities do have separate dispatchers for fire, police, and EMS. Most dispatchers are not medics but are EMD-trained. Pretty pleased with dispatchers in this area.

The ones here are paramedics. I know them.
I don't see how the prosecution loses. If Zimmerman leaves the vehicle; he's no longer standing his ground--especially if he's going looking for Martin.

If the Prosecution can put Zimmerman outside of his vehicle, Zimmerman cannot claim castle doctrine. So that is it for his case.
Is it not allowed for a watchmen to leave his vehicle or post for surveillance purposes, and this within the community he was charged to watch by that community ? Just asking... I am not sure what his job contained as far as surveillance goes, or what he was supposed to do when saw a potential suspect at night in the rain walking, and especially if said suspect looked suspicious all by his limited training he had in this respect. I think it was a perfect storm that came together possibly, of a miss-identification on both the individuals parts upon who exactly it was that either person was dealing with that night. The case should be studied for future do's and don'ts in a situation like this, and it sure will shed a better light on how such a watch program is badly flawed, thus placing two individuals at odd's with each other, when they should have never been at odd's with each other to begin with.

What he is supposed to do is stay in his vehicle and not follow or confront suspects but report them to the police and wait for the pollice to take care of it.

The 'suspect' did nothing wrong. An unarmed citizen walking in an area he had every right to be in, minding his own business ends up dead for what? For us to learn a lesson about what to do and not to do? What lesson does the unarmed private citizen learn? Don't leave your home after dark? Don't walk to the store? Don't spend time outside though you don't feel like going right inside?

The lesson here is for vigilante types to stop it. For neighborhood watch people to follow the rules and recommendations and let the police handle problems. For people to stop running around with guns wanting to be heros. WTF did he think he needed a gun for?

If he had done what he was supposed to do, that young man would still be alive.


The police officer plainly indicated that he was not to pursue Martin.

The question is whether it rises to the level of murder. I think the prosecution may have over-reached....

I think Zimmerman is a murderer and that he should rot in jail for the rest of his life...that is where I come down. However, I can see where the defense can introduce reasonable doubt pretty easily.

When the jury is given absolutes like they are in this case, they often err on the side of not-guilty. I think the State should have went for manslaughter or wrongful death. As far as I understand, it's a Murder conviction or a verdict of not guilty.
Is it not allowed for a watchmen to leave his vehicle or post for surveillance purposes, and this within the community he was charged to watch by that community ? Just asking... I am not sure what his job contained as far as surveillance goes, or what he was supposed to do when saw a potential suspect at night in the rain walking, and especially if said suspect looked suspicious all by his limited training he had in this respect. I think it was a perfect storm that came together possibly, of a miss-identification on both the individuals parts upon who exactly it was that either person was dealing with that night. The case should be studied for future do's and don'ts in a situation like this, and it sure will shed a better light on how such a watch program is badly flawed, thus placing two individuals at odd's with each other, when they should have never been at odd's with each other to begin with.

Well said. Both were irresponsible in decision making that night. Trayvon paid for his with his life and GZ should pay for his with some time behind bars.
Might be the way it ends, but we all should hope for justice to prevail no matter what, and not some vigilante justice or vengeance that is looking for a fall guy to nail to the stake of media justice, political justice or biased justice in order to just satisfy those looking for red meat to chew on in usury there of, and this instead of seeking after righteous justice just as it should be sought after always in every case that is dealt with like this in America and/or this nation.

Yep...I agree. Unfortunately it will be one or the other depending on what the verdict is.

For some, he will either be the vigilante that got off or the convicted killer because of national protests.
Telling you?

Those are the facts.

Zimmerman has also lied several times about what happened.

In the first iteration of his "story" Martin "cold cocked" him as he left the car to check the address. That turned out to be a complete lie. Subsequent Zimmerman stories have Martin struggling for the gun and telling Zimmerman that he was going to kill him

Bottom line?

I don't believe anything Zimmerman says.

He got it wrong over 5 times.

These guys have an entirely different set of "facts" that they've pulled out of the sky or some whacko website.

There are certain facts they can't explain though. No blood on Martin's hands even after swabbing under his fingernails. No defensive bruises or wounds on Trevon's hands or arms. The person who was the aggressor and on top in the scuffle, got up. The other one was laying dead on the ground.

