The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I would rather make a mistake with my spelling than you with somebody's life. :eusa_whistle:

Don't you think Zimmerman played a part in ruining his own life having such an archaic, wild wild west, mindset?

Don't you want to wait for all the facts to be on the table before we judge a human being?

I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty or don't either, but it seems you lefties already have the man convicted regardless of the facts.

Please, Meister. He is guilty of stalking the kid, that was brought out on the 911 call. He found him, shot him and killed him even though the child was only armed with Skittles and a can of tea.. Martin was only on this earth for 17 years. I'm sure you are old enough to understand how short a time that really is.

I realize he is going to walk away from this just as he walked away from Trayvon's dead body that night but other people have opinions just like you do.
Given the absolutely atrocious state of our nation's educational system, it's no wonder Chantel couldn't read. When she can't understand questions and speak legibly, that doesn't always mean she was being bullied. She was taller than most of the people there, nobody was going to bully her.

I'm going to cut our deplorable Ed System some slack on this one.

They can't teach kids who don't want to learn. They can't overcome culture.

It's the culture of the Inner City that flies in the face of the norm in America.

They don't WANT to learn, they are not interested. They don't WANT to learn proper English, they are too defiant.

And the sick part is, the scumbags who claim to care about them inhibit them the most by apologizing for them and making excuses for them.

'Jive' used to be African-American slang... People, it's becoming it's own language. Like Creole (which is her home language). People in the Inner Cities speak 'Jive', they revel in it, and they don't care if you can't understand them. In fact, they enjoy it.

It's almost as bad as kids speaking in -pig-latin except that -- It's not a game.

Language IS culture.

At her age, I had already graduated high school. My literacy level was leagues above and beyond those of whom I graduated with (save a small few). The education system worked for me because the money was there for me to learn on. I was funded. The money in inner cities is being wasted on frivolity, not spent on the kids. That's no excuse for how Chantel acted.

The United States spends more per student than any Country in the World besides Switzerland.

Washington DC has the highest per student spending in the Country with some of the worst results -- 50% more spent per student than the National Average, while dead last in almost every measurable category.

And what do the scumbags on the left do? They criticize the tests. Fukking idiots.

I don't completely blame American Teachers.... Although they are the most incompetent people on Earth as a group. It's also the dimocrap Culture in the Inner City.

And what do dimocrap scum do about the Inner City Culture?

Nothing. They like it. No........ They LOVE it. They foster it, they encourage it, they make excuses and apologize for it, they enable it.

Can't beat MILLIONS of poor, dependent, uneducated, uninformed people, totally and completely living off of the scraps that dimocraps toss them to buy their 98% reliable votes.

Is Jeantel a victim? Yes. A victim of the dimocrap party who long ago sold out African Americans
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THAT I agree with. Zimmerman acted like a tard. He does not deserve to walk with no punishment. But I also don't think he needs to spend his entire life behind bars.

Zimmerman & the HOA lost the $million+ civil suit to the Martin family because he created the dangerous situation. But Zimmerman acted properly in the fight & shooting. Zimmerman was not harming Martin. Zimmerman clearly indicted he had given up. Zimmerman was retreating. Martin irrationaly escalated the beating of a subdued & retreating person. By law you can shoot even if you started the fight.

He didn't "act properly" at all. He wasn't a Law Enforcement Officer and there are laws against following and menacing others. Most Neighborhood Watch Folks are cautioned against patrolling armed as well, for obvious reasons. He had zero standing to do what he did when he got out of his car and followed a frightened kid. And it seems that he didn't have the proper training to handle the situation.

It's also becoming more and more clear that he had an agenda. And that agenda was to hunt and kill a human being.

That is just plain stupid, even by your standards. If his intention was to kill, why didn't he act before he was nearly incapacitated? Why did he call out for help?
Kicking back watching Ernie single handedly slay every idiot post in the thread.

I need the popcorn emoticon.
Does anyone remember the picture of the object on the ground that was taken by the black guy? There was no mention of what it was, what was done with it, who it belonged to, whether it was taken in for examination, etc. It looked like a switchblade knife to me. I can't find any pic of it online. Dose anyone else remember this picture? Did the police overlook a piece of evidence showing that Trayvon was armed?

I was thinking Zimmerman's key chain. the one with the small flashlight, but that was said to be turned on.
Kicking back watching Ernie single handedly slay every idiot post in the thread.

I need the popcorn emoticon.

