The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

kooshdouche you sound ridiculous. That's fair enough. You ARE ridiculous.

If you would punch someone in the nose because he was reaching for a cell phone, then you would probably get the ass kicking yourself.

Or, assuming you are a woman, maybe the person you came up to would refrain from knocking you out.

But you CERTAINLY wouldn't be busting his nose for reaching for a cell phone and you wouldn't have the ability to get on top of him and pummel his head onto the pavement.

So stop your mindless yammering. You truly do sound like a moron. Again. It's fair. You clearly ARE a moron. But there's no need for you to keep proving it.

Trayvon didnt know what he was reaching for...and there was no cell phone there btw...but there was a pistol. Im not convinced at all that GZ was reaching for a phone that wasnt there. But I can see why GZ would state that is what he was reaching for instead of a gun.

Fact is he reached...fact is there was no cell phone there...fact is there was a gun there. So if Trayvon was suspecting he may be reaching for a weapon of some sort...he would have been correct...the gun was holstered in the area he was reaching.

You know that he was reaching for a phone, because GZ said so after the fact...trayvon didnt have the privilege of knowing that.

Again, its like watching poker on tv and seeing all the cards and yelling at the bet that makes no sense because we can see the guy holding pocket aces. The guy betting doesnt see the pocket aces...he thinks hes making a good bet with his pocket kings.
The the distance between the T in the sidewalk and the fiances house is more than 120 yards (more than a football field) no I dont believe in a span of less than two minutes he went that entire distance and back.

you are kidding right

the average 100 yard dash is around 12 seconds

Didnt say it couldnt be done...just dont think it was logical...going in between the buildings makes much more sense. If you think about it, it makes a ton of sense based on GZs own account of the events.

two minutes is a long time even walking you can cover a lot of ground

Yep, but to believe your theory he was doing all of this while talking on the phone with DD. it makes much more sense that he walked briskly away cut in between the buildings continued talking to DD and was waiting to see if he was being followed on foot...I mean why go all the way home and then come back and see if someone is following? Doesnt make sense to me.
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

kooshdouche you sound ridiculous. That's fair enough. You ARE ridiculous.

If you would punch someone in the nose because he was reaching for a cell phone, then you would probably get the ass kicking yourself.

Or, assuming you are a woman, maybe the person you came up to would refrain from knocking you out.

But you CERTAINLY wouldn't be busting his nose for reaching for a cell phone and you wouldn't have the ability to get on top of him and pummel his head onto the pavement.

So stop your mindless yammering. You truly do sound like a moron. Again. It's fair. You clearly ARE a moron. But there's no need for you to keep proving it.

But you CERTAINLY wouldn't be busting his nose for reaching for a cell phone and you wouldn't have the ability to get on top of him and pummel his head onto the pavement.

Okay, you're right, I wouldn't. If it were actually me in the situation, instead of that poor kid, I would have either hit Zimmerman with bear spray or my stun gun, both of which I would surely have with me if walking around late at night. Hopefully, the stun gun. Hold it on him a good three seconds. He would be thoroughly incapacitated and squirming on the ground at that point. So I would have the opportunity to stomp him in the balls a couple of times while phoning 911 to report that I was attacked.

Actually...I wonder what the effect of that million volt stun gun would be on the testicles??? Hmmmm...

Never mess with a woman whose been abused. Some of us are very, very mean and prepared to defend ourselves.

Wow, I actually managed to respond to your post without calling you a single name or insulting you in any way.
If Zimmerman is acquitted, sooner or later the lolberals and idiots of Zona's stripe will claim that the prosecution was in on it.

It musta been a conspiracy!

And given the amazing LACK of quality in the prosecutors' presentation thus far, they are giving such conspiracy shitheads a basis to make such claims.

But it's almost a LOCK that they will say such shit.

