The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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After this case wil the African American community condemn the so called "leaders" which lied to them, manipulated the Martin family, labeled rumors as facts and trumped up a media case against Zimmerman?
Will they hold the very so called "friends" they have accountable for the circus they created and that the poor Martin family that did nothing wrong in any of this and lost a son has to watch and see that they were lied to and conned?
This case brings our the worst in me as well.

I'm usually pretty easy going, but I get frustrated with all bullshit grasping at any straw, and the pie in the sky theories.

Here's a guy who was trying to do the right thing.

Protect his community and make his neighborhood a safer place.

And what does he get for it.

A thug attacks him, then the black community, the race baiters, the media, the gun grabbers and the liberal machine all crucify him in the court of public opinion for protecting himself from an unprovoked assault.

Even that idiot in the White House got his licks in.

"Oh he reached for his phone."

"Oh he follow Trayvon"

So that give Martin the justification to sucker punch him, get him on the ground and beat him, pound his head into the pavement?!

What kind of dumb shits to we have in this country whose thinking is so warped that they believe this is both acceptable and justified?

And now it turns out it was all bunk.

Another Benghazi "it was protests over and islamic video" steaming pile of crap.

Almost every facet of the defenses case has been proven by the prosecution.

And now the Media will stoke the riots and add injury to insult...

It's ultimately quite depressing.
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as i said before, you're entitled to your opinions, but stop passing them off as facts.

FACT: under FL law you can be a victim after you've provoked and instigated a fight
So according to Yurt, in the great state of Florida, you get to walk around with a concealed weapon, follow innocent people around, confront them, provoke them and get into fights with them, then get to kill them too.


If that's the case, then it's really FloriDUH!!

Evidence doesn't support your scenario.
Here she is on a rant about how white people want all genders to be the same. (eye roll).
She is younger here...but still insane.

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Is anyone else experiencing deja vu?

Uh huh! Look at my signature. That's why I haven't said much the past few days. LOL


Thou art smarter than I.

Is that a beagle in your avi?
This case brings our the worst in me as well.

I'm usually pretty easy going, but I get frustrated with all bullshit grasping at any straw, and the pie in the sky theories.

Here's a guy who was trying to do the right thing.

Protect his community and make his neighborhood a safer place.

And what does he get for it.

A thug attacks him, then the black community, the race baiters, the media, the gun grabbers and the liberal machine all crucify him in the court of public opinion for protecting himself from an unprovoked assault.

Even that idiot in the White House got his licks in.

"Oh he reached for his phone."

"Oh he follow Trayvon"

So that give Martin the justification to sucker punch him, get him on the ground and beat him, pound his head into the pavement?!

What kind of dumb shits to we have in this country whose thinking is so warped that they believe this is both acceptable and justified?

And now it turns out it was all bunk.

Another Benghazi "it was protests over and islamic video" steaming pile of crap.

And now the Media will stoke the riots and add injury to insult...

It's ultimately quite depressing.

I owe you rep for that.:clap2:
Watching Daryl Parks interview with Greta...I like him...hes not angry or hateful. He represents the Ms Martin...he is the one that came out on national TV and condemned the race baiters. Then along came Mr Crump...and all that went to hell.

I like O'mara also.
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Vox are you really trying to suggest that a REASONABLE person in the state of Florida assumes that anybody and/or everybody is carrying a gun?


What reasonable person would assume that someone doing them harm doesn't have a weapon?

if someone jumped me and was hitting my head against the pavement, I don't think it would be unreasonable to think they might have a weapon.

Even if they didn't, I don't think it's unreasonable to think they could kill me without one.

Why are you racist against whites? Please let your bigotry rest for a moment to consider the evidence.

What do whites have to do with the Zimmerman case? It's bad enough race is being brought into it but there isn't a White who has a stake in this.
Or not as simple as that and Trayvon prevented scenario #1 from happening ;)

Logically, Martin had no idea Zimmerman was armed. Unprovoked attack.

Moot point actually. Seeing Zimmerman is the only witness to that event, the court has to accept it as fact or disprove it.

Or maybe Dee Dee can suddenly make up... sorry, remember details of her conversation with Trayvon up to the gunshot.

Jimmie Hoffa would agree to that.-
Feel free to prove that Zimmerman's account of the events is a lie. Don't give me excuses or this white guy shot black guy proves white guy is racist crap. I'm talking about ANYTHING in evidence since opening arguments that disproves any major point in George's account.
Here's what's interesting about today's Defense Witness, Chris Zerino...

He implied that a witness that sticks too much to their story may be lying.

He said that he didn't think that Zimmerman's injuries were as serious as he indicated them to be.

Two things:

Spell the man's name correctly.

Don't misrepresent what he said. His statement was that a perp that repeats his story word for word, sentence for sentence exactly the same way on multiple occasions is probably lying. The defense lawyer was pointing out the fact the Zimmerman had not done that. There are insignificant variances in Zimmerman's repeating what happened. He did not "memorize" a canned statement. Close to the end or Serino's testimony, he said that he thought Zimmerman was telling the truth.
How is what you stated in 2, any different than what I stated?

