The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Chantel served as the most devastating to the prosecution's case.
Why do you think that?

I think she was a very credible witness...she resonated well with most people. She was certainly real, there was no faking anything with her.

It's not looking good for Zimmerman right about now.

Just like Sarah, you let your preconceived biases speak for you. Anywhere I turn the channel, they all say that Chantel torpedoed the prosecution's case with her incompetence on the stand. Not only that the Defense has exposed two other witnesses as giving inconsistent statements to the court.

MarcATL is Afrocentric he sees all things through the lens of race so you will only ever get biased views from him.
Thanks, Koosh. I was rather amused by the neg rep. It's not like I said something demeaning to her...all I did was point out the inconsistency in her argument. I just find it amazing that the same people who find fault with George Zimmerman for trying to follow Trayvon Martin...saying THAT caused the confrontation...have no problem with Trayvon Martin returning to confront Zimmerman when he could have simply stepped inside of the condo and called the Police to report the "creepy asshole Cracker".

Yes, if Zimmerman doesn't follow Martin then none of this happens but Zimmerman IS part of the Neighborhood Watch and he WAS concerned about break-ins that had been taking place. One can only assume that was his motivation for doing what he did.

On the other hand, what reason does Trayvon Martin have to retrace his steps and physically confront a stranger in the middle of the night? Quite frankly I can't think of one. I'm sorry but what Martin did was not the act of a rational person.

According to MSNBC yesterday one of the jurors won't look at Mz Bahadoor, but rather will only look at the lawyers. The interpret that as her being put off by the witness.

ididnt watch it

but according to others on Pierce Morgen CNN a reporter said

3 of the jurors wouldnt look at deedee

and that not any of them looked emphatic to her

I think she likely put them off, but they aren't showing the jury. I think she puts pretty much everyone off. She was disrespectful to the attorney and to the court. Someone clearly coached her to say 'sir' but not to watch her hostile tone of voice. She claimed no one has discussed her presentation with her after the first day, but I think they did. Of course the media, wanting Zimmerman lynched is making all kinds of excuses for her.
Why didn't Martin call 911 instead of flying into a racist creepy ass cracker tirade on the phone with his friend & using that race fueled rage to excessively violently beat Zimmerman?

How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist? there was no rage, Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not violently beat. Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.

You are either doing a piss poor job at sarcasm, or you are retarded.


>>> How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist?
When I lived in FL cracker was not considered a racist tag, we wore it with pride actually.

>>> there was no rage
Define Rage, ... fist fight, defending oneself... arguable either way we have no video, no evidence that either was in a rage. More likely they were both scared than in a rage.

>>> Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman.
At one point he was.

>>> Zimmerman was not violently beat.
One person's scratch is another person's mortal injury. I agree did not appear to be a violent beating. More a wrestling match between an adult and a skinny teenager... right up until the point where one or both of them decided the winner of the scrap would be the guy with the pistol.

>>> Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.
Arguable from TM's perspective.

>>> You are either doing a piss poor job at sarcasm, or you are retarded.
Nah.. you are just having difficulty putting your feet in TMs shoes. Your feet are in GZs shoes.
I wonder how many who are against Zimmerman will support the verdict if it turns out to be 'not guilty?'
Wow, what captivating videos they just showed. There's so much information on them. :eusa_hand:

Hang Zimmerman because of lights in the background. :lol:
Prosecution is trying to pass off two videos in the pool hall now to say that Zimmerman followed Martin into the area. Objection was raised by the defense for the first video and sustained. McKinney was excused from the stand.

John Good has been called to the stand. This witness could be potentially damaging to the prosecution.
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Actually, what I saw was an abusive attorney slapping around a 19 year old girl.

Can't see how that goes over well with an all female jury. Especially when the judge told West to lower his voice.

Zimmerman attorney grills RAchel Jeantel in Trayvon Martin case | Washington Times Communities

Someone needs to take the girl over their knee and give her something she has probably never had...a good whoopin'. If I was trays mom, Id be going after her throat the way she has disrespected this court and that it could have an effect on the verdict. Id be pissed at her if I was the Martins.

She is a poorly educated (possibly special needs) young woman who appears to be not very smart (or her intelligence hasn't been developed); she is unsophisticated; she doesn't know how to behave (no one has taught her). That doesn't maker her a liar or a punk or deserve a 'good whooping.' She's a simple, poorly educated young person who has been thrown into a situation of national media attention and criticism she doesn't want. Give her a break.