I agree 100 percent with this. The prosecution is doing horrible. I think it is politically motivated to an alarming degree. They arrest him and put him on trial and satisfy the protesters...then they put all the pressure on the all female jury...they have essentially passed the buck and pressure to 6 women on the jury...5 of them white.
Didnt say it couldnt be done...just dont think it was logical...going in between the buildings makes much more sense. If you think about it, it makes a ton of sense based on GZs own account of the events.

two minutes is a long time even walking you can cover a lot of ground

Yep, but to believe your theory he was doing all of this while talking on the phone with DD. it makes much more sense that he walked briskly away cut in between the buildings continued talking to DD and was waiting to see if he was being followed on foot...I mean why go all the way home and then come back and see if someone is following? Doesnt make sense to me.

deedee said he made it home

she said she heard "others" talking in the background

your theory does not account for the debris field
I think the whole mess got out of hand and neither one planned on death happening at their stupidity. With that said...Trayvon cannot be punished for his idiocy...he's dead. Zimmerman is not dead. I don't think he planned to kill Martin at all. So...I call it involitary manslaughter and some time in prison for what he did. Not life.

Ding ding ding...we have a winner. Following and reaching in the dark is a threat in itself...and ill advised to boot. You are laying on your back because you followed someone in the dark, didnt identify yourself and reached frantically for something when called out. Now you have to shoot that person because you are in fear for your was his mistakes that put him there...stay in the truck....not rocket science here.

I follow you relentlessly and in a creepy get called out and punched when reaching and now you can shoot me and call it self
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

Koosh. How do you follow someone with three to five feet of dinky flashlight? That's how someone finds YOU and your light.

Just saying. Think of it

Whatever, doesn't matter. If I perceived that he was following me I wouldn't want him to know where I lived, so I wouldn't want to lead him to my house. So let's just say I decided to confront him, ask him "Hey, why are you following me?" As a woman I wouldn't tend to do that, but i can see where a guy might handle it that way.

So if the point you're trying to make is that Martin approached Zimmerman, I say so what? He had every right to approach the guy and ask, "why are you following me?"

Zimmerman reaches for his gun, Martin reacts, punches Zimmerman, knocks him down. And he was absolutely within his rights to defend himself when Zimmerman reached for his gun.

We have to keep firmly in mind...who started it? Who put this series of events in motion? Quite was Zimmerman.

So if you start a fight with me and I defend myself and I'm winning, do you have the right to pull out a gun and kill me? I think not. Sure, you can do it, but you're going to have to answer for it...because you started the fight and I was defending myself against you.
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

kooshdouche you sound ridiculous. That's fair enough. You ARE ridiculous.

If you would punch someone in the nose because he was reaching for a cell phone, then you would probably get the ass kicking yourself.

Or, assuming you are a woman, maybe the person you came up to would refrain from knocking you out.

But you CERTAINLY wouldn't be busting his nose for reaching for a cell phone and you wouldn't have the ability to get on top of him and pummel his head onto the pavement.

So stop your mindless yammering. You truly do sound like a moron. Again. It's fair. You clearly ARE a moron. But there's no need for you to keep proving it.

Yikes, Sunshine "thanked" you for your post. How embarrassing. Sorry about that, Dude. :razz:
I hear ya...i think your assessment is reasonable. However, I dont put a whole lot of credence in anything that DD says. I think trayvon was in the vicinity of his between the two building speaking with although Tray was almost home and at the building, I dont believe he was essentially at his front door and then came back...doesnt make sense with the timeline...he cut right as GZ said and then headed between the two buildings...GZ continued up the walk to the other side of the buiding to get the street sign as he stated...when he was walking back he identifies Martin as coming toward him from the direction I have stated.

GZ___________ ........ _____________ Fiances house
. [____Bldg_____] TM [_____Bldg____X]
._GZ and T________________________________

Sorry this is the best description I can do...horizontal line is the sidewalk that runs behind the back of the townhomes.

So I believe this is where TM was...he was at the building but he wasnt at his front door. Its not clear at all from DDs testimony where the heck he was...but I would consider this pretty close to home considering that he had just walked all the way from 7-11 in the rain.

And i agree with you...trayvon could have just went home...but he did come back and ask the question of "is there a problem". My point is that if GZ has a right to follow, the trayvon has the right to ask why, whether he doubled back or not. Had Trayvon not come back he would be confrontation...had GZ just stayed in the truck with 911 and waited on the cops, then trayvon would still be alive also.

