The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Isn't it simple? GZ was not out looking for trouble that night.

The evidence from ear, eye, mouth, and tongue witnesses - whatever - proves there is NO appreciable discrepancies in his account of events. There's no evidence of discrepancy for God's sake. Doesn't that mean anything to you people? Honest to goodness! This is pedantic farce.

Pick apart any scenario and there are bound to be slight variants. But that is not what a murder, or any other charge, makes. This is a politically driven witch hunt and the prosecution witnesses have basically said that. All this idiotic parsing of every piece of testimony is so stupid.

It happened so fast. Obviously TM decided to double back and confront GZ. He would have been warm, dry and cozy in his LR if he just went home. He chose not to. It was his choice. The end. What more do you all need to know? He accosted GZ and punched him in the face. Since, unfortunately, TM is not here to dispute that, and there are no witnesses to dispute that, how can we as reasonable citizens dispute the word of a fellow citizen whose account fits perfectly with ear, eye, whatever witnesses who have given statements and testimony to support GZ?

Who doubts the word of a citizen where there is NO evidence to dispute his word? Is he a liar even though his words have been supported and proven to be truthful? What country are we living in? What has made us question him without any reason besides the inflammatory accusations of a few instigators with agendas?

We better all wake up and see the light here or, I'm afraid, one or more of us will be victimized by the same mentality that has victimized GZ. This racial intimidation must stop. Understandably the Martin family does not want to believe their son's choices were the cause of his own tragic demise, but reality should have set in long ago and well before a new victim named George Zimmerman was created by the ill-advised route they chose to take in this matter. Let their son rest in peace. This unjust persecution serves no one.
really good cross by omara


part 2

part 3
there are a few scenarios and you are hearing about them from the prosecution's witnesses. zimmerman started it, martin got the best of him and in the heat of the fight he went too far and zimmerman reasonably feared for his life.....zimmerman didn't start it....etc
Let's stop right there...

That being the case, wasn't Trayvon defending himself in fear of HIS life? Which ultimately got taken as we all know. So it turns out he had the right fear and was justified in fighting to the death.

Do you agree?

Walking, running and following is not a felony, so no he was not within the law to use force on GZ.

Especially when he was walking back to his car.
Dr Drew show. I got so pissed, I changed the channel but then switched back...and Mz Footstool head is not there. They replaced her. Gosh. I wonder why. :eusa_hand:

I'm late to the party. I envisioned Ms Footstool as Rachel/DD/Diamond, which is why I asked about her having a presser. Who then? All I know's obvious if the natives are restless then they see the writing on the wall that this case is going nowhere.

i am not a racist. I am a businesswoman who interacts with people of all races and ethnicities. I hate needing to provide this disclaimer. It's degrading in itself, but the BS PC community expects it so I'll comply.

I haven't heard what happened or that someone was calling for "unrest" if the verdict doesn't comport with the guilty verdict blacks seem to want in this case. When did this happen and who predicted this "tantrum"???

[MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION].....Dr Drew show is on HLN..and his guests are commentators. Mz Ali, aka Footstool Head (african hat) was saying riots are what whites call their temper tantrum...and there probably won't be "temper tantrums" because Z will walk (insert snake head 'tude here). The threats of violence of killing white crackers were posted on a website called The Blaze..which is a newspaper but I do not know where.

Sometime between my channel flipping, they got Mz Footstool off the show. Probably because even the blacks AGAINST zimmerman was aghast at what Footstool said. She showed what she wanted very clearly..hence them hastily retreating her from in front of the camera, I suppose.

I tried to google the woman, but find nothing but facebook and lindkiln stuff that appear to be dead ends. Do you have an accurate spelling of her first name?
Logically, Martin had no idea Zimmerman was armed. Unprovoked attack.

Moot point actually. Seeing Zimmerman is the only witness to that event, the court has to accept it as fact or disprove it.

Or maybe Dee Dee can suddenly make up... sorry, remember details of her conversation with Trayvon up to the gunshot.

Jimmie Hoffa would agree to that.-
Feel free to prove that Zimmerman's account of the events is a lie. Don't give me excuses or this white guy shot black guy proves white guy is racist crap. I'm talking about ANYTHING in evidence since opening arguments that disproves any major point in George's account.

Oh, I got one...or two or three...I have a smoking gun...can I answer this question, Teach?
Isn't it simple? GZ was not out looking for trouble that night.

The evidence from ear, eye, mouth, and tongue witnesses - whatever - proves there is NO appreciable discrepancies in his account of events. There's no evidence of discrepancy for God's sake. Doesn't that mean anything to you people? Honest to goodness! This is pedantic farce.

Pick apart any scenario and there are bound to be slight variants. But that is not what a murder, or any other charge, makes. This is a politically driven witch hunt and the prosecution witnesses have basically said that. All this idiotic parsing of every piece of testimony is so stupid.

