The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Evidence doesn't support your scenario.

None of your scenarios is based on any of the facts being testified to in the case. I could make crap up about this case if I wanted to. I dont want to. The facts fit Zimmerman's claim for self defense. And even if you don't believe it there is more than enough evidence for reasonable doubt. Which is all you need to be found not guilty.

Look at the evidence we actually have. Not what you think happen but what the evidence actually shows.
All the evidence shows that Zimmerman is a bonafide liar.

I hope he takes the stand.

You're kidding right? Did you not see investigator Serino testify that all of the evidence he had with him corroborated Zimmerman's story?

What is your major malfunction?

Facts don't matter when there is a 17-year-old wannabe gangsta to portray as a defenseless 12-year-old cherub.
So the guy who was actually there and saw it happen is a buffoon?

Do you know what justice is? Because you dont seem to.

And you should be seeking forgiveness and mercy anyway.
He's forgiven, but that doesn't excuse him from justice.

BTW, has Zimmerman apologized for killing Trayvon? Has he shown any remorse at all?

That's kind of the definition of mercy/forgiveness. Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy/forgiveness is getting what you don't.
WE are a nation of laws Avatar.

He's in the hands of the law now.

I have nothing to do with it.

I just want to see justice done.
Marc cite the evidence that you claim shows that GZ is lying, please.
He lied about the injuries, overblowing his few head scrapes into "concrete bashing" and MMA-style "ground and pound."

Was it him who put forth the bogus theory that Trayvon went home first then doubled-back to attack him? If so, that's another blatant lie.

That's two WHOPPERS right there. How many more do you need before you realize he's a damned liar?

His ear witness Jeantel put him at his house in her testimony last week, not GZ. The ground and pound came from the eye witness in deposition and testimony. Going to need more to realize.
Marc cite the evidence that you claim shows that GZ is lying, please.
He lied about the injuries, overblowing his few head scrapes into "concrete bashing" and MMA-style "ground and pound."

Was it him who put forth the bogus theory that Trayvon went home first then doubled-back to attack him? If so, that's another blatant lie.

That's two WHOPPERS right there. How many more do you need before you realize he's a damned liar?

There are photograprhs. He has injuries where he says he did.

It's the eye witness who says Trayvon was on him ground and pound style.

None of those things have been proven to be lies. You want them to be lies. You want Zimmerman to be guilty for some reason. But you can't let emotions make you ignore the evidence.
He's forgiven, but that doesn't excuse him from justice.

BTW, has Zimmerman apologized for killing Trayvon? Has he shown any remorse at all?

That's kind of the definition of mercy/forgiveness. Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy/forgiveness is getting what you don't.
WE are a nation of laws Avatar.

He's in the hands of the law now.

I have nothing to do with it.

I just want to see justice done.

no you don't. Because justice would require a not-guilty finding as of this point of the case.
Not a chance.

Let the prosecutor keep proving the defenses case.

I don't think the trial will get to the point that Zimmerman will have to decide.

Unless Bernie has a rabbit hiding in his hat...I expect the judge to summarily dismiss the charges.
Marc cite the evidence that you claim shows that GZ is lying, please.
He lied about the injuries, overblowing his few head scrapes into "concrete bashing" and MMA-style "ground and pound."

Was it him who put forth the bogus theory that Trayvon went home first then doubled-back to attack him? If so, that's another blatant lie.

That's two WHOPPERS right there. How many more do you need before you realize he's a damned liar?

There are photograprhs. He has injuries where he says he did.

It's the eye witness who says Trayvon was on him ground and pound style.

None of those things have been proven to be lies. You want them to be lies. You want Zimmerman to be guilty for some reason. But you can't let emotions make you ignore the evidence.
The brutal beating he got described having his head repeatedly slammed on the concrete are not evidenced in the photos. I've seen 'em all. He got banged up, but nothing near what you'd expect given HIS TESTIMONY of massive head slamming and concrete beating.

There were barely any drops of blood on the concrete. He's BUSTED!
So someone follows you in the dark and rain all the way through the complex and now on ask him what the problem is and he goes frantically reaching for something he cant find...and you assume its a phone...a logical person is supposed to assume he is reaching for a phone?

Not buying what you are selling. I cant even believe you are buying what you are selling.

And you changed it to proving its case...Im talking about a specific event...that has to be logical and reasonable...that with other logical and reasonable circumstances can lead to proof beyond reasonable doubt to a juror...and they dont have to tell you why or show you the evidence that led them to their decision. Its a conglomeration of all the evidence...they decide what is proved in their mind or reasonable in their mind.

But fair enough...its your opinion.

And the way this case is being presented, I agree with you...the six jurors will acquit him based on what they are getting so far...agree.
Of course, I would be watching, but I can't see a reasonable person rushing a man he thought might remotely, possibly (95:2 odds) be going to call the police on his 9mm semiautomatic pistol.
OK case/event I see what you're saying, but can't we assume that the jury are all bright enough that they won't be fooled by smoke and mirrors?

Then, they weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty, were they?
Are you hallucinating? At least you understand Zimmerman is innocent.

Never said that.

I don't think they can convict of murder. They have to get 6 people to rule out any extenuating factors and that likely won't happen. Had they charged Zimmerman with a lesser charge, they would have it in the bag already.

Murder is a high hurdle to clear.
The burden of proof for murder is the same as any criminal charge. What kind of "extenuating circumstances" are you talking about?

I suspect, with just cause, that you have no idea what you're talking about and what this trial is about. I'll summarize it in small words you can understand.