The situation had escalated...GZ should have stayed put...he is now giving the impression that he is now following a minor on foot with a flashlight...he didnt identify himself. We all know that he was just looking for a street sign, but Martin doesnt. He was between the buildings going WTF to dd...some dudes following me...he peaks back arounnd the buidlding and there is GZ walking back down the side walk and he yells is there a problem...hes a punk kid and GZ knew he stay in your truck and avoid a possible confrontation. It was dark and GZ was convinced that this kid was up to no good and thought the kid was gonna get away before the cops got there. It turns out the kid had committed no the kid was actually only getting away from GZ following him---not an actual crime.

Here's the problem with your theory that Martin wasn't in the area by the condo, 25. Trayvon Martin takes off running from George Zimmerman cutting off the call to his girlfriend. When she calls back a minute plus later he's breathing hard from that running. So tell me how it is that a young man in good physical condition can run for anywhere even close to that amount of time and NOT have covered the two hundred yards to the condo? The fact the amount of time from when Zimmerman announces to the 9/11 operator that Martin is running until the time that the girl friend calls him back he could EASILY have gotten to the condo. As a matter of fact it's hard to conceive of him NOT making it that far. If he only runs half way (as in your diagram) then why would he be winded when the gf calls back over a minute later? Sorry but that's a hard scenario to envision. I don't think the gf realized what she was saying when she repeated several times that Martin was by the condo. That statement by her...coupled with Martin's "Cracker" comment but Martin several hundred yards away from Zimmerman and paints him as someone who isn't scared but annoyed at being followed. It isn't logical for someone who is frightened to go towards the thing that is supposedly frightening them and away from safety. It IS logical for someone who is angry to go towards the thing that is causing that anger. That's what I think happened that night. I think Trayvon Martin decided that he wasn't going to run from the "Cracker" that had questioned him...he was going to go back and confront him. That's the only scenario that makes sense.

I have no idea...he is running up the walk and then down the sidewalk and in between the two buildings in the rain...while on the phone...yeah he could be breathing heavy for sure. Hell, look at the breathing sound that is coming from GZs phone as he immediately starts running...that was how the dispatch thought he was following.

So yeah, he most definitely could have been breathing hard for sure. It was dark, it was raining, it was abnormally cool that night, hes on the phone...hell yeah it would have sounded like the kid was out of breath.

Look at the distance down the sidewalk...we are talking about a stretch of less than two minutes according to GZ and the 911 call...GZ also does not describe Trayvon as actually running he describes him as walking briskly in his interview with sean hannity...GZ specifically says he was not running, but that he meant he was walking faster and getting away.

The the distance between the T in the sidewalk and the fiances house is more than 120 yards (more than a football field) no I dont believe in a span of less than two minutes he went that entire distance and back. Thats why I dont think it makes sense with the timeline and GZs own account of the events. He cut up the pathway and went right...when GZ came up the path, he looked and saw no one...suggesting that by now, Tray had cut between the buildings.

You don't think a 17 year old kid who plays linebacker on the football team can run 120 yards in a minute? You might want to recalibrate your theory, 25. The average time for a high school football player in the 40 is 5.35 SECONDS. So how long do you think it's going to take for Trayvon to run 120 yards? Just to make it perfectly obvious that he had plenty of time to reach the condo...let's multiply that 5.35 seconds by TEN! Even at 53.5 seconds he's still WAY inside of the timeline from when George Zimmerman lost sight of him, got out of his SUV to give chase and when the girlfriend called back to find Martin winded outside of the condo. College football teams go to Florida to recruit players because it's a noted hotbed for "fast" players. You don't play linebacker at the high school level in this State unless you've got some speed. It just isn't happening.
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.
Yeah no doubt, GZ was loosing that fight. Interesting that GZ by the witness had scooted to the concrete figured out that hurt, scooted off the concrete then his gun was in a position to draw so he did. Interesting that in all that scooting he could not put up a defense till he got to his gun. Maye the reason he could not defend himself is he was still trying to get to his gun from the start of the fight?

You still tying to convince everyone you're not biased?
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

kooshdouche you sound ridiculous. That's fair enough. You ARE ridiculous.

If you would punch someone in the nose because he was reaching for a cell phone, then you would probably get the ass kicking yourself.

Or, assuming you are a woman, maybe the person you came up to would refrain from knocking you out.

But you CERTAINLY wouldn't be busting his nose for reaching for a cell phone and you wouldn't have the ability to get on top of him and pummel his head onto the pavement.

