The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He didn't "act properly" at all. He wasn't a Law Enforcement Officer and there are laws against following and menacing others. Most Neighborhood Watch Folks are cautioned against patrolling armed as well, for obvious reasons. He had zero standing to do what he did when he got out of his car and followed a frightened kid. And it seems that he didn't have the proper training to handle the situation.

It's also becoming more and more clear that he had an agenda. And that agenda was to hunt and kill a human being.

That is just plain stupid, even by your standards. If his intention was to kill, why didn't he act before he was nearly incapacitated? Why did he call out for help?

NO concusion, no hospital stay, small scratches on his head.

Having a light threatening injury is not require for there to be 'reasonable fear.' The minute li'l Trayvon put hands on Zimmerman, Zimmerman was in reasonable fear for his life.
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Does anyone remember the picture of the object on the ground that was taken by the black guy? There was no mention of what it was, what was done with it, who it belonged to, whether it was taken in for examination, etc. It looked like a switchblade knife to me. I can't find any pic of it online. Dose anyone else remember this picture? Did the police overlook a piece of evidence showing that Trayvon was armed?

I was thinking Zimmerman's key chain. the one with the small flashlight, but that was said to be turned on.

I can't find the pic online, but that could just be my not knowing how to search for it.

Try checking these:
George Zimmerman trial: 84 evidence photos |
I have been kind of busy. So, I haven't closely followed the circus -- err -- trial of George Zimmerman.

But I have gotten a little tiny fraction of the way caught up and now I have to ask for the consensus view:

Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

Yeah yeah. It aint over and sometimes things can turn around. I grant that.

But given the DEFENSE slant to the testimony of the State's own star witnesses, so far, is the burden of proof now simply insurmountable in all probability?

I ask because that's pretty much how it looks to me at this point barring something truly unexpected happening.

The proverbial fat lady is not yet warbling, but she is tuning up.

The media is CLEARLY disappointed. CNN seems to think the prosecutor has an ace up his sleeve. In my wildest imagination, I can't come up with anything that would turn this case into one that is going well for the prosecution.
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Well for sure, many kids these days can't make change for a dollar without a computer telling them how much to count out. . . .many kids cannot tell time from anything other than a digital watch/clock or by reading the time on their computer or cell phone. . . .so it logically follows that kids are no longer taught penmanship and how to read and write in cursive. But the real kicker came when she said "creepy assed cracker" and "******" aren't racist terms. It has been interesting watching the Martin family's attorney now seeming to back pedal on this trial being about 'racism'.

As for that 'cursive' letter? The purpose was to show that she did not write the letter sent to Trayvon's mother after the shooting. The letter described what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Trayvon just before he was shot. Now folks, I don't care how much you hate Zimmerman, but that is an important piece of evidence introduced into the trial that the defense rightfully made an effort to impeach.

It actually is important.

It shows that Martin thought the many following him was creepy and crazy.

And he was trying to get away.

Having worked with belligerent, aggressive teen boys professionally and personally, I can assure you that they will always try to justify an attack by saying things like, "Did you see how that guy is looking at me??? What's his problem? I'm not putting up with that!"

"That guy looks like a child molester, I'm gonna kick his ass!"

"That guy is following me! I'll show him to follow me!"

There's no evidence that Trayvon was scared, and there's zero that he was trying to get away.

Hide, maybe, initially, because he was prowling and didn't want to be observed. Then he got a look at Zimmerman and decided to kick his ass. He'd been picking fights for some time up to that point. It was his MO to attack people who weren't expecting it.
I was thinking Zimmerman's key chain. the one with the small flashlight, but that was said to be turned on.

I can't find the pic online, but that could just be my not knowing how to search for it.

Try checking these:
George Zimmerman trial: 84 evidence photos |

Thanks. Looks like it was the flashlight if I am looking at the correct pic.

Interestingly Zimmerman's face does show multiple abrasions and contusions.
True but you cannot justify acting as law enforcement when you're not.

As I never said anything different your point is not well taken.

You cannot justify using deadly force in response to a punch in the face.

As I never said anything different your point is not well taken.

Did Trayvon throw the first punch? Probably. So what?

The "so what" is that under that set of facts, Trayvon was the aggressor and gives Zimmerman the ability to establish self defense upon a showing that he was in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury without any further evidence. If Zimmerman threw the first punch, then Zimmerman would need to prove substantially more, such as that he could not retreat and that he had abandoned his unlawful attack.

It still doesn't justify Zimmerman going where he should not have gone.

Since Zimmermann had a right to go where he went and that issue is not in dispute by the prosecution, your point is not well taken.

It hinges on only one thing. Did he have the legal right to do what he did?


