The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Why didn't Martin call 911 instead of flying into a racist creepy ass cracker tirade on the phone with his friend & using that race fueled rage to excessively violently beat Zimmerman?

How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist? there was no rage, Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not violently beat. Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.

You are either doing a piss poor job at sarcasm, or you are retarded.


Insults don't intimidate anyone on a message nor do they advance your argument.
John Good just delivered a very devastating answer to the prosecution's case. The lighter skinned individual was on the bottom, with an individual in darker clothing holding down/striking/bashing lighter skinned individual. As we all know, Zimmerman was wearing red, Trayvon was wearing black.

Can you figure out a reason why the blood would be dribbling down, toward Zimmerman's face?


See if you can post something in response that would make any sense at all. This case is going to boil down to circumstancial evidence.

As the only one here on the correct side, Treyvon's, I will not be responding to anyone who is just sitting around calling me names, etc.. Thantos, Diamond Dave, any others. Just so you're clear on why I am not in any convo with you.

Move along, you're not interesting.
So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. He could have just as easily went home...he had a huge head start...GZ wasnt chasing him down the street waving a far as trayvon knew he was just observing from a distance. We were all 17 once...I think we all know the persona Trayvon was portraying...he did not have the reputation of some meek innocent was quite the opposite. He was into drugs, the buying and selling of guns, and fighting.

For any to suggest otherwise has the blinders on and is unwilling to use simple logic based on what we already know. He could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...gimme a break....he came back twice!!

Having a friend like Ms rachel doesnt bode well for him either...she has no respect for anyone and is about the most disrespectful witness I have ever seen take the stand. The judge should admonish her and hold her in contempt and let her spend the night in jail the next time she cocks off in court. She talk to her momma that way? Probably does...she has no respect for anyone else...shes probably a pain in her mommas behind. Thats Trayvons friend...that is who he chose to associate himself with.

If some are concerned with profiling then lets take a look at the 8 or so recent robberies in the area...all but one were black on white or hispanic crimes. One was against a black lady and she was fed up with it. The only proven racial epithet spoken was from Trayvon and that was given to us from his good friend, rachel.

So many are looking at the color of skin to decide what side they come down on...sad.

First off you are going by Zimmerman's "recollection" of events, which have changed several times.

And that night? Martin was totally innocent, as he didn't do anything.

Florida also has a "stand your ground" law, which allows a person to defend themselves, proactively. It's a stupid law by the way..but it favors Martin.

It's interesting that the murder victim is on trial here.

But heck..let's go with Zimmerman's faulty recollection of events. In story number 3..or was it 4..before the "fight" Martin and Zimmerman exchange words.

Zimmerman's "version" is:

Martin: What's your problem?
Zimmerman: I don't have a problem.
Martin: You do now.

Rachel's version is:

Martin: What are you following me for?
Zimmerman: What are you doing here?

In both cases, Zimmerman does not identify himself as part of the watch or tell Martin he is armed. And it's clear, at that point to Zimmerman, in most of his versions of events that Martin is or was trying to get away from him up until that point.

This is one of the big problems with concealed carry, especially when it comes to things like this. Zimmerman had a huge advantage over Martin and makes no attempt at all to clearly define that..or why he was following him. In both versions of events? Zimmerman is confrontational during a very bad situation.
Nice imagination you have there. I don't suppose you can actually provide any links to support...any...of it? Cuz you do keep repeating the meme...over...and over...and over. And you have yet to actually provide any evidence of it.
John Good just delivered a very devastating answer to the prosecution's case. The lighter skinned individual was on the bottom, with an individual in darker clothing holding down/striking/bashing lighter skinned individual. As we all know, Zimmerman was wearing red, Trayvon was wearing black.

Can you figure out a reason why the blood would be dribbling down, toward Zimmerman's face?


See if you can post something in response that would make any sense at all. This case is going to boil down to circumstancial evidence.

As the only one here on the correct side, Treyvon's, I will not be responding to anyone who is just sitting around calling me names, etc.. Thantos, Diamond Dave, any others. Just so you're clear on why I am not in any convo with you.

Move along, you're not interesting.

He got off the ground after he shot Martin, after having his head beaten into the concrete? John Good just all but identified Martin as the aggressor. Guy in black straddling a guy in red. If you were watching the video from earlier this week, you'd know the guy in black to be Martin. You need to stop dismissing reality Sarah, Good just blew the prosecution's case out of the water.
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John Good just delivered a very devastating answer to the prosecution's case. The lighter skinned individual was on the bottom, with an individual in darker clothing holding down/striking/bashing lighter skinned individual. As we all know, Zimmerman was wearing red, Trayvon was wearing black.

Can you figure out a reason why the blood would be dribbling down, toward Zimmerman's face?


See if you can post something in response that would make any sense at all. This case is going to boil down to circumstancial evidence.

As the only one here on the correct side, Treyvon's, I will not be responding to anyone who is just sitting around calling me names, etc.. Thantos, Diamond Dave, any others. Just so you're clear on why I am not in any convo with you.

Move along, you're not interesting.

He got off the ground after he shot Martin, after having his head beaten into the concrete? John Good just all but identified Martin as the aggressor. Guy in black straddling a guy in red. If you were watching the video from earlier this week, you'd know the guy in black to be Martin. You need to stop dismissing reality Sarah, Good just blew the prosecution's case out of the water.

So, Zimmerman had that orange/red jacket on during the scuffle?
That should do it. Good has directly identified Zimmerman as the person on the bottom. He also just said that the person (Zimmerman) on the bottom, might have been the one screaming for help. Game over.
Can you figure out a reason why the blood would be dribbling down, toward Zimmerman's face?


