The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Oh and about her neck. I can't remember who asked but I had a friend once that had thyroid problems and it made her neck deformed like that. So maybe that's it. Just a thought. ?maybe

I have asked before.....what does one catch with fish bait?
What does one catch with alligator bait?
What does one catch with race bait?

If you ain't interested..........don't take the bait.

One thing is don't see fish whining about the fact that they love the bait.

That sounds like an argument from my grandson.

Just right for you, then.
Who knows if there would have been future ones. But it just goes to show you dont attack someone you dont know.

That's your story and you're sticking to it. :cuckoo:

That's what the facts show. I don't ignore them like you do Sarah.

But you are lying about how it went. The kid was being profiled and followed by a much older creepy man who killed him for no good reason other than hate. If Zimmerman gets off here, there is no justice.
Hey! If DD's second language is Spanish why didnt she speak that and let the translator tell us what she was saying.
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So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. Trayvon could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...he came back twice!!

Maybe Trayvon could have done so, but with an idiot like Zimmerman following him, it would be hard to do so.

With all the evidence presented so far, I hope that Zimmerman gets at least an involuntary manslaughter verdict and spends at least 5 years in jail.

Sorry......................but when the 911 operator told him that they didn't need him to follow Trayvon and he did with a loaded weapon (as well as made some racist comments about Trayvon), he should be prosecuted.

I personally hope he's found guilty of murder.

I agree...I think he needs to spend some time in jail. trayvon lost his life...GZ should do some time.

If people would leave race out of it and go with the facts...we might see a verdict. But instead of looking at facts, we have a prosecution team playing the race wild card...if they keep it up they will lose playing that card. Its easily refuted and is wasting everyones time.

I agree...I think he needs to spend some time in jail. trayvon lost his life...GZ should do some time.

If people would leave race out of it and go with the facts...we might see a verdict. But instead of looking at facts, we have a prosecution team playing the race wild card...if they keep it up they will lose playing that card. Its easily refuted and is wasting everyones time.

I can't see how you leave race out of this. If Trayvon had been white, GZ never would have followed him or profiled him.

If GZ had been black, there is no way they'd have given him an initial pass for the shooting.

I think the prosecution has been pretty restrained and sticking to the facts. Zimmerman shot a kid and repeatedly lied about it.
So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. He could have just as easily went home...he had a huge head start...GZ wasnt chasing him down the street waving a far as trayvon knew he was just observing from a distance. We were all 17 once...I think we all know the persona Trayvon was portraying...he did not have the reputation of some meek innocent was quite the opposite. He was into drugs, the buying and selling of guns, and fighting.

For any to suggest otherwise has the blinders on and is unwilling to use simple logic based on what we already know. He could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...gimme a break....he came back twice!!

Having a friend like Ms rachel doesnt bode well for him either...she has no respect for anyone and is about the most disrespectful witness I have ever seen take the stand. The judge should admonish her and hold her in contempt and let her spend the night in jail the next time she cocks off in court. She talk to her momma that way? Probably does...she has no respect for anyone else...shes probably a pain in her mommas behind. Thats Trayvons friend...that is who he chose to associate himself with.

If some are concerned with profiling then lets take a look at the 8 or so recent robberies in the area...all but one were black on white or hispanic crimes. One was against a black lady and she was fed up with it. The only proven racial epithet spoken was from Trayvon and that was given to us from his good friend, rachel.

So many are looking at the color of skin to decide what side they come down on...sad.

While you are being unbiased, what is your take on Zimmerman?
So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. He could have just as easily went home...he had a huge head start...GZ wasnt chasing him down the street waving a far as trayvon knew he was just observing from a distance. We were all 17 once...I think we all know the persona Trayvon was portraying...he did not have the reputation of some meek innocent was quite the opposite. He was into drugs, the buying and selling of guns, and fighting.

For any to suggest otherwise has the blinders on and is unwilling to use simple logic based on what we already know. He could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...gimme a break....he came back twice!!

Having a friend like Ms rachel doesnt bode well for him either...she has no respect for anyone and is about the most disrespectful witness I have ever seen take the stand. The judge should admonish her and hold her in contempt and let her spend the night in jail the next time she cocks off in court. She talk to her momma that way? Probably does...she has no respect for anyone else...shes probably a pain in her mommas behind. Thats Trayvons friend...that is who he chose to associate himself with.

If some are concerned with profiling then lets take a look at the 8 or so recent robberies in the area...all but one were black on white or hispanic crimes. One was against a black lady and she was fed up with it. The only proven racial epithet spoken was from Trayvon and that was given to us from his good friend, rachel.

So many are looking at the color of skin to decide what side they come down on...sad.

While you are being unbiased, what is your take on Zimmerman?

I spent the entire day taking Trayvons side yesterday...In short, I believe that Zimmerman is lying when he says he was reaching for his phone...I think he was reaching for his gun. Reaching for anything when confronted by someone you are following in the dark and rain is not a smart move. It is not defusing the is inciting it. He was coincidentally punched while reaching.