Yeah and have you seen her tweets?...shes eating it nail polish? She is being perceived exactly the way she is putting off. I have no sympathy for her. She didnt even go to the dudes funeral and then she lied to his parents...shes scum. I would say that about anyone who performed the way she did in court. And she is a horrible reflection on Trayvon...he hung with this chick? What does that say about him.

I dont care how unsophisticated you are...shes human and should know how to respect a court. Shes stomping on Trayvons grave.

And lets not forget how she dissed him while he had someone following him in the dark. The phone cutoff and that was it for her...back to the booze I guess.

She hasnt earned sympathy from anyone, imo. This isnt a charity...someone died and someone elses life is on the line. Does someone need to tell her this or is she at least smart enough to figure that out for herself? She was the key witness and she blew it.
I watched this video again and then bumped it up against his next interview with Sean Hannity. The reenactment seems very credible to me and it was the very next day. It was not known to Zimmerman who saw or heard what had happened and what would be reported to police outside of his account...I think this reenactment is pretty close to what actually happened.

Interesting to me was that Tray had walked up the T while GZ was in the car and then went right (in the direction of fiances house), but then Tray comes back and actually circles GZs car when GZ was in it talking to 911 dispatch. Then he says Tray went back up the T in sidewalk the same way as the first time (to the right and on the sidewalk going behind the apts and towards the fiances house).

Its at this time that GZ gets out of car to give location and walks up the T. Its interesting to me, because this is not a teenager that is running away in fear...this is someone coming back to the problem. So Tray actually comes back to GZ twice...thats not someone running scared. Very Important...its credible, because it plays out the same way on the 911 tape.

At the scene reenactment
Raw Video: George Zimmerman reenacts incident for Sanford Police - YouTube

Sean Hannity interview
George Zimmerman's Exclusive Full Interview With Sean Hannity 7/18/2012 - YouTube

Now in Trays favor (Hannity tape)...Im convinced that GZ was going for his gun now, which was the reason I revisited these tapes...I wanted to be sure or more sure. GZ describes trayvon walking toward him at one point and going for his waist band...he tells sean (approximately 5:00 mark) that tray reaches into his waistband as if he was grabbing for a weapon or that he wanted GZ to think he had a weapon. This is important to me, because not only was GZ confronted and being called out for following, but GZ also thinks this kid may have a weapon in his waistband...thats what he told sean. So, I believe that GZ knowing that and fearing a confrontation that it is reasonable to believe that GZ would go for the gun to protect himself...not a phone. Remember the gun was where he was grabbing....the phone was not.

Regardless of what he was grabbing for, there is no way to know what Tray was thinking when he went grabbing for something. It could have been a knife, anything. GZ describes being hit just after attempting to reach. My problem with this is that Zimmerman is not defusing the situation...he is an adult and this is a kid....make it clear who you are...hell I would have said something when the kid was circling my car. GZ never did that...he could have defused the situation. It could have been an "oh my fault, bro...Im with NH watch and weve had some break ins...Im George"..."where are ya headed is everything okay?" Thats it...thats all he has to do and I cant understand why he didnt do that.

You don't know much about gangs do you.
That's your story and you're sticking to it. :cuckoo:

That's what the facts show. I don't ignore them like you do Sarah.

But you are lying about how it went. The kid was being profiled and followed by a much older creepy man who killed him for no good reason other than hate. If Zimmerman gets off here, there is no justice.

Your assumptions are not facts

1) There is no evidence of profiling... and it matters not in proving murder
2) Creepy?? Did you feed Martin his line that was repeated by the ignorant witness the other day??
3) No good reason other than hate? Being attacked is not a good reason when people are of different race, eh??

You are sold on guilt because of your obvious leaning toward the typical liberal victim mentality and your racist leanings (or at least race guilt leanings)... you ignore facts and logic in all of this... you are useless
I watched this video again and then bumped it up against his next interview with Sean Hannity. The reenactment seems very credible to me and it was the very next day. It was not known to Zimmerman who saw or heard what had happened and what would be reported to police outside of his account...I think this reenactment is pretty close to what actually happened.