I don't have a popcorn one, that I've found yet, but this works for Ernie:

Don't you think Zimmerman played a part in ruining his own life having such an archaic, wild wild west, mindset?

Don't you want to wait for all the facts to be on the table before we judge a human being?

I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty or don't either, but it seems you lefties already have the man convicted regardless of the facts.

Please, Meister. He is guilty of stalking the kid, that was brought out on the 911 call. He found him, shot him and killed him even though the child was only armed with Skittles and a can of tea.. Martin was only on this earth for 17 years. I'm sure you are old enough to understand how short a time that really is.

I realize he is going to walk away from this just as he walked away from Trayvon's dead body that night but other people have opinions just like you do.

Following someone while talking to the Police because you think they may be about to burglarize your neighborhood does not equal "stalking" no matter how many times you try and sensationalize it to make it so. George Zimmerman did NOTHING that night that should have prompted Trayvon Martin to punch him in the face. THAT is the crux of this case! THAT is the reason that Trayvon Martin was shot and killed! You don't commit assault and battery on another person simply because they dared to question you about why you are walking around inside of a gated community. Trayvon's girlfriend clearly testified that Trayvon had run from Zimmerman...was standing in front of the condo where he was staying...hundreds of yards from where the fight took place. Did he go inside to escape the "creepy assed Cracker"? Or did he retrace his steps to confront that man and punch him in the face? The Prosecution's case falls apart RIGHT THERE. Why? Because at that's Trayvon Martin that is stalking George Zimmerman and not the other way around.
Zimmerman & the HOA lost the $million+ civil suit to the Martin family because he created the dangerous situation. But Zimmerman acted properly in the fight & shooting. Zimmerman was not harming Martin. Zimmerman clearly indicted he had given up. Zimmerman was retreating. Martin irrationaly escalated the beating of a subdued & retreating person. By law you can shoot even if you started the fight.

He didn't "act properly" at all. He wasn't a Law Enforcement Officer and there are laws against following and menacing others. Most Neighborhood Watch Folks are cautioned against patrolling armed as well, for obvious reasons. He had zero standing to do what he did when he got out of his car and followed a frightened kid. And it seems that he didn't have the proper training to handle the situation.

It's also becoming more and more clear that he had an agenda. And that agenda was to hunt and kill a human being.

That is just plain stupid, even by your standards. If his intention was to kill, why didn't he act before he was nearly incapacitated? Why did he call out for help?

Even for Sallow that is so over the top but that's the point we've gotten to these days.

Well hell's bells, Sallow is just a poster but three very well respected and long term employees of NBC risked their careers and lost them for their editing of the 911 call purposefully to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist.

How crazy is this?

Not interested in the facts, are you? You just want Zimmerman found guilty, regardless.
Again, you have proven yourself being a nut with what you post, Joe.
This isn't a open and shut case, the prosecution hasn't done a very good job with it's presentation and possibly because it isn't an open and shut case and has left a lot of openings for the defense.
As for the young lady, she was uncoachable and had changed her story on a few occasions.....that probably will hurt the prosecution's case. That isn't racism, those are facts and don't confuse the two.
If Zimmerman is guilty, it should be beyond any reasonable doubt, and that hasn't happened yet.
It bothers me that you are sure he's guilty before all the facts are on the table. All for the sake of being fair, when in fact, your being the opposite.

I'm sure he's guilty because Trayvon is dead. I mean, it really doesn't get any simpler than that. There's no reasonable doubt about that. Trayvon is dead and Zimmerman killed him.

Because Florida let the gun nuts write the gun laws. That's why we have "reasonable doubt".

And frankly, if the defense strategy is to humiliate a black girl in front of an all-white jury, I'm afraid for the consequences of that.

I'm done with you, Joe, you're just too stupid to have an intelligent conversation. :eusa_eh:

Why exactly?

That's basically the truth on both counts.

An armed man stalks an unarmed kid and kills him.

Then freely admits to it.

That's murder in most states.


Not so much.

that is the tragedy of this whole thing

then you have kids that have made it to the 12th grade

that can not read cursive

I don't see that as a tragedy. I haven't written in Cursive since the 1980's.

Since then, I've either written things in block letter, typed them or used a word processor.

We should probably replace handwriting with typing classes in the schools, if we haven't done so already. Why spend a lot of time teaching kids a skill they won't use?

