The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Speculation. If someone was following me, I would be alert, but I would not confront him. Then, I have the sense to come in out of the rain.

You never walked up to the store before when you were younger and got caught in the rain?...he didnt have a car...he didnt have much choice. Enough with the getting out of the rain stuff...he was 17 and walked to the store and it started raining...nothing more.

Come on, ernie...he was followed almost every inch of his walk home...thats not even a little bit creepy to you? you are convinced he is a thug now...but you wouldnt know a damn thing about that kid on that night.

Of course I've been caught out in the rain. I picked up my pace and didn't wander aimlessly or double back on someone I imagined was out to get me. I hurried home where it was dry.
Who said he doubled back? Zimmerman? Wow.
Says you. Your opinions are insignificant.:cuckoo:

And yours are psychotic.
Serious question. Was zimmermans nose broke? If so why was it not dealt with before he went to jail? He was seen by medical, no?

He was seen by a Physician's Assistant, witness Lindzee Folgate, who testified that she thought is was broken, given the swelling and 2 black eyes, but it was aligned. She recommended he see an ENT specialist and he said that his health insurance was inadequate and wouldn't cover it.
You never walked up to the store before when you were younger and got caught in the rain?...he didnt have a car...he didnt have much choice. Enough with the getting out of the rain stuff...he was 17 and walked to the store and it started raining...nothing more.

Come on, ernie...he was followed almost every inch of his walk home...thats not even a little bit creepy to you? you are convinced he is a thug now...but you wouldnt know a damn thing about that kid on that night.

Of course I've been caught out in the rain. I picked up my pace and didn't wander aimlessly or double back on someone I imagined was out to get me. I hurried home where it was dry.
Who said he doubled back? Zimmerman? Wow.

No....I thought they meant Trayvon did. I can't argue the point due to not knowing. I have to ask TestaChica.
And yours are psychotic.
Serious question. Was zimmermans nose broke? If so why was it not dealt with before he went to jail? He was seen by medical, no?

He was seen by a Physician's Assistant, witness Lindzee Folgate, who testified that she thought is was broken, given the swelling and 2 black eyes, but it was aligned. She recommended he see an ENT specialist and he said that his health insurance was inadequate and wouldn't cover it.

Yep thats inadequate that one cover an xray for a broken

I think his nose was broke...i mean some things you can just see with your own eyes...and thats one of them.
I am doubting the competence and motive of the prosecution team...I have already expressed that. They are taking the pressure off of them and passing the buck to 6 female jurors...monkey is off their back and on the jurors...we tried him like you wanted and they let him off...brilliant!

You make a great point about being left handed. No I would not reach across my body.

Do we know what hand GZ fired his gun with?

Good points, ernie...I definitely need to consider the southpaw thing. I will look into it for sure.
We have to assume he fired with his left, which may be why it took so long to get off the shot. Imagine you have a gun holstered for a cross draw. It will be in the hollow of your hip, maybe 45 degrees to the right of center. The grips will be towards center. OK do you have your imaginary gun wher you can grab it with your left hand? Cool! Now, grab it with your right hand. How's that working out for you? And there's not even anyone sitting on top of you trying to punch your lights out.

I follow you...the gun if holstered that way, the butt of the gun would be facing so as to be able cross draw with your left hand. I get it. But we dont know what holster he had or if he shot with his left or right hand.

I will try to find it...I thought that GZ had described shooting with his right finger on the trigger...that would suggest a right hand shot.

I never carry like that. I'm not big enough to hide a gun carried in front. I favor the small on my back or a shoulder rig for my revolvers that are quite large. When I lived in New Mexico, I carried open in a Western style holster.
Possibly if it is shown you have been following me like a creep through the entire complex. Picture a woman being followed in the the end of the following she decides to be proactive...youre damn right...she was being followed and did something about it instead of waiting for something to happen to her.

Give me that case and Ill win with the womans side every time given the same scenario.

Show me.

Surely there is an example out there where something like this happened.

Could you blame the lady for being proactive?...why do you need to see a case?...just answer the Do you need a video to make your mind up for you?


She was wrong...Trayvon was wrong...yes, I blame her.

You can't attack people for following you and putting their hand in their pocket...

