The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Lie about what?

Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a cop and had a restraining order put on him after he beat the shit out of his fiancée.

Additionally he was fired from his sparkling career as a security guard because of his temper.

You do know his present wife was arrested too, for lying about their finances..right?

This guy is a real model citizen, alrighty.

You lied when you said that Zimmerman "fought a cop." There is no evidence to show that, he was not convicted of that.
You lied when you said that Zimmerman "beat the shit out of his fiancee." There is no evidence to show that, he was not convicted of that.

I never said he is a model citizen. I've said repeatedly that this case was a slam dunk for manslaughter.

I agree with you on the last part. He's been overcharged.

Then why all hyperbole about him being a racist and claiming things about him that aren't true?
Off. Doris Singleton is yet another defense witness put on by the prosecution.

Who's the DA that wanted to proceed with this trial? Hope he gets his ass handed to him when this is over.
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Damn it, I feel sooooo left out! No one to blame by Moi!

The RULES in life are......don't leave the party and go back.

All I can contribute is smart ass stuff at night when I can get away with it.

Shhhhh.....back to reading....
Off. Doris Singleton is yet another defense witness put on by the prosecution.

Who's the DA that wanted to proceed with this trial? Hope he gets his ass handed to him when this is over.

I agree...she is making the defense case..."no significant discrepancies".

However, he should have been arrested from the beginning, IMO. He shot someone. Arrest him, set bail, wait for the trial. This is why you dont may find yourself on trial defending your actions.

Cant just not arrest someone just because they CLAIM self defense. What precedent would that send? It sucks...but thats the way it has to be, imo. Evidence has to be gathered to substantiate his claim.

But, I think in doing so, they overcharged...again this is a prosecution team that has charged M2 to please the doing so they passed the buck to 6 female jurors.

Manslaughter would have been a more honest charge...I mean after all it was the state that didnt see the need to arrest him initially. So how do you go from no arrest to M2? Thats political first they were defending his they have jumped to the other side of the fence. I would imagine that GZ feels a little betrayed by the state.

Arrest? yes...M2? No.
Lie about what?

Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a cop and had a restraining order put on him after he beat the shit out of his fiancée.

Additionally he was fired from his sparkling career as a security guard because of his temper.

You do know his present wife was arrested too, for lying about their finances..right?

This guy is a real model citizen, alrighty.

You lied when you said that Zimmerman "fought a cop." There is no evidence to show that, he was not convicted of that.
You lied when you said that Zimmerman "beat the shit out of his fiancee." There is no evidence to show that, he was not convicted of that.

I never said he is a model citizen. I've said repeatedly that this case was a slam dunk for manslaughter.

I agree with you on the last part. He's been overcharged.

Ouch! Whiplash can hurt.
This is theater of the absurd: Now Bernie seems to have turned his own (police officer) witness into a hostile witness! LOLOL He's actually badgering her into complying with what he wants her to say and she's refusing. LOVE IT!
Off. Doris Singleton is yet another defense witness put on by the prosecution.

Who's the DA that wanted to proceed with this trial? Hope he gets his ass handed to him when this is over.

I agree...she is making the defense case..."no significant discrepancies".

However, he should have been arrested from the beginning, IMO. He shot someone. Arrest him, set bail, wait for the trial. This is why you dont may find yourself on trial defending your actions.

Cant just not arrest someone just because they CLAIM self defense. What precedent would that send? It sucks...but thats the way it has to be, imo. Evidence has to be gathered to substantiate his claim.

But, I think in doing so, they overcharged...again this is a prosecution team that has charged M2 to please the doing so they passed the buck to 6 female jurors.

Manslaughter would have been a more honest charge...I mean after all it was the state that didnt see the need to arrest him initially. So how do you go from no arrest to M2? Thats political first they were defending his they have jumped to the other side of the fence. I would imagine that GZ feels a little betrayed by the state.

Arrest? yes...M2? No.

It wasn't the DA's decision. It was POTUS, FBI, US Justice, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Black Panthers, Spike Lee, <riot riot> Governor Scott calling his friend DA Angela Corey in JAX to figure out how to shut everyone up, assigned her as special prosecutor and decided M2 should be sufficient to shut everyone up and keep Sanford from burning down.
There's probably 1,500 thugs like Trayvon per year blown away by their own people. Not news outside of a local news story.

Zimmerman may of been within his rights of self defense, but here you have Cnn, Fox and Msnbc covering every fucking moment of it. Like there's no other news. I mean wtf??? Zimmerman is clearly a Hispanic(a dark one) so I'm hoping if blacks riot then the Hispanics get pissed too.

The only reason the media is doing this is they thought they had a whitey to destroy...Well, Hispanics aren't going to put up with this shit.
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This is theater of the absurd: Now Bernie seems to have turned his own (police officer) witness into a hostile witness! LOLOL He's actually badgering her into complying with what he wants her to say and she's refusing. LOVE IT!

