The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He is the poster child of what not to do in that situation. Why? because of the situation he finds himself in now. Illegal? No. Wise? No. Did he know better?...I think so...he certainly had enough training to know better. Stay in the truck and wait for police.

Every single aspect of the shooting is from what he learned in school. Justifiable shoot 101. I wonder if that was the name of the course. He knew exactly what to say but here is the thing, he is not bright enough to understand forensics and dna.

He will get away with this though. That is the sad part. I honestly dont think he will do jail time for killing an unarmed kid who did NOTHING wrong.

Where in the world can he go? Or his family?

So senseless---the decision to take matters into his own hands.
His father is a retired Judge. He will be fine. HIs brother will probably end up on fox. He is much more articulate than Mark Furhman and he is on Hannity.

Zimmerman will probably go underground and be a hero for some neo nazi nutcases and get paid to tell his (orgasmic to those guys) story. Over and over.

I think everything Zimmerman will be fine. A book deal...maybe he will title it...

"If I didnt do it"? (see if anyone gets that
I am beginning to wonder if a hung jury will be the outcome.

Doubtful, there are no black guys on the jury.


Groan :eusa_naughty:

Will be here all week. Dont forget to tip your waitresses. :doubt:
Doubtful, there are no black guys on the jury.

From the people I talk to black men are as bias about guilt as white women & can be swayed. Black women however are totally in the guilty camp regardless of any evidence. They have been from day one & will not listen to reason. White men & Hispanics are open to where the evidence & testimony leads.

It was a penis joke.



I got it on ba dum tssshhh
Please stop saying TM did nothing wrong. He did. The testimony from the prosecution's star witness, Rachel Jeantel, was that TM had been at his "Daddy's house" but then went back to confront the "niggah". Also according to her, having been on the phone with him at the time, TM approached GZ and asked him "What you followin' me for?" GZ then purportedly said "What you doin' around here?" Then Rachel heard "wet grass sounds" and the call was dropped.

Shortly thereafter, John Good the neighbor sees 2 people rolling around fighting on the grass, then on the paved walkway, always with GZ on the bottom being beaten. A cop arrives almost immediately after the gunshot and finds TM dead and GZ with a broken nose, bleeding cuts to the back of his head, and the back of his jacket wet and grass stained.

Conclusion: TM had made it safely home but decided to go looking for trouble. It was his right to do so. Bad decision, but nothing illegal. So TM went up to GZ, spoke to him, and shortly thereafter winds up dead. All evidence so far points to the fact that he accosted GZ and injured him. TM was still actively beating GZ when GZ became convinced he could be seriously injured or killed. He had a lawful weapon and used it to protect himself from someone who had broken his nose and was continuing to beat him.

The wrong began with TM breaking GZ's nose and went from there. Please stop saying TM did nothing wrong because that is false.
Every single aspect of the shooting is from what he learned in school. Justifiable shoot 101. I wonder if that was the name of the course. He knew exactly what to say but here is the thing, he is not bright enough to understand forensics and dna.

He will get away with this though. That is the sad part. I honestly dont think he will do jail time for killing an unarmed kid who did NOTHING wrong.

Where in the world can he go? Or his family?

So senseless---the decision to take matters into his own hands.
His father is a retired Judge. He will be fine. HIs brother will probably end up on fox. He is much more articulate than Mark Furhman and he is on Hannity.

Zimmerman will probably go underground and be a hero for some neo nazi nutcases and get paid to tell his (orgasmic to those guys) story. Over and over.

I think everything Zimmerman will be fine. A book deal...maybe he will title it...

"If I didnt do it"? (see if anyone gets that

Stop doing that! Magistrate VA. Magistrates are not the same as judge and its irrelevant anyhow.

And not book deal! Billions off cnn, nbc and abc.

Get your facts and money straight!

I have done work for the innocence project for almost 20 years.
Uh, hate to inform you of this but every one of those cases involves THE DEFENDANTS and not ONE of them involves the prosecution using DNA to help a defendant in a criminal case.

Respectfully, this case IS NOT a who done it and no one's identity is at issue in this case.
Everyone that you posted above, EVERY ONE involves freeing someone based ON A WRONG IDENTITY.
Hate to break it to you this late in the game but Zimmerman IS NOT DENYING he is the man that shot and killed Trayvon Martin.
So how does your post above with all those names on it have anything to do with it and have anything to do with the guilt of innocence in this case which involves NOT a who done it and an issue of identity but self defense?
I think the prosecution has brought in DNA testing in an attempt to prove certain things could not have happened as Zimmerman claims them to trying to prove that Trayvon never touched the gun.

On that issue, I think that the jury will remember that Zimmerman said he thought that Trayvon was reaching for the gun. He didn't say that he ever touched it.

