The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Why exactly are whites deserving of being killed or knocked out for Trayvon?

What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Liberals on this board have repeatedly called Zimmerman a "white hispanic", in that sense they want him to be white and say "a white guy kill a black kid." This whole trial, this whole CIRCUS is about racism to liberals, not about justice.

Matthew isnt a liberal.
I think a defendant should always take the stand, it is the only way to produce a fair trial...

Right church, wrong pew. Usually, it is a very bad idea for the defendant to testify. They say things they think will help them but which actually sink them. Also, there is the matter of the defendant's record as well as the ability of the prosecution to impeach the testimony of a testifying defendant.

Having the defendant testify has nothing to do with a fair trial. Now, there are certain types of cases where it is essential for the defendant to testify. Those cases are rare, but they do exist. I think the Zimmerman case is one of them. But, as I said, it has nothing to do with a fair trial.
Why exactly are whites deserving of being killed or knocked out for Trayvon?

What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Why are you disregarding his judge, rich , WHITE German father. ( by the way, have you read what he saysa about blacks? Apple....tree...

Does Zimmerman even speak Spanish? What color is his girlfriend, best friend, neighbor etc etc.
Why exactly are whites deserving of being killed or knocked out for Trayvon?

What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Why are you disregarding his judge, rich , WHITE German father. ( by the way, have you read what he saysa about blacks? Apple....tree...

Does Zimmerman even speak Spanish? What color is his girlfriend, best friend, neighbor etc etc.

the same reason Obama's white mother is ignored.

So the color of your friends determines your race? That's news to me. I really am a mongrel then.
He lied about the injuries, overblowing his few head scrapes into "concrete bashing" and MMA-style "ground and pound."

Was it him who put forth the bogus theory that Trayvon went home first then doubled-back to attack him? If so, that's another blatant lie.

That's two WHOPPERS right there. How many more do you need before you realize he's a damned liar?

There are photograprhs. He has injuries where he says he did.

It's the eye witness who says Trayvon was on him ground and pound style.

None of those things have been proven to be lies. You want them to be lies. You want Zimmerman to be guilty for some reason. But you can't let emotions make you ignore the evidence.
The brutal beating he got described having his head repeatedly slammed on the concrete are not evidenced in the photos. I've seen 'em all. He got banged up, but nothing near what you'd expect given HIS TESTIMONY of massive head slamming and concrete beating.

There were barely any drops of blood on the concrete. He's BUSTED!

Poor Marc. There's reasonable doubt. Zimmerman was only brought to trial for political reasons because of the media malpractice involved in making the nation think he had killed a 12-year-old choirboy. The prosecution doesn't have any material to make a case with. The witnesses they call do more for the defense than for the prosecution. Zimmerman was getting banged up, his gun was exposed, Martin was a wild man, and Zimmerman feared for his life. How you think that the 6 people on that jury will be sure Zimmerman committed murder is baffling. Well, it would be baffling if I thought you really thought that.
Why exactly are whites deserving of being killed or knocked out for Trayvon?

What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Liberals on this board have repeatedly called Zimmerman a "white hispanic", in that sense they want him to be white and say "a white guy kill a black kid." This whole trial, this whole CIRCUS is about racism to liberals, not about justice.
You are correct. Zimmerman followed a 'suspect' who did nothing wrong but be black.
What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Liberals on this board have repeatedly called Zimmerman a "white hispanic", in that sense they want him to be white and say "a white guy kill a black kid." This whole trial, this whole CIRCUS is about racism to liberals, not about justice.
You are correct. Zimmerman followed a 'suspect' who did nothing wrong but be black.

Is following someone a felony that warrants the lawful use of self-defense?
>>> Did Martin assault Zimmerman? Yes.

Requires imagination. Just as likely Zimmerman assaulted Martin.

>>> Who is in the wrong? Martin, he is the first to engage in an illegal act.

Requires imagination. Just as likely Zimmerman was first to engage in an illegal act.

If it was "just as likely" that GZ assualted TM as TM assualting GZ and if it is just as likely that Martin acted illegally and was in the wrong as it is for GZ to have acted illegally and be in the wrong then..........

The prosecution loses as they must establish their case beyond a reasonable doubt and that includes disproving self defense beyond a rerasonable doubt. Can you do so?

Not to my satisfaction... IMO the case is invol. manslaughter.
What's interesting, and actually funny to me is, that how you people can use the calculation of the position of the car at a certain time to assert that Trayvon IN FACT doubled-back to attack Trayvon. Yet, even though you have the testimony, that has never wavered, from Jeantel, that states that Trayvon was very concerned about the "creepy" man that was following him, and on top of that had an exchange with her on how to deal with it, whether to run away or what.

Clearly he wasn't comfortable. Which means he felt threatened.

But you don't like those details, so you discard it.

But you accept the made up scenario of him doubling-back and attacking Zimmerman, because you like that. Although NO WHERE IN COURT has that been asserted, much-less established.

Too funny. :lol:

Jeantel also said that Martin made it by his home. So how did Martin get back to the T?
What does "by his home?" mean? "By his home" could mean the entire community as far as you know. It's already been established that the average white person doesn't understand her vernacular nor her culture. So you're not really saying much there.

