The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.
Yeah no doubt, GZ was loosing that fight. Interesting that GZ by the witness had scooted to the concrete figured out that hurt, scooted off the concrete then his gun was in a position to draw so he did. Interesting that in all that scooting he could not put up a defense till he got to his gun. Maye the reason he could not defend himself is he was still trying to get to his gun from the start of the fight?
And I'd like to point out that we actually have no way of knowing what it was that Trayvon Martin was doing that night. This is a young man who had just been suspended from High School for breaking into people's lockers and stealing things. I know that it's "politically correct" to say that Martin wasn't doing anything wrong as he walked back from the 7/11 with his iced tea and Skittles but the truth is...we weren't there observing his behavior so we don't know how he was acting. Is is possible that Martin was indeed looking around the neighborhood to see if there was something he could steal? If it weren't for the suspension from school for theft I'd say that was an outrageous thing to put forward but knowing that he had a history of theft then it makes Zimmerman's claim that he thought the person he saw was "up to no good" more believable. Knowing Trayvon Martin's "history" lends credence to Zimmerman's claim that he WAS acting in a suspicious manner.

We do know there had been break ins in the area, possibly an increase in them since li'l Trayvon moved in.
Here's the problem with your theory that Martin wasn't in the area by the condo, 25. Trayvon Martin takes off running from George Zimmerman cutting off the call to his girlfriend. When she calls back a minute plus later he's breathing hard from that running. So tell me how it is that a young man in good physical condition can run for anywhere even close to that amount of time and NOT have covered the two hundred yards to the condo? The fact the amount of time from when Zimmerman announces to the 9/11 operator that Martin is running until the time that the girl friend calls him back he could EASILY have gotten to the condo. As a matter of fact it's hard to conceive of him NOT making it that far. If he only runs half way (as in your diagram) then why would he be winded when the gf calls back over a minute later? Sorry but that's a hard scenario to envision. I don't think the gf realized what she was saying when she repeated several times that Martin was by the condo. That statement by her...coupled with Martin's "Cracker" comment but Martin several hundred yards away from Zimmerman and paints him as someone who isn't scared but annoyed at being followed. It isn't logical for someone who is frightened to go towards the thing that is supposedly frightening them and away from safety. It IS logical for someone who is angry to go towards the thing that is causing that anger. That's what I think happened that night. I think Trayvon Martin decided that he wasn't going to run from the "Cracker" that had questioned him...he was going to go back and confront him. That's the only scenario that makes sense.

I have no idea...he is running up the walk and then down the sidewalk and in between the two buildings in the rain...while on the phone...yeah he could be breathing heavy for sure. Hell, look at the breathing sound that is coming from GZs phone as he immediately starts running...that was how the dispatch thought he was following.

So yeah, he most definitely could have been breathing hard for sure. It was dark, it was raining, it was abnormally cool that night, hes on the phone...hell yeah it would have sounded like the kid was out of breath.

Look at the distance down the sidewalk...we are talking about a stretch of less than two minutes according to GZ and the 911 call...GZ also does not describe Trayvon as actually running he describes him as walking briskly in his interview with sean hannity...GZ specifically says he was not running, but that he meant he was walking faster and getting away.

The the distance between the T in the sidewalk and the fiances house is more than 120 yards (more than a football field) no I dont believe in a span of less than two minutes he went that entire distance and back. Thats why I dont think it makes sense with the timeline and GZs own account of the events. He cut up the pathway and went right...when GZ came up the path, he looked and saw no one...suggesting that by now, Tray had cut between the buildings.

The the distance between the T in the sidewalk and the fiances house is more than 120 yards (more than a football field) no I dont believe in a span of less than two minutes he went that entire distance and back.

you are kidding right

the average 100 yard dash is around 12 seconds

Didnt say it couldnt be done...just dont think it was logical...going in between the buildings makes much more sense. If you think about it, it makes a ton of sense based on GZs own account of the events.
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Pedestrians are even harder to see. That doesn't give you the right to run over them.

Being a member of the crotch rocket group, we probably shouldnt even go here.

Get off your fn cell phones, pay attention to the road and quit running over my friends.

Check the quote in my signature.

His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

the PA that looked at zimmerman said

pretty sure the nose was broke

And then came
The voice of reason
Shining from the lake in forest
And all became balanced and reality again
And I'd like to point out that we actually have no way of knowing what it was that Trayvon Martin was doing that night. This is a young man who had just been suspended from High School for breaking into people's lockers and stealing things. I know that it's "politically correct" to say that Martin wasn't doing anything wrong as he walked back from the 7/11 with his iced tea and Skittles but the truth is...we weren't there observing his behavior so we don't know how he was acting. Is is possible that Martin was indeed looking around the neighborhood to see if there was something he could steal? If it weren't for the suspension from school for theft I'd say that was an outrageous thing to put forward but knowing that he had a history of theft then it makes Zimmerman's claim that he thought the person he saw was "up to no good" more believable. Knowing Trayvon Martin's "history" lends credence to Zimmerman's claim that he WAS acting in a suspicious manner.

We do know there had been break ins in the area, possibly an increase in them since li'l Trayvon moved in.

The left doesn't care how much crime their protected commit within a community, but don't you dare defend yourself against one.
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A dozen travyvons are blow away per day by their own people. Not fucking news!!!!