No. End of story.

And that is your opinion not based upon the law or the facts or the law.... at least up to this point in the trial and in my opinion. End of story.
You miss the point, the issue is stalking and not the ownership of a gun and you are wrong. Zimmerman would be allowed to have a gun in NY

No, he absolutely would not be allowed to have a gun.

New York actually does do background checking.

Yes he absolutely would. And Florida has a background check as well

What they are trying to imply is that Zimmerman had a major mental illness because he was on Temazepam and Adderall. Neither of those are for mood or psychosis. Temazpam is a mild sleep aid, and Adderall is given to many children and adults to help them concentrate. Neither insomnia or ADD is a major mental illness. If they were, Zimmerman could have used the insanity defense.
I can't find the pic online, but that could just be my not knowing how to search for it.

Try checking these:
George Zimmerman trial: 84 evidence photos |

Thanks. Looks like it was the flashlight if I am looking at the correct pic.

Interestingly Zimmerman's face does show multiple abrasions and contusions.
Is that the word "broken" connected by a line to his nose?
No, he absolutely would not be allowed to have a gun.

New York actually does do background checking.

Yes he absolutely would. And Florida has a background check as well

What they are trying to imply is that Zimmerman had a major mental illness because he was on Temazepam and Adderall. Neither of those are for mood or psychosis. Temazpam is a mild sleep aid, and Adderall is given to many children and adults to help them concentrate. Neither insomnia or ADD is a major mental illness. If they were, Zimmerman could have used the insanity defense.

My guess is that they are basing it on a supposed disqualification based upon an expired civil restraining order... but you never can tell.
He didn't "act properly" at all. He wasn't a Law Enforcement Officer and there are laws against following and menacing others. Most Neighborhood Watch Folks are cautioned against patrolling armed as well, for obvious reasons. He had zero standing to do what he did when he got out of his car and followed a frightened kid. And it seems that he didn't have the proper training to handle the situation.

It's also becoming more and more clear that he had an agenda. And that agenda was to hunt and kill a human being.

That is just plain stupid, even by your standards. If his intention was to kill, why didn't he act before he was nearly incapacitated? Why did he call out for help?

NO concusion, no hospital stay, small scratches on his head.

Then he acted in the nick of time.

Thanks. Looks like it was the flashlight if I am looking at the correct pic.

Interestingly Zimmerman's face does show multiple abrasions and contusions.
Is that the word "broken" connected by a line to his nose?

The PA testified than only an x-ray could verify that. And she said he told her he didn't have insurance good enough to be able to get one. At the time, it didn't look like there would be charges because when you shoot somebody that needs to be shot they don't charge you. Too bad he didn't follow through.
Well for sure, many kids these days can't make change for a dollar without a computer telling them how much to count out. . . .many kids cannot tell time from anything other than a digital watch/clock or by reading the time on their computer or cell phone. . . .so it logically follows that kids are no longer taught penmanship and how to read and write in cursive. But the real kicker came when she said "creepy assed cracker" and "******" aren't racist terms. It has been interesting watching the Martin family's attorney now seeming to back pedal on this trial being about 'racism'.

As for that 'cursive' letter? The purpose was to show that she did not write the letter sent to Trayvon's mother after the shooting. The letter described what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Trayvon just before he was shot. Now folks, I don't care how much you hate Zimmerman, but that is an important piece of evidence introduced into the trial that the defense rightfully made an effort to impeach.

It actually is important.

It shows that Martin thought the many following him was creepy and crazy.

And he was trying to get away.

And it is just as easy to conclude that had a younger, more athletic Martin wanted to get away in an apartment complex on a dark night in the rain, he would have easily gotten away. I wasn't there. Neither were you.
I have been kind of busy. So, I haven't closely followed the circus -- err -- trial of George Zimmerman.

But I have gotten a little tiny fraction of the way caught up and now I have to ask for the consensus view:

Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

Yeah yeah. It aint over and sometimes things can turn around. I grant that.

But given the DEFENSE slant to the testimony of the State's own star witnesses, so far, is the burden of proof now simply insurmountable in all probability?

I ask because that's pretty much how it looks to me at this point barring something truly unexpected happening.

The proverbial fat lady is not yet warbling, but she is tuning up.
Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

I'm having great difficulties with wondering why a guy who got punched hard enough to get a broken nose and was getting his head slammed into the pavement repeatedly would think for a millisecond he was going to get out of the fracas alive and used lethal force to protect himself.