Zimmerman killed Martin. That is admitted at the outset. He raised the positive defense that he did so in self defense. In order to overcome a self defense case the prosecution will have to show that Zimmerman was NOT reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm at the time he shot Martin.
Had Martin been running away and Zimmerman shot him in the back, that would be grounds to rule out self defense. Had Martin been across the street and Zimmerman shot him, that would be grounds as well.
Martin had to meet three criteria to be considered a threat:
He had to have opportunity to inflict severe injury.
He had to have ability to inflict severe injury.
He had to have demonstrated intent to inflict severe injury.

Did he have those three things? Was Zimmerman in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin? If the answer is Yes, then he walks free on a self defense pleading.

What lesser charge could the DA have used against Zimmerman? Graffiti, because he splashed Martin's blood on the ground?

You nailed it..."Was Zimmerman in reasonable fear of death or severe bodily harm when he shot Martin? If the answer is Yes, then he walks free on a self defense pleading".

Was it that hard shitbrains? Usually when there is an armed person killing an unarmed person, it's hard to plead self defense. In this case, the extenuating circumstances are whom attacked who. Two people know and one is dead.

So far, Zimmerman's story is being corroberated by prosecuting witnesses. It would be crazy for him to take the stand at this point (gee, you were wrong about that too--we'll add that to the list of your predictions on Obama Care, Rick Perry, The Election, etc...).

Anyway, I'm not sure why his possible acquittal makes you so happy outside of your obvious racist characteristics but, oh well.
He lied about the injuries, overblowing his few head scrapes into "concrete bashing" and MMA-style "ground and pound."

Was it him who put forth the bogus theory that Trayvon went home first then doubled-back to attack him? If so, that's another blatant lie.

That's two WHOPPERS right there. How many more do you need before you realize he's a damned liar?

There are photograprhs. He has injuries where he says he did.

It's the eye witness who says Trayvon was on him ground and pound style.

None of those things have been proven to be lies. You want them to be lies. You want Zimmerman to be guilty for some reason. But you can't let emotions make you ignore the evidence.
The brutal beating he got described having his head repeatedly slammed on the concrete are not evidenced in the photos. I've seen 'em all. He got banged up, but nothing near what you'd expect given HIS TESTIMONY of massive head slamming and concrete beating.

There were barely any drops of blood on the concrete. He's BUSTED!

Literally the only eye witness in this case other than GZ substantiates the account that he was having his head pounded into the pavement.

What you are claiming is that in your opinion that you don't think his injuries are substantial enough (law doesn't require injuries to be of any severity, there is no threshold to be eclipsed) to have used lethal force. That is a valid opinion, but not proof. Sorry you fail to meet the burden of proof required of the state.
He lied about the injuries, overblowing his few head scrapes into "concrete bashing" and MMA-style "ground and pound."

Was it him who put forth the bogus theory that Trayvon went home first then doubled-back to attack him? If so, that's another blatant lie.

That's two WHOPPERS right there. How many more do you need before you realize he's a damned liar?

There are photograprhs. He has injuries where he says he did.

It's the eye witness who says Trayvon was on him ground and pound style.

None of those things have been proven to be lies. You want them to be lies. You want Zimmerman to be guilty for some reason. But you can't let emotions make you ignore the evidence.

The brutal beating he got described having his head repeatedly slammed on the concrete are not evidenced in the photos. I've seen 'em all. He got banged up, but nothing near what you'd expect given HIS TESTIMONY of massive head slamming and concrete beating.

There were barely any drops of blood on the concrete. He's BUSTED!

Exhibit B: Making assumptions based off of opinion. You were denying that earlier. BUSTED!! You obviously looked a the photos with one eye not two, or you would have seen the broken nose, the bloody mouth, the lumps on his head, and lacerations on the back of his head. Not all cuts or wounds bleed profusely, you can crack a guy over the head with a baseball bat and get no bleeding from the area.

You have no idea what's what. Science disagrees with you, the witnesses disagree with you, and the evidence contradicts you.
Marc cite the evidence that you claim shows that GZ is lying, please.
He lied about the injuries, overblowing his few head scrapes into "concrete bashing" and MMA-style "ground and pound."

Was it him who put forth the bogus theory that Trayvon went home first then doubled-back to attack him? If so, that's another blatant lie.

That's two WHOPPERS right there. How many more do you need before you realize he's a damned liar?

He asked you to provide proof to back your claim up. Not run your mouth.

Didn't you lie and say he doubled back as well?
He lied about the injuries, overblowing his few head scrapes into "concrete bashing" and MMA-style "ground and pound."

Was it him who put forth the bogus theory that Trayvon went home first then doubled-back to attack him? If so, that's another blatant lie.

That's two WHOPPERS right there. How many more do you need before you realize he's a damned liar?

There are photograprhs. He has injuries where he says he did.

It's the eye witness who says Trayvon was on him ground and pound style.

None of those things have been proven to be lies. You want them to be lies. You want Zimmerman to be guilty for some reason. But you can't let emotions make you ignore the evidence.
The brutal beating he got described having his head repeatedly slammed on the concrete are not evidenced in the photos. I've seen 'em all. He got banged up, but nothing near what you'd expect given HIS TESTIMONY of massive head slamming and concrete beating.

There were barely any drops of blood on the concrete. He's BUSTED!

The only eye witness that has testified stated that he saw the person on top hitting the bottom person's head on the ground.

Zimmerman has injuries consistant to being on the bottom. Trayvon does not.
Why exactly are whites deserving of being killed or knocked out for Trayvon?

What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Liberals on this board have repeatedly called Zimmerman a "white hispanic", in that sense they want him to be white and say "a white guy kill a black kid." This whole trial, this whole CIRCUS is about racism to liberals, not about justice.
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