The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He's not charged with this. He's charged with M2.

The state or the defense can ask for lesser charges to be included/instructed.

They haven't done that. The state is full on blast stupidly trying to prove M2.

They have not done that, yet. From what I've read they can do it later. They would be crazy/incompetent to not do it if they are loosing M2. Course from what we've seen post the opening statements the prosecution does seem to be incompetent....

I believe I read that the prosecution originally wanted the charge to be Involuntary Manslaughter. From what I've seen that's the case they are pushing, not the M2 case.

Where'd you read that?

Angela Corey IS the prosecution, those are her boys.

And she's got a grand jury on her M2 arrest.

She was M2 out of the gate.

I may be confusing the lead investigator with the prosecutor. It's been a long time since the initial arrest.
Rat How'd your scapin' go?

I got to run.

Happy 4th of July!!!

It went well. Everything nice and tidy now.

And they collected 50 pounds of sticks to send to the Sanford cop shop. Hopefully they'll start using one stick per finger for DNA scrapings. :lol:
This may have already been brought up by somebody, but I've been following a blog by a Flordia trial lawyer who has been following the Zimmerman case. He says it is Zimmerman's defense team who is not allowing a lesser charge of manslaughter to be considered because they are so sure the jury cannot convict on a Murder 2 charge and would therefore have to return a verdict of not guilty.

Specifically, because the State did not allege (in the alternative) that the death was by culpable negligence, the State should be unable to have Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence (Involuntary Manslaughter) given as a lesser included offense. See Ayala v. State, 879 So. 2d 1, 2 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004) (“It is fundamental error to instruct the jury on a variety of manslaughter that had not been included within the information.”)

What this means is that, should the defense object, they might be able to convince the judge only to have the jury instructed on Manslaughter by Act. If the judge overruled this request and also instructed on Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence, it would set up another excellent appellate issue.

Why would the Defense object to Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence, possibly because they know that if the jury is likely to convict George Zimmerman on any theory, it would be on a theory of culpable negligence
Don?t Believe Every Tweet You Read | blawg
I wouldn't call it PC. The police chief was fired because he mishandled the case. You just don't allow someone who minutes ago murdered a minor. Who does that?

Sarah, you spew all over these threads day and night with your disbelief. You have been told many times about the laws in Florida.

Have you looked them up and read them for yourself? The law protects a person who acts in self defense from prosecution.

Initially, the LEOs after investigating the case believed it was a righteous shoot.

The only ones that are being dishonest are the media, Sharpton and his ilk, and the President.

What do you mean by Sharpton and his "ilk"? And the president? Let's see, what is the common denominator there... Hmmm.. This stuff grates on fair minded people after just a few times of hearing it.

The only way race may enter into this case is you all wanting Zimmerman to simply walk free after killing Treyvon.

you are either the dumbest person on the planet or very dishonest
I wouldn't call it PC. The police chief was fired because he mishandled the case. You just don't allow someone who minutes ago murdered a minor. Who does that?

Sarah, you spew all over these threads day and night with your disbelief. You have been told many times about the laws in Florida.

Have you looked them up and read them for yourself? The law protects a person who acts in self defense from prosecution.

Initially, the LEOs after investigating the case believed it was a righteous shoot.

The only ones that are being dishonest are the media, Sharpton and his ilk, and the President.

What do you mean by Sharpton and his "ilk"? And the president? Let's see, what is the common denominator there... Hmmm.. This stuff grates on fair minded people after just a few times of hearing it.

The only way race may enter into this case is you all wanting Zimmerman to simply walk free after killing Treyvon.

You left out the media. Put them back in the mix and tell me what the common denominator is.
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] and wharfrat

So even if they would have come with the charge of manslaughter he could have pleaded self defense even still and negligence is a non issue as long as he shows self defense?

That is correct; Florida's manslaughter statute provides for self-defense in 782.07. See the language "without lawful justification": Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
Martin was not trespassing on private property as he was an invitee by his father.
Zimmerman never stalked Martin.

The testimony was that TM "cut through" the gated community to get to his father's girlfriend's home. The entire gated community is private property, therefore TM was trespassing.