You have committed an assault on an innocent person...a person who has every legal right to do exactly what they were doing.

Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?

You can't go around assaulting people.

Learn will come in handy some day.
I like that rule...damn pocket aces. I got beat holding 4 of a kind one time...stopped playing and pouted for 6
A couple weeks ago, I had kings full of aces on the flop. Got beat by aces full with an 4 on the river

OMG... you had to think you were golden!!

Of course! Don't chase anyone out. Take as much of their money as possible and hope someone raises so you can bump them back.
Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

I agree...grabbing or reaching for something in the dark when asked why you are following could be a big problem...and it was. The prosecution is making a huge mistake not addressing is only us in here discussing the reaching.

The prosecution knows what it is doing, man. It's not there first rodeo. If they thought they could score points with it, they would have brought it up.

From my observation, Zimmerman is left handed. I saw him taking notes. The officer that disarmed him said he carried his KelTek on his right side meaning he had to reach across his body to get to the gun and the grip would be facing forward. This practice is common for southpaws because left handed holsters are rarely stocked in gun shops.
I doubt that anyone would reach across their body to get to their phone. I carry mine in my left rear pocket. I retrieve it with my left hand. How about the rest of you? Do you reach across your body to get to your sail foam?

i am a south paw

can shoot with either hand

i usually shoot right handed

same for bows


Show me.

Surely there is an example out there where something like this happened.

Could you blame the lady for being proactive?...why do you need to see a case?...just answer the Do you need a video to make your mind up for you?


She was wrong...Trayvon was wrong...yes, I blame her.

You can't attack people for following you and putting their hand in their pocket...

You have committed an assault on an innocent person...a person who has every legal right to do exactly what they were doing.

Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?

You can't go around assaulting people.

Learn will come in handy some day.

Alright, calm down. No, I dont go around assaulting people. Why is it so hard for you to grasp that GZ goofed here and there? Under the circumstances he was asking for dont follow people around in the dark...period. Do you follow people around in the dark? If you did, could you blame someone for asking you why? Are ya gonna reach for your gun when they do?...take the blinders off and look at both sides for a change.
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A couple weeks ago, I had kings full of aces on the flop. Got beat by aces full with an 4 on the river

OMG... you had to think you were golden!!

Of course! Don't chase anyone out. Take as much of their money as possible and hope someone raises so you can bump them back.

Oh yeah..."check" and hope for a raise...I hate it when you got the nuts and no one bites...oh please raise so I can call on the turn and then check you the river we will be all
I agree...grabbing or reaching for something in the dark when asked why you are following could be a big problem...and it was. The prosecution is making a huge mistake not addressing is only us in here discussing the reaching.

The prosecution knows what it is doing, man. It's not there first rodeo. If they thought they could score points with it, they would have brought it up.

From my observation, Zimmerman is left handed. I saw him taking notes. The officer that disarmed him said he carried his KelTek on his right side meaning he had to reach across his body to get to the gun and the grip would be facing forward. This practice is common for southpaws because left handed holsters are rarely stocked in gun shops.
I doubt that anyone would reach across their body to get to their phone. I carry mine in my left rear pocket. I retrieve it with my left hand. How about the rest of you? Do you reach across your body to get to your sail foam?

I am doubting the competence and motive of the prosecution team...I have already expressed that. They are taking the pressure off of them and passing the buck to 6 female jurors...monkey is off their back and on the jurors...we tried him like you wanted and they let him off...brilliant!

You make a great point about being left handed. No I would not reach across my body.

Do we know what hand GZ fired his gun with?

Good points, ernie...I definitely need to consider the southpaw thing. I will look into it for sure.

Do we know what hand GZ fired his gun with?

i am not sure however

if i remember correctly it is stated somewhere in the record

that he shoots right handed

i could be mistaken on that though

if he does shoot left handed

that could explain why goode didnt see a firearm when questioned if he did
Everything is conjecture at this point. We have Moron Rachel for the prosecution. We have zimmerman to speak in his own behalf. We have police reports, recorded messages from z to cops, but we do not have records on martins convo's...only the single voice that speaks for him..who is a moron.
Too much arguing on what ifs and buts and whys. Let the trial commence and the jury decide with what they have and focus on a new trial. Which will probably be Paula Deens.

that is right Gracie

we can only go by what is presented in court

at this point
The prosecution knows what it is doing, man. It's not there first rodeo. If they thought they could score points with it, they would have brought it up.