It happened so fast. Obviously TM decided to double back and confront GZ. He would have been warm, dry and cozy in his LR if he just went home. He chose not to. It was his choice. The end. What more do you all need to know? He accosted GZ and punched him in the face. Since, unfortunately, TM is not here to dispute that, and there are no witnesses to dispute that, how can we as reasonable citizens dispute the word of a fellow citizen whose account fits perfectly with ear, eye, whatever witnesses who have given statements and testimony to support GZ?

Who doubts the word of a citizen where there is NO evidence to dispute his word? Is he a liar even though his words have been supported and proven to be truthful? What country are we living in? What has made us question him without any reason besides the inflammatory accusations of a few instigators with agendas?

We better all wake up and see the light here or, I'm afraid, one or more of us will be victimized by the same mentality that has victimized GZ. This racial intimidation must stop. Understandably the Martin family does not want to believe their son's choices were the cause of his own tragic demise, but reality should have set in long ago and well before a new victim named George Zimmerman was created by the ill-advised route they chose to take in this matter. Let their son rest in peace. This unjust persecution serves no one.

Hey santa fe! That rhymes :)
Only one witness said that Zimmerman was on top. The rest said the one on top got up, the other was dead on the ground. The jury heard this and that is what is important, not what people here are making up.

There is also a dna report that does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries The jury also has this stuff:

No, you are so far off base it is pathetic. Are you really this ignorant?
The DNA evidence has already been introduced and ALL it says that may help the prosecution is that they found no DNA on the gun.
And since it was raining the forensic examiner stated that was common to have rain wash off DNA from the gun.
There has been no "the rest" of the witnesses to testify what you claim.
Go away and look at the videos of the trial. You know nothing of anything factual in this case.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

No Sarah, this guy sounds like he's been around the block or two. He sounds like he has been a member of the justice system for a while. In that case, his experience outweighs your emotion.

You should know when you are out of your league, G.
Only one witness said that Zimmerman was on top. The rest said the one on top got up, the other was dead on the ground. The jury heard this and that is what is important, not what people here are making up.

There is also a dna report that does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries The jury also has this stuff:

No, you are so far off base it is pathetic. Are you really this ignorant?
The DNA evidence has already been introduced and ALL it says that may help the prosecution is that they found no DNA on the gun.
And since it was raining the forensic examiner stated that was common to have rain wash off DNA from the gun.
There has been no "the rest" of the witnesses to testify what you claim.
Go away and look at the videos of the trial. You know nothing of anything factual in this case.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

Witnesses have testified that it was raining very hard. How would you get DNA under fingernails with a closed fist punching?
Every witness that said they saw GZ on top said that they saw him after the gunshot. This goes along with GZ's statement. Check transcripts if you don't believe.

Exactly...the only witness that was right there while the fight was ongoing was Goode and he testified that Martin was on top of Zimmerman raining blows down on him while Zimmerman screamed for help.

That correlates with Zimmerman's testimony to the Police about the man who came out and told them to stop fighting or he was going to call 911. THAT man was Goode. When he went back inside to call is when Zimmerman shot Martin. Zimmerman's testimony is that he begged Goode to help him, not go call 9/11.
Zimmerman's injuries under the law have little to no bearing in this case.
Fearing for his life is the burden of self defense.
And direct evidence NOT CIRCUMSTANTIAL which is all you folks are offering here HAS MARTIN ON TOP OF ZIMMERMAN.
If that is not reasonable doubt ON THE MURDER CHARGE then nothing is.
I would entertain still any and all arguments on manslaughter.
The unbiased, objective open minded responsible citizen that I am.
Very sad the Martin family was conned into believing this was a murder case.
I feel for them, they did nothing wrong and have to watch this pitiful case the prosecution brought.
And see that their son was involved in the fight which they were led to believe was not the case. They were conned into believing Zimmerman ran Martin down and gunned him down without a fight.
And Crump pockets 400K as a result of that con to date.

Only one witness said that Zimmerman was on top. The rest said the one on top got up, the other was dead on the ground. The jury heard this and that is what is important, not what people here are making up.

There is also a dna report that does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries The jury also has this stuff:

How exactly does a DNA report determine who is caused injuries?
No, you are so far off base it is pathetic. Are you really this ignorant?
The DNA evidence has already been introduced and ALL it says that may help the prosecution is that they found no DNA on the gun.
And since it was raining the forensic examiner stated that was common to have rain wash off DNA from the gun.
There has been no "the rest" of the witnesses to testify what you claim.
Go away and look at the videos of the trial. You know nothing of anything factual in this case.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

Witnesses have testified that it was raining very hard. How would you get DNA under fingernails with a closed fist punching?

There was testimony that Martin was trying to cover Zimmerman's mouth with his hands.
Evidence presented so far shows hat GZ's different versions of the incident don't add up, if he's lying about one thing, he could be lying about everything.

Are you watching a completely different trial?

So the Forensic evidence and eye witness testimony should just be ignored?

There is no evidence that Zimmerman is lying about anything or even being misleading.

Sheesh people.
The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

Why on earth would his DNA be under Martin's finger nails? If you punch someone your fingernails would be facing the palms. You hit a person with your first, not fingernails.
Witnesses have testified that it was raining very hard. How would you get DNA under fingernails with a closed fist punching?