This is only to guilt whites and spread the flames of hatred within blacks against whites. The media is disgusting.

Yep and many many people on both sides of the race spectrum have fallen into that trap....including 90 percent of the people in this forum.

There might be 10 percent of this forum that can think objectively, imo. Outside of that, there is a huge bias...both sides.
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.
Yeah no doubt, GZ was loosing that fight. Interesting that GZ by the witness had scooted to the concrete figured out that hurt, scooted off the concrete then his gun was in a position to draw so he did. Interesting that in all that scooting he could not put up a defense till he got to his gun. Maye the reason he could not defend himself is he was still trying to get to his gun from the start of the fight?

To me the question is...does GZ hold some responsibility for being in that situation? I say yes...he did exactly what police officers are trained to tell you not to do.

For example...if GZ would have asked the question. "Hes running away...should I get out of my truck and follow on foot?" The answer would have been a firm: Absolutely not! Stay there and wait for the police...they are on the way".

GZ wasnt witnessing a rape or a burglary in progress...this person was only crime committed. There isnt a police officer in the land that is trained to advise you to follow that individual in the dark packing a pistol.

Some may say that he wasnt following, he was just looking for a street sign. Well my retort to that is that GZ admits to the dispatcher he is following would also be how Trayvon perceived it...that he was being followed or pursued for some reason.
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His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.
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If Zimmerman is acquitted, sooner or later the lolberals and idiots of Zona's stripe will claim that the prosecution was in on it.

It musta been a conspiracy!

And given the amazing LACK of quality in the prosecutors' presentation thus far, they are giving such conspiracy shitheads a basis to make such claims.

But it's almost a LOCK that they will say such shit.
If Zimmerman is acquitted, sooner or later the lolberals and idiots of Zona's stripe will claim that the prosecution was in on it.

It musta been a conspiracy!

And given the amazing LACK of quality in the prosecutors' presentation thus far, they are giving such conspiracy shitheads a basis to make such claims.

But it's almost a LOCK that they will say such shit.

Well, I have to make a run to town in the morning. So, I will miss some of it. Life can't stop for the Zimmerman trial! :eek:
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

kooshdouche you sound ridiculous. That's fair enough. You ARE ridiculous.

If you would punch someone in the nose because he was reaching for a cell phone, then you would probably get the ass kicking yourself.

Or, assuming you are a woman, maybe the person you came up to would refrain from knocking you out.

But you CERTAINLY wouldn't be busting his nose for reaching for a cell phone and you wouldn't have the ability to get on top of him and pummel his head onto the pavement.

So stop your mindless yammering. You truly do sound like a moron. Again. It's fair. You clearly ARE a moron. But there's no need for you to keep proving it.
I have no idea...he is running up the walk and then down the sidewalk and in between the two buildings in the rain...while on the phone...yeah he could be breathing heavy for sure. Hell, look at the breathing sound that is coming from GZs phone as he immediately starts running...that was how the dispatch thought he was following.

So yeah, he most definitely could have been breathing hard for sure. It was dark, it was raining, it was abnormally cool that night, hes on the phone...hell yeah it would have sounded like the kid was out of breath.

Look at the distance down the sidewalk...we are talking about a stretch of less than two minutes according to GZ and the 911 call...GZ also does not describe Trayvon as actually running he describes him as walking briskly in his interview with sean hannity...GZ specifically says he was not running, but that he meant he was walking faster and getting away.

The the distance between the T in the sidewalk and the fiances house is more than 120 yards (more than a football field) no I dont believe in a span of less than two minutes he went that entire distance and back. Thats why I dont think it makes sense with the timeline and GZs own account of the events. He cut up the pathway and went right...when GZ came up the path, he looked and saw no one...suggesting that by now, Tray had cut between the buildings.

The the distance between the T in the sidewalk and the fiances house is more than 120 yards (more than a football field) no I dont believe in a span of less than two minutes he went that entire distance and back.

you are kidding right

the average 100 yard dash is around 12 seconds

Didnt say it couldnt be done...just dont think it was logical...going in between the buildings makes much more sense. If you think about it, it makes a ton of sense based on GZs own account of the events.

two minutes is a long time even walking you can cover a lot of ground
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

I agree...grabbing or reaching for something in the dark when asked why you are following could be a big problem...and it was. The prosecution is making a huge mistake not addressing is only us in here discussing the reaching.
His nose looks broke to me or damage severely. Plus the black eyes the next day suggest being hit in the nose pretty hard.

Yeah, well I would have hit him pretty hard too if he was following me around in the dark and when I asked him what he wanted he reached for his gun.

I would have hit him with all my might and tried to incapacitate him so he couldn't hurt me.

Zimmerman's injuries could easily be viewed as evidence that Martin was trying to defend himself.

Koosh. How do you follow someone with three to five feet of dinky flashlight? That's how someone finds YOU and your light.

Just saying. Think of it
I think the whole mess got out of hand and neither one planned on death happening at their stupidity. With that said...Trayvon cannot be punished for his idiocy...he's dead. Zimmerman is not dead. I don't think he planned to kill Martin at all. So...I call it involitary manslaughter and some time in prison for what he did. Not life.
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