The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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DD's letter said Travon turned around & confronted Zimmerman. Trayvon said "I am not running" turned around & said "why you fallowing me, you got a problem". She said I thought it was just a fight. How did she know there was a fight??? Trayvon probably said to her I am going to beat his cracker ass. She said it was a racial fight because Martin said Zimmerman was a "creepy ass cracker"

This case should be dismissed!

she also said that martin made it home
While you are being unbiased, what is your take on Zimmerman?

I spent the entire day taking Trayvons side yesterday...In short, I believe that Zimmerman is lying when he says he was reaching for his phone...I think he was reaching for his gun. Reaching for anything when confronted by someone you are following in the dark and rain is not a smart move. It is not defusing the is inciting it. He was coincidentally punched while reaching.

He never identified himself...he went reaching...he was following...and he got jacked up...thats what can happen if you dont know what you are doing. IMO, GZ bears responsibility for the death of a minor that night...and should serve time for it.

Was Zimmerman in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin? Recall that Martin was on top of him beating his head into the pavement.

has the state noticed that the debris pattern starts

at the t intersection where zimmerman said he was

and leads to the spot where martin was lying
When you listen to Zimmerman calling the police and the police officer on the phone telling him not to pursue Martin; it's game over in my mind. It's on the Wiki page about the incident.

If the police tell you not to do something and you do it and what you did results in the death of another, you're in a heap of trouble and you should be. They are the law enforcement authority and its as simple as that.

Now...all that being said; Zimmerman is being charged with murder, right? Not wrongful death...murder. Does what Zimmerman do rise to a murder conviction? I think so but I can see where the prosecution may be over-reaching with the murder charge.
When Zimmerman was instructed to stop his surveillance pursuit in which he embarked upon, and this while he had the police dispatcher on the phone, and the operator/dispatcher heard this pursuit of Zimmerman running along with his heavy breathing, didn't he Zimmerman say "Ok" and then stopped the pursuit right then ? Isn't this where Zimmerman said next that as he walked back to his vehicle Martin then approached him ? I am vague on my recollection of it all now..

I assume it's possible.

The logic of it though is a bit weird...if you get out of your car to pursue someone you are, by definition, between the person you're looking for and your vehicle. Right?

You would have to be in pursuit for quite a while to have the guy you're following get back between you and your vehicle.

Sounds pretty far fetched but possible? Sure.

Also you have to look at how Martin is being portrayed....if he was up to no good and so on and so the guy really going to circle back? If I'm running from someone and they stop chasing me...I'm not coming back to engage.

Still; it's anyone's guess, only 2 people know the circumstances and what happened. One is dead, one is on trial for killing him.

The cardinal rule in psychiatry is to never let the patient get between you and the door. It's too bad people don't know that and apply that to other areas where they are dealing with a crazed person. Yes, he would circle back if he saw an opportunity to kill someone and make it into a gang for real.

I'm not too worried about Zimmerman if he goes to prison. All he has to do is get the teardrop tat on below his eye and join one of the Hispanic gangs. In case you don't know, the number of teardrops they have below their eye represents how many people they have killed.
Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

From what I've heard, she does that all the time. Neg repping makes her feel important and powerful, as if her law degree and certified nurse practitioner credentials aren't enough. And how dare you point out a probem with her theory. She is never wrong.

Thanks, Koosh. I was rather amused by the neg rep. It's not like I said something demeaning to her...all I did was point out the inconsistency in her argument. I just find it amazing that the same people who find fault with George Zimmerman for trying to follow Trayvon Martin...saying THAT caused the confrontation...have no problem with Trayvon Martin returning to confront Zimmerman when he could have simply stepped inside of the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy asshole Cracker".

Yes, if Zimmerman doesn't follow Martin then none of this happens but Zimmerman IS part of the Neighborhood Watch and he WAS concerned about break-ins that had been taking place. One can only assume that was his motivation for doing what he did.

On the other hand, what reason does Trayvon Martin have to retrace his steps and physically confront a stranger in the middle of the night? Quite frankly I can't think of one. I'm sorry but what Martin did was not the act of a rational person.

It will help him become a bona fide gang member.
One scratch? Sounds like a one way fight that he clearly dominated until shot.

That scratch was on Trayvons knuckle from beating Zimmerman. The prosecution can't prove Zimmerman ever laid a hand on Martin.

That's basically because the police really fucked up.

Seriously fucked up.

If Sharpton hadn't become involved..there would be no arrest and no trial.

Exactly, but not quite the way you mean. Sanford police determined that it was a clear case of self defense.
Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

From what I've heard, she does that all the time. Neg repping makes her feel important and powerful, as if her law degree and certified nurse practitioner credentials aren't enough. And how dare you point out a probem with her theory. She is never wrong.