Maybe the fists somehow went through his body and the DNA would get under the fingernails pulling the first out if he opened his hand?
Evidence presented so far shows hat GZ's different versions of the incident don't add up, if he's lying about one thing, he could be lying about everything.

Are you watching a completely different trial?

So the Forensic evidence and eye witness testimony should just be ignored?

There is no evidence that Zimmerman is lying about anything or even being misleading.

Sheesh people.

The testimony presented today indicates that not one but two police investigators said that his story did add up. Each time.
Here's what's interesting about today's Defense Witness, Chris Zerino...

He implied that a witness that sticks too much to their story may be lying.

He said that he didn't think that Zimmerman's injuries were as serious as he indicated them to be.


“Either he was telling the truth or a complete pathological liar, one of the two,” Serino says.

there are a few scenarios and you are hearing about them from the prosecution's witnesses. zimmerman started it, martin got the best of him and in the heat of the fight he went too far and zimmerman reasonably feared for his life.....zimmerman didn't start it....etc
Let's stop right there...

That being the case, wasn't Trayvon defending himself in fear of HIS life? Which ultimately got taken as we all know. So it turns out he had the right fear and was justified in fighting to the death.

Do you agree?

Bull. Martin was younger, faster, stronger. He was near the place he was visiting. He could have gotten away. His life was taken because he and his teenage brain went crazy and did something reckless. All the evidence shown so far points to Zimmerman doing as advised, ending his pursuit and walking back toward his vehicle. Then getting his head bashed by Martin. Then allegedly, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun and that's when things got even more serious than just Zimmerman's head being slammed into concrete, which was bad enough.
All this head bashing and slamming into concrete yet you have the police and the physician's assistant BOTH claiming that his injuries as HE reported them were overblown.

He himself refused to seek additional medical attention when asked if he wanted to on that day.

If I bust a man's head in the concrete, you can best your bottome dollar you'd see a good deal of HIS blood on the concrete. Where is Zimmerman's blood on the concrete? I've seen or heard of no report of a significant, if any, amount of Zimmerman's blood on the concrete.

Even if you include the bogus witnesses with the bogus NEW claim of "Ground and pound" ala "Ground and Pound" type blood on the concrete. It's a joke.

You are a damn fool if you believe a man who practices MMA and karate daily and believes himself to be some kinda cop that works out got beaten by a young whipper snapper 17 year old.

Trayvon got the best of him because he was fighting for his life and the adrenaline gave him the strength to defend himself against Zimmerman, who saw himself losing and pumped a gunshot into Trayvon's heart and ended the event.
Here's what's interesting about today's Defense Witness, Chris Zerino...

He implied that a witness that sticks too much to their story may be lying.

He said that he didn't think that Zimmerman's injuries were as serious as he indicated them to be.


“Either he was telling the truth or a complete pathological liar, one of the two,” Serino says.

Let's stop right there...

That being the case, wasn't Trayvon defending himself in fear of HIS life? Which ultimately got taken as we all know. So it turns out he had the right fear and was justified in fighting to the death.

Do you agree?

Bull. Martin was younger, faster, stronger. He was near the place he was visiting. He could have gotten away. His life was taken because he and his teenage brain went crazy and did something reckless. All the evidence shown so far points to Zimmerman doing as advised, ending his pursuit and walking back toward his vehicle. Then getting his head bashed by Martin. Then allegedly, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun and that's when things got even more serious than just Zimmerman's head being slammed into concrete, which was bad enough.
All this head bashing and slamming into concrete yet you have the police and the physician's assistant BOTH claiming that his injuries as HE reported them were overblown.

He himself refused to seek additional medical attention when asked if he wanted to on that day.

If I bust a man's head in the concrete, you can best your bottome dollar you'd see a good deal of HIS blood on the concrete. Where is Zimmerman's blood on the concrete? I've seen or heard of no report of a significant, if any, amount of Zimmerman's blood on the concrete.

Even if you include the bogus witnesses with the bogus NEW claim of "Ground and pound" ala "Ground and Pound" type blood on the concrete. It's a joke.

You are a damn fool if you believe a man who practices MMA and karate daily and believes himself to be some kinda cop that works out got beaten by a young whipper snapper 17 year old.

Trayvon got the best of him because he was fighting for his life and the adrenaline gave him the strength to defend himself against Zimmerman, who saw himself losing and pumped a gunshot into Trayvon's heart and ended the event.

Trayvon got the best because Trayvon probably is the one who attacked.

There is at least reasonable doubt.

And guess what ... this is America. Reasonable doubt means Zimmerman gets off. If the justice system is working correctly.
Evidence presented so far shows hat GZ's different versions of the incident don't add up, if he's lying about one thing, he could be lying about everything.

Are you watching a completely different trial?

So the Forensic evidence and eye witness testimony should just be ignored?

There is no evidence that Zimmerman is lying about anything or even being misleading.

Sheesh people.

The testimony presented today indicates that not one but two police investigators said that his story did add up. Each time.

I know. the argument against Zimmerman becomes weaker and weaker by any objective standard.
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