From my observation, Zimmerman is left handed. I saw him taking notes. The officer that disarmed him said he carried his KelTek on his right side meaning he had to reach across his body to get to the gun and the grip would be facing forward. This practice is common for southpaws because left handed holsters are rarely stocked in gun shops.
I doubt that anyone would reach across their body to get to their phone. I carry mine in my left rear pocket. I retrieve it with my left hand. How about the rest of you? Do you reach across your body to get to your sail foam?

I am doubting the competence and motive of the prosecution team...I have already expressed that. They are taking the pressure off of them and passing the buck to 6 female jurors...monkey is off their back and on the jurors...we tried him like you wanted and they let him off...brilliant!

You make a great point about being left handed. No I would not reach across my body.

Do we know what hand GZ fired his gun with?

Good points, ernie...I definitely need to consider the southpaw thing. I will look into it for sure.

Do we know what hand GZ fired his gun with?

i am not sure however

if i remember correctly it is stated somewhere in the record

that he shoots right handed

i could be mistaken on that though

if he does shoot left handed

that could explain why goode didnt see a firearm when questioned if he did

I thought the same...I think if it was a special cross holster, we would know it by now also.
Moron Rachel stated that she and her friends often did 3 way calls and just jabbered about all topics...including calling whites Cracka's. So..I am presuming that when he was on the phone with her, he was also either on speaker phone so others could hear or they were on the 3 way system. Regardless, he was telling them about the creepy ass cracker following him. Now, from Moron Rachel's own admission and Martin's propensity to be a wannabe gangbanger, he thought he would impress his friends on the phone and let them hear him go thump a cracka for following him. Problem is...cracka had a gun. I don't think Martin intentionally decided to KILL zimmerman any more than zimmerman intended to KILL martin. It just happened. Instead of getting kudos from pals for beating up a cracka, he got his ass shot by the cracka. So Moron Rachel had to state what the convo was to cover whatever he was saying to impress his buds. According to her, if you could make out her mumbles between the 'tude and eye rolls, she said he was in a rush and would call her back. He never did. Cuz he be daid. Maybe it was a normal thing to act like an idiot for them, but they didn't count on a gun, either. And zimmerman with his actions shows he was doing what he thought was right, being in a NWP. He did everything proper..except follow the guy which is not illegal but still...he was feeling pretty uppity since he was packin'. When the guy he was following turned the tables, he freaked out. Pulled the gun out. Shot the guy. Was it planned in advance? No. Just flat out stupidity on both their parts.

are you sure it was hear him thump a cracker

deedee said she heard "other" voices in the background

she stated that as proof that martin made it home

could the "other" voices been some of martins buddies

that planned to youtube martin thumping a cracker
Could you blame the lady for being proactive?...why do you need to see a case?...just answer the Do you need a video to make your mind up for you?


She was wrong...Trayvon was wrong...yes, I blame her.

You can't attack people for following you and putting their hand in their pocket...

You have committed an assault on an innocent person...a person who has every legal right to do exactly what they were doing.

Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?

You can't go around assaulting people.

Learn will come in handy some day.

Alright, calm down. No, I dont go around assaulting people. Why is it so hard for you to grasp that GZ goofed here and there? Under the circumstances he was asking for dont follow people around in the dark...period. Do you follow people around in the dark? If you did, could you blame someone for asking you why? Are ya gonna reach for your gun when they do?...take the blinders off and look at both sides for a change.

Except Zimmerman didn't reach for his gun.

If there is proof he reached for his gun, present it.

You do know that Zimmerman's phone was laying on the ground in what @jon_berzerk terms 'the debris field'.

How did it get there if it was in his pocket?

BECAUSE HE WAS REACHING FOR IT in his pocket when Martin attacked him. :eek:

And, as we discussed before...Martin wasn't fighting in a way that would protect him from being shot. Punching instead of wrestling.

He was fighting like he was pissed and wanted to beat the shit out of a guy that he didn't like following him.

