The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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kooshdouche you sound ridiculous. That's fair enough. You ARE ridiculous.

If you would punch someone in the nose because he was reaching for a cell phone, then you would probably get the ass kicking yourself.

Or, assuming you are a woman, maybe the person you came up to would refrain from knocking you out.

But you CERTAINLY wouldn't be busting his nose for reaching for a cell phone and you wouldn't have the ability to get on top of him and pummel his head onto the pavement.

So stop your mindless yammering. You truly do sound like a moron. Again. It's fair. You clearly ARE a moron. But there's no need for you to keep proving it.

Trayvon didnt know what he was reaching for...and there was no cell phone there btw...but there was a pistol. Im not convinced at all that GZ was reaching for a phone that wasnt there. But I can see why GZ would state that is what he was reaching for instead of a gun.

Fact is he reached...fact is there was no cell phone there...fact is there was a gun there. So if Trayvon was suspecting he may be reaching for a weapon of some sort...he would have been correct...the gun was holstered in the area he was reaching.

You know that he was reaching for a phone, because GZ said so after the fact...trayvon didnt have the privilege of knowing that.

Again, its like watching poker on tv and seeing all the cards and yelling at the bet that makes no sense because we can see the guy holding pocket aces. The guy betting doesnt see the pocket aces...he thinks hes making a good bet with his pocket kings.

I've seen pocket kings beat pocket aces many times. My game does pay the big blind to anyone that gets aces busted.

I like that rule...damn pocket aces. I got beat holding 4 of a kind one time...stopped playing and pouted for 6
This is the law?

If I follow you because I think you are acting suspicious and you confront me saying "do you have a problem?" and I say, "No, no problem" and reach into my now have the authority to beat the shit out of me?

That is officially the most off-base statement I've heard today.

Do you have any savings, or own you home...because I'd be happy to help you test your theory if it's worth my while.
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Everything is conjecture at this point. We have Moron Rachel for the prosecution. We have zimmerman to speak in his own behalf. We have police reports, recorded messages from z to cops, but we do not have records on martins convo's...only the single voice that speaks for him..who is a moron.
Too much arguing on what ifs and buts and whys. Let the trial commence and the jury decide with what they have and focus on a new trial. Which will probably be Paula Deens.
When you're getting your head beat into the ground=victim. In florida you can use deadly force when you're getting killed.

And yet there is a trial where Zimmerman has to prove he murdered the kid in self defense..

Go figure.

Do any of you know what you're talking about? At all?
Moron Rachel stated that she and her friends often did 3 way calls and just jabbered about all topics...including calling whites Cracka's. So..I am presuming that when he was on the phone with her, he was also either on speaker phone so others could hear or they were on the 3 way system. Regardless, he was telling them about the creepy ass cracker following him. Now, from Moron Rachel's own admission and Martin's propensity to be a wannabe gangbanger, he thought he would impress his friends on the phone and let them hear him go thump a cracka for following him. Problem is...cracka had a gun. I don't think Martin intentionally decided to KILL zimmerman any more than zimmerman intended to KILL martin. It just happened. Instead of getting kudos from pals for beating up a cracka, he got his ass shot by the cracka. So Moron Rachel had to state what the convo was to cover whatever he was saying to impress his buds. According to her, if you could make out her mumbles between the 'tude and eye rolls, she said he was in a rush and would call her back. He never did. Cuz he be daid. Maybe it was a normal thing to act like an idiot for them, but they didn't count on a gun, either. And zimmerman with his actions shows he was doing what he thought was right, being in a NWP. He did everything proper..except follow the guy which is not illegal but still...he was feeling pretty uppity since he was packin'. When the guy he was following turned the tables, he freaked out. Pulled the gun out. Shot the guy. Was it planned in advance? No. Just flat out stupidity on both their parts.

Interesting...another good post...someone is a thinker in here. Very logical, and reasonable. Interesting.
This whole thing is as clear as mud

Some black families like white ones breed hate. Out of hate comes sense of entitlement. Whether that is killing someone or taking a hand out from the government.

