The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Yeah, but he does have to comply with the law.

Following someone running away from menacing.

Why didn't Martin call 911 instead of flying into a racist creepy ass cracker tirade on the phone with his friend & using that race fueled rage to excessively violently beat Zimmerman?

How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist? there was no rage, Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not violently beat. Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.

Then how can being called the color of sweet delicious chocolate be racist?

There was out of control irrational rage from Martin. He continued to beat a person who was not harming him & begging for help. That warrants deadly force from a gun. Martin was clearly irrational & would have killed Zimmerman.
Don't you see the slippery slope that leads down? A guy kills an unarmed minor because of self-defense... what constitutes self-defense? I don't know if I want that being defined by the states. I wouldn't want to raise my kids in a state like that.

Im fairly certain every state allows self defense as a justification defense. You seriously want to raise your children in a state where you don't have the right to protect them or yourself from the threat of serious bodily injury or worse?

As a father, it's my responsibility to be prepared to defend my family.

I don't want my kids finding themselves in a questionable situation, getting stabbed or shot and god-forbid dying, and then have to watch as the killer gets a slap on the wrist and walks away from it. My family will never get to walk away from it.

That's my take on it too. To me, it's a situation of here's an innocent person, minding his own business, doing what he has a right to do, unarmed, not looking for trouble, and the next thing you know, he's dead because someone profiled him, followed him, frightened and confused him, caused a confrontation, and then killed him. It's despicable. It means none of us are safe from people like George Zimmerman. We can't go for a walk in the evening? We can't meander to the store and meander back? We are supposed allow some creepy stranger follow us and not worry about what is going on or defend ourselves?

Trayvon was put in a very questionable situation, put there by Zimmerman. Trayvon was a 17 year old high school kid whom we should not expect to make the wisest choices due to his lack of maturity and life experience. He became Zimmerman's victim the moment Zimmerman stepped out of his vehicle carrying a concealed weapon and began following him. I find the whole situation appalling. Kid goes out for a walk and ends up dead. Why? That's what his father said the next morning. "He just went to the store." What the hell happened? Your kid walks to the mini-mart and ends up dead. Why?

Because of some crazy ass vigilante carrying a concealed weapon.
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"I am vengence!
I am the Night!
I am Zimmer-man!"
This kid was a troublemaker, plain and simple. I have no doubt that he really was casing the neighborhood looking for an easy target.

Really? Does that mean that his father moved into the neighborhood just so that his son could case the neighborhood for "easy targets" only to get murdered by some idiot who had a gun and a hard on for blacks?

Try again're starting to sound really stupid.
She seems awfully pissy towards the prosecution even though this is their witness, lol.

that aint nothing yet

later on

the state tries to impeach their own witness (jenna lauer)

She also noted in both direct and cross examination that she herself was uncertain of the street names in the neighborhood, and that there were no street signs anywhere near her townhouse, the same area where Zimmerman would have reported to the non-emergency dispatcher his difficulty in providing a specific address.

She also on direct recounted overhearing a “three-part” exchange that was entirely consistent with Zimmerman’s telling of the brief exchange between himself and Martin that night.

Things really got interesting when O’Mara started his cross-examination, however. On direct examination de la Rionda had revealed in questioning that Lauer, as a board member of the HOA, had known Zimmerman personally, if only slightly, because of his work with the Neighborhood Watch Program. At one point of the night of the shooting the police had asked Lauer if she would be willing to see if she could identify the man who had identified himself as the shooter.

She was understandably unwilling to come face to face with a person who had just shot someone. Instead, she suggested that they take a picture of the shooter, and she would seek to identify that. The police agreed tot his suggestion, took a photo of Zimmerman’s face as he sat in the patrol car, and showed the picture to Lauer, a woman who had repeatedly seen Zimmerman in HOA-related meetings.

Shockingly, she was unable to identify Zimmerman, because of the severity of his injuries. This powerful testimony obviously strongly supported the defense’s theory of the case that Zimmerman had been the subject of a brutal aggravated assault by Martin

Zimmerman Trial | Live video | Prosecution Witnesses

She lied. You are exaggerating his injuries. If he was so bad off why wasn't he hospitalized? Blood is not the most important part in an injury. It looks bad but it is nothing.