Here's what I stated...

He implied that a witness that sticks too much to their story may be lying.

Please don't try to read into what I'm saying, just take it as face value. I'm saying the same thing.

Or he may be saying the same thing because that's what happened.
Zimmerman had already drawn a conclusion about the kid as of the first non emergency call.

He kept calling Travon the suspect for one thing. He said he was walking casually in the drizzle as if that somehow made Travon guilty. He stalked Travon, we only have his account of how Travon moved, looked, what he supposedly said, that he may have been looking in houses, etc.. He is sticking to his story but the profiling is apparent especially in this reading of the statement.

So what you're saying is that the young man that was in Sanford because he'd been suspended from school for stealing was unfairly profiled because George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspiciously?

Gee, Sarah...could it be that George Zimmerman might have been correct in his observations about Trayvon Martin that night?
What exactly was suspicious about Martin? That he was walking in the rain with his hoodie up?

That the young man who had a history of theft was in fact checking out the neighborhood?
That a person who has a history for hostile behavior was in fact following someone he "imagined" didn't belong there?

I know that doesn't fit the "fairy tale" that's been written by the main stream media to portray "poor little Trayvon" but the closer you look at who this kid REALLY was, who he hung out with and how he conducted his life then it's not unreasonable to think that the person who only in Sanford BECAUSE he was a thief may have been up to his same old tricks again.
The more that comes out about Zimmerman the more we find out why his lawyer doesn't want him to take the stand. All the discrepancies in his different versions of what happened would suddenly make him appear like the "liar" that he is?

Martin came out of the bushes - there were no bushes.
GZ claims he was scared - he took Karate classes and was armed, and was scared?
Told not to follow him, and saying "OK" - and then doing the opposite.
Claiming he was told to give an address - but no record of 911 Oper asking him to provide an address.
Lived there for several years, reported other suspicious activity, and didn't know the street names in the area (and there are only three streets in the subdivision)!

Geez, we're finding out these discrepancies anyway, so it really doesn't matter if he testifies, we're aware of the discrepancies in his story.

THOSE "discrepancies" are what you think makes Zimmerman guilty of murder? Come on, get serious. The fact that someone's story changes slightly from one telling to the next isn't indicative of lying...people quite often remember more detail as they are questioned further about something.

It's pitch dark and raining in an area that has almost no lighting. You're REALLY going to convict Zimmerman of murder because he thought there were bushes there? REALLY?

He took a boxing class but the instructor wouldn't let him get in the ring and spar because he was so bad at it. He was only allowed to punch a heavy bag. That's not a martial arts "master" as you've tried to portray him. That's someone who was described by his instructor as "meek" and "unathletic".

Listen to the 9/11 tape...he was asked to give his location but he didn't know the street name and there were no house numbers visible. Part of the reason he got out of his truck was to try and get a house number to provide to the Police.
Watching Daryl Parks interview with Greta...I like him...hes not angry or hateful. He represents the Ms Martin...he is the one that came out on national TV and condemned the race baiters. Then along came Mr Crump...and all that went to hell.

which one is ms martin
as i said before, you're entitled to your opinions, but stop passing them off as facts.

FACT: under FL law you can be a victim after you've provoked and instigated a fight
So according to Yurt, in the great state of Florida, you get to walk around with a concealed weapon, follow innocent people around, confront them, provoke them and get into fights with them, then get to kill them too.


If that's the case, then it's really FloriDUH!!

Evidence doesn't support your scenario.

Evidence presented so far shows hat GZ's different versions of the incident don't add up, if he's lying about one thing, he could be lying about everything.
Zimmerman's injuries under the law have little to no bearing in this case.
Fearing for his life is the burden of self defense.
And direct evidence NOT CIRCUMSTANTIAL which is all you folks are offering here HAS MARTIN ON TOP OF ZIMMERMAN.
If that is not reasonable doubt ON THE MURDER CHARGE then nothing is.
I would entertain still any and all arguments on manslaughter.
The unbiased, objective open minded responsible citizen that I am.
Very sad the Martin family was conned into believing this was a murder case.
I feel for them, they did nothing wrong and have to watch this pitiful case the prosecution brought.
And see that their son was involved in the fight which they were led to believe was not the case. They were conned into believing Zimmerman ran Martin down and gunned him down without a fight.
And Crump pockets 400K as a result of that con to date.

Only one witness said that Zimmerman was on top. The rest said the one on top got up, the other was dead on the ground. The jury heard this and that is what is important, not what people here are making up.

There is also a dna report that does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries The jury also has this stuff:

No, you are so far off base it is pathetic. Are you really this ignorant?
The DNA evidence has already been introduced and ALL it says that may help the prosecution is that they found no DNA on the gun.
And since it was raining the forensic examiner stated that was common to have rain wash off DNA from the gun.
There has been no "the rest" of the witnesses to testify what you claim.
Go away and look at the videos of the trial. You know nothing of anything factual in this case.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.
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