Thanks, Koosh. I was rather amused by the neg rep. It's not like I said something demeaning to her...all I did was point out the inconsistency in her argument. I just find it amazing that the same people who find fault with George Zimmerman for trying to follow Trayvon Martin...saying THAT caused the confrontation...have no problem with Trayvon Martin returning to confront Zimmerman when he could have simply stepped inside of the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy asshole Cracker".

Yes, if Zimmerman doesn't follow Martin then none of this happens but Zimmerman IS part of the Neighborhood Watch and he WAS concerned about break-ins that had been taking place. One can only assume that was his motivation for doing what he did.

On the other hand, what reason does Trayvon Martin have to retrace his steps and physically confront a stranger in the middle of the night? Quite frankly I can't think of one. I'm sorry but what Martin did was not the act of a rational person.

According to MSNBC yesterday one of the jurors won't look at Mz Bahadoor, but rather will only look at the lawyers. The interpret that as her being put off by the witness.
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Zimmerman deserves a lot more than just 5 years.

I was being kind.

I hear ya...but if its manslaughter, then he gets about 10...time off with good behavior cuts that in half to about 5 or so.

I believe the state is reaching for the M2 conviction. These are the same people that let him they go after M2? I think they succombed to the political pressure and did it to please people, but going after M2 may be too steep for this jury. Manslaughter was the way to go, IMO.

An M2 conviction gives him a minimum of 25 years...I dont see the jury doing it. Not with Rachel as the star
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Again, my understanding is that he called the police department directly, not 911.

Not the case?

Zimmermans call was still handled by the same 911 operator. He did not have to comply with any orders from the operator.

Yeah, but he does have to comply with the law.

Following someone running away from menacing.

No it's not it's his job as a NW coordinator.
Actually, what I saw was an abusive attorney slapping around a 19 year old girl.

Can't see how that goes over well with an all female jury. Especially when the judge told West to lower his voice.

Zimmerman attorney grills RAchel Jeantel in Trayvon Martin case | Washington Times Communities

A particularly uncomfortable moment came when Don West asked Rachel Jeantel to read from a piece of paper. The paper contained a statement she had allegedly written that was sent to Trayvon’s mother. Jeantel reported that she was not able to read script writing. Jeantel was forced to explain that she dictated the letter to a friend who had written it for her because she is not able to write very well.

A similarly painful moment happened when West asked Jeantel “what wet grass sounds like,” referring to her now well-known testimony from the previous day. West’s demeanor when he asked the question was provocative and belittling, rather than sounding like he wanted clarification. Jeantel clarified that she meant that she heard sounds of someone rolling around on the wet grass.

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Someone needs to take the girl over their knee and give her something she has probably never had...a good whoopin'. If I was trays mom, Id be going after her throat the way she has disrespected this court and that it could have an effect on the verdict. Id be pissed at her if I was the Martins.
Yeah, but he does have to comply with the law.

Following someone running away from menacing.

Why didn't Martin call 911 instead of flying into a racist creepy ass cracker tirade on the phone with his friend & using that race fueled rage to excessively violently beat Zimmerman?

How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist? there was no rage, Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not violently beat. Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.

You are either doing a piss poor job at sarcasm, or you are retarded.

Oh and about her neck. I can't remember who asked but I had a friend once that had thyroid problems and it made her neck deformed like that. So maybe that's it. Just a thought. ?maybe

Thyroid problems my ass. That is a fat ring on a big fat gettho bitch.
From what I've heard, she does that all the time. Neg repping makes her feel important and powerful, as if her law degree and certified nurse practitioner credentials aren't enough. And how dare you point out a probem with her theory. She is never wrong.

Thanks, Koosh. I was rather amused by the neg rep. It's not like I said something demeaning to her...all I did was point out the inconsistency in her argument. I just find it amazing that the same people who find fault with George Zimmerman for trying to follow Trayvon Martin...saying THAT caused the confrontation...have no problem with Trayvon Martin returning to confront Zimmerman when he could have simply stepped inside of the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy asshole Cracker".

Yes, if Zimmerman doesn't follow Martin then none of this happens but Zimmerman IS part of the Neighborhood Watch and he WAS concerned about break-ins that had been taking place. One can only assume that was his motivation for doing what he did.

On the other hand, what reason does Trayvon Martin have to retrace his steps and physically confront a stranger in the middle of the night? Quite frankly I can't think of one. I'm sorry but what Martin did was not the act of a rational person.

According to MSNBC yesterday one of the jurors won't look at Mz Bahadoor, but rather will only look at the lawyers. The interpret that as her being put off by the witness.

ididnt watch it

but according to others on Pierce Morgen CNN a reporter said

3 of the jurors wouldnt look at deedee

and that not any of them looked emphatic to her
Chantel served as the most devastating to the prosecution's case.
Why do you think that?

I think she was a very credible witness...she resonated well with most people. She was certainly real, there was no faking anything with her.

It's not looking good for Zimmerman right about now.