Hi [MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION] ! thats it...just saying hi:eusa_angel:

Hi. Hope everythings going ok with you, [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION]. :)
To my friends here....I miss you all!!! I just can't deal with this trial. What a mess!

This trial is nothing compared to the arias trial

Racism is what I meant. My friends and I came here from the WAT forum. We were together all through the Arias cluster fuck.
But I feel this trial is much worse......whatever the's not going to be good.
No..those are the facts.

Zimmerman was on the hunt.

He bagged a big one.

What did he do after he murdered Martin? Try and save his life? Naw..he put him on his stomach.

You know..let him bleed out.

It's telling you folks are defending this asshole.

Are you so delusional that you believe what you posted is actually what happened? It isn't.

Sallow gets more delusional as the trial moves on. Can you imagine how foolish these people feel as they watch the trial unfold ?

Especially when they trot out these stupid witnesses.
Keep your rep but.........

Defense made sure everyone knows that "DD" is learning disabled and unable to keep her story 100% straight between interviews and depositions and courtroom testimony.

However, it is not clear that jury thinks she is lying about the primary testimony that Trayvon Martin was not the aggressor.

Eyewitness ( speaking Spanish with translator ) testifies that the person who stood up after the shooting was on top at the end of the " fight".

Earwitness claims that only one voice was screaming for help and that she did not hear anyone say " You gonna die tonight mothafuckah".

Cell phone company manager has insignificant testimony about the phone records that night.

Prosecution exhibited child-like understanding of social media.

One member of the jury passed away. Cause of death: Intense boredom.

thank you.

would you say that the defense or the prosecution had a 'good day'...

Today was owned by the defense.



By the way, in your opinion, has the defense ever not won a day in court? Seriously.

Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

It was for the sum of your stupid posts. And you have deserved it before now. I will.
zimmerman having a gun may have saved his life. Unfortunately, it also ended Trayvons. It wasn't necessary.

I guess I can look but I swear this is the first time I agree with you. Great post. (Well except that part about saving his life. In my opinion, Martin is not a killer. He simply kicked the ass of a stranger following him.)

We will never know who swung first. We do know this though, Zimmerman got his ass kicked. Then he shot Martin.
I don't see how the prosecution loses. If Zimmerman leaves the vehicle; he's no longer standing his ground--especially if he's going looking for Martin.

If the Prosecution can put Zimmerman outside of his vehicle, Zimmerman cannot claim castle doctrine. So that is it for his case.
Is it not allowed for a watchmen to leave his vehicle or post for surveillance purposes, and this within the community he was charged to watch by that community ? Just asking... I am not sure what his job contained as far as surveillance goes, or what he was supposed to do when saw a potential suspect at night in the rain walking, and especially if said suspect looked suspicious all by his limited training he had in this respect. I think it was a perfect storm that came together possibly, of a miss-identification on both the individuals parts upon who exactly it was that either person was dealing with that night. The case should be studied for future do's and don'ts in a situation like this, and it sure will shed a better light on how such a watch program is badly flawed, thus placing two individuals at odd's with each other, when they should have never been at odd's with each other to begin with.

When you listen to Zimmerman calling the police and the police officer on the phone telling him not to pursue Martin; it's game over in my mind. It's on the Wiki page about the incident.

If the police tell you not to do something and you do it and what you did results in the death of another, you're in a heap of trouble and you should be. They are the law enforcement authority and its as simple as that.

Now...all that being said; Zimmerman is being charged with murder, right? Not wrongful death...murder. Does what Zimmerman do rise to a murder conviction? I think so but I can see where the prosecution may be over-reaching with the murder charge.
When Zimmerman was instructed to stop his surveillance pursuit in which he embarked upon, and this while he had the police dispatcher on the phone, and the operator/dispatcher heard this pursuit of Zimmerman running along with his heavy breathing, didn't he Zimmerman say "Ok" and then stopped the pursuit right then ? Isn't this where Zimmerman said next that as he walked back to his vehicle Martin then approached him ? I am vague on my recollection of it all now..

Hmmm, a murder charge has to be connected with it being something to the tune of a case being pre-meditated in nature wouldn't it be, otherwise meaning that Zimmerman had to have planned to kill someone that night, and so he chose Martin as his victim ?
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Certainly makes the case against every bozo having a gun stuck in his pants.

