The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Is this more of your vaunted "open mindedness"?

It is a case of self defense. The elements are well known and I have laid them out over and over. Changing the charge from murder to manslaughter will not alter that one bit. The claim of self defense takes precedence over all of it. The prosecutor would ahve to defeat that claim. And they cannot.

Again, the stand your ground law protects Zimmerman from the murder charges if it is self defense. However, the FL manslaughter of a minor law does not protect him on the basis of "lawful justification" IE Stand your ground if GZ exercised 'culpable negligence' that led to Travis's death.

Oh shut the fuck up already. I've had a whole day of your ignorance and I'm sick of it.
Stand you ground has nothing to do with this.
Self defense is always an affirmative defense to a charge of murder.
He cannot be charged with manslaughter because on his own testimony he intentionally shot Trayvon.

Do you understand what manslaughter is? You're clearly the ignorant one.
What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Liberals on this board have repeatedly called Zimmerman a "white hispanic", in that sense they want him to be white and say "a white guy kill a black kid." This whole trial, this whole CIRCUS is about racism to liberals, not about justice.

Matthew isnt a liberal.

I wasn't referring to Matthew. More like people such as Sarah G and MarcATL.
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For those bringing race to the forefront I ask this...Do you believe that all 5 middle-aged white women are going to believe Rachel Jeantel over GZ, a female police investigator, the lead investigator, and the ground and pound eye witness who could be their son for all we know?
The last O’Mara question of the day, the last words the jury heard to take with them into the evening recess, could only be characterized as catastrophic for the State’s theory of the case. Looking directly at the man who had been the chief investigator on the case, who had possessed access to ever bit of evidence of any sort, who had interviewed, and re-interviewed, and re-re-interviewed–applying increasing from each interview to the next–O’Mara asked him:

“Do YOU think George Zimmerman was telling you the truth?”

Serino succinct answer: “Yes.”

Zimmerman Trial | Live video | Prosecution Witnesses

He also clarified that a life threatening injury is not required for reasonable fear and beyond that, one doesn't even have to be touched by the other party to have reasonable fear.
Unless your a black teen being chased by a crazy wannabe right? Those black teens are all thugs that get what they deserve right? I mean he smoked a doobie like the president did and got suspended from school like when the president flunked out. Did you know the president used to sell drugs with his uncle out of an ice cream cart? When do you stop looking at people like meat based on the color of their skin or how old they are or based on whether their parents let them walk to the 7 eleven?

They both had a case for reasonable fear... you chase any one with a pair, they will eventually turn and respond to your incessant attacks. Yes chasing after someone on car, on foot, in the rain, near the guys home, yeah that's good enough to trip the fight or flight reflex.
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The prosecution is not proving their case. There is reasonable doubt. That's all there is to it.
Dead black, innocent hispanic. The only thing interested about this case is the racism which is the impetus for it which started after a man defended himself against a vicious life threatening attack. To paint Martin as a victim is ludacris; racist!
I think a defendant should always take the stand, it is the only way to produce a fair trial...

Right church, wrong pew. Usually, it is a very bad idea for the defendant to testify. They say things they think will help them but which actually sink them. Also, there is the matter of the defendant's record as well as the ability of the prosecution to impeach the testimony of a testifying defendant.

Having the defendant testify has nothing to do with a fair trial. Now, there are certain types of cases where it is essential for the defendant to testify. Those cases are rare, but they do exist. I think the Zimmerman case is one of them. But, as I said, it has nothing to do with a fair trial.
I agree, everyone wants to know what he has to say for himself.

Need to know really.
The last O’Mara question of the day, the last words the jury heard to take with them into the evening recess, could only be characterized as catastrophic for the State’s theory of the case. Looking directly at the man who had been the chief investigator on the case, who had possessed access to ever bit of evidence of any sort, who had interviewed, and re-interviewed, and re-re-interviewed–applying increasing from each interview to the next–O’Mara asked him:

“Do YOU think George Zimmerman was telling you the truth?”

Serino succinct answer: “Yes.”

Zimmerman Trial | Live video | Prosecution Witnesses

He also clarified that a life threatening injury is not required for reasonable fear and beyond that, one doesn't even have to be touched by the other party to have reasonable fear.
Unless your a black teen being chased by a crazy wannabe right? Those black teens are all thugs that get what they deserve right? I mean he smoked a doobie like the president did and got suspended from school like when the president flunked out. Did you know the president used to sell drugs with his uncle out of an ice cream cart? When do you stop looking at people like meat based on the color of their skin or how old they are or based on whether their parents let them walk to the 7 eleven?

