The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Few things. There doesn't have to be any injuries for there to be a legal claim of self defense. Walking or running or even following are not felonies in Florida, so unless you have evidence that GZ threw the first punch, TM can not be legally justified in defending himself. To the point that the aggressor can still claim self defense 2a or 2b:

Florida Statutes (Fla. Stat.)

Title XLVI. Crimes.


776.041 Use of force by aggressor.—

The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:

(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or

(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:

(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or

(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use of force.

Got to take the good with the bad bro.

Marc please respond.

1. Most of the applicable witnesses don't believe that Zimmerman's injuries were as bad as he CLAIMED they, no imminent danger.

2. Where's the evidence that Trayvon threw the first punch?

Not in evidence and not in evidence.
0 for 2.
Where is the evidence ZIMMERMAN threw the first punch?
Zimmerman DOES NOT HAVE TO PROVE Martin threw the first punch.
Something about the presumption of innocence and the state having to prove EACH AND EVERY element of their indictment.
Which they have not done.
Sorry you were also conned with the "he chased him down and murdered him" which you now admit was false as there was a struggle per eye witness Good with Martin on top, doctored 911 tapes fraudulently played on media which you believed where 3 media employees were fired because of it and a 911 dispatcher testifying "we do not give order or commands" which disputes the "Zimmerman was warned not to proceed following Martin" lie.
Add in the bogus 6th grade photo of Martin and what has been exposed is the media circus full of lies and innuendo.
Amazing Zimmerman IS getting a fair trial.
This one is a no brainer Marc. Everyone including CNN is calling it like it is.
The death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy. I see no proof Zimmerman murdered him with intent to kill from the start WHICH IS THE BURDEN OF PROOF in a murder case.
There was no intent to kill Marc, YOU know it so go ahead and join me and call this like IT IS: a manslaughter case, if that.
He walks on murder Marc and you know it so why the continued cover-up?
Funny.. looking at a HR form for employment on race.. nothing there about any white hispanic.. cannot find any government designation for white hispanic either

Seems to me that you are trying to find some way to interject the 'whitey' race card in this.. just like the media did at the beginning

FYI, GZ is white (caucasian) and he is Hispanic (ethnicity). Hispanic is not a race, so it depends on what you are referring to, his race or ethnicity. But he is White and he is Hispanic, so White Hispanic is not an incorrect term.

The racial categories included in the census questionnaire generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country and not an attempt to define race biologically, anthropologically, or genetically. In addition, it is recognized that the categories of the race item include racial and national origin or sociocultural groups. People may choose to report more than one race to indicate their racial mixture, such as “American Indian” and “White.” People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be of any race.
Race Main - People and Households - U.S. Census Bureau

Look at all the progressives trying not to look racist lmao

Welcome to my nightmare

Look at the conservatives, not knowing what is racist and what is progressive. You are in a nightmare. :badgrin:
Tell that to Mz Footstool head, SantaFe. She is determined to urge blacks to "have a tantrum". Which usually means they will destroy their own neighborhoods and each other. What a bunch of doofuses.

When did she say this? I missed it. Did I miss her presser????

Dr Drew show. I got so pissed, I changed the channel but then switched back...and Mz Footstool head is not there. They replaced her. Gosh. I wonder why. :eusa_hand:
OK, but how else could it be if not that in the case of, gunman Zimmerman vs. unarmed Trayvon?

there are a few scenarios and you are hearing about them from the prosecution's witnesses. zimmerman started it, martin got the best of him and in the heat of the fight he went too far and zimmerman reasonably feared for his life.....zimmerman didn't start it....etc
Let's stop right there...

That being the case, wasn't Trayvon defending himself in fear of HIS life? Which ultimately got taken as we all know. So it turns out he had the right fear and was justified in fighting to the death.

Do you agree?

you ask me about scenarios....which are hypos....and you whine like a bitch when i give you one or two....and then you claim your hypo is fact.

pound sand
According to GZ it wasnt where he was reaching. Lets say it was his phone as he says and he couldnt find it...imagine how that looks reaching for something that isnt there...looks worse to the one standing across from what is he frantically reaching for, but cant find?