I use it all the time Joe. It is the easiest and fastest way to take notes.. for me anyway. Obviously cursive is faster than using block letters, substantially faster. And for me, I can not type faster than a can write in cursive.
He didn't "act properly" at all. He wasn't a Law Enforcement Officer and there are laws against following and menacing others. Most Neighborhood Watch Folks are cautioned against patrolling armed as well, for obvious reasons. He had zero standing to do what he did when he got out of his car and followed a frightened kid. And it seems that he didn't have the proper training to handle the situation.

It's also becoming more and more clear that he had an agenda. And that agenda was to hunt and kill a human being.

That is just plain stupid, even by your standards. If his intention was to kill, why didn't he act before he was nearly incapacitated? Why did he call out for help?

Even for Sallow that is so over the top but that's the point we've gotten to these days.

Well hell's bells, Sallow is just a poster but three very well respected and long term employees of NBC risked their careers and lost them for their editing of the 911 call purposefully to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist.

How crazy is this?

Theres going to be more money exchanging hands over that when M O'M gets freed up.

They should be criminally prosecuted.
Don't you want to wait for all the facts to be on the table before we judge a human being?

I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty or don't either, but it seems you lefties already have the man convicted regardless of the facts.

Please, Meister. He is guilty of stalking the kid, that was brought out on the 911 call. He found him, shot him and killed him even though the child was only armed with Skittles and a can of tea.. Martin was only on this earth for 17 years. I'm sure you are old enough to understand how short a time that really is.

I realize he is going to walk away from this just as he walked away from Trayvon's dead body that night but other people have opinions just like you do.

Following someone while talking to the Police because you think they may be about to burglarize your neighborhood does not equal "stalking" no matter how many times you try and sensationalize it to make it so. George Zimmerman did NOTHING that night that should have prompted Trayvon Martin to punch him in the face. THAT is the crux of this case! THAT is the reason that Trayvon Martin was shot and killed! You don't commit assault and battery on another person simply because they dared to question you about why you are walking around inside of a gated community. Trayvon's girlfriend clearly testified that Trayvon had run from Zimmerman...was standing in front of the condo where he was staying...hundreds of yards from where the fight took place. Did he go inside to escape the "creepy assed Cracker"? Or did he retrace his steps to confront that man and punch him in the face? The Prosecution's case falls apart RIGHT THERE. Why? Because at that's Trayvon Martin that is stalking George Zimmerman and not the other way around.

Oh your damn right it does.

And he was armed to boot.

And it's not even clear that Martin struck first.

There are 3 different accounts of the fight as well. And none of them are conclusive as to who even was on top. Also none of them said Martin was slamming Zimmerman's head into the ground.

That's not even relevant really.

The facts that are germane is..that a man carrying a concealed handgun stalked a kid who was not breaking the law. Then killed him.

In most states that's open and shut.

If Florida fucks this up..I'm pretty sure the Feds will swoop in.
This notion that nobody needs the ability to read or write in cursive these days is about as ridiculous as saying that nobody needs to learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide because a computer can do that for you.

The ability to read and write in cursive is as much of a building block to your education as learning simple math. You WILL need that skill during your every day life and you WILL look like a moron if you don't possess it.
Please, Meister. He is guilty of stalking the kid,

Totally false. Stalking is a crime. What Zimmerman did was not sufficient to constitute stalking under Florida law. If it was, the Prosecutor would have charged it. If it was, and pursuant to Florida law, he would be charged with 1st degree murder not 2d degree murder.

This means there are two possibilities:

1.) You are a legal wizard with knowledge and expertise far beyond the capacity of the special prosecutor and the prosecution should hire you as chief legal advisor and consultant in this case;

2.) You do not have a clue.

I think I will choose the 2nd option.
He didn't "act properly" at all. He wasn't a Law Enforcement Officer and there are laws against following and menacing others. Most Neighborhood Watch Folks are cautioned against patrolling armed as well, for obvious reasons. He had zero standing to do what he did when he got out of his car and followed a frightened kid. And it seems that he didn't have the proper training to handle the situation.

It's also becoming more and more clear that he had an agenda. And that agenda was to hunt and kill a human being.

That is just plain stupid, even by your standards. If his intention was to kill, why didn't he act before he was nearly incapacitated? Why did he call out for help?

Even for Sallow that is so over the top but that's the point we've gotten to these days.

Well hell's bells, Sallow is just a poster but three very well respected and long term employees of NBC risked their careers and lost them for their editing of the 911 call purposefully to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist.

How crazy is this?


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