Stick to the facts...
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You never walked up to the store before when you were younger and got caught in the rain?...he didnt have a car...he didnt have much choice. Enough with the getting out of the rain stuff...he was 17 and walked to the store and it started raining...nothing more.

Come on, ernie...he was followed almost every inch of his walk home...thats not even a little bit creepy to you? you are convinced he is a thug now...but you wouldnt know a damn thing about that kid on that night.

Of course I've been caught out in the rain. I picked up my pace and didn't wander aimlessly or double back on someone I imagined was out to get me. I hurried home where it was dry.

Ill bet in Trayvons version he doesnt describe it that way. Come on, Ernie....GZ has to explain it in a way that he has a right to be suspicious and not just some nut following a black kid...the route of the following has trayvon going back home...correct? Man, you are absolutely hook line and sinker arent ya? You believe every word literally, have to weed through some of it, ernie.

Why shouldn't I? Do you automatically assume everyone is lying? Zimmerman's account is pretty damned well supported as far as the recording with the dispatcher goes. It is further supported by the autopsy report, witness John Good and the testimony of the PA.
Zimmerman knew that the police would be on the scene at any moment and surely would refrain from anything that might make him look like the aggressor. He answered questions of the first witness on scene and the officer who arrived very shortly after. He was compliant and calm though apparently shaken. In short, there was no indication he was anything but truthful and that he had acted in self defense.
While I understand he had a reason to bend the facts in his favor, there is no indication he did.
I am doubting the competence and motive of the prosecution team...I have already expressed that. They are taking the pressure off of them and passing the buck to 6 female jurors...monkey is off their back and on the jurors...we tried him like you wanted and they let him off...brilliant!

You make a great point about being left handed. No I would not reach across my body.

Do we know what hand GZ fired his gun with?

Good points, ernie...I definitely need to consider the southpaw thing. I will look into it for sure.

Do we know what hand GZ fired his gun with?

i am not sure however

if i remember correctly it is stated somewhere in the record

that he shoots right handed

i could be mistaken on that though

if he does shoot left handed

that could explain why goode didnt see a firearm when questioned if he did

I thought the same...I think if it was a special cross holster, we would know it by now also.

i didnt pay attention to closely

but the pistol magazine and holster have been introduced as evidence

legal insurrection most likely has the youtube of it

She was wrong...Trayvon was wrong...yes, I blame her.

You can't attack people for following you and putting their hand in their pocket...

You have committed an assault on an innocent person...a person who has every legal right to do exactly what they were doing.

Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?

You can't go around assaulting people.

Learn will come in handy some day.

Alright, calm down. No, I dont go around assaulting people. Why is it so hard for you to grasp that GZ goofed here and there? Under the circumstances he was asking for dont follow people around in the dark...period. Do you follow people around in the dark? If you did, could you blame someone for asking you why? Are ya gonna reach for your gun when they do?...take the blinders off and look at both sides for a change.

Except Zimmerman didn't reach for his gun.

If there is proof he reached for his gun, present it.

You do know that Zimmerman's phone was laying on the ground in what [MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] terms 'the debris field'.

How did it get there if it was in his pocket?

BECAUSE HE WAS REACHING FOR IT in his pocket. :eek:

And, as we discussed before...Martin wasn't fighting in a way that would protect him from being shot. Punching instead of wrestling.

He was fighting like he was pissed and wanted to beat the shit out of a guy that he didn't like following him.

Stick to the facts...

Oh thats right he reached for a phone that wasnt there...thats Do you believe EVERYTHING you hear...or what you want to hear?

I heard him say he reached to his right and oops my phone wasnt there and went ....hmmm...but your gun was there...hmmm...not buy it hook line and sinker. It was to his benefit to say he was reaching for his phone and not a gun...get that?

Just like it was to his benefit to say that trayvon was standing around looking at houses in the rain, so that he doesnt come off as nut chasing black kids around the neighborhood...get that?

Try to weed thru some of the will help.

And remember he reached for a phone that wasnt there...remember? His words! It was probably laying on the ground because if it was in his left coat pocket it may have fallen out in the struggle...probably some loose change lying around, a couple pieces of buggle gum too for all i know.
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