The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If Zimmerman had his gun out, walking around in the dark and killed Martin after a scuffle, I could see negligence. But he didn't, or so we think since no one saw and the evidence suggests that Martin attacked Zimmerman. The gun didn't come out until Zimmerman thought he had no other choice.

no other "way" to win the fist fight...

You are screaming for help, no one comes
You see someone in the distance, you call for help and that person turns and walks away.
You are getting your ass whooped and can't get away
Your attacker then say, "You're going to die tonight"

You too would have pulled your gun and shot your attacker. In Zimmermans mind, he had no other option.
When this farce of a trial is over and Zimmerman is acquitted, he is going to write a book and make millions! Small consolation for perilously f'ing with an innocent man's life!

But, it'll be a nice f you! to all you bigot f'ing libtards!

The defense is clearly not interested in asserting involuntary anything. The defense is that GZ intentionally killed TM in self-defense. They are not trying to say it was an accident and would be opposed to agreeing to any charge involving negligence.

As for whether lesser charges are included here, I have to defer to those who seem to know that, in this case, the defense so far has been successful keeping lesser charges out and forcing the P to prove M2. Correct?

No. The defense is that GZ shot TM in self defense, not intentionally killed him. Important distinction there.

What I meant by that was that the killing was not unintentional, as in negligent. GZ intended to defend himself.

Many, many trials have been decided on circumstantial evidence. I know someone who I believe killed his entire family, there was a book written about him and the murders. All the prosecution had was circumstantial evidence like stomach contents of the kids, stuff like that..

That guy is walking around free today. It's tough proving your case without real direct evidence, you need stuff like DNA reports to give you a better picture.

Anyone poo pooing these reports is simply inflexible. All evidence comes into play.

uhhh, the OJ trial, circumstantial evidence proved him the murderer, but a racist jury set him free.

Or you could say a fumbling, bumbling Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden handed OJ a shriveled up golf glove and Johnny Cochran chortled to the jury: "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!" or are we just forgetting simple stuff like that?

I winced when I saw them doing that because my own golf glove takes some pulling and tugging if I have let it dry after sweating into it all day out on a course.
776.012 Use of force in defense of person.—A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:
(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or

Thus the issue, is not self defense for the lesser charge of invol. manslaughter. But rather did GZ have reason to believe imminent death was upon him for those scratches on his head and the alleged smothering while he was screaming for help.

Yes, the central issue in this case, regardless of charge, is whether or not Zimmerman's belief that it was necessary to use force to prevent death/great bodily harm was a reasonable one.

Thus I suspect why the jury is all female? I would guess the defense would believe that women would be more inclined to believe that fist fight was TM trying to kill someone, than guys that have been in similar fist fights would.

There are pros and cons to an all-female jury for both the prosecution and the defense. I'm not going to even attempt to get in the two's mindset during voir dire. But yes, that is a valid observation.
or @legaleagle45

I hope I did that right.

The problem I see is the state took on the burden and charged M2, they do lesser at the end of this game, how's the look to the jury?

Like more wishy washy prosecution bs.

or @legaleagle45

I hope I did that right.

U be's doin dat rong...

it's bein' [MENTION=43021]legaleagle_45[/MENTION]

I dun be fin dat fo ya.
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So let's get to the bottom of these questions: Are lesser includeds in play here? Or is the ONLY charge M2? I've heard it both ways so far.
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] and wharfrat

So even if they would have come with the charge of manslaughter he could have pleaded self defense even still and negligence is a non issue as long as he shows self defense?

That is correct; Florida's manslaughter statute provides for self-defense in 782.07. See the language "without lawful justification": Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Man Im getting I read your link and saw this again:

Why would the Defense object to Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence, possibly because they know that if the jury is likely to convict George Zimmerman on any theory, it would be on a theory of culpable negligence.

So basically, the jury would have to find that he didnt act in self defense to find guilty of Invol Manslaughter. if he rightfully acted in self defense...its out the window...he walks.

