The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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There is no way to speculate away the fact that this case is going extraordinarily bad for the prosecution. Rachel Jeantel was a complete disaster and for that I do blame the prosecution. Either she wasn't properly prepared or she got on the stand intending not to follow instructions to prove some kind of authentic black point.
I guess most folks on this message board have never been hit or been in a fight before (my experience is related to bar brawls in some really amazing joints with my bands :eusa_angel: and have ducked a flying chair and or jug and or flying body or two but I've been hit as well when I wasn't fast enough to duck :eusa_shhh:)

So none of them get what Zimmerman was going thru.

If you get sucker punched like Z said he was you can't react right away. Then if you start getting your head smashed you are still in a state of shock and there is no doubt that Martin was pounding his head on the ground.

Zimmerman stopped Trayvon the only way he could. I would too. Who wouldn't?

I would never shoot an unarmed man with a gun. I have a conscience.

What would you shoot him with? A blow dart?

If someone was smashing my head into good old mother earth busting my cranium and my nose (oh the nose would be game over for my assailant ) I'd use any thing to make it stop.

I wouldn't be thinking "Oh the young man who is beating the shit out of me might be unarmed. I must take this beating".

Hell's bells that thought wouldn't be crossing my freaking mind at that moment.
The more that girl testifies the better it looks for GZ.

West needs to chill some though, as he could easily start looking like some bully deliberately confusing a mental child to try and put up a smoke screen instead of driving toward the Truth of this whole matter.

The jury will resent that kind of gamesmanship but will note things that undermine her credibility if they think she isn't being made the center of the whole trial for completely cynical reasons.

Given the absolutely atrocious state of our nation's educational system, it's no wonder Chantel couldn't read. When she can't understand questions and speak legibly, that doesn't always mean she was being bullied. She was taller than most of the people there, nobody was going to bully her.

I'm going to cut our deplorable Ed System some slack on this one.

They can't teach kids who don't want to learn. They can't overcome culture.

It's the culture of the Inner City that flies in the face of the norm in America.

They don't WANT to learn, they are not interested. They don't WANT to learn proper English, they are too defiant.

And the sick part is, the scumbags who claim to care about them inhibit them the most by apologizing for them and making excuses for them.

'Jive' used to be African-American slang... People, it's becoming it's own language. Like Creole (which is her home language). People in the Inner Cities speak 'Jive', they revel in it, and they don't care if you can't understand them. In fact, they enjoy it.

It's almost as bad as kids speaking in -pig-latin except that -- It's not a game.

Language IS culture.

At her age, I had already graduated high school. My literacy level was leagues above and beyond those of whom I graduated with (save a small few). The education system worked for me because the money was there for me to learn on. I was funded. The money in inner cities is being wasted on frivolity, not spent on the kids. That's no excuse for how Chantel acted.
Reasonable doubt as defined was just verified by the mumbling, overweight, teen.

I'm sure her weight issue is a thyroid problem.

Or perhaps her education is such her weekly pay can afford reams of Chicken and bacon



She can speak three languages. English is her THIRD...


And it would be great if she could speak just one of them well enough for her court appearance.

You can't blame her. She was born in the US and cannot be expected to speak English, or read it either.
There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

Bullshit! "We" do not make blacks 2nd class citizens. We do not make them commit crimes at >6 times the rate for whites. "We" do not make homicide the leading cause of death for inner city black youths. "We" do not force a gang culture on them, dress them in hoodies or recommend they wear their pants half way down their asses.

Putting PC aside, if you were walking alone down a dark street, and saw a white kid in an Oxford shirt and khakis and a black kid in a hoodie with his ass hanging out, which would you be more wary of? Even Jesse Jackson would rather deal with the former. Any rational person would.

Jorge Zimmerman saw a kid in a hoodie he did not recognize as from the area. He was walking slowly, looking into homes as he passed. Logic told him this kid was (possibly) up to no good. His face was partially obscured. He was walking slowly when one would expect someone to walk quickly in order to get in, out of the rain. His JOB was to observe people exactly like that.
"We" did not make Trevon Martin a target. Stacy Martin, Sybrina Fulton, Trevon Martin and contemporary black culture made him a target.

"We" did not force Trevon Martin to approach and assault Jorge Zimmerman. Something in his psyche or his upbringing or in the culture he was trying to emulate, DID. He paid the price.

It's tragic, yes, but this was not murder.
THAT I agree with. Zimmerman acted like a tard. He does not deserve to walk with no punishment. But I also don't think he needs to spend his entire life behind bars.

Zimmerman & the HOA lost the $million+ civil suit to the Martin family because he created the dangerous situation. But Zimmerman acted properly in the fight & shooting. Zimmerman was not harming Martin. Zimmerman clearly indicted he had given up. Zimmerman was retreating. Martin in his race fueled rage irrationally escalated the beating of a subdued & retreating person who clearly signaled he was not fighting. By law you can shoot an unarmed person even if you started the fight.