This has nothing to do with obama.
So someone follows you in the dark and rain all the way through the complex and now on ask him what the problem is and he goes frantically reaching for something he cant find...and you assume its a phone...a logical person is supposed to assume he is reaching for a phone?

Not buying what you are selling. I cant even believe you are buying what you are selling.

And you changed it to proving its case...Im talking about a specific event...that has to be logical and reasonable...that with other logical and reasonable circumstances can lead to proof beyond reasonable doubt to a juror...and they dont have to tell you why or show you the evidence that led them to their decision. Its a conglomeration of all the evidence...they decide what is proved in their mind or reasonable in their mind.

But fair enough...its your opinion.

And the way this case is being presented, I agree with you...the six jurors will acquit him based on what they are getting so far...agree.
Of course, I would be watching, but I can't see a reasonable person rushing a man he thought might remotely, possibly (95:2 odds) be going to call the police on his 9mm semiautomatic pistol.
OK case/event I see what you're saying, but can't we assume that the jury are all bright enough that they won't be fooled by smoke and mirrors?

Then, they weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty, were they?

But hold on...remember Trayvon is the one being followed by some strange man...he has committed no crime...yet this man is following him in the dark and rain...why would trayvon assume this follower is gonna call the police? the police on himself?...trayvon doesnt think he has done anything but go to the store and talk on the phone. This kid is from the hoods of Miami...somebody follows him and he asks whats up? Nothing illegal there at all.

Also, your sense to get out of the rain was shot down by GZs friend mr Taaffe...He told greta that Trayvon cut through the yard and then proceeded up the street and then went under the mailbox overhang to talk on the phone and stay dry from the rain....then low and behold here comes this guy creeping along in his truck following him then Trayvon proceeds up the street again and is then being followed slowly by MRz again...Trayvon is walking down the street and Z is following behind him in the truck. Yeah, Trayvon is starting to get pissed. So would I and so would you.

I mean we know now that this kid has committed no crime...isnt that just a little bit creepy to you? cant understand his thoughts at all? He starts getting perturbed and MR Z cant understand why? Why? Because like a lot of you, you are convinced he was up to know good just like Mr would have been wrong as Mr Z crime just a trip to the store. It escalates and Z knows it but sees no need to defuse the situation...nope he continues to creep along in his truck inciting the problem.

Dont tell me Mr Z did everything right that night...if the prosecution was hitting on these points...they would be well ahead right now in this trial...they are going with the race card...and as I said would happen...they are failing with it...they dont need it. They have enough that Z did wrong.

You call it smoke and mirrors...I call it a logical response from someone being followed. Why is it so clear and acceptable to you that MR Z be suspicsious of Trayvon, but on the other hand you cant understand how someone might be creeped out and irritated that someone is following him in the dark and rain?

For the life of me I cant see why so many cant empathize with that.
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For those bringing race to the forefront I ask this...Do you believe that all 5 middle-aged white women are going to believe Rachel Jeantel over GZ, a female police investigator, the lead investigator, and the ground and pound eye witness who could be their son for all we know?

Shouldn't matter if they are white or women. They are tasked to render a fair verdict, regardless of the racial overtones.
>>> Did Martin assault Zimmerman? Yes.

Requires imagination. Just as likely Zimmerman assaulted Martin.

>>> Who is in the wrong? Martin, he is the first to engage in an illegal act.

Requires imagination. Just as likely Zimmerman was first to engage in an illegal act.

If it was "just as likely" that GZ assualted TM as TM assualting GZ and if it is just as likely that Martin acted illegally and was in the wrong as it is for GZ to have acted illegally and be in the wrong then..........

The prosecution loses as they must establish their case beyond a reasonable doubt and that includes disproving self defense beyond a rerasonable doubt. Can you do so?

Not to my satisfaction... IMO the case is invol. manslaughter.

Wrong answer, since the burden is not upon Zimmerman to prove anything. It is on the prosecution and you are the one suggesting the evidence is in equipose. My only conclusion is that you have nothing other than emotion which is driving your conclusion.
Here's what's interesting about today's Defense Witness, Chris Zerino...

He implied that a witness that sticks too much to their story may be lying.

He said that he didn't think that Zimmerman's injuries were as serious as he indicated them to be.


“Either he was telling the truth or a complete pathological liar, one of the two,” Serino says.

Let's stop right there...

That being the case, wasn't Trayvon defending himself in fear of HIS life? Which ultimately got taken as we all know. So it turns out he had the right fear and was justified in fighting to the death.

Do you agree?