The problem is a handout is not viewed as such since we took the 'Scarlet Letter' away from food stamps. Back then you would see people more humbled as they are tearing off the tickets like old 'E' tickets at Disney Land. Now its like they are enjoying the wages earned and buying a six pack on Friday.

We need to start over in this country folks.

Until the cancers are removed the country can not and will not thrive

Instead, as Lush Man Joe Biden said... 'They want to keep us in chains'

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If I were followed and then confronted and the follower reached into his pocket after our exchange, I would think maybe he was going for some gum or a cell phone or even just sticking his hand in his pocket to jiggle change. If I were the one following someone, I would have had my convo asking who he was and who he was visiting. If the person I was following reached in his pocket...I would think nothing of it. But if I saw a gun on that person and that is where the hand was aiming, I would kick him in the nads and run like hell. Or yell GUN!!!! But I wouldn't assume someone is fixing to kill me just because I asked a question...or was asked a question.
I'm just musing on what I myself would do or think, 25caliber. And, having kids all grown and haired over now, I know how they think...especially around their idiotic friends. I know, because I was young once and did stupid shit to impress them.

Which is why my sons always got pissed when I knew what they were up to before they even did it. :lol:
Family doctor= conflict of interest.

Mo mri's no x-rays.

If this had been a worker's comp case he would have been shot down.

Holy cow a quarter inch and a one inch wound! Horrible.

Z refused to go to follow up treatment.

I did not see any two black eyes on Z the night of the battle.

Z was on psycho meds before the incident.

You've never had a broken nose, have you? I have. My eyes didn't blacken until the next day. I also didn't bleed very much.

Family Doctor had conflict of interest? I call bullshit again. He went to an emergent care clinic and was seen by the PA on duty. Hardly a Family Doctor/ Regular patient relationship.

Says you. Your opinions are insignificant.:cuckoo:

And yours are psychotic.
Here's some pics of St Skittles' daddy --


It is said there are some 'Crip' hand signs in there. :confused:

Another one showing just how responsible a household St Skittles must have grown up in --


The Last Refuge has more pics.

Via Washington Times:

Over the last several months, much has been heard from Tracy Martin, the father of Trayvon Martin.

In February of last year, Trayvon Martin was fatally shot by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman, who claims that this was done in self-defense. At the time, Martin was unarmed and seventeen years old. [...]

In a recent interview with popular black-interest blog The Root, Tracy Martin said that “(y)ou can’t prepare your child to contend with the warped mentality of someone else. You can only teach them to be good and live by the laws of the land. George Zimmerman acted in a deranged way — and all the evidence supports that. I know how society negatively portrays black boys, and my son Trayvon wasn’t naive. He wasn’t blind to stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. But I shouldn’t have to tell my child to fear walking to the store to get snacks just because he’s black.”

On Monday, according to Good Morning America, Tracy Martin reportedly “cursed at a supporter of George Zimmerman.

Yesterday, right-leaning blogger Sundance of widely-read The Conservative Tree House released several photos of Tracy Martin, some of which date back to 2010.

One shows Martin posing with a crowd of people in which, according to the blog, a finger sign denoting Crips membership is visible. Another portrays him standing in a different crowd with a cityscape and raining dollar bills in the background.

In these photos, Martin himself is making some sort of hand sign. Other individuals photographed are doing the same. TCTH identified said signs as gang-related.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Zimmerman was just taking out the trash

Trayvon was raised to be a violent thug. Doesn't surprise me that he'd attack Zimmerman for simply following him.
Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

A rather biased assumption, I'd say. It seems to me that if Zimmerman wanted to harm Martin, he wouldn't have the police on the way and he would have simply shot the boy. It seems rather foolish to assault someone AFTER you have called the cops.
Conversely, Martin didn't know the police were on the way. He would be more likely to expect he would get away with it.
It just makes sense to anyone with a basic grasp of logic.

Not really if you think about it...not if he sees a gun in that holster...especially knowing that GZ has already reached there very early when just asked a question.

Actually a very logical assumption. If you were fighting someone following you, and you saw a gun and the guy reaching for it during the struggle...what would you do? Probably keep punching?

And this is not speculation on my part...GZ says the gun was exposed and admits going for it. You certainly wouldnt stop punching if you saw him going for it.