So stop your mindless yammering. You truly do sound like a moron. Again. It's fair. You clearly ARE a moron. But there's no need for you to keep proving it.

Zimmerman saying he was defending himself because he thought he was going to be killedis as about as honest as you are. See my sig welcher. :doubt:

By the way, how many days a week did Zimmerman take MMA lessons? Who was it "wailing away MMA" style?
Here's the problem with your theory that Martin wasn't in the area by the condo, 25. Trayvon Martin takes off running from George Zimmerman cutting off the call to his girlfriend. When she calls back a minute plus later he's breathing hard from that running. So tell me how it is that a young man in good physical condition can run for anywhere even close to that amount of time and NOT have covered the two hundred yards to the condo? The fact the amount of time from when Zimmerman announces to the 9/11 operator that Martin is running until the time that the girl friend calls him back he could EASILY have gotten to the condo. As a matter of fact it's hard to conceive of him NOT making it that far. If he only runs half way (as in your diagram) then why would he be winded when the gf calls back over a minute later? Sorry but that's a hard scenario to envision. I don't think the gf realized what she was saying when she repeated several times that Martin was by the condo. That statement by her...coupled with Martin's "Cracker" comment but Martin several hundred yards away from Zimmerman and paints him as someone who isn't scared but annoyed at being followed. It isn't logical for someone who is frightened to go towards the thing that is supposedly frightening them and away from safety. It IS logical for someone who is angry to go towards the thing that is causing that anger. That's what I think happened that night. I think Trayvon Martin decided that he wasn't going to run from the "Cracker" that had questioned him...he was going to go back and confront him. That's the only scenario that makes sense.

I have no idea...he is running up the walk and then down the sidewalk and in between the two buildings in the rain...while on the phone...yeah he could be breathing heavy for sure. Hell, look at the breathing sound that is coming from GZs phone as he immediately starts running...that was how the dispatch thought he was following.

So yeah, he most definitely could have been breathing hard for sure. It was dark, it was raining, it was abnormally cool that night, hes on the phone...hell yeah it would have sounded like the kid was out of breath.

Look at the distance down the sidewalk...we are talking about a stretch of less than two minutes according to GZ and the 911 call...GZ also does not describe Trayvon as actually running he describes him as walking briskly in his interview with sean hannity...GZ specifically says he was not running, but that he meant he was walking faster and getting away.

The the distance between the T in the sidewalk and the fiances house is more than 120 yards (more than a football field) no I dont believe in a span of less than two minutes he went that entire distance and back. Thats why I dont think it makes sense with the timeline and GZs own account of the events. He cut up the pathway and went right...when GZ came up the path, he looked and saw no one...suggesting that by now, Tray had cut between the buildings.

You don't think a 17 year old kid who plays linebacker on the football team can run 120 yards in a minute? You might want to recalibrate your theory, 25. The average time for a high school football player in the 40 is 5.35 SECONDS. So how long do you think it's going to take for Trayvon to run 120 yards? Just to make it perfectly obvious that he had plenty of time to reach the condo...let's multiply that 5.35 seconds by TEN! Even at 53.5 seconds he's still WAY inside of the timeline from when George Zimmerman lost sight of him, got out of his SUV to give chase and when the girlfriend called back to find Martin winded outside of the condo. College football teams go to Florida to recruit players because it's a noted hotbed for "fast" players. You don't play linebacker at the high school level in this State unless you've got some speed. It just isn't happening.

the average walking speed is 3 -4 mph which is

a hundred yards a minute
I think the whole mess got out of hand and neither one planned on death happening at their stupidity. With that said...Trayvon cannot be punished for his idiocy...he's dead. Zimmerman is not dead. I don't think he planned to kill Martin at all. So...I call it involitary manslaughter and some time in prison for what he did. Not life.