He never identified himself...he went reaching...he was following...and he got jacked up...thats what can happen if you dont know what you are doing. IMO, GZ bears responsibility for the death of a minor that night...and should serve time for it.
DD's letter said Travon turned around & confronted Zimmerman. Trayvon said "I am not running" turned around & said "why you fallowing me, you got a problem". She said I thought it was just a fight. How did she know there was a fight??? Trayvon probably said to her I am going to beat his cracker ass. She said it was a racial fight because Martin said Zimmerman was a "creepy ass cracker"

This case should be dismissed!
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that aint nothing yet

later on

the state tries to impeach their own witness (jenna lauer)

She also noted in both direct and cross examination that she herself was uncertain of the street names in the neighborhood, and that there were no street signs anywhere near her townhouse, the same area where Zimmerman would have reported to the non-emergency dispatcher his difficulty in providing a specific address.

She also on direct recounted overhearing a “three-part” exchange that was entirely consistent with Zimmerman’s telling of the brief exchange between himself and Martin that night.

Things really got interesting when O’Mara started his cross-examination, however. On direct examination de la Rionda had revealed in questioning that Lauer, as a board member of the HOA, had known Zimmerman personally, if only slightly, because of his work with the Neighborhood Watch Program. At one point of the night of the shooting the police had asked Lauer if she would be willing to see if she could identify the man who had identified himself as the shooter.

She was understandably unwilling to come face to face with a person who had just shot someone. Instead, she suggested that they take a picture of the shooter, and she would seek to identify that. The police agreed tot his suggestion, took a photo of Zimmerman’s face as he sat in the patrol car, and showed the picture to Lauer, a woman who had repeatedly seen Zimmerman in HOA-related meetings.

Shockingly, she was unable to identify Zimmerman, because of the severity of his injuries. This powerful testimony obviously strongly supported the defense’s theory of the case that Zimmerman had been the subject of a brutal aggravated assault by Martin

Zimmerman Trial | Live video | Prosecution Witnesses

She lied. You are exaggerating his injuries. If he was so bad off why wasn't he hospitalized? Blood is not the most important part in an injury. It looks bad but it is nothing.

Who hasn't had a bloody nose once in a while?

More Z BS from chrome dome.


she didnt lie

she just makes a better defense witness

then a state witness
You must be following a different Martin/Zimmerman case than the rest of the world.

"- In some accounts, she said race was an issue but not in others.
- Jeantel testified Wednesday that her friend's last words were "Get off! Get off!" before Martin's phone went silent. But on Thursday, under cross-examination, she conceded that she hadn't mentioned that in her account of what happened to Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton. She had left out some details to spare Fulton's feelings, and also because neither Fulton nor the Martin family attorney asked her directly about them, Jeantel said.
- After Martin asks why he is being followed, Zimmerman responds, "What are you doing around here?" in one account by Jeantel. In another account, according to West, she says Zimmerman said, "What are you talking about?"

News from The Associated Press

She has been sticking with one "account" under oath even though the prosecution has been trying to shake it.

Prosecution or defense?

I found her to be a credible witness. .
That's because you have confirmation bias and believe Zimmerman is guilty of murder.
So many people need to take a long hard look at just why they are coming down on the side they are...both sides.

There is about a handful of objective people in here...why? If you can only see the wrong in one are not are biased. You are no better than those you have the same problem with on the other side.

Tray was not totally innocent...not at all...he came back to George twice...once circling his truck. He could have just as easily went home...he had a huge head start...GZ wasnt chasing him down the street waving a far as trayvon knew he was just observing from a distance. We were all 17 once...I think we all know the persona Trayvon was portraying...he did not have the reputation of some meek innocent was quite the opposite. He was into drugs, the buying and selling of guns, and fighting.

For any to suggest otherwise has the blinders on and is unwilling to use simple logic based on what we already know. He could have defused the situation just like GZ could have...neither did. But tray was not running scared...gimme a break....he came back twice!!

Having a friend like Ms rachel doesnt bode well for him either...she has no respect for anyone and is about the most disrespectful witness I have ever seen take the stand. The judge should admonish her and hold her in contempt and let her spend the night in jail the next time she cocks off in court. She talk to her momma that way? Probably does...she has no respect for anyone else...shes probably a pain in her mommas behind. Thats Trayvons friend...that is who he chose to associate himself with.

If some are concerned with profiling then lets take a look at the 8 or so recent robberies in the area...all but one were black on white or hispanic crimes. One was against a black lady and she was fed up with it. The only proven racial epithet spoken was from Trayvon and that was given to us from his good friend, rachel.

So many are looking at the color of skin to decide what side they come down on...sad.

While you are being unbiased, what is your take on Zimmerman?

I spent the entire day taking Trayvons side yesterday...In short, I believe that Zimmerman is lying when he says he was reaching for his phone...I think he was reaching for his gun. Reaching for anything when confronted by someone you are following in the dark and rain is not a smart move. It is not defusing the is inciting it. He was coincidentally punched while reaching.

He never identified himself...he went reaching...he was following...and he got jacked up...thats what can happen if you dont know what you are doing. IMO, GZ bears responsibility for the death of a minor that night...and should serve time for it.

Was Zimmerman in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin? Recall that Martin was on top of him beating his head into the pavement.
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