Just like Sarah, you let your preconceived biases speak for you. Anywhere I turn the channel, they all say that Chantel torpedoed the prosecution's case with her incompetence on the stand. Not only that the Defense has exposed two other witnesses as giving inconsistent statements to the court.
Actually, what I saw was an abusive attorney slapping around a 19 year old girl.

Can't see how that goes over well with an all female jury. Especially when the judge told West to lower his voice.

Zimmerman attorney grills RAchel Jeantel in Trayvon Martin case | Washington Times Communities

A particularly uncomfortable moment came when Don West asked Rachel Jeantel to read from a piece of paper. The paper contained a statement she had allegedly written that was sent to Trayvon’s mother. Jeantel reported that she was not able to read script writing. Jeantel was forced to explain that she dictated the letter to a friend who had written it for her because she is not able to write very well.

A similarly painful moment happened when West asked Jeantel “what wet grass sounds like,” referring to her now well-known testimony from the previous day. West’s demeanor when he asked the question was provocative and belittling, rather than sounding like he wanted clarification. Jeantel clarified that she meant that she heard sounds of someone rolling around on the wet grass.

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Someone needs to take the girl over their knee and give her something she has probably never had...a good whoopin'. If I was trays mom, Id be going after her throat the way she has disrespected this court and that it could have an effect on the verdict. Id be pissed at her if I was the Martins.

She is a poorly educated (possibly special needs) young woman who appears to be not very smart (or her intelligence hasn't been developed); she is unsophisticated; she doesn't know how to behave (no one has taught her). That doesn't maker her a liar or a punk or deserve a 'good whooping.' She's a simple, poorly educated young person who has been thrown into a situation of national media attention and criticism she doesn't want. Give her a break.
Actually, what I saw was an abusive attorney slapping around a 19 year old girl.

Can't see how that goes over well with an all female jury. Especially when the judge told West to lower his voice.

Zimmerman attorney grills RAchel Jeantel in Trayvon Martin case | Washington Times Communities

A particularly uncomfortable moment came when Don West asked Rachel Jeantel to read from a piece of paper. The paper contained a statement she had allegedly written that was sent to Trayvon’s mother. Jeantel reported that she was not able to read script writing. Jeantel was forced to explain that she dictated the letter to a friend who had written it for her because she is not able to write very well.

A similarly painful moment happened when West asked Jeantel “what wet grass sounds like,” referring to her now well-known testimony from the previous day. West’s demeanor when he asked the question was provocative and belittling, rather than sounding like he wanted clarification. Jeantel clarified that she meant that she heard sounds of someone rolling around on the wet grass.

Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter

Someone needs to take the girl over their knee and give her something she has probably never had...a good whoopin'. If I was trays mom, Id be going after her throat the way she has disrespected this court and that it could have an effect on the verdict. Id be pissed at her if I was the Martins.

The attorney was quite gentle with her, actually. He was being sure to be low key and not make her cry, not that there was any likelihood of that. But an attorney who makes a jury cry can really put off the jury. JoeB knows nothing about the law and even less about court proceedings. A person's freedom is at stake here. And in many criminal trials. So the attorney gets to ask leading questions on cross. They can also ask leading questions if their own witness turns hostile, becomes uncooperative, and he gets the witness declared a 'hostile witness.' She was definitely hostile, but she was not a witness for the defense. Intentionally, that is. I think she put the jury off so much that she really hurt the prosecution's case, not that they had one or intended form the outset to purse this, because they didn't. She didn't seem to realize that the things she was saying corroborated Zimmerman's story.
Actually, what I saw was an abusive attorney slapping around a 19 year old girl.

Can't see how that goes over well with an all female jury. Especially when the judge told West to lower his voice.

Zimmerman attorney grills RAchel Jeantel in Trayvon Martin case | Washington Times Communities

Someone needs to take the girl over their knee and give her something she has probably never had...a good whoopin'. If I was trays mom, Id be going after her throat the way she has disrespected this court and that it could have an effect on the verdict. Id be pissed at her if I was the Martins.

She is a poorly educated (possibly special needs) young woman who appears to be not very smart (or her intelligence hasn't been developed); she is unsophisticated; she doesn't know how to behave (no one has taught her). That doesn't maker her a liar or a punk or deserve a 'good whooping.' She's a simple, poorly educated young person who has been thrown into a situation of national media attention and criticism she doesn't want. Give her a break.

Someone who is trying to put an innocent man in prison doesn't deserve or get a break.
if "Creepy Assed Cracker" is NOT racist.., in my OPINION neither is "Nigga Muthafuka".., what say you Sarah ?

Sarah, are you really a black person imitating a white person by using Marilyn Monroe's photo as your avatar ?

does this photo look as though GZ bashed his own head into the pavement/sidewalk ?


hey Sarah.., this one is just for you !! :up:


:laugh2: .... :fu: ... i am betting you are about to :blowup: ... keep on :dig: you may get to the bottom of this "Racist Rachel" thing yet !! :laugh2:
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