Interesting to me was that Tray had walked up the T while GZ was in the car and then went right (in the direction of fiances house), but then Tray comes back and actually circles GZs car when GZ was in it talking to 911 dispatch. Then he says Tray went back up the T in sidewalk the same way as the first time (to the right and on the sidewalk going behind the apts and towards the fiances house).

Its at this time that GZ gets out of car to give location and walks up the T. Its interesting to me, because this is not a teenager that is running away in fear...this is someone coming back to the problem. So Tray actually comes back to GZ twice...thats not someone running scared. Very Important...its credible, because it plays out the same way on the 911 tape.

At the scene reenactment
Raw Video: George Zimmerman reenacts incident for Sanford Police - YouTube

Sean Hannity interview
George Zimmerman's Exclusive Full Interview With Sean Hannity 7/18/2012 - YouTube

Now in Trays favor (Hannity tape)...Im convinced that GZ was going for his gun now, which was the reason I revisited these tapes...I wanted to be sure or more sure. GZ describes trayvon walking toward him at one point and going for his waist band...he tells sean (approximately 5:00 mark) that tray reaches into his waistband as if he was grabbing for a weapon or that he wanted GZ to think he had a weapon. This is important to me, because not only was GZ confronted and being called out for following, but GZ also thinks this kid may have a weapon in his waistband...thats what he told sean. So, I believe that GZ knowing that and fearing a confrontation that it is reasonable to believe that GZ would go for the gun to protect himself...not a phone. Remember the gun was where he was grabbing....the phone was not.

Regardless of what he was grabbing for, there is no way to know what Tray was thinking when he went grabbing for something. It could have been a knife, anything. GZ describes being hit just after attempting to reach. My problem with this is that Zimmerman is not defusing the situation...he is an adult and this is a kid....make it clear who you are...hell I would have said something when the kid was circling my car. GZ never did that...he could have defused the situation. It could have been an "oh my fault, bro...Im with NH watch and weve had some break ins...Im George"..."where are ya headed is everything okay?" Thats it...thats all he has to do and I cant understand why he didnt do that.

You don't know much about gangs do you.

More than you think. Maybe not those exact you get the point...have a conversation...ask? If you are suspicious...speak up. He acted kind of cowardly imo...but of course his diehards dont see anything that he could have done arent a diehard are ya, sunshine? Wannabes arent above approach...unless you are scared of them. Yeah, I would have said something to someone circling my vehicle.

And if I am assuming he is a gangster, then would I not be guilty of profiling? You just profiled, What? Hes black and wearing a hoodie, so hes a gangster and cant be asked where hes headed or if everything is okay? Interesting.
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John Good just delivered a very devastating answer to the prosecution's case. The lighter skinned individual was on the bottom, with an individual in darker clothing holding down/striking/bashing lighter skinned individual. As we all know, Zimmerman was wearing red, Trayvon was wearing black.
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That's your story and you're sticking to it. :cuckoo:

That's what the facts show. I don't ignore them like you do Sarah.

But you are lying about how it went. The kid was being profiled and followed by a much older creepy man who killed him for no good reason other than hate. If Zimmerman gets off here, there is no justice.

I dont have to lie about it Sarah. The facts that have been released through the months building up to this trial support Zimmerman's version.
Witness John Good - probably should have been considered the most important witness for this trial. He is the one that went outside and saw more of what happened than anyone else.
One thing Ive noticed is that most dont live in that complex for very long...all of the witnesses it seems USED to live
Witness John Good - probably should have been considered the most important witness for this trial. He is the one that went outside and saw more of what happened than anyone else.

Yeah he's also the despicable jerk that decided to not help the guy crying out for help.
That's your story and you're sticking to it. :cuckoo:

That's what the facts show. I don't ignore them like you do Sarah.

But you are lying about how it went. The kid was being profiled and followed by a much older creepy man who killed him for no good reason other than hate. If Zimmerman gets off here, there is no justice.

I believe Martin called him "a creepy assed cracker" to be precise. and then he followed that up with "N" word. Was race a factor? hell hess, Martin made it a factor.
Chantel served as the most devastating to the prosecution's case.
Why do you think that?

I think she was a very credible witness...she resonated well with most people. She was certainly real, there was no faking anything with her.

It's not looking good for Zimmerman right about now.

Gotta be high on Atlanta green bud, or just fucking biased and stupid.

he's repeating the msnbc talking points. It's fun watching the trial with them.
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