His father was not the owner of the home in question, which apparently was adjacent to the community, not a member. Even if the home was a member of the community TM's father was not a homeowner, therefore had no right to invite anyone.
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They have not done that, yet. From what I've read they can do it later. They would be crazy/incompetent to not do it if they are loosing M2. Course from what we've seen post the opening statements the prosecution does seem to be incompetent....

I believe I read that the prosecution originally wanted the charge to be Involuntary Manslaughter. From what I've seen that's the case they are pushing, not the M2 case.

Where'd you read that?

Angela Corey IS the prosecution, those are her boys.

And she's got a grand jury on her M2 arrest.

She was M2 out of the gate.

I may be confusing the lead investigator with the prosecutor. It's been a long time since the initial arrest.

I think you are associating that with Serino; he was on the "culpable negligence" bandwagon.
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] and wharfrat

So even if they would have come with the charge of manslaughter he could have pleaded self defense even still and negligence is a non issue as long as he shows self defense?

That is correct; Florida's manslaughter statute provides for self-defense in 782.07. See the language "without lawful justification": Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Wow...I didnt know that at all...I thought that they just had to show negligence for manslaughter regardless. Thanks for the info, whar.

But in Florida, the lesser charges are auto included in murder charges, correct?
I guess I'm just having a hard time explaining this. Involuntary manslaughter, by its very definition, is the unintentional killing of a human being. The State can't argue that Mr. Zimmerman's actions were both intentional and not intentional at the same time.

For a good summary of these issues, this Florida attorney has a distilled version here: Jacksonville Manslaughter Lawyer | Florida Aggravated Manslaughter Attorneys | Self Defense Law Firm


You take over ;-)

Not awesome, but thank you ma'am. :razz:

Ok I read that page a few times and I don't see the bar to involuntary manslaughter due to negligence 2.c.

From that site:

I will now define "culpable negligence" for you. Each of us has a duty to act reasonably toward others. If there is a violation of that duty, without any conscious intention to harm, that violation is negligence. But culpable negligence is more than a failure to use ordinary care toward others. In order for negligence to be culpable, it must be gross and flagrant. Culpable negligence is a course of conduct showing reckless disregard of human life, or of the safety of persons exposed to its dangerous effects, or such an entire want of care as to raise a presumption of a conscious indifference to consequences, or which shows wantonness or recklessness, or a grossly careless disregard for the safety and welfare of the public, or such an indifference to the rights of others as is equivalent to an intentional violation of such rights.

The negligent act or omission must have been committed with an utter disregard for the safety of others. Culpable negligence is consciously doing an act or following a course of conduct that the defendant must have known, or reasonably should have known, was likely to cause death or great bodily injury.
While DNA evidence is being pooh-poohed on this thread, what do these guys below have in common?

The vast majority were exonerated after DNA evidence proved their innocence.
The Innocence Project was started by Barry Scheck, who was part of OJ Simpson's defense team. Quite a role reversal.