At first, Zimmerman said he did touch it.

Seriously, do I have to get the link. It was shown so many times in here already.

Handle what exactly?

Meaning him getting jumped was his fault? Prior to that what was law enforcement to do? Knock on every door in the complex looking for the kid who was gonna jump the crazy ass cracker?

The cops wouldnt have knocked on any door...there was no crime witnessed or committed. The guy was following for no reason as it turns out. I mean if we are gonna deal with hindsight...why not start there?
Right. The crime was an initial attack on GZ

Following for no reason...pfft. It took a friggin' media think tank and documented doctored tapes to come up with that ridiculous reasoning you echo

How come jumping out of the bushes fails to register with you all who want to claim walking is a crime? Why does not circling a car equal the same oh so scary garbage that walking does?

So someone gives a different opinion and you come back with personal attacks. Werent you advising against exactly what you are doing the other day?

You like being followed in the dark? Can you answered that? Or are you gonna have the same retort as everyone else? i would love to see the reaction of people in here had they been followed that way in the dark and rain. id love to see some of the grown manly men in here tuck tail and run sprint for their house the same way they advise trayvon...what home to the safety of wifey? That would be on funniest home videos right there.

OMG someones following slowly behind me staring at me in the dark and rain...Im a half mile from my house....tighten your shoe laces and run like a bat out a hell...mommy mommy...wifey wifey...hes following me....hes staring at me! lmao. Thats your advice for Trayvon, but no advice on what GZ could have done differently even when he was the adult, had received training and should have known better in some areas. He cant even muster enough courage to roll his window down, identify himself and ask the kid if everything was okay. Nope...he didnt want to confront, so he just kept following like a creep.
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I have done work for the innocence project for almost 20 years.
Uh, hate to inform you of this but every one of those cases involves THE DEFENDANTS and not ONE of them involves the prosecution using DNA to help a defendant in a criminal case.

Respectfully, this case IS NOT a who done it and no one's identity is at issue in this case.
Everyone that you posted above, EVERY ONE involves freeing someone based ON A WRONG IDENTITY.
Hate to break it to you this late in the game but Zimmerman IS NOT DENYING he is the man that shot and killed Trayvon Martin.
So how does your post above with all those names on it have anything to do with it and have anything to do with the guilt of innocence in this case which involves NOT a who done it and an issue of identity but self defense?
I think the prosecution has brought in DNA testing in an attempt to prove certain things could not have happened as Zimmerman claims them to trying to prove that Trayvon never touched the gun.

On that issue, I think that the jury will remember that Zimmerman said he thought that Trayvon was reaching for the gun. He didn't say that he ever touched it.

At first, Zimmerman said he did touch it.

Seriously, do I have to get the link. It was shown so many times in here already.


Yes please. A link would be nice for that.
I am beginning to wonder if a hung jury will be the outcome.

I do.

Admittedly, I would never have been selected for this jury and can't listen to much of the analyses of testimony because of all the issues seem so complex.

Why George Zimmerman couldn't just let law enforcement handle this--he didn't and here we are.
Handle what exactly?

Meaning him getting jumped was his fault? Prior to that what was law enforcement to do? Knock on every door in the complex looking for the kid who was gonna jump the crazy ass cracker?

What little mind I have seems to be going.

He was in his car and called 911, correct? Then he got out and started following TM? Then they fought and so on.

I am a female and the sort who should never carry a gun. If I called 911 and they said 'Stay put'--that is what I would do. So it is difficult for me to understand why GZ would get involved. When LE arrived I would give them the FYI and if there were future crimes in the neighborhood --let LE deal with it. That is what LE wants in my area and people are vigilant about reporting.

I think I would prefer to be beaten to death than go through this trial and long term effects.

Never would I have wanted to be employed in LE, fwiw.

'Deadly force'--those whom I respect and are knowledgeable about the use seem to advise err on the side of caution. I live in GA--are our laws stricter? I cannot say.

back to the music. Somehow this nation has got to get on with living --hate whomever you please--I suppose that is where we are but have some common sense. Too much to ask? I don't know. I just don't know.
I am too fat happy tan saltwatered and birthday partied to be posting. It's all downhill from here.
Here is a question Zimmerman defenders...

Why didnt Zimmerman identify himself when asked by Martin?

Even if Martin didnt speficially say...dear sir, may I have your moniker....why didnt Zimmerman identify himself? It may have saved martins life.

I have done work for the innocence project for almost 20 years.
Uh, hate to inform you of this but every one of those cases involves THE DEFENDANTS and not ONE of them involves the prosecution using DNA to help a defendant in a criminal case.