He didn't "act properly" at all. He wasn't a Law Enforcement Officer and there are laws against following and menacing others. Most Neighborhood Watch Folks are cautioned against patrolling armed as well, for obvious reasons. He had zero standing to do what he did when he got out of his car and followed a frightened kid. And it seems that he didn't have the proper training to handle the situation.

It's also becoming more and more clear that he had an agenda. And that agenda was to hunt and kill a human being.

Where did you dream up hunting human? :cuckoo: Martin wanted to ground pound a creepy ass cracker. Only an inhuman lowlife thug would beat a subdued person. Fight like an animal get shot like one. No human hunting involved.
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There is no way GZ should walk. He had no right to take the law into his own hands. There is a reason for that. If he does Blacks just became second class citizens again. And WE are to blame.

Bullshit! "We" do not make blacks 2nd class citizens. We do not make them commit crimes at >6 times the rate for whites. "We" do not make homicide the leading cause of death for inner city black youths. "We" do not force a gang culture on them, dress them in hoodies or recommend they wear their pants half way down their asses.

Putting PC aside, if you were walking alone down a dark street, and saw a white kid in an Oxford shirt and khakis and a black kid in a hoodie with his ass hanging out, which would you be more wary of? Even Jesse Jackson would rather deal with the former. Any rational person would.

Jorge Zimmerman saw a kid in a hoodie he did not recognize as from the area. He was walking slowly, looking into homes as he passed. Logic told him this kid was (possibly) up to no good. His face was partially obscured. He was walking slowly when one would expect someone to walk quickly in order to get in, out of the rain. His JOB was to observe people exactly like that.
"We" did not make Trevon Martin a target. Stacy Martin, Sybrina Fulton, Trevon Martin and contemporary black culture made him a target.

"We" did not force Trevon Martin to approach and assault Jorge Zimmerman. Something in his psyche or his upbringing or in the culture he was trying to emulate, DID. He paid the price.

It's tragic, yes, but this was not murder.

That's a fabulous post, Ern, but I've gotta spread some rep around before I can give you + rep on it.
And according to Zimmerman's sworn testimony, that's exactly what he did. Zimmerman claimed it was Martin that came back and assaulted him.

I'm not saying that's the truth (how could I know?), but I wonder how you're so damn sure it isn't. Care to explain?

Snookie WANTS Zimmerman to pay. It's not about the law. It's not about the right to defend yourself from bodily harm. It's about a white dude paying because a 12 year old black kid did a stupid thing.

Not about the law.

Man, that says it all about you.

And your response says all I need to know about you.
The darkness that this happened in was something that I honed in on from the beginning. I was surprised, through researching it, to find out just how dark that part of the neighborhood was around 7pm. There were no outside lights on in that area, no street lamps, no porch lights, etc. It was really dark. Your eyes would be straining just to see a couple of feet in front of you. Z was using his flashlight to be able to see. M didn't have one. M could very easily have 'followed' Z without being seen or noticed until he was up in Z's face; the element of surprise. That alone could put fear in someone.


it would be easy for martin to locate zimmerman

while much harder for zimmerman to locate martin

Not true. Z was the follower.
You forgot to add:
" 'Cause I say so."
oh yes she certainly did

omara:“Medically speaking, would you say that whatever he did to stop the attack allowed him to survive it?”

Folgate: “It could have, yes.”

court went into recess til Monday

on that high note

I guess most folks on this message board have never been hit or been in a fight before (my experience is related to bar brawls in some really amazing joints with my bands :eusa_angel: and have ducked a flying chair and or jug and or flying body or two but I've been hit as well when I wasn't fast enough to duck :eusa_shhh:)

So none of them get what Zimmerman was going thru.

If you get sucker punched like Z said he was you can't react right away. Then if you start getting your head smashed you are still in a state of shock and there is no doubt that Martin was pounding his head on the ground.

Zimmerman stopped Trayvon the only way he could. I would too. Who wouldn't?

I would never shoot an unarmed man with a gun. I have a conscience.

How many times will you allow your head to be slammed into the concrete not knowing if the psycho will stop before you die. You will have no conscience when you are dead or brain damaged. So how many times before you pull your gun?
Does anyone remember the picture of the object on the ground that was taken by the black guy? There was no mention of what it was, what was done with it, who it belonged to, whether it was taken in for examination, etc. It looked like a switchblade knife to me. I can't find any pic of it online. Dose anyone else remember this picture? Did the police overlook a piece of evidence showing that Trayvon was armed?
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The reality is that they do not teach kids cursive nowadays since no one uses it really anymore. She admitted she couldn't read cursive, I wonder how she wrote it if she can't read it?
Says the guy who confuses "your" with "you're".

I would rather make a mistake with my spelling than you with somebody's life. :eusa_whistle:

Don't you think Zimmerman played a part in ruining his own life having such an archaic, wild wild west, mindset?

Don't you want to wait for all the facts to be on the table before we judge a human being?

I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty or don't either, but it seems you lefties already have the man convicted regardless of the facts.
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