Last ↓ First ↓ State ↓ Conviction Year ↓ Exoneration Year ↓
Abbitt Joseph NC 1995 2009
Abdal Habib Wahir NY 1983 1999
Adams Kenneth IL 1979 1996
Alejandro Gilbert TX 1990 1994
Alexander Richard IN 1998 2001
Anderson Marvin VA 1982 2002
Arledge Randolph TX 1984 2013
Atkins Herman CA 1988 2000
Avery Steven WI 1985 2003
Avery William D. WI 2004 2010
Ayers David OH 2000 2011
Bain James FL 1974 2009
Barbour Bennett VA 1978 2012
Barnes Steven NY 1989 2009
Barr Jonathan IL 1997 2011
Bauer Chester MT 1983 1997
Beaver Antonio MO 1997 2007
Bibbins Gene LA 1987 2003
Bivens Phillip MS 1980 2010
Blair Michael TX 1994 2008
Bloodsworth Kirk MD 1985 1993
Booker Donte OH 1987 2005
Boquete Orlando FL 1983 2006
Bostic Larry FL 1989 2007
Bradford Marcellius IL 1988 2001
Bradford Ted WA 1996 2010
Bravo Mark Diaz CA 1990 1994
Brewer Kennedy MS 1995 2008
Briscoe Johnny MO 1983 2006
Brison Dale PA 1990 1994
Bromgard Jimmy Ray MT 1987 2002
Brown Dennis LA 1985 2005
Brown Danny OH 1982 2001
Brown Roy NY 1992 2007
Brown Keith NC 1993 1997
Brown Patrick PA 2002 2010
Bryson David Johns OK 1983 2003
Bullock Ronnie IL 1984 1994
Buntin Harold IN 1986 2005
Burnette Victor VA 1979 2009
Butler A.B. TX 1983 2000
Byrd Kevin TX 1985 1997
Cage Dean IL 1996 2008
Callace Leonard NY 1987 1992
Capozzi Anthony NY 1987 2007
Caravella Anthony FL 1986 2010
Chalmers Terry NY 1987 1995
Charles Clyde LA 1982 1999
Charles Ulysses Rodriguez MA 1984 2001
Chatman Charles TX 1981 2008
Clark Robert GA 1982 2005
Coco Allen LA 1997 2006
Cole Timothy TX 1986 2009
Cotton Ronald NC 1985, 1987 1995
Courtney Sedrick OK 1996 2012
Courtney Uriah CA 2006 2013
Cowans Stephan MA 1998 2004
Criner Roy TX 1990 2000
Cromedy McKinley NJ 1994 1999
Crotzer Alan FL 1981 2006
Cruz Rolando IL 1985 1995
Cunningham Calvin Wayne VA 1981 2011
Dabbs Charles NY 1984 1991
Dail Dwayne Allen NC 1989 2007
Danziger Richard TX 1990 2002
Davidson Willie VA 1981 2005
Davis Gerald WV 1987 1995
Davis Dewey WV 1987 1995
Davis Cody FL 2006 2007
Davis Larry W. WA 1993 2010
Davis Jeramie WA 2008 2013
Daye Frederick CA 1984 1994
Dean James NE 1990 2009
Dedge Wilton FL 1982 2004
Deskovic Jeff NY 1990 2006
Dewey Robert CO 1996 2012
Diamond Garry VA 1977 2013
Diaz Luis FL 1980 2005
Dillon William FL 1981 2008
Dixon John NJ 1991 2001
Dixon Bobby Ray MS 1980 2010
Dominguez Alejandro IL 1990 2002
Doswell Thomas PA 1986 2005
Dotson Gary IL 1979 1989
Dupree Cornelius TX 1980 2011
Durham Timothy OK 1993 1997
Echols Douglas GA 1987 2002
Edwards James IL 1996 2012
Elkins Clarence OH 1999 2005
Erby Lonnie MO 1986 2003
Evans Michael IL 1977 2003
Evans Jerry Lee TX 1987 2009
Fain Charles Irvin ID 1983 2001
Fappiano Scott NY 1985 2006
Fears Jr. Joseph OH 1984 2009
Fountain Wiley TX 1986 2003
Fritz Dennis OK 1988 1999
Fuller Larry TX 1981 2007
Gates Donald Eugene DC 1982 2009
Giles James Curtis TX 1983 2007
Gillard Larry IL 1982 2009
Godschalk Bruce PA 1987 2002
Gonzalez Hector NY 1996 2002