If we're gonna allow just anyone to carry a loaded gun, we need to require it be in plain sight.

I dont mind carrying in plain sight. Wouldnt mind carrying a sword in plain sight either. but Im a geek like that.

Is it not allowed for a watchmen to leave his vehicle or post for surveillance purposes, and this within the community he was charged to watch by that community ? Just asking... I am not sure what his job contained as far as surveillance goes, or what he was supposed to do when saw a potential suspect at night in the rain walking, and especially if said suspect looked suspicious all by his limited training he had in this respect. I think it was a perfect storm that came together possibly, of a miss-identification on both the individuals parts upon who exactly it was that either person was dealing with that night. The case should be studied for future do's and don'ts in a situation like this, and it sure will shed a better light on how such a watch program is badly flawed, thus placing two individuals at odd's with each other, when they should have never been at odd's with each other to begin with.

When you listen to Zimmerman calling the police and the police officer on the phone telling him not to pursue Martin; it's game over in my mind. It's on the Wiki page about the incident.

If the police tell you not to do something and you do it and what you did results in the death of another, you're in a heap of trouble and you should be. They are the law enforcement authority and its as simple as that.

Now...all that being said; Zimmerman is being charged with murder, right? Not wrongful death...murder. Does what Zimmerman do rise to a murder conviction? I think so but I can see where the prosecution may be over-reaching with the murder charge.
When Zimmerman was instructed to stop his surveillance pursuit in which he embarked upon, and this while he had the police dispatcher on the phone, and the operator/dispatcher heard this pursuit of Zimmerman running along with his heavy breathing, didn't he Zimmerman say "Ok" and then stopped the pursuit right then ? Isn't this where Zimmerman said next that as he walked back to his vehicle Martin then approached him ? I am vague on my recollection of it all now..

I think that will be clearly revealed in the trial. These Martin supporters read what they want to read and hear what they want to hear. But the witnesses for the prosecution are stupid.
Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

It was for the sum of your stupid posts. And you have deserved it before now. I will.

STill neggin. Wow.

Stand your ground? He stalked that kid. Is that stand your ground?

Neg that.
Is it not allowed for a watchmen to leave his vehicle or post for surveillance purposes, and this within the community he was charged to watch by that community ? Just asking... I am not sure what his job contained as far as surveillance goes, or what he was supposed to do when saw a potential suspect at night in the rain walking, and especially if said suspect looked suspicious all by his limited training he had in this respect. I think it was a perfect storm that came together possibly, of a miss-identification on both the individuals parts upon who exactly it was that either person was dealing with that night. The case should be studied for future do's and don'ts in a situation like this, and it sure will shed a better light on how such a watch program is badly flawed, thus placing two individuals at odd's with each other, when they should have never been at odd's with each other to begin with.

When you listen to Zimmerman calling the police and the police officer on the phone telling him not to pursue Martin; it's game over in my mind. It's on the Wiki page about the incident.

If the police tell you not to do something and you do it and what you did results in the death of another, you're in a heap of trouble and you should be. They are the law enforcement authority and its as simple as that.

Now...all that being said; Zimmerman is being charged with murder, right? Not wrongful death...murder. Does what Zimmerman do rise to a murder conviction? I think so but I can see where the prosecution may be over-reaching with the murder charge.
When Zimmerman was instructed to stop his surveillance pursuit in which he embarked upon, and this while he had the police dispatcher on the phone, and the operator/dispatcher heard this pursuit of Zimmerman running along with his heavy breathing, didn't he Zimmerman say "Ok" and then stopped the pursuit right then ? Isn't this where Zimmerman said next that as he walked back to his vehicle Martin then approached him ? I am vague on my recollection of it all now..

I assume it's possible.

The logic of it though is a bit weird...if you get out of your car to pursue someone you are, by definition, between the person you're looking for and your vehicle. Right?

You would have to be in pursuit for quite a while to have the guy you're following get back between you and your vehicle.

Sounds pretty far fetched but possible? Sure.

Also you have to look at how Martin is being portrayed....if he was up to no good and so on and so the guy really going to circle back? If I'm running from someone and they stop chasing me...I'm not coming back to engage.

Still; it's anyone's guess, only 2 people know the circumstances and what happened. One is dead, one is on trial for killing him.
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