You said that the scenario of Martin doubling back was made up. I presented evidence that it's not made up.
What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Why are you disregarding his judge, rich , WHITE German father. ( by the way, have you read what he saysa about blacks? Apple....tree...

Does Zimmerman even speak Spanish? What color is his girlfriend, best friend, neighbor etc etc.

the same reason Obama's white mother is ignored.

So the color of your friends determines your race? That's news to me. I really am a mongrel then.
Its funny how you ignored everything I said. Does h speak spanish? A Hispanic school perhaps? A hispanic x wife? Girlfriend? Ever....before killing....claim to be hispanic? Ever? Ever??? Lets not be childish here, he is white.
According to FBI documentation the lead investigator was pressured to file unwarranted charges by outside and inside sources.
Why are you disregarding his judge, rich , WHITE German father. ( by the way, have you read what he saysa about blacks? Apple....tree...

Does Zimmerman even speak Spanish? What color is his girlfriend, best friend, neighbor etc etc.

the same reason Obama's white mother is ignored.

So the color of your friends determines your race? That's news to me. I really am a mongrel then.
Its funny how you ignored everything I said. Does h speak spanish? A Hispanic school perhaps? A hispanic x wife? Girlfriend? Ever....before killing....claim to be hispanic? Ever? Ever??? Lets not be childish here, he is white.

He was multi-racial, including black.
Let's explore this logically.

If Martin doesn't know the gun is there...and he never sees's like it really isn't there.

So, let's make it disappear.

Zimmerman has no gun.

He reaches for his cell phone and Martin attacks him.

Was he negligent?


Did Martin assault Zimmerman?


Who is in the wrong?

Martin, he is the first to engage in an illegal act.

Gun there/gun not there...if Martin never saw it...for all intents and purposes it wasn't there.

And Martin would have never seen it had he not attacked Zimmerman.

That's the way I see it.
Well at least you finally admit you are basing your view on your imagination.

And what are you basing yours on? Logically, Martin never saw the gun. BANG! He assaulted Mr. Zimmerman. BANG! The first punch breaks Zimmerman's nose and knocks him down. BANG! Martin jumps on top and starts beating Zimmerman senseless. BANG! Zimmerman pleads for help. BANG! Martin is dead.

Not based on imagination, or at least not on wild speculation, but based on Zimmerman's account which has been given credibility by the recording of the call to dispatch, an autopsy report, the testimony of the only witness to see what happened immediately before the gun shot and the testimony of the Physician's Assistant and paramedics that examined Zimmerman's injuries.
It's safe to assume that at least until the point where the 2 men met face to face, George Zimmerman's account was pretty much spot on, yet for some reason, you assume at that point, Zimmerman started lying. WHY?

You must offer more than a motive to depict the events in a light favorable to himself. You can't put a man in jail for life because you expect a man with a gun to lie.

I don't know why Zimmerman is a pathological liar. But he is. Already proven, he was found guilty of lying about the money folks were donating to him to the Judge. He lied about his father on his application for police officer. Many many lies. Justified? I look at him, I listen to what he says.. and I see a pathological liar. Murderer? Nah. Wannabe.. coward, liar, ...ayup guy killed a teem to save himself from a couple slaps. Invol. Manslaughter.
What exactly do whites have to do with an incident between a black and a hispanic?

Liberals on this board have repeatedly called Zimmerman a "white hispanic", in that sense they want him to be white and say "a white guy kill a black kid." This whole trial, this whole CIRCUS is about racism to liberals, not about justice.
You are correct. Zimmerman followed a 'suspect' who did nothing wrong but be black.

And yet the only ones saying he was followed for being black are you.
>>> Did Martin assault Zimmerman? Yes.

Requires imagination. Just as likely Zimmerman assaulted Martin.

>>> Who is in the wrong? Martin, he is the first to engage in an illegal act.

Requires imagination. Just as likely Zimmerman was first to engage in an illegal act.

If it was "just as likely" that GZ assualted TM as TM assualting GZ and if it is just as likely that Martin acted illegally and was in the wrong as it is for GZ to have acted illegally and be in the wrong then..........

The prosecution loses as they must establish their case beyond a reasonable doubt and that includes disproving self defense beyond a rerasonable doubt. Can you do so?

Not to my satisfaction... IMO the case is invol. manslaughter.

The defense here is "self defense" If the jury decides Zimmerman acted in self defense, he is innocent. Self defense is, by definition justifiable homicide.

I suppose they could convict for involuntary MS, but it would never survive an appeal.
Why are you disregarding his judge, rich , WHITE German father. ( by the way, have you read what he saysa about blacks? Apple....tree...

Does Zimmerman even speak Spanish? What color is his girlfriend, best friend, neighbor etc etc.

the same reason Obama's white mother is ignored.

So the color of your friends determines your race? That's news to me. I really am a mongrel then.
Its funny how you ignored everything I said. Does h speak spanish? A Hispanic school perhaps? A hispanic x wife? Girlfriend? Ever....before killing....claim to be hispanic? Ever? Ever??? Lets not be childish here, he is white.

Does Obama speak African?

Completely irrelevant.
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