See if you can post something in response that would make any sense at all. This case is going to boil down to circumstancial evidence.

As the only one here on the correct side, Treyvon's, I will not be responding to anyone who is just sitting around calling me names, etc.. Thantos, Diamond Dave, any others. Just so you're clear on why I am not in any convo with you.

Move along, you're not interesting.

He got off the ground after he shot Martin, after having his head beaten into the concrete? John Good just all but identified Martin as the aggressor. Guy in black straddling a guy in red. If you were watching the video from earlier this week, you'd know the guy in black to be Martin. You need to stop dismissing reality Sarah, Good just blew the prosecution's case out of the water.

So, Zimmerman had that orange/red jacket on during the scuffle?

Indeed. That was before he was processed and cleaned up by the paramedics.
Assuming George Zimmerman's wounds on the back of his head were still bleeding, and that at the time the photograph of his head was taken, he was sitting up and presumably still bleeding. That's one plausible reason why the blood could be dribbling a bit down and towards his ears. If he were on his hands and knees on top of Martin (which would make no sense if you're also shooting him) the blood would likely have more of a horizontal slant towards his ears/temples.
How can being called a delicious salty snack be racist? there was no rage, Martin was trying to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not violently beat. Zimmerman chased Martin down and confronted him, they got into a fight,Zimmerman got a couple minor injuries and killed Martin.

You are either doing a piss poor job at sarcasm, or you are retarded.


Insults don't intimidate anyone on a message nor do they advance your argument.

What makes you think he was trying to insult you?
Ok, here is the jacket when he was being booked. Did the paramedics launder it too?

(Back of Zimmerman's Jacket 45 minutes after he was alleged on his back in a bloody, muddy scuffle)

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Assuming George Zimmerman's wounds on the back of his head were still bleeding, and that at the time the photograph of his head was taken, he was sitting up and presumably still bleeding. That's one plausible reason why the blood could be dribbling a bit down and towards his ears. If he were on his hands and knees on top of Martin (which would make no sense if you're also shooting him) the blood would likely have more of a horizontal slant towards his ears/temples.

Zimmerman's wounds in the back of the head are what give the biggest problems with the theory that Zimmerman was on top. if He was on top of Trayvon in a struggle, how on earth does he get injuries to the back of the head. Unlss of course, Trayvon jumped him from behidn earlier on.

Either way they don't help the prosecution and certainly are strong cicumstantial evidence for the defense.
Ok, here is the jacket when he was being booked. Did the paramedics launder it too?

(Back of Zimmerman's Jacket 45 minutes after he was alleged on his back in a bloody, muddy scuffle)


How does this prove your case? If the witnesses are testifying that the guy in red was on the bottom. How does posting Zimmerman in his jacket prove he was the aggressor?
So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. He could have just as easily went home...he had a huge head start...GZ wasnt chasing him down the street waving a far as trayvon knew he was just observing from a distance. We were all 17 once...I think we all know the persona Trayvon was portraying...he did not have the reputation of some meek innocent was quite the opposite. He was into drugs, the buying and selling of guns, and fighting.

For any to suggest otherwise has the blinders on and is unwilling to use simple logic based on what we already know. He could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...gimme a break....he came back twice!!

Having a friend like Ms rachel doesnt bode well for him either...she has no respect for anyone and is about the most disrespectful witness I have ever seen take the stand. The judge should admonish her and hold her in contempt and let her spend the night in jail the next time she cocks off in court. She talk to her momma that way? Probably does...she has no respect for anyone else...shes probably a pain in her mommas behind. Thats Trayvons friend...that is who he chose to associate himself with.

If some are concerned with profiling then lets take a look at the 8 or so recent robberies in the area...all but one were black on white or hispanic crimes. One was against a black lady and she was fed up with it. The only proven racial epithet spoken was from Trayvon and that was given to us from his good friend, rachel.

So many are looking at the color of skin to decide what side they come down on...sad.

First off you are going by Zimmerman's "recollection" of events, which have changed several times.

And that night? Martin was totally innocent, as he didn't do anything.

Florida also has a "stand your ground" law, which allows a person to defend themselves, proactively. It's a stupid law by the way..but it favors Martin.

It's interesting that the murder victim is on trial here.

But heck..let's go with Zimmerman's faulty recollection of events. In story number 3..or was it 4..before the "fight" Martin and Zimmerman exchange words.

Zimmerman's "version" is:

Martin: What's your problem?
Zimmerman: I don't have a problem.
Martin: You do now.

Rachel's version is:

Martin: What are you following me for?
Zimmerman: What are you doing here?

In both cases, Zimmerman does not identify himself as part of the watch or tell Martin he is armed. And it's clear, at that point to Zimmerman, in most of his versions of events that Martin is or was trying to get away from him up until that point.

This is one of the big problems with concealed carry, especially when it comes to things like this. Zimmerman had a huge advantage over Martin and makes no attempt at all to clearly define that..or why he was following him. In both versions of events? Zimmerman is confrontational during a very bad situation.

Dude, I have posted 3 separate tapes of his recollection of events. 1) the police interrogation tape; 2) the reenactment the very next day; 3) his interview months later with Sean Hannity. In addition, we have the 911 tape. He is consistent in all of these tapes. I have no axe to grind here. I went back thru the tapes again last night and bumped them against each other.

So for you to say several versions is not being fair. Lets stick with the tapes...thats all we have. You have plenty of them to listen to. Maybe you should do that and then come back and tell us what version is inconsistant.

I am giving specific links and then commenting on are not providing links to support your accusations. You are making an irresponsible argument.
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