Who hasn't had a bloody nose once in a while?

More Z BS from chrome dome.
Why didn't Martin call 911 instead of flying into a racist creepy ass cracker tirade on the phone with his friend & using that race fueled rage to excessively violently beat Zimmerman?

How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist? there was no rage, Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not violently beat. Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.

Then how can being called the color of sweet delicious chocolate be racist?

There was out of control irrational rage from Martin. He continued to beat a person who was not harming him & begging for help. That warrants deadly force from a gun. Martin was clearly irrational & would have killed Zimmerman.

Who said being called chocolate is racist? Martin was a scared teenager trying to get away from Zimmerman.
One scratch? Sounds like a one way fight that he clearly dominated until shot.

That scratch was on Trayvons knuckle from beating Zimmerman. The prosecution can't prove Zimmerman ever laid a hand on Martin.

That's basically because the police really fucked up.

Seriously fucked up.

If Sharpton hadn't become involved..there would be no arrest and no trial.

All the more reason race baiting should be a crime.
So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. He could have just as easily went home...he had a huge head start...GZ wasnt chasing him down the street waving a far as trayvon knew he was just observing from a distance. We were all 17 once...I think we all know the persona Trayvon was portraying...he did not have the reputation of some meek innocent was quite the opposite. He was into drugs, the buying and selling of guns, and fighting.

For any to suggest otherwise has the blinders on and is unwilling to use simple logic based on what we already know. He could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...gimme a break....he came back twice!!

Having a friend like Ms rachel doesnt bode well for him either...she has no respect for anyone and is about the most disrespectful witness I have ever seen take the stand. The judge should admonish her and hold her in contempt and let her spend the night in jail the next time she cocks off in court. She talk to her momma that way? Probably does...she has no respect for anyone else...shes probably a pain in her mommas behind. Thats Trayvons friend...that is who he chose to associate himself with.

If some are concerned with profiling then lets take a look at the 8 or so recent robberies in the area...all but one were black on white or hispanic crimes. One was against a black lady and she was fed up with it. The only proven racial epithet spoken was from Trayvon and that was given to us from his good friend, rachel.

So many are looking at the color of skin to decide what side they come down on...sad.
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I have asked before.....what does one catch with fish bait?
What does one catch with alligator bait?
What does one catch with race bait?

If you ain't interested..........don't take the bait.

One thing is don't see fish whining about the fact that they love the bait.
How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist? there was no rage, Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not violently beat. Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.

Then how can being called the color of sweet delicious chocolate be racist?

There was out of control irrational rage from Martin. He continued to beat a person who was not harming him & begging for help. That warrants deadly force from a gun. Martin was clearly irrational & would have killed Zimmerman.

Who said being called chocolate is racist? Martin was a scared teenager trying to get away from Zimmerman.

No he wasn't!
So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. Trayvon could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...he came back twice!!

Oh, I've never made any claim to be objective.

I've said that I have NO PROBLEM sacrifcing GZ for political expediency.

It will prevent race riots and dissuade the next asshole who thinks he's The Punisher(TM) from repeating the stupidity.

Because at the end of the day, a kid wound up dead with a bullet wound in his chest. Speculating on what that kid might have done smarter or better is kind of pointless.
So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. Trayvon could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...he came back twice!!

Maybe Trayvon could have done so, but with an idiot like Zimmerman following him, it would be hard to do so.

With all the evidence presented so far, I hope that Zimmerman gets at least an involuntary manslaughter verdict and spends at least 5 years in jail.

Sorry......................but when the 911 operator told him that they didn't need him to follow Trayvon and he did with a loaded weapon (as well as made some racist comments about Trayvon), he should be prosecuted.

I personally hope he's found guilty of murder.
I have asked before.....what does one catch with fish bait?
What does one catch with alligator bait?
What does one catch with race bait?

If you ain't interested..........don't take the bait.

One thing is don't see fish whining about the fact that they love the bait.

That sounds like an argument from my grandson.
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