Speculation. If someone was following me, I would be alert, but I would not confront him. Then, I have the sense to come in out of the rain.
This is the law?

If I follow you because I think you are acting suspicious and you confront me saying "do you have a problem?" and I say, "No, no problem" and reach into my now have the authority to beat the shit out of me?

That is officially the most off-base statement I've heard today.

Do you have any savings, or own you home...because I'd be happy to help you test your theory if it's worth my while.

Possibly if it is shown you have been following me like a creep through the entire complex. Picture a woman being followed in the the end of the following she decides to be proactive...youre damn right...she was being followed and did something about it instead of waiting for something to happen to her.

Give me that case and Ill win with the womans side every time given the same scenario.
A rather biased assumption, I'd say. It seems to me that if Zimmerman wanted to harm Martin, he wouldn't have the police on the way and he would have simply shot the boy. It seems rather foolish to assault someone AFTER you have called the cops.
Conversely, Martin didn't know the police were on the way. He would be more likely to expect he would get away with it.
It just makes sense to anyone with a basic grasp of logic.

Not really if you think about it...not if he sees a gun in that holster...especially knowing that GZ has already reached there very early when just asked a question.

Actually a very logical assumption. If you were fighting someone following you, and you saw a gun and the guy reaching for it during the struggle...what would you do? Probably keep punching?

And this is not speculation on my part...GZ says the gun was exposed and admits going for it. You certainly wouldnt stop punching if you saw him going for it.

Speculation. If someone was following me, I would be alert, but I would not confront him. Then, I have the sense to come in out of the rain.

Its not happened...trayvon didnt handle it like you would...a lot of people would confront the follower, including me. "yeah, dude...what the f is your deal"...oh no problem sir, let me reach into my pocket real quick...bap!! And down goes Frazier!

A quick explanation to the police about this creep following me in his truck and on foot in the dark and im home eating popcorn watching a movie within 20 minutes.
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A rather biased assumption, I'd say. It seems to me that if Zimmerman wanted to harm Martin, he wouldn't have the police on the way and he would have simply shot the boy. It seems rather foolish to assault someone AFTER you have called the cops.
Conversely, Martin didn't know the police were on the way. He would be more likely to expect he would get away with it.
It just makes sense to anyone with a basic grasp of logic.

Not really if you think about it...not if he sees a gun in that holster...especially knowing that GZ has already reached there very early when just asked a question.

Actually a very logical assumption. If you were fighting someone following you, and you saw a gun and the guy reaching for it during the struggle...what would you do? Probably keep punching?

And this is not speculation on my part...GZ says the gun was exposed and admits going for it. You certainly wouldnt stop punching if you saw him going for it.

Speculation. If someone was following me, I would be alert, but I would not confront him. Then, I have the sense to come in out of the rain.

You never walked up to the store before when you were younger and got caught in the rain?...he didnt have a car...he didnt have much choice. Enough with the getting out of the rain stuff...he was 17 and walked to the store and it started raining...nothing more.

Come on, ernie...he was followed almost every inch of his walk home...thats not even a little bit creepy to you? you are convinced he is a thug now...but you wouldnt know a damn thing about that kid on that night.
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You've never had a broken nose, have you? I have. My eyes didn't blacken until the next day. I also didn't bleed very much.

Family Doctor had conflict of interest? I call bullshit again. He went to an emergent care clinic and was seen by the PA on duty. Hardly a Family Doctor/ Regular patient relationship.

Says you. Your opinions are insignificant.:cuckoo:

And yours are psychotic.
Serious question. Was zimmermans nose broke? If so why was it not dealt with before he went to jail? He was seen by medical, no?
When you're getting your head beat into the ground=victim. In florida you can use deadly force when you're getting killed.

And yet there is a trial where Zimmerman has to prove he murdered the kid in self defense..

Go figure.

Do any of you know what you're talking about? At all?

So far the testimony and evidence support Zimmerman's version of events. What trial are you watching? Is it from Bazzaro world?
Is it Monday yet?
Love the Sunday armchair QB's!!

Love the Sunday armchair Krakah QB's!!
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