But if they were to have brought manslaughter first, then he would have just claimed self no wonder they went for the higher charge...its the only thing that makes sense...they almost had to...or maybe im just too
So let's get to the bottom of these questions: Are lesser includeds in play here? Or is the ONLY charge M2? I've heard it both ways so far.

It hasn't been decided yet. The jury instructions haven't been proffered yet. But you can bet there will be argument about it.
So let's get to the bottom of these questions: Are lesser includeds in play here? Or is the ONLY charge M2? I've heard it both ways so far.

It hasn't been decided yet. The jury instructions haven't been proffered yet. But you can bet there will be argument about it.

Well in florida its auto included on murder as of now the lesser charges are in and it would be up to the defense to object before instructions are read?
Oh good grief.. :lol:

tell us sarah, what race are you? and its a valid question since all you do is spout racial bullshit every day.

There's a lot of racial bullshit out there. It's not like we have to go looking for it. Like it or not, Spike Lee is right: There are two Americas and most whites don't have even the slightest scintilla of a notion for what it is like to be black.

Does that mean we should have two sets of laws? One for whites and one for blacks?
Martin was not trespassing on private property as he was an invitee by his father.
Zimmerman never stalked Martin.

The testimony was that he "cut through" the gated community to get to his father's girlfriend's home. The entire gated community is private property, therefore TM was trespassing.

His father was not the owner of the home in question, which apparently was adjacent to the community, not a member. Even if the home was a member of the community TM's father was not a homeowner, therefore had no right to invite anyone.

Oh good grief.. :lol:


Waiting for an intelligent reply.
or @legaleagle45

I hope I did that right.

The problem I see is the state took on the burden and charged M2, they do lesser at the end of this game, how's the look to the jury?

Like more wishy washy prosecution bs.

or @legaleagle45

I hope I did that right.

U be's doin dat rong...

it's bein' [MENTION=43021]legaleagle_45[/MENTION]

I dun be fin dat fo ya.

Eyz b taggin sum udda po foo
The defense is clearly not interested in asserting involuntary anything. The defense is that GZ intentionally killed TM in self-defense. They are not trying to say it was an accident and would be opposed to agreeing to any charge involving negligence.

As for whether lesser charges are included here, I have to defer to those who seem to know that, in this case, the defense so far has been successful keeping lesser charges out and forcing the P to prove M2. Correct?

No. The defense is that GZ shot TM in self defense, not intentionally killed him. Important distinction there.

What I meant by that was that the killing was not unintentional, as in negligent. GZ intended to defend himself.

That I can accept. If the scenario is correct as it appears to be, that Martin had Zimmerman down and was beating him and Zimmerman was afraid for his life, it would follow that Zimmerman intended to stop the assault by shooting Martin. It does not logically follow that he intended to kill Martin at that time or was even thinking about anything other than stopping the beating.
I'm sorry, I am not seeing that anywhere. He's charged with M2, period. No lesser included.

So the state or the defense can include a lesser charge if they if they wish for instruction, but that's not here.

All that's here is an Angela Corey indictment. lol

Affidavit of probable cause for M2

The way a lawyer explained it to me... is the lesser charge is understood to be included and will be provided to the jury per instructions from the Judge that will be forthcoming, this unless the Prosecution asks her not to.


He's not charged with this. He's charged with M2.

The state or the defense can ask for lesser charges to be included/instructed.

They haven't done that. The state is full on blast stupidly trying to prove M2.
In murder cases, however, where a convicted defendant may face capital punishment, the United States Supreme Court has held that the court must instruct the jury that they may find the defendant guilty of a lesser included offense such as voluntary manslaughter.[1] The reasoning for this ruling is that jurors, given the options of convicting a less culpable killer or letting him go free, might opt to convict of a more serious crime than the facts warrant. Therefore, they must have at least one option that falls in between these extremes.

The lesser included offenses have to meet the same elements of the original charge. Involuntary killing cannot be a lesser included in a killing that was voluntary.

Personally, I think this is all moot. Even the prosecution's case shows Zimmerman's actions to be self defense.
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