Respectfully, this case IS NOT a who done it and no one's identity is at issue in this case.
Everyone that you posted above, EVERY ONE involves freeing someone based ON A WRONG IDENTITY.
Hate to break it to you this late in the game but Zimmerman IS NOT DENYING he is the man that shot and killed Trayvon Martin.
So how does your post above with all those names on it have anything to do with it and have anything to do with the guilt of innocence in this case which involves NOT a who done it and an issue of identity but self defense?
I think the prosecution has brought in DNA testing in an attempt to prove certain things could not have happened as Zimmerman claims them to trying to prove that Trayvon never touched the gun.

On that issue, I think that the jury will remember that Zimmerman said he thought that Trayvon was reaching for the gun. He didn't say that he ever touched it.

At first, Zimmerman said he did touch it.

Seriously, do I have to get the link. It was shown so many times in here already.


Seriously who cares. You all want the DNA to mean something. GZ's DNA was not on the trigger. So, in turn, how can you take any of the DNA on the gun into account? If the admitted shooter does not have DNA on the trigger that he admitted pulling, what does TM's DNA not being on the gun prove?
Seventhtiger the fact that's a reality tells me WHO THE REAL RACIST ARE. This is why I feel the way I do about them....

What's justice to these idiots? One sided on their side period.
regarding "who the real racists are"? just watch MSNBC from 5-11pm.

Rush is going to be on MSNBC?
Geezus crist. That's some imagination you have. So now Zimmerman is "frantically grabbing for something." Where is that in evidence? Trayvon did not saunter over and ask what's up. He asked DO you have a problem. And when told no he replied You do now. And then slugged Zimmerman. Zimmerman's mistake was 1) letting Martin sneak up on him. And 2) not having his gun ready when he knew Martin was there.
Dead men cannot testify in any state of the union. Florida isn't really special in that way.
We look at Zimmerman's account and ask, Is this reasonable? Does it make sense? Is it consistent with the physical and other evidence overall. We understand that under extreme stress some details are forgotten or mis-remembered. In this case there is nothing to suggest that Zimmerman made up anything. So the question, Would a reasonable person be in fear of his life under those circumstances must be answered Yes. Meaning that Zimmerman's shoot was a righteous shoot. The cops at the scene believed it too.
I have seen other cases where self defense was claimed and the evidence just didnt add up. This isn't one of them.
Seventhtiger the fact that's a reality tells me WHO THE REAL RACIST ARE. This is why I feel the way I do about them....

What's justice to these idiots? One sided on their side period.
regarding "who the real racists are"? just watch MSNBC from 5-11pm.

Rush is going to be on MSNBC?

Nope, but they gave this guy a show:

Is he still claiming that Tawana Brawley is telling the truth?
Geezus crist. That's some imagination you have. So now Zimmerman is "frantically grabbing for something." Where is that in evidence? Trayvon did not saunter over and ask what's up. He asked DO you have a problem. And when told no he replied You do now. And then slugged Zimmerman. Zimmerman's mistake was 1) letting Martin sneak up on him. And 2) not having his gun ready when he knew Martin was there.
Dead men cannot testify in any state of the union. Florida isn't really special in that way.
We look at Zimmerman's account and ask, Is this reasonable? Does it make sense? Is it consistent with the physical and other evidence overall. We understand that under extreme stress some details are forgotten or mis-remembered. In this case there is nothing to suggest that Zimmerman made up anything. So the question, Would a reasonable person be in fear of his life under those circumstances must be answered Yes. Meaning that Zimmerman's shoot was a righteous shoot. The cops at the scene believed it too.
I have seen other cases where self defense was claimed and the evidence just didnt add up. This isn't one of them.

His words...try to catch up...I didnt even read the rest of your psycho babble.
Here is a question Zimmerman defenders...

Why didnt Zimmerman identify himself when asked by Martin?

Even if Martin didnt speficially say...dear sir, may I have your moniker....why didnt Zimmerman identify himself? It may have saved martins life.

I'm not a Zimmerman supporter, per se, and I'm sure I don't know why he didn't identify himself. Do you know why TM didn't go into the condo where he was staying and bring Chad the Skittles he bought for him when he had the chance instead of going back to ask GZ a question? You realize TM was at his destination without having a hair harmed, don't you? You know he WENT LOOKING for Zimmerman when he could have been warm, dry, and safe at his father's fiancee's house because he had lost GZ in the dark, don't you know that? You sound as much a TM supporter as I sound a GZ supporter so maybe you can answer those questions?

Sorry. I don't mean to sound belligerent but this exercise of "What ifs" is pure crap. It's sadly too late for that. Two lives and all those around them are changed forever. It's all a tragedy. The question now is was GZ in reasonable fear for his life? Or did he have a depraved mind and murder a young man? That's really what the issue is in this trial. Everything else is interesting, but it's unanswerable. We have to go where the evidence leads us to go and not dwell on the what ifs. IMHO
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