Of course during the struggle a thought may have went thru Trayvons mind of "oh, thats what you were reaching for"!

We dont know what Trayvon was thinking...hes dead...but from GZs own words we can establish some assumption.

Like for example...GZ says he wasnt following, he was looking for an apt number...that may be true...but to the followee, you appear to still be following

Why would he feel threatened by someone who couldn't find what he was looking for? I think I'd laugh and walk away and let the guy continue to flail away at himself.

OH with me here!!! Thats the point....he didnt allow him to find whatever it was he was looking for...remember this happening very quickly.

Then he committed an unprovoked assault. Simple as that.
Y'all, take a look at 25's list of posts. He has posted non stop 24/7 for 3 days and maybe longer. I was just tired of looking at his list of posts. Is he some kind of bot? Getting paid to post? Is he the new incarnation of she who shall not be named? We all know she got paid to post. How does 1 person post for 3 days (maybe more) straight without taking time out to eat and sleep? Manic high? Meth? Any ideas?

While youre at it...pull Sunshines...particularly the one where she responds to one of my posts accusing me of playing on both sides.

I have made cases for both and she knows it. I know why she went into nursing...she would have been a terrible attorney.

Yeah...Now she says I hate Mexicans...because I give some things that Mr Z may have done wrong that night...what a whacko...and shes starting to creep me out..

How bout another neg rep, you child.

You're negged because you refuse to consider the law, despite being instructed in it many times over. Instead you focus on irrelevant details like whether Zimmerman should have gotten out of his car.
OK, but how else could it be if not that in the case of, gunman Zimmerman vs. unarmed Trayvon?

there are a few scenarios and you are hearing about them from the prosecution's witnesses. zimmerman started it, martin got the best of him and in the heat of the fight he went too far and zimmerman reasonably feared for his life.....zimmerman didn't start it....etc
Let's stop right there...

That being the case, wasn't Trayvon defending himself in fear of HIS life? Which ultimately got taken as we all know. So it turns out he had the right fear and was justified in fighting to the death.

Do you agree?

Could be BUT Martin is not on trial and the defense does not have to dispute that.
But playing into what you claim if that is true then BOTH had that right and one won out.
Not a murder case as your scenario is mutual self defense.
Tell that to Mz Footstool head, SantaFe. She is determined to urge blacks to "have a tantrum". Which usually means they will destroy their own neighborhoods and each other. What a bunch of doofuses.

When did she say this? I missed it. Did I miss her presser????

Dr Drew show. I got so pissed, I changed the channel but then switched back...and Mz Footstool head is not there. They replaced her. Gosh. I wonder why. :eusa_hand:

I'm late to the party. I envisioned Ms Footstool as Rachel/DD/Diamond, which is why I asked about her having a presser. Who then? All I know's obvious if the natives are restless then they see the writing on the wall that this case is going nowhere.

i am not a racist. I am a businesswoman who interacts with people of all races and ethnicities. I hate needing to provide this disclaimer. It's degrading in itself, but the BS PC community expects it so I'll comply.

I haven't heard what happened or that someone was calling for "unrest" if the verdict doesn't comport with the guilty verdict blacks seem to want in this case. When did this happen and who predicted this "tantrum"???
Marc please respond.

1. Most of the applicable witnesses don't believe that Zimmerman's injuries were as bad as he CLAIMED they, no imminent danger.