Gonzalez Kathy NE 1990 2009
Good Donald Wayne TX 1984 2004
Goodman Bruce Dallas UT 1986 2004
Gossett Andrew TX 2000 2007
Gray David A. IL 1978 1999
Gray Anthony MD 1991 1999
Gray Paula IL 1978 2002
Green Edward DC 1990 1990
Green Kevin CA 1980 1996
Green Michael OH 1988 2001
Green Michael Anthony TX 1983 2010
Gregory William KY 1993 2000
Halsey Byron NJ 1988 2007
Halstead Dennis NY 1987 2005
Harden James IL 1995 2011
Harris William O’Dell WV 1987 1995
Harrison Clarence GA 1987 2004
Hatchett Nathaniel MI 1998 2008
Hayes Travis LA 1998 2007
Haynesworth Thomas VA 1984 2011
Heins Chad FL 1996 2007
Henton Eugene TX 1984 2006
Hernandez Alejandro IL 1985 1995
Hicks Anthony WI 1991 1997
Holdren Larry WV 1985 2000
Holemon Jeffrey AL 1988 1999
Holland Dana IL 1993 2003
Honaker Edward VA 1985 1994
Hunt Darryl NC 1985 2004
Ireland Kenneth CT 1989 2009
Jackson Willie LA 1989 2006
Jackson Dwayne NV 2003 2011
Jackson Raymond TX 1984 2012
James Henry LA 1982 2011
Jean Lesly NC 1982 2001
Jenkins Jerry Lee MD 1987 2013
Jimerson Verneal IL 1985 1996
Johnson Albert CA 1992 2002
Johnson Calvin GA 1983 1999
Johnson Larry MO 1984 2002
Johnson Richard IL 1992 1996
Johnson Rickie LA 1983 2008
Johnson Arthur MS 1993 2008
Johnson Anthony LA 1986 2010
Jones Joe KS 1986 1992
Jones Ronald IL 1989 1999
Jones David Allen CA 1995 2004
Kagonyera Kenneth NC 12/13/2001 2011
Karage Entre Nax TX 1997 2005
Kelly William PA 1990 1993
Kogut John NY 1986 2005
Kordonowy Paul D. MT 1990 2003
Kotler Kerry NY 1982 1992
Krone Ray AZ 1992 2002
Laughman Barry PA 1988 2004
Lavernia Carlos TX 1985 2000
Lindsey Johnnie TX 1981, 1985 2009
Linscott Steven IL 1982 1992
Lloyd Eddie Joe MI 1985 2002
Lowery Eddie James KS 1982 2003
Lyons Marcus IL 1988 2007
Mahan Ronnie AL 1986 1998
Mahan Dale AL 1986 1998
Maher Dennis MA 1984 2003
Marshall Michael GA 2008 2009
Matthews Ryan LA 1999 2004
Mayes Larry IN 1982 2001
McCarty Curtis OK 1986, 1989 2007
McClendon Robert OH 1991 2008
McCray Antron NY 1990 2002
McGee Arvin OK 1989 2002
McGowan Thomas TX 1985/1986 2008
McKinney Lawrence TN 1978 2009
McMillan Clark TN 1980 2002
McSherry Leonard CA 1988 2001
Mercer Michael NY 1992 2003
Miller Billy Wayne TX 1984 2006
Miller Neil MA 1990 2000
Miller Robert OK 1988 1998
Miller Jerry IL 1982 2007
Mitchell Perry SC 1984 1998
Mitchell Marvin MA 1990 1997
Moon Brandon TX 1988 2005
Moore Curtis Jasper VA 1978 2008
Morton Michael TX 1987 2011
Moto Vincent PA 1987 1996
Mumphrey Arthur TX 1986 2006
Nelson Bruce PA 1982 1991
Nelson Robert MO 1984 2013
Nesmith Willie PA 1982 2000
Newton Alan NY 1985 2006
Northrop Alan G. WA 1993 2010
O’Donnell James NY 1998 2000
Ochoa James CA 2005 2006
Ochoa Christopher TX 1989 2002
Odom Kirk DC 1981 2012
Ollins Larry IL 1988 2001
Ollins Calvin IL 1988 2001
Ortiz Victor NY 1984 1996
Ott Chaunte WI 1996 2009
Pacyon Douglas NY 1985 2010
Patterson Maurice IL 2003 2010
Peacock Freddie NY 1976 2010
Pendleton Marlon IL 1996 2006
Peterson Larry NJ 1989 2006