I think the court system in Florida is somehow under duress from Sharpton's attack on Zimmerman and claims that it was murder rather than self-defense. Sharpton has a clear and present history of taking an incident and creating it into a "damn white people" event. In that way, I'm coming to think of him and all he represents as false prophets who are leading blacks around by the nose to inflict as much pain and expense on other Americans as they can, creating racism far and away more like the KKK than the victims he claims his people are.

He and President Obama are claiming blacks are their only children, their only cause, and damn all others, including some blacks, as desired, since Zimmerman is half German, three eighths Hispanic, and 1/8 black.

The law should be colorblind. It should not incarcerate victims of foul play in which they used a gun to defend their life. That is called self-defense, and the courts have turned a deaf ear on honesty and equality, going along with conviction in the press by liars like Al Sharpton.

He tried to turn Twanna Brawley's experience of getting raped by blacks into a poster child for rape by whites, which of course was disproven. Sharpton also tried to get the courts to procure life sentences for Duke University students who hired a woman to perform for a party, and she falsely charged them with rape when she had sex with a series of men who were not one of them a Duke University Lacrosse team player. Not one. Her "report" showed sperm that were not consistent with the DNA of any Lacrosse player, and they tested the entire team.

Sharpton is always around to falsely accuse somebody he thinks has a white name or Hispanic, and blames innocent men for wrongdoing.

I hate what the State of Floriduh is doing this time.
I have been kind of busy. So, I haven't closely followed the circus -- err -- trial of George Zimmerman.

But I have gotten a little tiny fraction of the way caught up and now I have to ask for the consensus view:

Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

Yeah yeah. It aint over and sometimes things can turn around. I grant that.

But given the DEFENSE slant to the testimony of the State's own star witnesses, so far, is the burden of proof now simply insurmountable in all probability?

I ask because that's pretty much how it looks to me at this point barring something truly unexpected happening.

The proverbial fat lady is not yet warbling, but she is tuning up.
Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

I'm having great difficulties with wondering why a guy who got punched hard enough to get a broken nose and was getting his head slammed into the pavement repeatedly would think for a millisecond he was going to get out of the fracas alive and used lethal force to protect himself.

I think the court system in Florida is somehow under duress from Sharpton's attack on Zimmerman and claims that it was murder rather than self-defense. Sharpton has a clear and present history of taking an incident and creating it into a "damn white people" event. In that way, I'm coming to think of him and all he represents as false prophets who are leading blacks around by the nose to inflict as much pain and expense on other Americans as they can, creating racism far and away more like the KKK than the victims he claims his people are.

He and President Obama are claiming blacks are their only children, their only cause, and damn all others, including some blacks, as desired, since Zimmerman is half German, three eighths Hispanic, and 1/8 black.

The law should be colorblind. It should not incarcerate victims of foul play in which they used a gun to defend their life. That is called self-defense, and the courts have turned a deaf ear on honesty and equality, going along with conviction in the press by liars like Al Sharpton.

He tried to turn Twanna Brawley's experience of getting raped by blacks into a poster child for rape by whites, which of course was disproven. Sharpton also tried to get the courts to procure life sentences for Duke University students who hired a woman to perform for a party, and she falsely charged them with rape when she had sex with a series of men who were not one of them a Duke University Lacrosse team player. Not one. Her "report" showed sperm that were not consistent with the DNA of any Lacrosse player, and they tested the entire team.

Sharpton is always around to falsely accuse somebody he thinks has a white name or Hispanic, and blames innocent men for wrongdoing.

I hate what the State of Floriduh is doing this time.

The state had no case and knew it. That is why the did not initially charge Zimmerman. Obama should have stayed out of it. He is Zimmerman's president too.

I read several years ago that the blacks are fearful that the Hispanics will be made 'honorary whites' and screw up the numbers, causing blacks to be unable to reach the numbers they want and need to influence policy in this country. And no, I don't have a link, it was before the internet.
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I have been kind of busy. So, I haven't closely followed the circus -- err -- trial of George Zimmerman.

But I have gotten a little tiny fraction of the way caught up and now I have to ask for the consensus view:

Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

Yeah yeah. It aint over and sometimes things can turn around. I grant that.

But given the DEFENSE slant to the testimony of the State's own star witnesses, so far, is the burden of proof now simply insurmountable in all probability?

I ask because that's pretty much how it looks to me at this point barring something truly unexpected happening.

The proverbial fat lady is not yet warbling, but she is tuning up.
Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

I'm having great difficulties with wondering why a guy who got punched hard enough to get a broken nose and was getting his head slammed into the pavement repeatedly would think for a millisecond he was going to get out of the fracas alive and used lethal force to protect himself.