2. Where's the evidence that Trayvon threw the first punch?

Not in evidence and not in evidence.
0 for 2.
Where is the evidence ZIMMERMAN threw the first punch?
Zimmerman DOES NOT HAVE TO PROVE Martin threw the first punch.
Something about the presumption of innocence and the state having to prove EACH AND EVERY element of their indictment.
Which they have not done.
Sorry you were also conned with the "he chased him down and murdered him" which you now admit was false as there was a struggle per eye witness Good with Martin on top, doctored 911 tapes fraudulently played on media which you believed where 3 media employees were fired because of it and a 911 dispatcher testifying "we do not give order or commands" which disputes the "Zimmerman was warned not to proceed following Martin" lie.
Add in the bogus 6th grade photo of Martin and what has been exposed is the media circus full of lies and innuendo.
Amazing Zimmerman IS getting a fair trial.
This one is a no brainer Marc. Everyone including CNN is calling it like it is.
The death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy. I see no proof Zimmerman murdered him with intent to kill from the start WHICH IS THE BURDEN OF PROOF in a murder case.
There was no intent to kill Marc, YOU know it so go ahead and join me and call this like IT IS: a manslaughter case, if that.
He walks on murder Marc and you know it so why the continued cover-up?

They always get away!
That's what Zimmerman said when he BEGAN his chase.

I guess he made up his mind that today, this one wasn't going to get away.
Mark is going to be busy for awhile. Smacking the Bernster and then its CNN NBC and ABCs turn.

This thread can keep us entertained for the next year.
Here's what's interesting about today's Defense Witness, Chris Zerino...

He implied that a witness that sticks too much to their story may be lying.

He said that he didn't think that Zimmerman's injuries were as serious as he indicated them to be.


“Either he was telling the truth or a complete pathological liar, one of the two,” Serino says.
Look...this case is falling apart because there is no case.

Mistakes were made, blah blah blah. Hate to say it that way. Honest to goodness, this is not a crime. Neither GZ or TM went out that night with bodily harm on their minds but a death happened. Martin was a testosterone-pumped wanna be thug who didn't go home when he had the chance. He scuffled with Zimmerman who had a gun. It ended with Martin dead and Zimmerman on the hot seat. This is tragic however you look at it. It was a crossing of paths that ended horribly. It was not a case of murder or even of negligent homicide, it was a clear case of self defense. Flapping of gums is useless. It will never be more than it is. How much more evidence does the public and we here on this forum need to see and hear??? Let's call it what it is. Be done with it and mourn both the poor decisions of TM, and of the attorney's office that chose to prosecute this unwinnable case. GZ and his family are also traumatized, as well as the Martin family. Let it rest.

So, in 20 years, how often have you been wrong about the verdict?
Y'all, take a look at 25's list of posts. He has posted non stop 24/7 for 3 days and maybe longer. I was just tired of looking at his list of posts. Is he some kind of bot? Getting paid to post? Is he the new incarnation of she who shall not be named? We all know she got paid to post. How does 1 person post for 3 days (maybe more) straight without taking time out to eat and sleep? Manic high? Meth? Any ideas?

While youre at it...pull Sunshines...particularly the one where she responds to one of my posts accusing me of playing on both sides.

I have made cases for both and she knows it. I know why she went into nursing...she would have been a terrible attorney.

Yeah...Now she says I hate Mexicans...because I give some things that Mr Z may have done wrong that night...what a whacko...and shes starting to creep me out..

How bout another neg rep, you child.

You're negged because you refuse to consider the law, despite being instructed in it many times over. Instead you focus on irrelevant details like whether Zimmerman should have gotten out of his car.

Oh save your neg rep bs...doesnt bother me...I wouldnt expect you to look at both sides at all.

You know as long as I was in lockstep with rabbi and sunshine...I was getting pos reps galore from both of them...but give the perspective from the other side and possible mistakes of GZ and let the wrath begin. Sunshine started it by calling me a faggot...then went on a relentless and vulgar pursuit...trolling my posts.

Now I hate mexicans because Im not in lockstep with her opinion...

Please pull the posts from both of us...I am respectful of those opinions that dont agree with me...but I will not be trolled and called names and accused of being racist toward mexicans because I give a different perspective.

BTW...go ahead and neg rep...all it does it gets me 25 pos reps because you did if you want to increase my reps 25 fold then keep it

I will not neg rep you...I will just choose not to pos rep you...freaking childish people...havnt been here long, but its better to find the idiots sooner rather than later.