Phillips Steven TX 1982, 1983 2008
Pierce Jeffrey OK 1986 2001
Pinchback Johnny TX 10/05/1984 2011
Piszczek Brian OH 1991 1994
Pope David Shawn TX 1986 2001
Powell Anthony MA 1992 2004
Rachell Ricardo TX 2003 2009
Rainge Willie IL 1979 1996
Restivo John NY 1987 2005
Reynolds Donald IL 1988 1997
Richardson Kevin NY 1990 2002
Richardson James WV 1989 1999
Richardson Harold IL 1997 2012
Rivera Juan IL 1992 2012
Robinson Anthony TX 1987 2000
Rodriguez George TX 1987 2005
Rollins Lafonso IL 1994 2004
Roman Miguel CT 1990 2009
Rose Peter CA 1996 2005
Ruffin Julius VA 1982 2003
Ruffin Larry MS 1980 2010
Saecker Fredric WI 1990 1996
Salaam Yusef NY 1990 2002
Salazar Ben TX 1992 1997
Santana Raymond NY 1990 2002
Sarsfield Eric MA 1987 2000
Saunders Omar IL 1988 2001
Saunders Michael IL 1997 2012
Scott Calvin Lee OK 1983 2003
Scott Samuel GA 1987 2002
Scruggs Dwayne IN 1986 1993
Sharp Shainne IL 1994 2012
Shelden Debra NE 1989 2009
Shephard David NJ 1984 1995
Smith Walter D. OH 1986 1996
Smith Billy James TX 1987 2006
Smith Frank Lee FL 1986 2000
Snyder Walter VA 1986 1993
Starks Bennie IL 1986 2013
Sterling Frank NY 1992 2010
Stinson Robert Lee WI 1985 2009
Sutherlin David Brian MN 1985 2002
Sutton Josiah TX 1999 2004
Swift Terrill IL 1998 2012
Taylor Ronald Gene TX 1995 2008
Taylor Ada JoAnn NE 1990 2009
Taylor Robert IL 1997 2011
Terry Paul IL 1977 2003
Thames Vincent IL 1998 2012
Thibodeaux Damon LA 1997 2012
Thomas Victor Larue TX 1986 2002
Thompson Hubert CT 1998 2012
Thurman Phillip Leon VA 1985 2005
Tillman James CT 1989 2006
Toney Steven MO 1983 1996
Towler Raymond OH 1981 2010
Townsend Jerry Frank FL Various 2001
Tribble Santae DC 1980 2012
Turner Keith E. TX 1983 2005
Vasquez David VA 1985 1989
Veal Robert Lee IL 1995 2011
Velasquez Eduardo MA 1988 2001
Villasana Armand MO 1999 2000
Waller James TX 1983 2007
Waller Patrick TX 1992 2008
Wallis Gregory TX 1989 2007
Wardell Billy IL 1988 1997
Warney Douglas NY 1997 2006
Washington Earl VA 1984 2000
Washington Calvin TX 1987 2001
Waters Leo NC 1982 2003
Waters Kenny MA 1983 2001
Watkins Jerry IN 1986 2000
Watkins John Kenneth AZ 2004 2010
Webb Mark TX 1987 2002
Webb Troy VA 1989 1996
Webb Thomas OK 1983 1996
Webster Bernard MD 1983 2002
White John Jerome GA 1980 2007
White Joseph NE 1989 2008
Whitfield Arthur Lee VA 1982 2004
Whitley Drew PA 1989 2006
Wiggins David TX 1989 2012
Wilcoxson Robert NC 08/15/2002 2011
Williams Michael Anthony LA 1981 2005
Williams Dennis IL 1978 1996
Williams Willie GA 1985 2007
Williams Derrick FL 1993 2011
Williams James Curtis TX 1984 2012
Williams Johnny CA 2000 2013
Williamson Ron OK 1988 1999
Willis John IL 1992, 1993 1999
Willis Calvin LA 1982 2003
Winslow Thomas NE 1990 2009
Wise Korey NY 1990 2002
Woodall Glen WV 1987 1992
Woodard James Lee TX 1981 2009
Woods Anthony D. MO 1984 2005
Wyniemko Kenneth MI 1994 2003
Yarris Nicholas PA 1982 2003
York Kenneth MO 1994 2010
Youngblood Larry AZ 1985 2000

