The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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It is hard to define red in the dark because it looks black then.


however goode said it was

the one with lighter skin on the bottom

Was she wearing night vision goggles? Or lying?

Are you even paying attention to the case? Jonathan Good is a he, not a she.

No she didn't.

oh yes she certainly did

omara:“Medically speaking, would you say that whatever he did to stop the attack allowed him to survive it?”

Folgate: “It could have, yes.”

court went into recess til Monday

on that high note

I guess most folks on this message board have never been hit or been in a fight before (my experience is related to bar brawls in some really amazing joints with my bands :eusa_angel: and have ducked a flying chair and or jug and or flying body or two but I've been hit as well when I wasn't fast enough to duck :eusa_shhh:)

So none of them get what Zimmerman was going thru.

If you get sucker punched like Z said he was you can't react right away. Then if you start getting your head smashed you are still in a state of shock and there is no doubt that Martin was pounding his head on the ground.

Zimmerman stopped Trayvon the only way he could. I would too. Who wouldn't?

I would never shoot an unarmed man with a gun. I have a conscience.
oh yes she certainly did

omara:“Medically speaking, would you say that whatever he did to stop the attack allowed him to survive it?”

Folgate: “It could have, yes.”

court went into recess til Monday

on that high note

I guess most folks on this message board have never been hit or been in a fight before (my experience is related to bar brawls in some really amazing joints with my bands :eusa_angel: and have ducked a flying chair and or jug and or flying body or two but I've been hit as well when I wasn't fast enough to duck :eusa_shhh:)

So none of them get what Zimmerman was going thru.

If you get sucker punched like Z said he was you can't react right away. Then if you start getting your head smashed you are still in a state of shock and there is no doubt that Martin was pounding his head on the ground.

Zimmerman stopped Trayvon the only way he could. I would too. Who wouldn't?

I would never shoot an unarmed man with a gun. I have a conscience.

What if that man is armed with fists, pointed sticks, or a banana?

[ame=]Monty Python - Self-Defense Against Fruit - YouTube[/ame]
I guess most folks on this message board have never been hit or been in a fight before (my experience is related to bar brawls in some really amazing joints with my bands :eusa_angel: and have ducked a flying chair and or jug and or flying body or two but I've been hit as well when I wasn't fast enough to duck :eusa_shhh:)

So none of them get what Zimmerman was going thru.

If you get sucker punched like Z said he was you can't react right away. Then if you start getting your head smashed you are still in a state of shock and there is no doubt that Martin was pounding his head on the ground.

Zimmerman stopped Trayvon the only way he could. I would too. Who wouldn't?

I would never shoot an unarmed man with a gun. I have a conscience.

What if that man is armed with fists, pointed sticks, or a banana?

[ame=]Monty Python - Self-Defense Against Fruit - YouTube[/ame]
I would never take a sidewalk to a gun fight.
Mother of Baby Shot Dead Speaks Out in Heartbreaking Interview: ?He Must Have Died Instantly? | Video |

This didn't make major news circuits, or talk shows, but guess who the shooters were and guess who the victims were.

Awww. look at that young black innocent face. No way he could have done such a thing. Why, he is innocent, I tell ya. :eusa_whistle:

Boehner should have a press conference and state that that could be his Obama did about Tray.

Tray??? is that the same subliminal hint we're getting from the prosecution? Martin is referred to as Trey or Trevon, and Jorge is referred to as "Mr. Zimmerman"

Likely not. You seem remarkably unbiased, but it's something I noticed and figured I'd call to your attention.
He had a right to walk at night. I know to a person like you that is a shock but we can walk the same streets you do.

If you are insinuating that I have no tolerance for negligent parents, then you would be correct.

Parent card played.

Let's leave the mom out of this though. I think she was trying to do the right thing. I think she didn't know what to do with him that's why dad got him.

Which is usually the case. But I know one couple who had 4 children. Every time the dad got a new wife, the mother said, 'they need their father.' And ran the kids in on him to sabotage his new relationship. Multiple times. There are a lot of agendas.
If you are insinuating that I have no tolerance for negligent parents, then you would be correct.

Parent card played.

Let's leave the mom out of this though. I think she was trying to do the right thing. I think she didn't know what to do with him that's why dad got him.

Which is usually the case. But I know one couple who had 4 children. Every time the dad got a new wife, the mother said, 'they need their father.' And ran the kids in on him to sabotage his new relationship. Multiple times. There are a lot of agendas.

True, but since he was suspended and considering the stuff on his cell, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. I think she is a true victim here.
If they burn down their OWN neighborhoods, Obama will just give them bigger and better ones, dontcha know. He has already strutted out on this one.

And here folks you have it. Trayvons murder is revenge for having a Black President. That's why the same people who wanted OJ to burn are now the SAME people who want Zimmerman to get off.

Dude,you should be a comedian.
Of course you would have to be able to say that with a straight face. Delivery is everything.

Snookie, Zarius, and Zona are all headed for a high speed come apart. And he who shall not be named will likely be back on about the time the verdict is rendered if not before.
They won't accept responsibility. They'll blame it on whitey..