His style of questioning is Answer What I Want You To Answer not what you want to answer.

His style with DD was repeat what she said only in his words.

He's a slimeball.
Zimmerman admits to the dispatcher he is following Martin. He wasn't getting out to get an address.

Thats true...initially he gets out to follow...but as the call proceeds it turns into the dispatcher getting his exact the transcript.


He goes into a dark area used for dog walking with no houses close get an address.

That's sounds perfectly plausible. In Bizzaro world.

It is perfectly plausible.

When you watch the reenactment it makes perfect sense.

And it aligns perfectly with the Police Transcript...Zimmerman explicitly states he doesn't know where he is.

Statements in Green are my commentary.

911 dispatcher:
Are you following him? [2:24]

Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:
We don&#8217;t need you to do that. [2:26]

OK. [2:28]

Zimmerman stops following Martin.

He is either on the dogwalk or close to it on foot.

He stops to answer questions.

911 dispatcher:
Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]

George. He ran.

911 dispatcher:
Alright, George, what&#8217;s your last name?


911 dispatcher:
What&#8217;s the phone number you&#8217;re calling from?


911 dispatcher:
Alright, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?


911 dispatcher:
Alright, where are you going to meet with them at?

Um, if they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and, uh, straight past the clubhouse and make a left and then go past the mailboxes you&#8217;ll see my truck. [3:10]

Notice he doesn't know the street name...he just says make a left.

911 dispatcher:
Alright, what address are you parked in front of? [3:21]

Um, I don&#8217;t know. It&#8217;s a cut-through so I don&#8217;t know the address. [3:25]

He doesn't know the address where he is.

Again, he doesn't know the name of the street his truck is parked on.

911 dispatcher:
OK, do you live in the area?

Yeah, yeah, I live here.

911 dispatcher:
OK, what&#8217;s your apartment number?

Zimmerman says during this time he was walking to the other street that he knew the name of in search of an address to give the dispatcher.

It&#8217;s a home. It&#8217;s 1950 &#8211; oh, crap, I don&#8217;t want to give it out &#8211; I don&#8217;t know where this kid is [inaudible]. [3:40]

He doesn't know were Martin longer following Martin here for sure.

911 dispatcher:
OK, do you just want to meet with them at the mailboxes then? [3:42]

Here the dispatcher recommends an alternative to getting an address.

A known meeting place.

I'm pretty sure this is by the clubhouse, on the other side of Zimmerman's truck.

Yeah, that&#8217;s fine. [3:43]

It's been more than 20 seconds since he was asked where he was parked.

How far can you walk in 20 seconds?

Average walking speed is 3 mph.

I used this site to convert to feet per minute.

821 feet per minute.

Divide by 3 for 20 seconds walking time...274 feet.

Divide by 4 for 15 seconds walking time...205 feet.

911 dispatcher:
Alright, George, I&#8217;ll let them know you&#8217;ll meet them at &#8230;

Could you have them call me and I&#8217;ll tell them where I&#8217;m at? [3:49]

Suggests Zimmerman continued in search of an address on the other street.

911 dispatcher:
OK, that&#8217;s no problem.

My number &#8230; you&#8217;ve got it?

911 dispatcher:
Yeah, I&#8217;ve got it. 435-2400?

Yeah, you got it.

911 dispatcher:
OK, no problem. I&#8217;ll let them know to call you when they&#8217;re in the area. [4:02]


911 dispatcher:
You&#8217;re welcome.
Call ends 4:07

George Zimmerman's 911 call transcribed - National unsolved cases |

(link has popups)

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This is theater of the absurd: Now Bernie seems to have turned his own (police officer) witness into a hostile witness! LOLOL He's actually badgering her into complying with what he wants her to say and she's refusing. LOVE IT!

I can hear it now...

OBJECTION!! My witness won't play my game.
According to Zimmerman's statement, he was on the bottom before the shooting and on top after the shooting. Trayvon did not get up. Zimmerman did.

According to other testimony, Tray was on the bottom. Zimmerman was the aggressor. I believe Good was the only one who said Z was on the bottom.


The cuts on the back of Zimmerman's head place him on the bottom.

Sarah doesn't care about the evidence. She just hates the stand your ground laws and doesn't care about a fair trial.
Lie about what?

Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a cop and had a restraining order put on him after he beat the shit out of his fiancée.

Additionally he was fired from his sparkling career as a security guard because of his temper.

You do know his present wife was arrested too, for lying about their finances..right?

This guy is a real model citizen, alrighty.

You lied when you said that Zimmerman "fought a cop." There is no evidence to show that, he was not convicted of that.
You lied when you said that Zimmerman "beat the shit out of his fiancee." There is no evidence to show that, he was not convicted of that.

I never said he is a model citizen. I've said repeatedly that this case was a slam dunk for manslaughter.

I agree with you on the last part. He's been overcharged.

You need to write the prosecutor here and show off your superior knowledge of the law.

Geez. The ignorant leading the stupid. What a parade.
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