Bull. Martin was younger, faster, stronger. He was near the place he was visiting. He could have gotten away. His life was taken because he and his teenage brain went crazy and did something reckless. All the evidence shown so far points to Zimmerman doing as advised, ending his pursuit and walking back toward his vehicle. Then getting his head bashed by Martin. Then allegedly, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun and that's when things got even more serious than just Zimmerman's head being slammed into concrete, which was bad enough.
All this head bashing and slamming into concrete yet you have the police and the physician's assistant BOTH claiming that his injuries as HE reported them were overblown.

He himself refused to seek additional medical attention when asked if he wanted to on that day.

If I bust a man's head in the concrete, you can best your bottome dollar you'd see a good deal of HIS blood on the concrete. Where is Zimmerman's blood on the concrete? I've seen or heard of no report of a significant, if any, amount of Zimmerman's blood on the concrete.

Even if you include the bogus witnesses with the bogus NEW claim of "Ground and pound" ala "Ground and Pound" type blood on the concrete. It's a joke.

You are a damn fool if you believe a man who practices MMA and karate daily and believes himself to be some kinda cop that works out got beaten by a young whipper snapper 17 year old.

Trayvon got the best of him because he was fighting for his life and the adrenaline gave him the strength to defend himself against Zimmerman, who saw himself losing and pumped a gunshot into Trayvon's heart and ended the event.

Such a fighter and yet he didn't land one punch?

Your claim has no evidence to back it up.
Rachel Jeantel is the witness that puts TM at his house before the altercation.
You guys were pushing the double-back theory BEFORE we knew about Jeantel.

Nice try.

You guys were pushing the Zimmerman killed Trayvon because he was a racist theory since before he was arrested. That was disproven early in the case!

Nice try, though.
Well at least you finally admit you are basing your view on your imagination.

And what are you basing yours on? Logically, Martin never saw the gun. BANG! He assaulted Mr. Zimmerman. BANG! The first punch breaks Zimmerman's nose and knocks him down. BANG! Martin jumps on top and starts beating Zimmerman senseless. BANG! Zimmerman pleads for help. BANG! Martin is dead.

Not based on imagination, or at least not on wild speculation, but based on Zimmerman's account which has been given credibility by the recording of the call to dispatch, an autopsy report, the testimony of the only witness to see what happened immediately before the gun shot and the testimony of the Physician's Assistant and paramedics that examined Zimmerman's injuries.
It's safe to assume that at least until the point where the 2 men met face to face, George Zimmerman's account was pretty much spot on, yet for some reason, you assume at that point, Zimmerman started lying. WHY?

You must offer more than a motive to depict the events in a light favorable to himself. You can't put a man in jail for life because you expect a man with a gun to lie.

I don't know why Zimmerman is a pathological liar. But he is. Already proven, he was found guilty of lying about the money folks were donating to him to the Judge. He lied about his father on his application for police officer. Many many lies. Justified? I look at him, I listen to what he says.. and I see a pathological liar. Murderer? Nah. Wannabe.. coward, liar, ...ayup guy killed a teem to save himself from a couple slaps. Invol. Manslaughter.
Pathological liar??? Come ON! He called his dad a judge instead of a magistrate on an application? He lied about his finances so he could get out on bond and have something left over to support his wife and save his home from foreclosure? Give me a break!

Just wait until Martin's character is brought up by the Defense. I mean, there is some shit there that will have people wanting to dig him up and put him on trial.
If it was "just as likely" that GZ assualted TM as TM assualting GZ and if it is just as likely that Martin acted illegally and was in the wrong as it is for GZ to have acted illegally and be in the wrong then..........

The prosecution loses as they must establish their case beyond a reasonable doubt and that includes disproving self defense beyond a rerasonable doubt. Can you do so?

Not to my satisfaction... IMO the case is invol. manslaughter.

The defense here is "self defense" If the jury decides Zimmerman acted in self defense, he is innocent. Self defense is, by definition justifiable homicide.

I suppose they could convict for involuntary MS, but it would never survive an appeal.
Yeah the only way they get 2nd degree is if they get the pathological liar up on the stand to brag about what he did.
Rachel Jeantel is the witness that puts TM at his house before the altercation.
You guys were pushing the double-back theory BEFORE we knew about Jeantel.

Nice try.

You guys were pushing the Zimmerman killed Trayvon because he was a racist theory since before he was arrested. That was disproven early in the case!

Nice try, though.

Evidence doesn't matter to Zona and MarcAtl as they're so full of racial hatred they're going to riot. They just want to KILL, kill, kill ZIMMERMAN. Get that sucker they say!

Fuck the evidence
Fuck fairness
Fuck everything...We're going to beat you and knock you out if you get in our way!
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