What is going to surprise them will be the backlash they get from Hispanics, if they're stupid enough to try to burn down any but their OWN neighborhoods.

Hopefully, they will stay true to their roots and, yet again, just smash, burn, kill in their own little piece of heaven.

If they burn down their OWN neighborhoods, Obama will just give them bigger and better ones, dontcha know. He has already strutted out on this one.

And here folks you have it. Trayvons murder is revenge for having a Black President. That's why the same people who wanted OJ to burn are now the SAME people who want Zimmerman to get off.

We already have a forum for conspiracy theories.
Parent card played.

Let's leave the mom out of this though. I think she was trying to do the right thing. I think she didn't know what to do with him that's why dad got him.

Which is usually the case. But I know one couple who had 4 children. Every time the dad got a new wife, the mother said, 'they need their father.' And ran the kids in on him to sabotage his new relationship. Multiple times. There are a lot of agendas.

True, but since he was suspended and considering the stuff on his cell, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. I think she is a true victim here.

Point taken.
Awww. look at that young black innocent face. No way he could have done such a thing. Why, he is innocent, I tell ya. :eusa_whistle:

Boehner should have a press conference and state that that could be his Obama did about Tray.

Tray??? is that the same subliminal hint we're getting from the prosecution? Martin is referred to as Trey or Trevon, and Jorge is referred to as "Mr. Zimmerman"

Likely not. You seem remarkably unbiased, but it's something I noticed and figured I'd call to your attention.

Good catch Ern.
we may get more of her

west held her over subject to recall

The more that girl testifies the better it looks for GZ.

West needs to chill some though, as he could easily start looking like some bully deliberately confusing a mental child to try and put up a smoke screen instead of driving toward the Truth of this whole matter.

The jury will resent that kind of gamesmanship but will note things that undermine her credibility if they think she isn't being made the center of the whole trial for completely cynical reasons.

Given the absolutely atrocious state of our nation's educational system, it's no wonder Chantel couldn't read. When she can't understand questions and speak legibly, that doesn't always mean she was being bullied. She was taller than most of the people there, nobody was going to bully her.

I'm going to cut our deplorable Ed System some slack on this one.

They can't teach kids who don't want to learn. They can't overcome culture.

It's the culture of the Inner City that flies in the face of the norm in America.

They don't WANT to learn, they are not interested. They don't WANT to learn proper English, they are too defiant.

And the sick part is, the scumbags who claim to care about them inhibit them the most by apologizing for them and making excuses for them.

'Jive' used to be African-American slang... People, it's becoming it's own language. Like Creole (which is her home language). People in the Inner Cities speak 'Jive', they revel in it, and they don't care if you can't understand them. In fact, they enjoy it.

It's almost as bad as kids speaking in -pig-latin except that -- It's not a game.

Language IS culture.
oh yes she certainly did

omara:“Medically speaking, would you say that whatever he did to stop the attack allowed him to survive it?”

Folgate: “It could have, yes.”

court went into recess til Monday

on that high note

I guess most folks on this message board have never been hit or been in a fight before (my experience is related to bar brawls in some really amazing joints with my bands :eusa_angel: and have ducked a flying chair and or jug and or flying body or two but I've been hit as well when I wasn't fast enough to duck :eusa_shhh:)

So none of them get what Zimmerman was going thru.

If you get sucker punched like Z said he was you can't react right away. Then if you start getting your head smashed you are still in a state of shock and there is no doubt that Martin was pounding his head on the ground.

Zimmerman stopped Trayvon the only way he could. I would too. Who wouldn't?

I would never shoot an unarmed man with a gun. I have a conscience.

Obviously you've never had your head grabbed by someone and pounded into the ground. It's a street fighting move.

AND IT FUCKING HURTS. Pardon the caps but I wanted to make it very clear that Z was in pain.

Z obviously felt Trayvon was not going to stop. Martin seemed to be in a frenzy. Z thought he was going to die.

And no one on this planet ever that I have witnessed has screamed for help while they are kicking the shit out of someone else.

Those screams for help were from Zimmerman. And no one helped. No one came.
oh yes she certainly did

omara:“Medically speaking, would you say that whatever he did to stop the attack allowed him to survive it?”

Folgate: “It could have, yes.”

court went into recess til Monday

on that high note

I guess most folks on this message board have never been hit or been in a fight before (my experience is related to bar brawls in some really amazing joints with my bands :eusa_angel: and have ducked a flying chair and or jug and or flying body or two but I've been hit as well when I wasn't fast enough to duck :eusa_shhh:)

So none of them get what Zimmerman was going thru.

If you get sucker punched like Z said he was you can't react right away. Then if you start getting your head smashed you are still in a state of shock and there is no doubt that Martin was pounding his head on the ground.

Zimmerman stopped Trayvon the only way he could. I would too. Who wouldn't?

I would never shoot an unarmed man with a gun. I have a conscience.

What would you shoot him with? A blow dart?
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