The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I don't care how you slice it, calling two police officers, that were sympathetic to his situation and admitted this right before he testified, liars does not really help Tracy Martin's testimony.

My thoughts exactly. So, Tracy is the liar, not the cops. Crump did a good job working this man over. I hope the defense calls Mr. Crump to the stand too. Make an ass out of him.

You are not thinking with your liberal thinking cap on tho. We need Mr atheist cop hater to join us on this one. He was all anti Trayvon. I bet he changed his mind.

Lmao! My head is way too big for a liberal thinking cap. Get my drift?
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I know men that are in their 40's that are not in very good health that would not stand a chance in hell in a fist fight with a much younger, much stronger, much healthier male.

GZ committed no crime in following what he deemed a suspicious person. That's what a neighborhood watch does you moron!

TM started the fight, GZ ended it.

Now do yourself a favor and take off that hat you're wearing cause you're giving real cowboys a bad name.
No they don't. They are the eyes and ears for the police. Pursuit and apprehension is for the cops, not armed vigilantes.

GZ wasn't in "poor" health.

Don't like my hat? Find a cactus and sit on it.

You really are stupid.

How can a person be eyes and ears if they don't follow the suspicious person to SEE where they're going and what they're doing.

Sit on a cactus? Wow, you look much older than thirteen. Oh and it's not that hat that I have a problem with, it's the idiot wearing it.

Please post a link indicating GZ's health status.
>>> How can a person be eyes and ears if they don't follow the suspicious person to SEE where they're going and what they're doing.

You call the cops. You take a photo. Not rocket science.

To your insults, ... easy to play the part of a big man hiding behind a keyboard and a monitor. You fool no one with your Avatar. Cattleman my ass.
He would have a vested interest, like any freedom loving American

I honestly think i'm waiting to see if we have another OJ event. I watched that damn thing religiously and was stunned by the verdict. I learned things

Yeah, I was a bit naive at that time. It was shocking to me as to how far those who hate will go

That dude had blood dripping from him and the jury acquitted him in a heartbeat.
I honestly think i'm waiting to see if we have another OJ event. I watched that damn thing religiously and was stunned by the verdict. I learned things

Yeah, I was a bit naive at that time. It was shocking to me as to how far those who hate will go

That dude had blood dripping from him and the jury acquitted him in a heartbeat.

He beheaded his wife and another innocent young man and got away with it.

By the way tomorrow is OJ Simpson's and Jodi Arias' birthdays. Something about knives throats and July 9, is absolutely creepy
I'm waiting for George to jump up and yell, "OK, WE GET IT!!! IM A GIRLY MAN, DAMN!!! SERIOUSLY, C'MON MAN"

Believe me, if there is one time in your life you want to be characterized as a girlie man...this is it.

Contrast GZ's trainer calling him "soft" "having no athletic abilities" to TM's football coach saying he "was one of his best players".

Coach Jerome Horton said "The young man was one of the best players on his recreational team"... "I've watched his dad take him off the field because he messed up in school," Horton said. "We'd beg and plead, but he (Tracy Martin) would just say, "No, he isn't going to play.""
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