The Innocence Project - Home
Martin was not trespassing on private property as he was an invitee by his father.
Zimmerman never stalked Martin.

The testimony was that he "cut through" the gated community to get to his father's girlfriend's home. The entire gated community is private property, therefore TM was trespassing.

His father was not the owner of the home in question, which apparently was adjacent to the community, not a member. Even if the home was a member of the community TM's father was not a homeowner, therefore had no right to invite anyone.

Oh good grief.. :lol:
Sarah, you spew all over these threads day and night with your disbelief. You have been told many times about the laws in Florida.

Have you looked them up and read them for yourself? The law protects a person who acts in self defense from prosecution.

Initially, the LEOs after investigating the case believed it was a righteous shoot.

The only ones that are being dishonest are the media, Sharpton and his ilk, and the President.

What do you mean by Sharpton and his "ilk"? And the president? Let's see, what is the common denominator there... Hmmm.. This stuff grates on fair minded people after just a few times of hearing it.

The only way race may enter into this case is you all wanting Zimmerman to simply walk free after killing Treyvon.

you are either the dumbest person on the planet or very dishonest

That's not fair.
It might be both.
Oh, no evidence huh? This case went to trial because he murdered a kid.

The case went to trial because of PC pressure. Up until PC pressure was brought to bear, Zimmerman wasn't even arrested.

One of the prosecution witnesses that hurt their case so much was the investigator who was forced to resign due to PC pressure.

I wouldn't call it PC. The police chief was fired because he mishandled the case. You just don't allow someone who minutes ago murdered a minor. Who does that?

Did you hear his testimony? Do you imagine that testimony did not make an impression on the jury?

The police chief was never fired. He resigned.

Many, many trials have been decided on circumstantial evidence. I know someone who I believe killed his entire family, there was a book written about him and the murders. All the prosecution had was circumstantial evidence like stomach contents of the kids, stuff like that..

That guy is walking around free today. It's tough proving your case without real direct evidence, you need stuff like DNA reports to give you a better picture.

Anyone poo pooing these reports is simply inflexible. All evidence comes into play.
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] and wharfrat

So even if they would have come with the charge of manslaughter he could have pleaded self defense even still and negligence is a non issue as long as he shows self defense?

That is correct; Florida's manslaughter statute provides for self-defense in 782.07. See the language "without lawful justification": Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

776.012 Use of force in defense of person.—A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:
(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or

Thus the issue, is not self defense for the lesser charge of invol. manslaughter. But rather did GZ have reason to believe imminent death was upon him for those scratches on his head and the alleged smothering while he was screaming for help.
So if the testimonies do not agree in every detail someone is lying? You're not very bright are you?
His friend made a mistake. His friend mis-heard. It is second hand testimony. Zimmerman's own testimony is clear. And the DNA evidence does not contradict it.
The obvious conclusion to anyone with two functioning brain cells is that his friend mis-heard what Zimmerman told him.

Hey, I thought you had me in ignore. What's with suddenly deciding to salvage whats left of your reputation by puking some more bullshit into this thread? are a hopeless hack. You like to argue and scream and curse. You are not interested in honest discussion...carry on.

Translation: I've lost this round.
You cannot argue against what I posted without looking like a fool You cannot agree with what I posted without looking like a fool. So you dismiss the post.

Back on are one rude and bitter person...others can look at the posts proving you wrong and decide for themselves...have a great day.
Martin was not trespassing on private property as he was an invitee by his father.
Zimmerman never stalked Martin.

The testimony was that he "cut through" the gated community to get to his father's girlfriend's home. The entire gated community is private property, therefore TM was trespassing.

His father was not the owner of the home in question, which apparently was adjacent to the community, not a member. Even if the home was a member of the community TM's father was not a homeowner, therefore had no right to invite anyone.

Oh good grief.. :lol:

tell us sarah, what race are you? and its a valid question since all you do is spout racial bullshit every day.
The defense is clearly not interested in asserting involuntary anything. The defense is that GZ intentionally killed TM in self-defense. They are not trying to say it was an accident and would be opposed to agreeing to any charge involving negligence.

As for whether lesser charges are included here, I have to defer to those who seem to know that, in this case, the defense so far has been successful keeping lesser charges out and forcing the P to prove M2. Correct?
Where'd you read that?

Angela Corey IS the prosecution, those are her boys.

And she's got a grand jury on her M2 arrest.

She was M2 out of the gate.

I may be confusing the lead investigator with the prosecutor. It's been a long time since the initial arrest.

I think you are associating that with Serino; he was on the "culpable negligence" bandwagon.

Right. Mixing up the prosecution's lead investigator and the prosecutions' political aspirations.
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