If you are saying Tevon had no intentions on actually killing Zimmerman, why is Zimmerman allowed to kill him for a pop in the nose?
Here's the problem with your theory that Martin wasn't in the area by the condo, 25. Trayvon Martin takes off running from George Zimmerman cutting off the call to his girlfriend. When she calls back a minute plus later he's breathing hard from that running. So tell me how it is that a young man in good physical condition can run for anywhere even close to that amount of time and NOT have covered the two hundred yards to the condo? The fact the amount of time from when Zimmerman announces to the 9/11 operator that Martin is running until the time that the girl friend calls him back he could EASILY have gotten to the condo. As a matter of fact it's hard to conceive of him NOT making it that far. If he only runs half way (as in your diagram) then why would he be winded when the gf calls back over a minute later? Sorry but that's a hard scenario to envision. I don't think the gf realized what she was saying when she repeated several times that Martin was by the condo. That statement by her...coupled with Martin's "Cracker" comment but Martin several hundred yards away from Zimmerman and paints him as someone who isn't scared but annoyed at being followed. It isn't logical for someone who is frightened to go towards the thing that is supposedly frightening them and away from safety. It IS logical for someone who is angry to go towards the thing that is causing that anger. That's what I think happened that night. I think Trayvon Martin decided that he wasn't going to run from the "Cracker" that had questioned him...he was going to go back and confront him. That's the only scenario that makes sense.

I have no idea...he is running up the walk and then down the sidewalk and in between the two buildings in the rain...while on the phone...yeah he could be breathing heavy for sure. Hell, look at the breathing sound that is coming from GZs phone as he immediately starts running...that was how the dispatch thought he was following.

So yeah, he most definitely could have been breathing hard for sure. It was dark, it was raining, it was abnormally cool that night, hes on the phone...hell yeah it would have sounded like the kid was out of breath.

Look at the distance down the sidewalk...we are talking about a stretch of less than two minutes according to GZ and the 911 call...GZ also does not describe Trayvon as actually running he describes him as walking briskly in his interview with sean hannity...GZ specifically says he was not running, but that he meant he was walking faster and getting away.

The the distance between the T in the sidewalk and the fiances house is more than 120 yards (more than a football field) no I dont believe in a span of less than two minutes he went that entire distance and back. Thats why I dont think it makes sense with the timeline and GZs own account of the events. He cut up the pathway and went right...when GZ came up the path, he looked and saw no one...suggesting that by now, Tray had cut between the buildings.

You don't think a 17 year old kid who plays linebacker on the football team can run 120 yards in a minute? You might want to recalibrate your theory, 25. The average time for a high school football player in the 40 is 5.35 SECONDS. So how long do you think it's going to take for Trayvon to run 120 yards? Just to make it perfectly obvious that he had plenty of time to reach the condo...let's multiply that 5.35 seconds by TEN! Even at 53.5 seconds he's still WAY inside of the timeline from when George Zimmerman lost sight of him, got out of his SUV to give chase and when the girlfriend called back to find Martin winded outside of the condo. College football teams go to Florida to recruit players because it's a noted hotbed for "fast" players. You don't play linebacker at the high school level in this State unless you've got some speed. It just isn't happening.

Read what I god...why are you putting words in my Yes its highly possible...just not logical to me...not logical at all!

I look at most likely. Its most likely to me that he had not traveled the entire distance of that last building...instead he cut through the back and stopped somewhere in between the two buildings or in that area.

You guys are acting like the kid was in an all out sprint for the state record and making that fit your theory. It was raining, GZ said he was walking briskly to Hannity....not sprinting...he said he cut to the right and then he followed immediately after when he came up the walk he looked to his right and there was no Trayvon...suggesting that trayvon most likely cut through the buildings. GZ continued walking up the sidewalk to the street...came back down the path towards his truck and there was Trayvon asking him what the problem was.

Im just looking at the most logical explanation...not infinite possibilities of a track star.

Jon_Berzerk said why would he be breathing heavy at that short distance...well I explained that the distance he went was further than GZ did and GZ was breathing heavy from the get could hear it on the 911 call. So again, it is logical to assume that trayvon could very well have been breathing heavy going a distance twice as far as talking on the phone as GZ was and in the rain on cool night in the dark...yeah he would be breathing heavy and it would sound even worse on the other end of the phone as we found out on the 911 can tell the second GZ started running and immediately when he stopped. DD most likely heard the same from Trayvon. Your running or walking fast and your breathing changes...pretty simple.

But there is not acknowlegement from you or him on that logical possibility...instead we are on to something that just gets passed over.
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A dozen travyvons are blow away per day by their own people. Not fucking news!!!!

This is only to guilt whites and spread the flames of hatred within blacks against whites. The media is disgusting.