Pull sunshines post...she is disrespectful, vulgar and mean to anyone not in lockstep with her views...shes a 65 yr old bully. Lonely and bitter.
I hate mob mentality. That seems to be what this case is all about. If not for it, then GZ would not have been charged. And, if not for it, then the marches and unrest wouldn't have happened. What now? There is no case against him. He was attacked and feared for his life. He had a gun and used it. He had no malice or prior intent. What say any of you about that?

Keep in mind that nothing beyond that really matters.

1. Most of the applicable witnesses don't believe that Zimmerman's injuries were as bad as he CLAIMED they, no imminent danger.

2. Where's the evidence that Trayvon threw the first punch?

Not in evidence and not in evidence.
0 for 2.
Where is the evidence ZIMMERMAN threw the first punch?
Zimmerman DOES NOT HAVE TO PROVE Martin threw the first punch.
Something about the presumption of innocence and the state having to prove EACH AND EVERY element of their indictment.
Which they have not done.
Sorry you were also conned with the "he chased him down and murdered him" which you now admit was false as there was a struggle per eye witness Good with Martin on top, doctored 911 tapes fraudulently played on media which you believed where 3 media employees were fired because of it and a 911 dispatcher testifying "we do not give order or commands" which disputes the "Zimmerman was warned not to proceed following Martin" lie.
Add in the bogus 6th grade photo of Martin and what has been exposed is the media circus full of lies and innuendo.
Amazing Zimmerman IS getting a fair trial.
This one is a no brainer Marc. Everyone including CNN is calling it like it is.
The death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy. I see no proof Zimmerman murdered him with intent to kill from the start WHICH IS THE BURDEN OF PROOF in a murder case.
There was no intent to kill Marc, YOU know it so go ahead and join me and call this like IT IS: a manslaughter case, if that.
He walks on murder Marc and you know it so why the continued cover-up?

They always get away!
That's what Zimmerman said when he BEGAN his chase.

I guess he made up his mind that today, this one wasn't going to get away.

Maybe they all did get away.
So what, does that prove murder?
Come on Marc, you know better than that.
Is that what you are left with?
You do know that is not much of an argument Marc. The jury going to convict on murder because George Zimmerman said "those assholes, they always get away"?
You would not convict on that Marc. Get real.
Marc got to be honest man. I believe you allowing emotion to cloud reason. Is GZ completely innocent? I don't know. However, I do know that in accordance with the laws and the evidence presented he is not guilty.
Look...this case is falling apart because there is no case.

Mistakes were made, blah blah blah. Hate to say it that way. Honest to goodness, this is not a crime. Neither GZ or TM went out that night with bodily harm on their minds but a death happened. Martin was a testosterone-pumped wanna be thug who didn't go home when he had the chance. He scuffled with Zimmerman who had a gun. It ended with Martin dead and Zimmerman on the hot seat. This is tragic however you look at it. It was a crossing of paths that ended horribly. It was not a case of murder or even of negligent homicide, it was a clear case of self defense. Flapping of gums is useless. It will never be more than it is. How much more evidence does the public and we here on this forum need to see and hear??? Let's call it what it is. Be done with it and mourn both the poor decisions of TM, and of the attorney's office that chose to prosecute this unwinnable case. GZ and his family are also traumatized, as well as the Martin family. Let it rest.

So, in 20 years, how often have you been wrong about the verdict?

Not often enough to question my gut.
The last O’Mara question of the day, the last words the jury heard to take with them into the evening recess, could only be characterized as catastrophic for the State’s theory of the case. Looking directly at the man who had been the chief investigator on the case, who had possessed access to ever bit of evidence of any sort, who had interviewed, and re-interviewed, and re-re-interviewed–applying increasing from each interview to the next–O’Mara asked him:

“Do YOU think George Zimmerman was telling you the truth?”

Serino succinct answer: “Yes.”

Zimmerman Trial | Live video | Prosecution Witnesses

He also clarified that a life threatening injury is not required for reasonable fear and beyond that, one doesn't even have to be touched by the other party to have reasonable fear.

You are assuming that only one person was in fear. There were two people there who had equal rights. Do you assume that TM was not in fear? Why? TM was committing no crime..

Never mind there is only one person left alive. He's in fear now. Nevermind.
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