I think the court system in Florida is somehow under duress from Sharpton's attack on Zimmerman and claims that it was murder rather than self-defense. Sharpton has a clear and present history of taking an incident and creating it into a "damn white people" event. In that way, I'm coming to think of him and all he represents as false prophets who are leading blacks around by the nose to inflict as much pain and expense on other Americans as they can, creating racism far and away more like the KKK than the victims he claims his people are.

He and President Obama are claiming blacks are their only children, their only cause, and damn all others, including some blacks, as desired, since Zimmerman is half German, three eighths Hispanic, and 1/8 black.

The law should be colorblind. It should not incarcerate victims of foul play in which they used a gun to defend their life. That is called self-defense, and the courts have turned a deaf ear on honesty and equality, going along with conviction in the press by liars like Al Sharpton.

He tried to turn Twanna Brawley's experience of getting raped by blacks into a poster child for rape by whites, which of course was disproven. Sharpton also tried to get the courts to procure life sentences for Duke University students who hired a woman to perform for a party, and she falsely charged them with rape when she had sex with a series of men who were not one of them a Duke University Lacrosse team player. Not one. Her "report" showed sperm that were not consistent with the DNA of any Lacrosse player, and they tested the entire team.

Sharpton is always around to falsely accuse somebody he thinks has a white name or Hispanic, and blames innocent men for wrongdoing.

I hate what the State of Floriduh is doing this time.

The state had no case and knew it. That is why the did not initially charge Zimmerman. Obama should have stayed out of it. He is Zimmerman's president too.

I read several years ago that the blacks are fearful that the Hispanics will be made 'honorary whites' and screw up the numbers, causing blacks to be unable to reach the numbers they want and need to influence policy in this country. And no, I don't have a link, it was before the internet.

Check this out:
Are Black Folks REALLY a Minority? | Clutch Magazine
I have been kind of busy. So, I haven't closely followed the circus -- err -- trial of George Zimmerman.

But I have gotten a little tiny fraction of the way caught up and now I have to ask for the consensus view:

Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

Yeah yeah. It aint over and sometimes things can turn around. I grant that.

But given the DEFENSE slant to the testimony of the State's own star witnesses, so far, is the burden of proof now simply insurmountable in all probability?

I ask because that's pretty much how it looks to me at this point barring something truly unexpected happening.

The proverbial fat lady is not yet warbling, but she is tuning up.
Does anybody still think that the State of Florida has a legitimate case at this point?

I'm having great difficulties with wondering why a guy who got punched hard enough to get a broken nose and was getting his head slammed into the pavement repeatedly would think for a millisecond he was going to get out of the fracas alive and used lethal force to protect himself.

I think the court system in Florida is somehow under duress from Sharpton's attack on Zimmerman and claims that it was murder rather than self-defense. Sharpton has a clear and present history of taking an incident and creating it into a "damn white people" event. In that way, I'm coming to think of him and all he represents as false prophets who are leading blacks around by the nose to inflict as much pain and expense on other Americans as they can, creating racism far and away more like the KKK than the victims he claims his people are.

He and President Obama are claiming blacks are their only children, their only cause, and damn all others, including some blacks, as desired, since Zimmerman is half German, three eighths Hispanic, and 1/8 black.

The law should be colorblind. It should not incarcerate victims of foul play in which they used a gun to defend their life. That is called self-defense, and the courts have turned a deaf ear on honesty and equality, going along with conviction in the press by liars like Al Sharpton.

He tried to turn Twanna Brawley's experience of getting raped by blacks into a poster child for rape by whites, which of course was disproven. Sharpton also tried to get the courts to procure life sentences for Duke University students who hired a woman to perform for a party, and she falsely charged them with rape when she had sex with a series of men who were not one of them a Duke University Lacrosse team player. Not one. Her "report" showed sperm that were not consistent with the DNA of any Lacrosse player, and they tested the entire team.

Sharpton is always around to falsely accuse somebody he thinks has a white name or Hispanic, and blames innocent men for wrongdoing.

I hate what the State of Floriduh is doing this time.

The state had no case and knew it. That is why the did not initially charge Zimmerman. Obama should have stayed out of it. He is Zimmerman's president too.

I read several years ago that the blacks are fearful that the Hispanics will be made 'honorary whites' and screw up the numbers, causing blacks to be unable to reach the numbers they want and need to influence policy in this country. And no, I don't have a link, it was before the internet.
Castilian Hispanics are Caucasian. And the precinct chairmen show their voting numbers to have leaned to the left in voting, just like the African-American voting did. If they keep pushing, they are going to divide the nation along racial line, which will result in something they may not appreciate in the long run if the people Obama calls his enemies become alienated politically and polarized into a corner by being snubbed by the IRS and their social security contributions that have been pigged out on by politicians.
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