Yep and many many people on both sides of the race spectrum have fallen into that trap....including 90 percent of the people in this forum.

There might be 10 percent of this forum that can think objectively, imo. Outside of that, there is a huge bias...both sides.
I hope you're not including yourself in that 10%. I have pointed out the issues again and again. You seem to plug your ears and say nah nah nah I can't hear you.

The only relevant issue is whether Zimmerman was reasonably in fear of his life at the time he shot Martin. Period.
George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

play video: time stamp at about 1:06.

I think I'll take the word of the doctor over that of the ironically named "truthseeker."
Family doctor= conflict of interest.

Mo mri's no x-rays.

If this had been a worker's comp case he would have been shot down.

Holy cow a quarter inch and a one inch wound! Horrible.

Z refused to go to follow up treatment.

I did not see any two black eyes on Z the night of the battle.

Z was on psycho meds before the incident.

You've never had a broken nose, have you? I have. My eyes didn't blacken until the next day. I also didn't bleed very much.

Family Doctor had conflict of interest? I call bullshit again. He went to an emergent care clinic and was seen by the PA on duty. Hardly a Family Doctor/ Regular patient relationship.

Says you. Your opinions are insignificant.:cuckoo:
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

kooshdouche you sound ridiculous. That's fair enough. You ARE ridiculous.

If you would punch someone in the nose because he was reaching for a cell phone, then you would probably get the ass kicking yourself.

Or, assuming you are a woman, maybe the person you came up to would refrain from knocking you out.

But you CERTAINLY wouldn't be busting his nose for reaching for a cell phone and you wouldn't have the ability to get on top of him and pummel his head onto the pavement.

So stop your mindless yammering. You truly do sound like a moron. Again. It's fair. You clearly ARE a moron. But there's no need for you to keep proving it.

This is how you know you are winning the argument. Its such an easy way to figure it out.

Liability, please dont stop. You REALLY do represent Z supporters perfectly.

(Trevon, justice will be served and it looks like the right are really starting to get worried.)
A dozen travyvons are blow away per day by their own people. Not fucking news!!!!

This is only to guilt whites and spread the flames of hatred within blacks against whites. The media is disgusting.

Yep and many many people on both sides of the race spectrum have fallen into that trap....including 90 percent of the people in this forum.

There might be 10 percent of this forum that can think objectively, imo. Outside of that, there is a huge bias...both sides.
I hope you're not including yourself in that 10%. I have pointed out the issues again and again. You seem to plug your ears and say nah nah nah I can't hear you.

The only relevant issue is whether Zimmerman was reasonably in fear of his life at the time he shot Martin. Period.

I definitely put myself in that 10 percent...actually the number is probably smaller....closer to 1-5 percent...I was being nice.

You could be there, but your inability to see any fault with GZ when there were obvious anc clear mistakes, suggest you have a huge bias. GZ gooooood....trayvon....baaaaaaad.

GZ wasnt a think that he did everything correct that night and doesnt hold some responsibility is just illogical and dismissive to me. I can see about 10 things he did to put himself in that situation.

I see the good and bad of both sides...its just more fun. One sided is boring to me.

Published on Mar 29, 2012

Surveillance video footage of George Zimmerman being led from a police car shortly after he fatally shot teenager Trayvon Martin does not appear to show any injuries or bloodstains, but his attorney says the video is too grainy to be revealing.

The footage, obtained by ABC News on Wednesday, shows a handcuffed Zimmerman getting out of the police car unaided and walking into the police station where he was taken after the shooting in Sanford, Fla.

It was taken about four hours after the deadly incident.

There are no visible signs of injuries to Zimmerman's head or blood on his clothes. However, he is wearing a red jacket, which could obscure blood stains.
Appearing on NBC's TODAY on Thursday, Zimmerman's attorney Craig Sonner described the video as "very grainy." He also pointed out that Zimmerman had been "cleaned-up" and received first aid in the four hours between the incident and Zimmerman's videotaped arrival at the police station.

Sonner has previously said that his client suffered a broken nose and a gash to his head during the altercation - 30 March 2012.

That grainy video with the ABC information block strategically placed to cover the most revealing parts of the video is little more than a stacked piece of data.

Herre is the cleaned up version

Trayvon Martin case: George Zimmerman video shows gashes on back of shooter's head | Mail Online
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